async def run_test(dut, payload_lengths=None, payload_data=None, ifg=12):

    tb = TB(dut)

    tb.dut.ifg_delay.value = ifg

    await tb.reset()

    test_frames = [payload_data(x) for x in payload_lengths()]

    for test_data in test_frames:
        await tb.source.send(test_data)

    for test_data in test_frames:
        rx_frame = await tb.sink.recv()
        ptp_ts = await tb.ptp_ts_sink.recv()

        ptp_ts_ns = int(ptp_ts.ts) / 2**16

        rx_frame_sfd_ns = get_time_from_sim_steps(rx_frame.sim_time_sfd, "ns")

        tb.log.info("TX frame PTP TS: %f ns", ptp_ts_ns)
        tb.log.info("RX frame SFD sim time: %f ns", rx_frame_sfd_ns)

        assert rx_frame.get_payload() == test_data
        assert rx_frame.check_fcs()
        assert rx_frame.ctrl is None
        assert abs(rx_frame_sfd_ns - ptp_ts_ns - 3.2) < 0.01

    assert tb.sink.empty()

    await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
    await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
文件: log.py 项目: regis-c/cocotb
    def _format(self, level, record, msg, coloured=False):
        sim_time = getattr(record, 'created_sim_time', None)
        if sim_time is None:
            sim_time_str = "  -.--ns"
            time_ns = get_time_from_sim_steps(sim_time, 'ns')
            sim_time_str = "{:6.2f}ns".format(time_ns)
        prefix = sim_time_str.rjust(11) + ' ' + level + ' '
        if not _suppress:
            prefix += self.ljust(record.name, _RECORD_CHARS) + \
                self.rjust(os.path.split(record.filename)[1], _FILENAME_CHARS) + \
                ':' + self.ljust(str(record.lineno), _LINENO_CHARS) + \
                ' in ' + self.ljust(str(record.funcName), _FUNCNAME_CHARS) + ' '

        # these lines are copied from the builtin logger
        if record.exc_info:
            # Cache the traceback text to avoid converting it multiple times
            # (it's constant anyway)
            if not record.exc_text:
                record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info)
        if record.exc_text:
            if msg[-1:] != "\n":
                msg = msg + "\n"
            msg = msg + record.exc_text

        prefix_len = len(prefix)
        if coloured:
            prefix_len -= (len(level) - _LEVEL_CHARS)
        pad = "\n" + " " * (prefix_len)
        return prefix + pad.join(msg.split('\n'))
    def __init__(self, config, signals, clk, *, clk_freq=None):
        self.log = SimLog("cocomod.uart.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__))

        self.config = config
        self.clk = clk.signal
        if clk_freq is None:
            clk_freq = 1 / get_time_from_sim_steps(clk.period, "sec")
        self.divisor = round(clk_freq / config.baud)
        self.duration = clk.period * self.divisor
        self.tx = signals.tx
        self.rx = signals.rx
        self.ctsn = signals.ctsn
        self.rtsn = signals.rtsn

        if config.flow_control == UARTFlowControl.HARDWARE and self.ctsn is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "HARDWARE flow control selected and no CTS signal")
        if config.flow_control == UARTFlowControl.HARDWARE and self.rtsn is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "HARDWARE flow control selected and no RTS signal")

        self.tx <= 1
        if self.ctsn is not None:
            self.ctsn <= 1

 def __str__(self):
     >>> u = UnstableTrigger(100,5,3)
     >>> print(u)
     return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%1.2fps)" % get_time_from_sim_steps(
         self.sim_steps, units='ps')
 def __init__(self, signal, period, units=None):
     BaseClock.__init__(self, signal)
     self.period = get_sim_steps(period, units)
     self.half_period = get_sim_steps(period / 2.0, units)
     self.frequency = 1.0 / get_time_from_sim_steps(self.period, units='us')
     self.hdl = None
     self.signal = signal
     self.coro = None
     self.mcoro = None
文件: clock.py 项目: elgorwi/cocotb
 def __init__(self, signal, period, units=None):
     BaseClock.__init__(self, signal)
     self.period = get_sim_steps(period, units)
     self.half_period = get_sim_steps(period / 2.0, units)
     self.frequency = 1.0 / get_time_from_sim_steps(self.period,units='us')
     self.hdl = None
     self.signal = signal
     self.coro = None
     self.mcoro = None
async def run_test_rx(dut, payload_lengths=None, payload_data=None, ifg=12):

    tb = TB(dut)

    tb.serdes_source.ifg = ifg
    tb.dut.ifg_delay.value = ifg

    await tb.reset()

    tb.log.info("Wait for block lock")
    while not dut.rx_block_lock.value.integer:
        await RisingEdge(dut.rx_clk)

    tb.log.info("Wait for PTP CDC lock")
    while not dut.tx_ptp.tx_ptp_cdc.locked.value.integer:
        await RisingEdge(dut.tx_clk)

