def costs(self, v): to_db_add = [] # Get the query obj session = Session() q = session.query(Costs) # Need the new instance here to avoid __setattr__ issues df = pd.DataFrame(v) for idx, row in df.iterrows(): # Now invert the expanded dict back into a single JSONB column for storage res = q.filter(Costs.match_id == idx).first() if res: #update the JSON blob costs_new_or_updated = row.to_dict() for k, v in costs_new_or_updated.items(): if v is None: continue elif np.isnan(v): v = None res._cost[k] = v sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.flag_modified(res, '_cost') session.add(res) session.commit() else: row = row.to_dict() costs = row.pop('_costs', {}) for k, v in row.items(): if np.isnan(v): v = None costs[k] = v cost = Costs(match_id=idx, _cost=costs) to_db_add.append(cost) if to_db_add: session.bulk_save_objects(to_db_add) session.commit()
def matches(self, v): to_db_add = [] to_db_update = [] df = pd.DataFrame(v) = # Get the query obj session = Session() q = session.query(Matches) for idx, row in df.iterrows(): # Determine if this is an update or the addition of a new row if hasattr(row, 'id'): res = q.filter( == match_id = elif == 'id': res = q.filter( == match_id = else: res = None if res: # update mapping = {} mapping['id'] = match_id for index in row.index: row_val = row[index] if isinstance(row_val, (, )): row_val = int(row_val) elif isinstance(row_val, (np.float, )): row_val = float(row_val) elif isinstance(row_val, WKBElement): continue mapping[index] = row_val to_db_update.append(mapping) else: match = Matches(source=int(row.source), source_idx=int(row.source_idx), destination=int(row.destination), destination_idx=int(row.destination_idx)) to_db_add.append(match) if to_db_add: session.bulk_save_objects(to_db_add) if to_db_update: session.bulk_update_mappings(Matches, to_db_update) session.commit()
def compute_overlaps(self): query = """ SELECT ST_AsEWKB(geom) AS geom FROM ST_Dump(( SELECT ST_Polygonize(the_geom) AS the_geom FROM ( SELECT ST_Union(the_geom) AS the_geom FROM ( SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(footprint_latlon) AS the_geom FROM images) AS lines ) AS noded_lines ) )""" session = Session() oquery = session.query(Overlay) iquery = session.query(Images) rows = [] for q in self._engine.execute(query).fetchall(): overlaps = [] b = bytes(q['geom']) qgeom = shapely.wkb.loads(b) res = iquery.filter( Images.footprint_latlon.ST_Intersects( from_shape(qgeom, srid=949900))) for i in res: fgeom = to_shape(i.footprint_latlon) area = qgeom.intersection(fgeom).area if area < 1e-6: continue overlaps.append( o = Overlay(geom='SRID=949900;{}'.format(qgeom.wkt), overlaps=overlaps) res = oquery.filter(Overlay.overlaps == o.overlaps).first() if res is None: rows.append(o) session.bulk_save_objects(rows) session.commit() res = oquery.filter(sqlalchemy.func.cardinality(Overlay.overlaps) <= 1) res.delete(synchronize_session=False) session.commit() session.close()