def test_layers_convolution_3d():
    inC, inH, inW, inD = 1, 3, 3, 3
    y = input((inC,inH, inW, inD))
    dat = np.ones([1, inC, inH, inW, inD], dtype = np.float32)

    model = Convolution3D((3, 3, 3),
                          strides=1, name='foo')
    # shape should be
    model_shape = model(y).foo.shape

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(model_shape, (1, 1, 1, 1), \
        "Error in convolution3D with stride = 1 and padding")

    res = model(y).eval({y: dat})

    expected_res = np.sum(model.foo.W.value)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[0][0][0][0][0], expected_res, decimal=5, \
        err_msg="Error in convolution3D computation with stride = 1 and zeropad = True")
    def __init__(self, input_shape, nb_actions,
                 gamma=0.99, explorer=LinearEpsilonAnnealingExplorer(1, 0.1, 1000000),
                 learning_rate=0.00025, momentum=0.95, minibatch_size=32,
                 memory_size=500000, train_after=200000, train_interval=4, target_update_interval=10000,
        self.input_shape = input_shape
        self.nb_actions = nb_actions
        self.gamma = gamma

        self._train_after = train_after
        self._train_interval = train_interval
        self._target_update_interval = target_update_interval

        self._explorer = explorer
        self._minibatch_size = minibatch_size
        self._history = History(input_shape)
        self._memory = ReplayMemory(memory_size, input_shape[1:], 4)
        self._num_actions_taken = 0

        # Metrics accumulator
        self._episode_rewards, self._episode_q_means, self._episode_q_stddev = [], [], []

        # Action Value model (used by agent to interact with the environment)
        with default_options(activation=relu, init=he_uniform()):
            self._action_value_net = Sequential([
                Convolution3D((8, 8, 3), 64, strides=1),
                Convolution3D((4, 4, 4), 32, strides=2),
                Convolution3D((3, 3, 1), 32, strides=2),
                Dense(256, init=he_uniform(scale=0.01)),
                Dense(nb_actions, activation=None, init=he_uniform(scale=0.01))

        # Target model used to compute the target Q-values in training, updated
        # less frequently for increased stability.
        self._target_net = self._action_value_net.clone(CloneMethod.freeze)

        # Function computing Q-values targets as part of the computation graph
        @Signature(post_states=Tensor[input_shape], rewards=Tensor[()], terminals=Tensor[()])
        def compute_q_targets(post_states, rewards, terminals):
            return element_select(
                gamma * reduce_max(self._target_net(post_states), axis=0) + rewards,

        # Define the loss, using Huber Loss (more robust to outliers)
        @Signature(pre_states=Tensor[input_shape], actions=Tensor[nb_actions],
                   post_states=Tensor[input_shape], rewards=Tensor[()], terminals=Tensor[()])
        def criterion(pre_states, actions, post_states, rewards, terminals):
            # Compute the q_targets
            q_targets = compute_q_targets(post_states, rewards, terminals)

            # actions is a 1-hot encoding of the action done by the agent
            q_acted = reduce_sum(self._action_value_net(pre_states) * actions, axis=0)

            # Define training criterion as the Huber Loss function
            return huber_loss(q_targets, q_acted, 1.0)

        # Adam based SGD
        lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(learning_rate, UnitType.minibatch)
        m_schedule = momentum_schedule(momentum)
        vm_schedule = momentum_schedule(0.999)
        l_sgd = adam(self._action_value_net.parameters, lr_schedule,
                     momentum=m_schedule, variance_momentum=vm_schedule)

        self._metrics_writer = TensorBoardProgressWriter(freq=1, log_dir='metrics', model=criterion) if monitor else None
        self._learner = l_sgd
        self._trainer = Trainer(criterion, (criterion, None), l_sgd, self._metrics_writer)