def get(self, host, path, batchno, force=False): ''' via salt get the directory contents for the first N = 1000 entries, unsorted. if the contents for this host and path have already been retrieved and not yet tossed/replaced, don't get them again unless 'force' is True; you may want this in case you expect the directory contents to have been updated since the last invocation ''' if (host is not None and path is not None and host == and path == self.path and (not force or (self.entries is not None))): return # fixme batchno? batchno should increment too # for now more than 1000 entries in a dir = we silently toss them direxamin = RemoteDirExaminer(path, host, batchno, 1000, self.timeout, prettyprint=False) contents = if contents is None: return contents = contents.split("\n") = host self.path = path self.entries = [] self.entries_dict = {} for item in contents: try: result = json.loads(item, object_hook=JsonHelper.decode_dict) self.entries.append(result) self.entries_dict[result['path']] = result except: print "WARNING: problem getting dir contents, retrieved", item
def main(): hosts_expr = None audit_type = None confdir = '/srv/audits/retention/configs' files_to_check = None prettyprint = False show_sample_content = False summary_report = False verbose = False ignore_also = None dir_info = None getuserconfs = False batchno = 1 file_info = None linecount = 1 maxfiles = None timeout = 60 depth = 0 dirsizes = False show_system_logs = False oldest_only = False interactive = False store_filepath = "/etc/data_retention/dataretention_rules.sq3" try: (options, remainder) = getopt.gnu_getopt( sys.argv[1:], "a:b:c:d:Df:F:l:i:Ie:m:oprsSt:T:uvh", [ "audit=", "confdir=", "files=", "filecontents=", "linecount=", "ignore=", "interactive", "depth=", "maxfiles=", "oldest", "prettyprint", "report", "dirsizes", "examine", "batchno", "sample", "system", "target=", "timeout=", "userconf", "verbose", "help" ]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: usage("Unknown option specified: " + str(err)) for (opt, val) in options: if opt in ["-t", "--target"]: hosts_expr = val elif opt in ["-a", "--audit"]: audit_type = val elif opt in ["-c", "--confdir"]: confdir = val elif opt in ["-d", "--depth"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("depth must be a number") depth = int(val) elif opt in ["-f", "--files"]: files_to_check = val elif opt in ["-F", "--filecontents"]: file_info = val elif opt in ["-l", "--linecount"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("linecount must be a number (starting from 1)") linecount = int(val) elif opt in ["-i", "--ignore"]: ignore_also = val elif opt in ["-I", "--interactive"]: interactive = True elif opt in ["-e", "--examine"]: dir_info = val elif opt in ["-b", "--batchno"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("batcho must be a number (starting from 1)") batchno = int(val) elif opt in ["-m", "--maxfiles"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("maxfiles must be a number") maxfiles = int(val) elif opt in ["-o", "--oldest"]: oldest_only = True elif opt in ["-p", "--prettyprint"]: prettyprint = True elif opt in ["-r", "--report"]: summary_report = True elif opt in ["-D", "--dirsizes"]: dirsizes = True elif opt in ["-s", "--sample"]: show_sample_content = True elif opt in ["-S", "--system"]: show_system_logs = True elif opt in ["-T", "--timeout"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("timeout must be a number") timeout = int(val) elif opt in ["-u", "--userconf"]: getuserconfs = True elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]: usage() elif opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]: verbose = True else: usage("Unknown option specified: %s" % opt) if len(remainder) > 0: usage("Unknown option specified: <%s>" % remainder[0]) if hosts_expr is None: usage("Mandatory target argument not specified") count = len(filter(None, [audit_type, dir_info, file_info, getuserconfs])) if count == 0: usage("One of 'audit', 'examine', 'userconf' " "or 'filecontents' must be specified") elif count > 1: usage("Only one of 'audit', 'examine' 'userconf' " "or 'filecontents' may be specified") if dir_info is not None: # for now more than 1000 entries in a dir = we silently toss them direxam = RemoteDirExaminer(dir_info, hosts_expr, batchno, 1000, timeout) sys.exit(0) elif file_info is not None: fileexam = RemoteFileExaminer(file_info, hosts_expr, linecount, timeout) sys.exit(0) elif getuserconfs: getconfs = RemoteUserCfGrabber(hosts_expr, timeout, 'homes', confdir) sys.exit(0) if audit_type not in ['root', 'logs', 'homes']: usage("audit type must be one of 'root', 'logs', 'homes'") if show_system_logs and not audit_type == 'logs': usage("'system' argument may only be used with logs audit") if oldest_only and not audit_type == 'logs': usage("'oldest' argument may only be used with logs audit") if audit_type == 'logs': logsaudit = RemoteLogsAuditor(hosts_expr, audit_type, confdir, prettyprint, oldest_only, show_sample_content, dirsizes, show_system_logs, summary_report, depth, files_to_check, ignore_also, timeout, maxfiles, store_filepath, verbose) report = logsaudit.audit_hosts() if interactive: cmdline = CommandLine(confdir, store_filepath, timeout, audit_type, ignore_also, hosts_expr) elif audit_type == 'root': filesaudit = RemoteFilesAuditor(hosts_expr, audit_type, confdir, prettyprint, show_sample_content, dirsizes, summary_report, depth, files_to_check, ignore_also, timeout, maxfiles, store_filepath, verbose) report = filesaudit.audit_hosts() if interactive: cmdline = CommandLine(confdir, store_filepath, timeout, audit_type, ignore_also, hosts_expr) elif audit_type == 'homes': homesaudit = RemoteHomesAuditor(hosts_expr, audit_type, confdir, prettyprint, show_sample_content, dirsizes, summary_report, depth, files_to_check, ignore_also, timeout, maxfiles, store_filepath, verbose) report = homesaudit.audit_hosts() if interactive: cmdline = CommandLine(confdir, store_filepath, timeout, audit_type, ignore_also, hosts_expr)
