def setup_download_specific_tables( self ):
		if self.args.set:
			if self.args.set not in pulldown_set:
				custom_script_sets = enterprise_sets().get( self.args.set )
				if not custom_script_sets:
					print 'Unknown pulldown set requested: %s' % self.args.set
				self.downloads = custom_script_sets
			for database, tables in pulldown_set[self.args.set].iteritems():
				if len( tables ) > 0:
					self.downloads.update( { database : {'tables' : tables } } )
		elif not self.args.database and '.' in self.args.tables:
			if ' ' in self.args.tables:
				unfiltered_tables = self.args.tables.split(' ')
			elif ',' in self.args.tables:
				unfiltered_tables = self.args.tables.split(',')
				unfiltered_tables = [ self.args.tables ]
			for t in unfiltered_tables:
				db = t.split('.')[0]
				tb = t.split('.')[1]
				if db in self.downloads:
					self.downloads[db]['tables'].append( tb )
					self.downloads.update( { db : {'tables' : [ tb ] } } )
			database = self.args.database
			if ',' in database:
				_databases = database.split(',')
				_databases = [ self.args.database ]

			for database in _databases:
				if self.args.tables:
					tables = self.args.tables
					if ',' in tables:
						tables = tables.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' )
					elif ' ' in self.args.tables:
						tables = tables.split(' ')
						tables = [ tables ]
					qry = """SHOW TABLES IN %s;""" % database
					db  = DriverMysql( self.source_db )
					result = db.execute( qry )
					tables = []
					for table in result:
						if table[0][-5:] != '_view':
							tables.append( table[0] ) 
				if self.args.verbosity:
					print 'Downloading from schema "%s" tables %s' % ( 
						','.join( tables ) 
				self.downloads.update( { database : { 'tables' : tables } } )
	def post_sql_on_import( self ):
		if self.args.postsql:
			db_srv = self.dest_db
			db_x = DriverMysql( self.dest_db )
			print ''
			print 'Running Post SQL'
			print '  %s' % self.args.postsql
				db_x.execute( self.args.postsql )
			except _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError:
				print 'Error With Post SQL'
	def verify_download( self, source_or_dest ):
		if source_or_dest == 'source':
			db_srv = self.source_db
			db_srv = self.dest_db
		db_x = DriverMysql( db_srv )

		print 'Source Database:      ', self.source_db['info']
		print 'Destination Database: ', self.dest_db['info']
		print ' '
		print 'Downloads '
		for database, info in self.downloads.iteritems():
			qry = "SHOW TABLES IN `%s`; " % database
			tables = db_x.execute( qry )

			full_table_list = []
			for table in tables:
				full_table_list.append( table[0] )
			if len( info['tables'] ) == 0:
				download_tables = full_table_list
				download_tables = info['tables']

			for dl_table in download_tables:
				if dl_table not in full_table_list:
					print 'ERROR: %s is missing from the source database!' % dl_table
			print database
			for table in info['tables']:
				print '    ', table

		if self.args.skip_verify == False:
			if self.args.structure == False:
				self.download_size = self.get_download_size( 'source' )
				print  ' '
				print 'Download Size: %s Gigs' % self.download_size['gigs']
				print 'Download Rows: %s ' % format( self.download_size['rows'], ",d")			
			print 'Continue?'
			print ' '
			verification = raw_input('--> ')
			if verification not in ( 'y', 'yes'):
				print 'Exiting'
	def get_download_size( self, source_or_dest ):
		if source_or_dest == 'source':
			db_srv = self.source_db
			db_srv = self.dest_db

		db_x = DriverMysql( db_srv )
		totals = 0
		for database, info in self.downloads.iteritems():
			table_sql = ''
			for t in info['tables']:
				table_sql += '"%s",' % t
			table_sql = table_sql[:-1]
			if table_sql != '':
				qry = """SELECT table_name AS "Table", 
					( data_length + index_length ) as "bytes" 
					FROM information_schema.TABLES 
					WHERE table_schema = "%s"
					 AND table_name IN( %s );""" %( database, table_sql )
				for size in db_x.execute( qry, True ):
					totals = totals + int( size['bytes'] )
		megs = float( totals / 1024 ) / 1024
		gigs = megs / 1024
		gigs = round( gigs, 3 )
		if self.args.verbosity:
			print 'Download Size %s Gigs' % str( gigs )

		rows = 0
		for database, info in self.downloads.iteritems():
			for table in info['tables']:
				qry = """SELECT count(*) AS c FROM `%s`.`%s`;""" % ( database, table )
				count = db_x.execute( qry, True )[0]['c']
				rows = rows + count
		data = {
			'gigs' : gigs,
			'rows' : rows
		return data