def quantize(W, nb = 16, clip_through=False): non_sign_bits = nb-1 m = pow(2,non_sign_bits) # W = tf.Print(W,[W, non_sign_bits],message = "---- W Quantize Before---- \n ",summarize=10, first_n = 5) if clip_through: Wq = clip_through(round_through(W*m),-m,m-1)/m else: Wq = K.clip(round_through(W*m),-m,m-1)/m # Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],message = "---- Wq Quantize After---- \n ",summarize=10, first_n = 5) #Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],summarize=20) return Wq
def quantize(W, nb=16, clip_through=False): '''The weights' binarization function, # Reference: - [QuantizedNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Courbariaux et al. 2016](} ''' non_sign_bits = nb - 1 m = pow(2, non_sign_bits) # W = tf.Print(W,[W, non_sign_bits],message = "---- W Quantize Before---- \n ",summarize=10, first_n = 5) if clip_through: Wq = clip_through(round_through(W * m), -m, m - 1) / m else: Wq = K.clip(round_through(W * m), -m, m - 1) / m # Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],message = "---- Wq Quantize After---- \n ",summarize=10, first_n = 5) #Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],summarize=20) return Wq
def quantized_tanh(W, nb=16): non_sign_bits = nb-1 m = pow(2,non_sign_bits) #W = tf.Print(W,[W],summarize=20) Wq = K.clip(round_through(W*m),-m,m-1)/m #Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],summarize=20) return Wq
def binary_sigmoid(x): '''Binary hard sigmoid for training binarized neural network. # Reference: - [BinaryNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Courbariaux et al. 2016](} ''' return round_through(_hard_sigmoid(x))
def quantized_tanh(W, nb=16): '''The weights' binarization function, # Reference: - [QuantizedNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Courbariaux et al. 2016](} ''' non_sign_bits = nb - 1 m = pow(2, non_sign_bits) #W = tf.Print(W,[W],summarize=20) Wq = K.clip(round_through(W * m), -m, m - 1) / m #Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],summarize=20) return Wq
def binary_tanh(x): '''Binary hard sigmoid for training binarized neural network. The neurons' activations binarization function It behaves like the sign function during forward propagation And like: hard_tanh(x) = 2 * _hard_sigmoid(x) - 1 clear gradient when |x| > 1 during back propagation # Reference: - [BinaryNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Courbariaux et al. 2016](} ''' return 2 * round_through(_hard_sigmoid(x)) - 1
def log_quantize(W, nb=16): '''The weights' binarization function, # Reference: - [QuantizedNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Courbariaux et al. 2016](} ''' non_sign_bits = nb W = tf.Print(W, [W, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize normal---- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) W_where = tf.where(W > 0, W, tf.zeros_like(W) + 1e-15) W_where = tf.Print(W_where, [W_where, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize after where---- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) W_log = log2_through(W_where) W_log = tf.Print(W_log, [W_log, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize after log--- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) W_round = round_through(W_log) W_round = tf.Print(W_round, [W_round, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize after round---- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) W_clip = clip_through(W_round, 0, nb - 1) W_clip = tf.Print(W_clip, [W_clip, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize after clip---- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) W_pow = pow_through(W_clip, 2) W_pow = tf.Print(W_pow, [W_pow, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize after pow---- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) W_fix = tf.where(W_round < 0, tf.zeros_like(W_pow), W_pow) W_fix = tf.Print(W_fix, [W_fix, nb], message="---- W Log Quantize after fix---- \n ", summarize=50, first_n=5) return W_fix
def log_quantize(W, nb = 16): non_sign_bits = nb W = tf.Print(W,[W, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize normal---- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) W_where = tf.where(W > 0, W, tf.zeros_like(W) +1e-15) W_where = tf.Print(W_where,[W_where, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize after where---- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) W_log = log2_through(W_where) W_log = tf.Print(W_log,[W_log, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize after log--- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) W_round = round_through(W_log) W_round = tf.Print(W_round,[W_round, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize after round---- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) W_clip = clip_through(W_round,0, nb-1) W_clip = tf.Print(W_clip,[W_clip, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize after clip---- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) W_pow = pow_through(W_clip, 2) W_pow = tf.Print(W_pow,[W_pow, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize after pow---- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) W_fix = tf.where(W_round<0, tf.zeros_like(W_pow), W_pow) W_fix = tf.Print(W_fix,[W_fix, nb],message = "---- W Log Quantize after fix---- \n ",summarize=50, first_n = 5) return W_fix
def quantized_relu(W, nb=16): '''The weights' binarization function, # Reference: - [QuantizedNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Courbariaux et al. 2016](} ''' #non_sign_bits = nb-1 #m = pow(2,non_sign_bits) #Wq = K.clip(round_through(W*m),0,m-1)/m # W = tf.Print(W,[W, nb],message = "---- W Quantize Relu Before---- \n ",summarize=5, first_n = 5) nb_bits = nb Wq = K.clip( 2. * (round_through(_hard_sigmoid(W) * pow(2, nb_bits)) / pow(2, nb_bits)) - 1., 0, 1 - 1.0 / pow(2, nb_bits - 1)) # Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],message = "---- W Quantize Relu After---- \n ",summarize=5, first_n = 5) return Wq
def binary_sigmoid(x): return round_through(_hard_sigmoid(x))
def binary_tanh(x): return 2 * round_through(_hard_sigmoid(x)) - 1
def quantized_relu(W, nb=16): nb_bits = nb Wq = K.clip(2. * (round_through(_hard_sigmoid(W) * pow(2, nb_bits)) / pow(2, nb_bits)) - 1., 0, 1 - 1.0 / pow(2, nb_bits - 1)) # Wq = tf.Print(Wq,[Wq],message = "---- W Quantize Relu After---- \n ",summarize=5, first_n = 5) return Wq