    # clear out sink buffer

    test_frames = [payload_data(x) for x in payload_lengths()]
    tx_frames = []

    for test_data in test_frames:
        test_frame = XgmiiFrame.from_payload(test_data,
        await tb.serdes_source.send(test_frame)

    for test_data in test_frames:
        rx_frame = await tb.axis_sink.recv()
        tx_frame = tx_frames.pop(0)

        frame_error = rx_frame.tuser & 1
        ptp_ts = rx_frame.tuser >> 1
        ptp_ts_ns = ptp_ts / 2**16

        tx_frame_sfd_ns = get_time_from_sim_steps(tx_frame.sim_time_sfd, "ns")

        if tx_frame.start_lane == 4:
            # start in lane 4 reports 1 full cycle delay, so subtract half clock period
            tx_frame_sfd_ns -= tb.clk_period / 2

        tb.log.info("RX frame PTP TS: %f ns", ptp_ts_ns)
        tb.log.info("TX frame SFD sim time: %f ns", tx_frame_sfd_ns)

        assert rx_frame.tdata == test_data
        assert frame_error == 0
        assert abs(ptp_ts_ns - tx_frame_sfd_ns -
                   tb.clk_period * 4) < tb.clk_period

    assert tb.axis_sink.empty()

    await RisingEdge(dut.logic_clk)
    await RisingEdge(dut.logic_clk)
 def __init__(self, signal, period, units="step"):
     BaseClock.__init__(self, signal)
     if units is None:
             'Using units=None is deprecated, use units="step" instead.',
             DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
         units="step"  # don't propagate deprecated value
     self.period = get_sim_steps(period, units)
     self.half_period = get_sim_steps(period / 2.0, units)
     self.frequency = 1.0 / get_time_from_sim_steps(self.period, units='us')
     self.hdl = None
     self.signal = signal
     self.coro = None
     self.mcoro = None
    def __init__(self, config, signals, clk, *, clk_freq=None):
        self.log = logging.getLogger("cocotbext.spi.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__))
        self.config = config
        self.clk = clk
        if clk_freq is None:
            clk_freq = 1 / get_time_from_sim_steps(clk.period, "sec")
        self.miso = signals.miso
        self.mosi = signals.mosi
        self.cs = signals.cs
        self.sclk = signals.sclk

        # chip select Edging
        if self.config.csphase:
            self.csBeginEdge = RisingEdge(self.cs)
            self.csEndEdge = FallingEdge(self.cs)
            self.csBeginEdge = FallingEdge(self.cs)
            self.csEndEdge = RisingEdge(self.cs)

        # sclk edging
        # CPOL  | leading edge | trailing edge
        # ------|--------------|--------------
        # false | rising       | falling
        # true  | falling      | rising
        if self.config.cpol:
            self.sclkLeadEdge = FallingEdge(self.sclk)
            self.sclkTrailEdge = RisingEdge(self.sclk)
            self.sclkLeadEdge = RisingEdge(self.sclk)
            self.sclkTrailEdge = FallingEdge(self.sclk)

        # CPHA  | data change    | data read
        # ------|----------------|--------------
        # false | trailling edge | leading edge
        # true  | leading edge   | trailing edge
        if self.config.cpha:
            self.dataChangEdge = self.sclkLeadEdge
            self.dataReadEdge = self.sclkTrailEdge
            self.dataChangEdge = self.sclkTrailEdge
            self.dataReadEdge = self.sclkLeadEdge

async def run_test_tx(dut, payload_lengths=None, payload_data=None, ifg=12):

    tb = TB(dut)

    tb.serdes_source.ifg = ifg
    tb.dut.ifg_delay.value = ifg

    await tb.reset()

    tb.log.info("Wait for PTP CDC lock")
    while not dut.tx_ptp.tx_ptp_cdc.locked.value.integer:
        await RisingEdge(dut.tx_clk)

    test_frames = [payload_data(x) for x in payload_lengths()]

    for test_data in test_frames:
        await tb.axis_source.send(test_data)

    for test_data in test_frames:
        rx_frame = await tb.serdes_sink.recv()
        ptp_ts = await tb.tx_ptp_ts_sink.recv()

        ptp_ts_ns = int(ptp_ts.ts_96) / 2**16

        rx_frame_sfd_ns = get_time_from_sim_steps(rx_frame.sim_time_sfd, "ns")

        if rx_frame.start_lane == 4:
            # start in lane 4 reports 1 full cycle delay, so subtract half clock period
            rx_frame_sfd_ns -= tb.clk_period / 2

