class BackupRestore:
    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate Logger
        self.LOGGER = Debug.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.offlinehandler")
        # Configuration Manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()
        # Data validation class
        self.VALIDATOR = CheckLiveData()
        # Data trigger class
        self.TRIGGER = CheckLiveTriggers()
    def backup(self, historicalData):
        '''Writes historical data to file'''
        #If true exit due to exception
        exit = False
        # Get file path from config
        location = self.CONFIG.getConfig("Application", "offlineFile")
        #Check if config is empty
        if len(location) == 0:
            # Use current directory
            location = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "backup.p")
            self.LOGGER.warning("offlineFile is empty. Using default: '" + location + "'")
            # Append to file
            path = file(location, "a")

            # Ensure object has data
            if historicalData is not None:
      "Writing data to file:" + str(historicalData.__dict__))
                pickle.dump(historicalData, path)
        except IOError:
            #Debug.writeOut("Unable to write to backup file: '" + location + "'")
            # No point running program if it's unable to write to file
            exit = True
            # Close file
            except UnboundLocalError:
                # File was not opened
        # Check to exit
        if exit:

    def restore(self):
        '''Starts the restore process from a file.'''
        backup = self.restoreFromFile()
        recordCount = len(backup)
        if(recordCount > 0):
   + " record(s) found. Saving to DB")
            for record in backup:
                # Set data as valid by default
                hDataValid = True
                # Get backup record
                hData = record
                if self.VALIDATOR is not None and self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "enabled"):
                        validatedData = self.VALIDATOR.validateData(hData)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise e
                    hDataValid = validatedData[0]
                    if hDataValid is True:
                        hData = validatedData[1]
                if hDataValid and self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Trigger", "enabled"):
                    # Check trigger conditions which return true or false if it's valid
                        hDataValid = self.TRIGGER.checkTriggers(hData)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise e
                # Insert the first element in list and remove it
                if hDataValid:
          "Inserting: " + str(record.__dict__))
          "Skipped backup record")
            # Remove backup file to prevent duplicate data from being restored.
  "Restore from backup complete.")
  "Removing backup file.")
  "File deleted? " + str(self.deleteBackupFile()))

    def restoreFromFile(self):
        '''Reads a file and returns an array of objects.'''
        # List to store restored objects
        list = []
        # Get file path from config
        location = self.CONFIG.getConfig("Application", "offlineFile")
        #Check if config is empty
        if len(location) == 0:
            # Use current directory
            location = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "backup.p")
  "offlineFile is empty. Using default: '" + location + "'")
        # Check file exists before deleting
        if os.path.exists(location):
            # Create file object
            path = file(location, "r")
            # Read file till end of file
                while True:
            except EOFError:
                # Ignore end of file error
                # Close file
               "Found " + str(len(list)) + " record(s) in '" + location + "'")
        return list

    def deleteBackupFile(self):
        '''Removed backup file if it exists.'''
        success = False;
        # Get file path from config
        location = self.CONFIG.getConfig("Application", "offlineFile")
        #Check if config is empty
        if len(location) == 0:
            # Use current directory
            location = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "backup.p")
  "offlineFile is empty. Using default: '" + location + "'")
        # Check file exists before deleting
        if os.path.exists(location):
            # Delete file
                success = True;
            except OSError:
                self.LOGGER.error("Unable to remove file: '" + location + "'")
        return success;
class Twitter:
    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate logger
        self.LOGGER = Debug.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.twitter")
        # Configuration Manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()
        self.LOGGER.debug("Adding to system path: " + os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + "python-twitter")
        sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + "python-twitter")
        currentTime =
        self.LAST_HOURLY_POST = currentTime.strftime("%H")
        self.TWITTER = __import__("twitter")

    def postHourlySummary(self):
        '''Posts an hourly summary to Twitter'''
        # Get current system time
        currentTime =
        # create time difference to be used to work out time period
        timeDiff = timedelta(hours=1)
        # Get current hour
        currentHour = currentTime.strftime("%H")
        # If current hour does not match last post hour then it's been a new hour since last post
        if(currentHour != self.LAST_HOURLY_POST):
            Debug.writeOut("Hourly condtion met (" + currentHour + " != " + self.LAST_HOURLY_POST + "). Posting to Twitter")
            # Create SQL to get data for tweet
            sql = "SELECT COALESCE(ROUND(AVG(energy), 2), 0), " +\
            "COALESCE(MAX(energy), 0), COALESCE(ROUND(AVG(temperature), 1), 0) " +\
            "FROM historical_data WHERE date_time >= ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 HOUR)"
            # Get statistics from DB
            stats = MySQL.executeOneUpdate(sql, None)
            # Create tweet
            message = (currentTime - timeDiff).strftime("%H:%M") + "-" + currentTime.strftime("%H:%M") +\
            " Summary: " + str(stats[0]) + "w was used." +\
            " Energy usage peaked at " + str(stats[1]) + "w" +\
            ". The average temperature was " + str(stats[2]) + "c."
            # Check if tweet should be a Direct Message or just a tweet
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "directMessagePost"):
                self.postDirectMessage(self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "directMessageUser"), message)
                # Post message to twitter
            # Set last hourly post to current hour
            self.LAST_HOURLY_POST = currentHour

