def TRS_biv_params_to_biv(biv_params): """ Converts the bivector parameters for a general TRS rotor into the bivector itself """ phiP = np_to_euc_mv(biv_params[0:3]) * e123 t = np_to_euc_mv(biv_params[3:6]) omega = biv_params[6] biv = phiP + t * ninf + omega * e45 return biv
def full_conformal_biv_params_to_biv(biv_params): """ Converts the bivector parameters for a general conformal rotor into the bivector itself """ phiP = np_to_euc_mv(biv_params[0:3]) * e123 t = np_to_euc_mv(biv_params[3:6]) s = np_to_euc_mv(biv_params[6:9]) omega = biv_params[9] biv = phiP + t * ninf + s * no + omega * e45 return biv