def branch_iterator(self, target_root=None): if len(self.config) == 0: # branch not have externals configuration return self.bound = True if not target_root: target_root = self.branch.get_bound_location() if not target_root: self.bound = False target_root = self.branch.get_parent() if not target_root: # support new braches with no parent yet target_root = self.branch.base for arg in self.config: # url directory [revisionspec] location = self._relurljoin(target_root, arg[0]) if target_root.startswith('file:///'): # try to pull externals from the parent for the feature branch path = pathjoin(local_path_from_url(target_root), arg[1]) if isdir(path): location = self._relpath(path) else: # parent is local master branch if location.startswith('file:///'): location = self._relpath(local_path_from_url(location)) check_legal_path(arg[1]) rel_path = self._relpath(pathjoin(self.root, arg[1])) revision = None if len(arg) > 2: revision = arg[2] yield location, rel_path, revision
def writeChunk(self, name, offset, data): """Write a chunk of data to file `name` at `offset`.""" abspath = self._abspath(name) osutils.check_legal_path(abspath) try: chunk_file =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EISDIR: raise raise FileIsADirectory(name) os.lseek(chunk_file, offset, 0) os.write(chunk_file, data) os.close(chunk_file)
def put_bytes(self, relpath, bytes, mode=None): """Copy the string into the location. :param relpath: Location to put the contents, relative to base. :param bytes: String """ path = relpath try: path = self._abspath(relpath) osutils.check_legal_path(path) fp = atomicfile.AtomicFile(path, 'wb', new_mode=mode) except (IOError, OSError),e: self._translate_error(e, path)
def put_file(self, relpath, f, mode=None): """Copy the file-like object into the location. :param relpath: Location to put the contents, relative to base. :param f: File-like object. :param mode: The mode for the newly created file, None means just use the default """ path = relpath try: path = self._abspath(relpath) osutils.check_legal_path(path) fp = atomicfile.AtomicFile(path, 'wb', new_mode=mode) except (IOError, OSError),e: self._translate_error(e, path)