    def postDailySummary(self):
        '''Posts a daily summary to Twitter'''
        # Get current minutes from system time
        currentTime =
        # create time difference to be used to work out time period
        timeDiff = timedelta(days=1)
        # Get current minutes
        currentHour = currentTime.strftime("%H")
        # Check if the hours of the time is 00 which means midnight and the current day
        # has changed
        if(currentHour == "00" and (self.LAST_DAY_POST == "" or currentTime.strftime("%d") != self.LAST_DAY_POST)):
            Debug.writeOut("Daily condition met (hour of day:" + currentHour + " == 00 && day:" + currentTime.strftime("%d") + " == " + self.LAST_DAY_POST + "). Posting to Twitter")
            # Create SQL to get data for tweet
            sql = " SELECT COALESCE(ROUND(AVG(energy), 2), 0), COALESCE(MAX(energy), 0), COALESCE(ROUND(AVG(temperature), 1), 0) FROM historical_data WHERE date_time >= ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 DAY)"
            # Get statistics from DB
            stats = MySQL.executeOneUpdate(sql, None)
            # Create tweet
            message = (currentTime - timeDiff).strftime("%d-%b-%Y") + " Summary: " + str(stats[0]) +\
            "w was used. " +\
            "Energy usage peaked at " + str(stats[1]) + "w. " +\
            "The average temperature was " + str(stats[2]) + "c."
            # Save new day of tweet
            self.LAST_DAY_POST = currentTime.strftime("%d")
            # Check if tweet should be a Direct Message or just a tweet
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "directMessagePost"):
                self.postDirectMessage(self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "directMessageUser"), message)
                # Post message to twitter
    def tweet(self, message):
        '''Tweet a message'''
        # Connect to Twitter
        twit = self.TWITTER.Api(username=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "username"), 
                                password=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "password"))
        return twit.PostUpdate(message)
    def postDirectMessage(self, user, message):
        '''Direct Message a user'''
        twit = self.TWITTER.Api(username=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "username", 
                                password=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "password")))
        return twit.PostDirectMessage(user, message)
    def getTweets(self):
        '''Get tweet @ replies from account'''
        twit = self.TWITTER.Api(username=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "username", 
                                password=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "password")))
        return twit.GetReplies()
    def getDirectMessages(self):
        '''Get tweet @ replies from account'''
        twit = self.TWITTER.Api(username=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "username", 
                                password=self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Twitter", "password")))
        return twit.GetDirectMessages()
class CheckLiveData:
    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate config manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()
        # Get logger instance
        self.LOGGER = Debug.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.datavalidation")
    # Validate data captured from device
    def validateData(self, historicalData):
        '''Checks historical data fall within parameter which is customised in the config file.
        Returns results in a tuple size of 2.
        [0] = True or False depending if validation was successful or not
        [1] = HistoricalData.HistoricalData class of sanitised data'''
        valid = True
        # Get maximum appliance Id value
        maxAppId = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Tolerence", "maxApplianceId")
            # If max app id is greater than 0 then checking for app id is enabled
            if maxAppId is not None and maxAppId >= 0:
                if self.checkApplianceId(historicalData) is False:
                    valid = False
            # Check device name matches in the config
            deviceNames = self.CONFIG.getConfig("Tolerence", "allowedDeviceNames")
            # If device names are defined then perform a match
            if deviceNames is not None and deviceNames != "":
                if self.checkDeviceName(historicalData) is False:
                    valid = False
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "allowNewAppliances") is False:
                # If it returns true then it's a new appliance and should be ignored
                if self.checkNewAppliance(historicalData) is True:
                    valid = False
          "Appliance ID " + str(historicalData.applianceId) + " was not stored due to allowNewAppliances = False")
            # Check channel names
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "allowBlankChannelNames") is False:
                test = self.checkChannelNames(historicalData)
                # If test returned None then it failed validation.
                # Otherwise assign returned Historical Data because it may have changed some attributes
                if test is None:
                    valid = False
                    historicalData = test
            # Check channels
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "checkChannels") is True and historicalData.applianceId is not None:
                test = self.checkChannels(historicalData)
                # If test returned None then it failed validation.
                # Otherwise assign returned Historical Data because it may have changed some attributes
                if test is None:
                    valid = False
                    historicalData = test
        except ConnectionException as ce:
            raise ce
        return (valid, historicalData)
    def checkApplianceId(self, historicalData):
        '''Checks if appliance ID falls within a set range'''
        # Get maximum appliance Id value
        maxAppId = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Tolerence", "maxApplianceId")
            # Check if appliance number exceeds maximum
            if int(historicalData.applianceId) > maxAppId:
      "Appliance ID " + str(historicalData.applianceId) + " > " + str(maxAppId))
                return False
                return True
        except ValueError, ve:
  "Check max App ID failed: " + str(historicalData.applianceId) + " > " + str(maxAppId))
            return False
        except AttributeError as ae:
  "Check max App ID failed: No attribute Error:" + str(ae))
            return False