def on_message(client, userdata, msg): #print msg.topic, str(msg.payload) #process the lights command if msg.topic == lights: sender.sendMessage('set lamp '+str(msg.payload)) if msg.topic == log_request: #take the start and the end #send it as 'get log _start_ _end_ ' log_req_dict = json.loads(str(msg.payload)) log_message = sender.sendMessage('request-log '+log_req_dict['value_type']+' '+log_req_dict['start']+' '+log_req_dict['end']) client.publish(log_reply, log_message)
def _update(self, command): current_time = time.time() time_delta = current_time - self.last_update_time if time_delta < 1: self.trigger = False else: self.last_update_time = current_time self.alarm_line_index = (self.alarm_line_index + 1) % len( self.alarm_lines) self.view.lines[2] = self.alarm_lines[self.alarm_line_index] self.trigger = True if command == 'RESET': sender.sendMessage('reset-alarms') return IdleScreen(self.display) return self
def _update(self, command): self.trigger = True if command == 'BACK': return MenuScreen(self.display) elif command == 'UP': self.view.getSelectedSpinner().spinUp() elif command == 'DOWN': self.view.getSelectedSpinner().spinDown() elif command == 'LEFT': self.view.prevSpinner() elif command == 'RIGHT': self.view.nextSpinner() elif command == 'OK': sender.sendMessage('set setPoint ' + self.view.getSelectedSpinner().getValue()) return MenuScreen(self.display) else: self.trigger = False return self
def _update(self, command): self.view.lines[0] = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") self.view.lines[1] = 'Temperature: %.1f C' % float( sender.sendMessage('get temp')) self.view.lines[2] = 'Humidity: %.0f %%' % float( sender.sendMessage('get hum')) fan_in = int(float(sender.sendMessage('get fan_in')) * 100) / 25 fan_out = int(float(sender.sendMessage('get fan_out')) * 100) / 25 self.view.lines[3] = 'Fan IN:' + '=' * fan_in + ' ' * ( 4 - fan_in) + ' OUT:' + '=' * fan_out if command == 'OK': return MenuScreen(self.display) elif command == 'UP': if sender.sendMessage('get lamp') == 'on': sender.sendMessage('set lamp off') else: sender.sendMessage('set lamp on') return self
FAN_OUT = 15 GPIO.setup([BUZZER, PAD, LIGHTS, FAN_IN, FAN_OUT], GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) buzzer = GPIO.PWM(BUZZER, 2) fan_in = GPIO.PWM(FAN_IN, 30) fan_in.start(0.5) fan_out = GPIO.PWM(FAN_OUT, 30) fan_out.start(0.5) try: while True: #grab the data you need #check for the pad pad_status = sender.sendMessage('get pad') if pad_status == 'on': GPIO.output(PAD, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(PAD, GPIO.LOW) #check for the lights lights_status = sender.sendMessage('get lamp') if lights_status == 'on': GPIO.output(LIGHTS, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(LIGHTS, GPIO.LOW) #check for the buzzer alarm_status = sender.sendMessage('get alarms') if not alarm_status == '{}':
import socket import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import sys sys.path.append('.') #this is the path relative to from common.sender import sender import time import json id = sender.sendMessage('get ip') log_request = 'obm/bob/{}/logs/request'.format(id) log_reply = 'obm/bob/{}/logs/reply'.format(id) lights = 'obm/bob/{}/lights'.format(id) alarm_topic = 'obm/bob/{}/alarms'.format(id) status_topic = 'obm/bob/{}/values/status'.format(id) def on_message(client, userdata, msg): #print msg.topic, str(msg.payload) #process the lights command if msg.topic == lights: sender.sendMessage('set lamp '+str(msg.payload)) if msg.topic == log_request: #take the start and the end #send it as 'get log _start_ _end_ ' log_req_dict = json.loads(str(msg.payload)) log_message = sender.sendMessage('request-log '+log_req_dict['value_type']+' '+log_req_dict['start']+' '+log_req_dict['end']) client.publish(log_reply, log_message) client = mqtt.Client() client.on_message = on_message
from Adafruit_LED_Backpack import SevenSegment import socket import time import sys sys.path.append('.') #this is the path relative to from common.sender import sender setpoint_d = SevenSegment.SevenSegment(address=0x71, busnum=1) temp_d = SevenSegment.SevenSegment(address=0x70, busnum=1) setpoint_m = 'get setPoint' temp_m = 'get temp' setpoint_s = '' temp_s = '' setpoint = (setpoint_d, setpoint_m, setpoint_s) temp = (temp_d, temp_m, temp_s) list = [ setpoint, temp ] for d, __, __ in list: d.begin() d.clear() d.write_display() while 1: for led, msg, ans in list: ans = sender.sendMessage(msg) led.print_float(float(ans)) led.write_display() time.sleep(1)
import sys sys.path.append('.') #this is the path relative to from common.sender import sender if __name__ == '__main__': cursor = '>> ' command = '' exit = False print 'OBM BOB Command line interface: insert a command or write quit to exit' while not exit: command = raw_input(cursor) if command == 'quit': exit = True else: print sender.sendMessage(command)
from display_i2c import i2c_lcd from buttons import ButtonReader import screen import sys sys.path.append('.') #this is the path relative to from common.sender import sender if __name__ == '__main__': main_screen = i2c_lcd(0x27, 1, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3) main_screen.backLightOn() main_screen.clear() main_screen.home() main_screen.command(0x0C) #disables the cursor idle = screen.IdleScreen(main_screen) currentScreen = idle br = ButtonReader() while True: alarms = sender.sendMessage('get alarms') if alarms != '{}' and type(currentScreen) is not screen.AlarmScreen: currentScreen = screen.AlarmScreen(main_screen, alarms) pressed = br.getButton() currentScreen = currentScreen.updateScreen(pressed)