def main(): hosts_expr = None audit_type = None confdir = '/srv/audits/retention/configs' files_to_check = None prettyprint = False show_sample_content = False summary_report = False verbose = False ignore_also = None dir_info = None getuserconfs = False batchno = 1 file_info = None linecount = 1 maxfiles = None timeout = 60 depth = 0 dirsizes = False show_system_logs = False oldest_only = False interactive = False store_filepath = "/etc/data_retention/dataretention_rules.sq3" try: (options, remainder) = getopt.gnu_getopt( sys.argv[1:], "a:b:c:d:Df:F:l:i:Ie:m:oprsSt:T:uvh", ["audit=", "confdir=", "files=", "filecontents=", "linecount=", "ignore=", "interactive", "depth=", "maxfiles=", "oldest", "prettyprint", "report", "dirsizes", "examine", "batchno", "sample", "system", "target=", "timeout=", "userconf", "verbose", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: usage("Unknown option specified: " + str(err)) for (opt, val) in options: if opt in ["-t", "--target"]: hosts_expr = val elif opt in ["-a", "--audit"]: audit_type = val elif opt in ["-c", "--confdir"]: confdir = val elif opt in ["-d", "--depth"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("depth must be a number") depth = int(val) elif opt in ["-f", "--files"]: files_to_check = val elif opt in ["-F", "--filecontents"]: file_info = val elif opt in ["-l", "--linecount"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("linecount must be a number (starting from 1)") linecount = int(val) elif opt in ["-i", "--ignore"]: ignore_also = val elif opt in ["-I", "--interactive"]: interactive = True elif opt in ["-e", "--examine"]: dir_info = val elif opt in ["-b", "--batchno"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("batcho must be a number (starting from 1)") batchno = int(val) elif opt in ["-m", "--maxfiles"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("maxfiles must be a number") maxfiles = int(val) elif opt in ["-o", "--oldest"]: oldest_only = True elif opt in ["-p", "--prettyprint"]: prettyprint = True elif opt in ["-r", "--report"]: summary_report = True elif opt in ["-D", "--dirsizes"]: dirsizes = True elif opt in ["-s", "--sample"]: show_sample_content = True elif opt in ["-S", "--system"]: show_system_logs = True elif opt in ["-T", "--timeout"]: if not val.isdigit(): usage("timeout must be a number") timeout = int(val) elif opt in ["-u", "--userconf"]: getuserconfs = True elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]: usage() elif opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]: verbose = True else: usage("Unknown option specified: %s" % opt) if len(remainder) > 0: usage("Unknown option specified: <%s>" % remainder[0]) if hosts_expr is None: usage("Mandatory target argument not specified") count = len(filter(None, [audit_type, dir_info, file_info, getuserconfs])) if count == 0: usage("One of 'audit', 'examine', 'userconf' " "or 'filecontents' must be specified") elif count > 1: usage("Only one of 'audit', 'examine' 'userconf' " "or 'filecontents' may be specified") if dir_info is not None: # for now more than 1000 entries in a dir = we silently toss them direxam = RemoteDirExaminer(dir_info, hosts_expr, batchno, 1000, timeout) sys.exit(0) elif file_info is not None: fileexam = RemoteFileExaminer(file_info, hosts_expr, linecount, timeout) sys.exit(0) elif getuserconfs: getconfs = RemoteUserCfGrabber(hosts_expr, timeout, 'homes', confdir) sys.exit(0) if audit_type not in ['root', 'logs', 'homes']: usage("audit type must be one of 'root', 'logs', 'homes'") if show_system_logs and not audit_type == 'logs': usage("'system' argument may only be used with logs audit") if oldest_only and not audit_type == 'logs': usage("'oldest' argument may only be used with logs audit") if audit_type == 'logs': logsaudit = RemoteLogsAuditor(hosts_expr, audit_type, confdir, prettyprint, oldest_only, show_sample_content, dirsizes, show_system_logs, summary_report, depth, files_to_check, ignore_also, timeout, maxfiles, store_filepath, verbose) report = logsaudit.audit_hosts() if interactive: cmdline = CommandLine(confdir, store_filepath, timeout, audit_type, ignore_also, hosts_expr) elif audit_type == 'root': filesaudit = RemoteFilesAuditor(hosts_expr, audit_type, confdir, prettyprint, show_sample_content, dirsizes, summary_report, depth, files_to_check, ignore_also, timeout, maxfiles, store_filepath, verbose) report = filesaudit.audit_hosts() if interactive: cmdline = CommandLine(confdir, store_filepath, timeout, audit_type, ignore_also, hosts_expr) elif audit_type == 'homes': homesaudit = RemoteHomesAuditor(hosts_expr, audit_type, confdir, prettyprint, show_sample_content, dirsizes, summary_report, depth, files_to_check, ignore_also, timeout, maxfiles, store_filepath, verbose) report = homesaudit.audit_hosts() if interactive: cmdline = CommandLine(confdir, store_filepath, timeout, audit_type, ignore_also, hosts_expr)