        tb.log.info("TX frame PTP TS: %f ns", ptp_ts_ns)
        tb.log.info("RX frame SFD sim time: %f ns", rx_frame_sfd_ns)

        assert rx_frame.get_payload() == test_data
        assert rx_frame.check_fcs()
        assert rx_frame.ctrl is None
        assert abs(rx_frame_sfd_ns - ptp_ts_ns -
                   tb.clk_period * 5) < tb.clk_period

    assert tb.serdes_sink.empty()

    await RisingEdge(dut.logic_clk)
    await RisingEdge(dut.logic_clk)
async def run_test(dut, payload_lengths=None, payload_data=None, ifg=12):

    tb = TB(dut)

    tb.source.ifg = ifg

    await tb.reset()

    test_frames = [payload_data(x) for x in payload_lengths()]
    tx_frames = []

    for test_data in test_frames:
        test_frame = XgmiiFrame.from_payload(test_data,
        await tb.source.send(test_frame)

    for test_data in test_frames:
        rx_frame = await tb.sink.recv()
        tx_frame = tx_frames.pop(0)

        frame_error = rx_frame.tuser & 1
        ptp_ts = rx_frame.tuser >> 1
        ptp_ts_ns = ptp_ts / 2**16

        tx_frame_sfd_ns = get_time_from_sim_steps(tx_frame.sim_time_sfd, "ns")

        if tx_frame.start_lane == 4:
            # start in lane 4 reports 1 full cycle delay, so subtract half clock period
            tx_frame_sfd_ns -= 3.2

        tb.log.info("RX frame PTP TS: %f ns", ptp_ts_ns)
        tb.log.info("TX frame SFD sim time: %f ns", tx_frame_sfd_ns)

        assert rx_frame.tdata == test_data
        assert frame_error == 0
        assert abs(ptp_ts_ns - tx_frame_sfd_ns - 6.4) < 0.01

    assert tb.sink.empty()

    await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
    await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
 def __str__(self):
     return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%1.2fps)" % get_time_from_sim_steps(
         self.sim_steps, units='ps')
 def __repr__(self):
     return "<{} of {:1.2f}ps at {}>".format(
         get_time_from_sim_steps(self.sim_steps, units='ps'),
async def run_test_alignment(dut, payload_data=None, ifg=12):

    enable_dic = int(os.getenv("PARAM_ENABLE_DIC"))

    tb = TB(dut)

    byte_width = tb.source.width // 8

    tb.dut.ifg_delay.value = ifg

    for length in range(60, 92):

        await tb.reset()

        test_frames = [payload_data(length) for k in range(10)]
        start_lane = []

        for test_data in test_frames:
            await tb.source.send(test_data)

        for test_data in test_frames:
            rx_frame = await tb.sink.recv()
            ptp_ts = await tb.ptp_ts_sink.recv()

            ptp_ts_ns = int(ptp_ts.ts) / 2**16

            rx_frame_sfd_ns = get_time_from_sim_steps(rx_frame.sim_time_sfd, "ns")

            if rx_frame.start_lane == 4:
                # start in lane 4 reports 1 full cycle delay, so subtract half clock period
                rx_frame_sfd_ns -= 3.2

            tb.log.info("TX frame PTP TS: %f ns", ptp_ts_ns)
            tb.log.info("RX frame SFD sim time: %f ns", rx_frame_sfd_ns)

            assert rx_frame.get_payload() == test_data
            assert rx_frame.check_fcs()
            assert rx_frame.ctrl is None
            assert abs(rx_frame_sfd_ns - ptp_ts_ns - 12.8) < 0.01


        tb.log.info("length: %d", length)
        tb.log.info("start_lane: %s", start_lane)

        start_lane_ref = []

        # compute expected starting lanes
        lane = 0
        deficit_idle_count = 0

        for test_data in test_frames:
            if ifg == 0:
                lane = 0

            lane = (lane + len(test_data)+4+ifg) % byte_width

            if enable_dic:
                offset = lane % 4
                if deficit_idle_count+offset >= 4:
                    offset += 4
                lane = (lane - offset) % byte_width
                deficit_idle_count = (deficit_idle_count + offset) % 4
                offset = lane % 4
                if offset > 0:
                    offset += 4
                lane = (lane - offset) % byte_width

        tb.log.info("start_lane_ref: %s", start_lane_ref)

        assert start_lane_ref == start_lane

        await RisingEdge(dut.clk)

    assert tb.sink.empty()

    await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
    await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
 def __str__(self):
     return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%1.2fps)" % get_time_from_sim_steps(self.sim_steps, units="ps")