class DeviceManager():
    INSTANCE = None
    # Singleton pattern
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls.INSTANCE:
            cls.INSTANCE = super(DeviceManager, cls).__new__(
                                cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls.INSTANCE
    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate Logger
        self.LOGGER = Debug.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.serialcomm")

        self.COMM = serial.Serial()
        # Create Config manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()

    # Open serial connection
    def open(self):
        '''Open connection to USB to serial port'''       
        self.COMM.port = self.CONFIG.getConfig("SerialConnection", "serialport")
        self.COMM.baudrate = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("SerialConnection", "baudrate")
        self.COMM.parity = self.CONFIG.getConfig("SerialConnection", "parity")
        self.COMM.timeout = None
        self.COMM.bytesize = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("SerialConnection", "bytesize")
        if(self.COMM.isOpen() == False):
            self.LOGGER.info('Establishing connection to device')
            self.LOGGER.info('Connection already opened')
        self.LOGGER.info('Device connected:' + str(self.COMM.isOpen()))

    # Close serial connection
    def close(self):
        '''Close connection to USB to Serial port'''
            self.LOGGER.info('Closing device connection')
        self.LOGGER.info('Device connection closed')

    # Get data from serial connection
    def read(self):
        '''Read data from USB to Serial device. Connection must be established.'''
        data = self.COMM.readline()
        if(len(data) > 0):
            self.LOGGER.debug('serial data: ' + data)
            return data
class MySQL(object):
    INSTANCE = None
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls.INSTANCE:
            cls.INSTANCE = super(MySQL, cls).__new__(
                                cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls.INSTANCE

    def __init__(self):
        '''Check all global variables have been initialized'''
        # Configuration Manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()
        # Instantiate logging
        self.LOGGER = logging.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.database.mysql")
        # Connection variable
        self.CONNECTION = None

        # Number of transaction retries before failing
        self.RETRIES = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Database", "retries")

        # Number in seconds to wait before re-attempting failed transaction
        self.WAIT = self.CONFIG.getFloatConfig("Database", "wait")

        if self.CONFIG is None:
            print "Unable to get configuration manager. Exit"
        if self.RETRIES is None:
            print "No DB retry value set. Using default value"
            self.RETRIES = 3
        if self.WAIT is None:
            print "No DB wait value set. Using default value"
            self.WAIT = 60

    # Connect to MySQL using settings from DatabaseConfig.py
    def connect(self):
        '''Connect to database'''
        attempts = 1
        databaseSettings = self.CONFIG.getConfigCategory("Database")
        if self.LOGGER is None:
        while attempts <= self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Database", "retries") and self.CONNECTION is None:
                self.LOGGER.info("Attempting DB connection")
                self.CONNECTION = MySQLdb.connect(
                # Turn ping on to automatically connect to DB when idle and disconnects
                self.LOGGER.info("DB connection successful")
            except(MySQLdb.Error) as e:
                # Failed to connect
                self.LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to database:'" + str(databaseSettings["url"]) + "|" + str(e.args[0]))
                self.LOGGER.error("Attempt " + str(attempts) + " failed. Retrying in " + str(databaseSettings["wait"]) + " secs")
                # Wait for n seconds before attempting to reconnect
                # Continue in loop
            # Increment number of times it tried to connect
            attempts += 1
        # If CONNECTION is None then it was unable to connect
        if self.CONNECTION is None:
            raise ConnectionException("Database connection error")

    def disconnect(self):
        '''Close CONNECTION to database'''
            # Only close CONNECTION if CONNECTION exists
            if self.CONNECTION is not None:
                self.LOGGER.info("Attempting to close DB connection")
                self.CONNECTION = None
                self.LOGGER.info("Close DB connection successful")
                return True
        except MySQLdb.Error as e:
            self.LOGGER.error("Unable to disconnect from DB:")
            self.LOGGER.error(e.args[0], e.args[1])
        return False

    # Execute query with no return results
    def executeNonUpdate(self, statement, values):
        '''Execute SQL with no return results.
        Accepts an SQL statement with %s parameters which will be replaced with
        the values parameter. If no %s is used, values should be set to None.
        Returns last inserted row ID reguardless of SQL type.'''
        id = None
        attempts = 1
        while attempts <= self.RETRIES:
                cursor = self.CONNECTION.cursor()
                # Check if values need replacing in SQL statement
                if values is None:
                    cursor.execute(statement, values)
                id = cursor.lastrowid
                # Exit retry loop and return value
            except MySQLdb.Error as e:
                print "Caught error:"
                print e.args[0], e.args[1]
                print "Retrying in " + str(self.WAIT) + " secs"
                # Increment number of times it has tried to execute this function
                attempts += 1
                    # Try disconnecting first to avoid holding a CONNECTION open
                    # Try reconnecting to DB
                except MySQLdb.Error as e:
                    # Ignore connect error and gracefully exit function
                    print "DB reconnect failed:"
                    print e.args[0], e.args[1]
            except AttributeError as ae:
                # Caught when an object such as the connection has not been instantiated.
                # This may happen if connection is lost whils trying to get a cursor
                raise ConnectionException("Attribute error in DB")
        # return id from insert
        return id

    # Execute query and return results
    def executeUpdate(self, statement, values):
        '''Execute query and return all results.'''
        attempts = 1
        while attempts <= self.RETRIES:
                cursor = self.CONNECTION.cursor()
                # Check if values need replacing in SQL statement
                if values is None:
                    cursor.execute(statement, values)
                results = cursor.fetchall()
                return results
            except MySQLdb.Error as e:
                print "Caught error:"
                print e.args[0], e.args[1]
                print "Retrying in " + str(self.WAIT) + " secs"
                # Increment number of times it has tried to execute this function
                attempts += 1
                    # Try disconnecting first to avoid holding a CONNECTION open
                    # Try reconnecting to DB
                except MySQLdb.Error as e:
                    # Ignore connect error and gracefully exit function
                    print "DB reconnect failed:"
                    print e.args[0], e.args[1]
                except ConnectionException as ce:
                    raise ce
            except AttributeError as ae:
                # Caught when an object such as the connection has not been instantiated.
                # This may happen if connection is lost whils trying to get a cursor
                raise ConnectionException("Attribute error in DB")
        # Fail after retry
        return None

    # Execute query and return one result
    def executeOneUpdate(self, statement, values):
        '''Execute SQL and returns one result.
        Accepts an SQL statement with %s parameters which will be replaced with
        the values parameter. If no %s is used, values should be set to None.
        Returns the first result only.'''
        attempts = 1
        while attempts <= self.RETRIES:
                cursor = self.CONNECTION.cursor()
                # Check if values need replacing in SQL statement
                if values is None:
                    cursor.execute(statement, values)
                result = cursor.fetchone()
                return result
            except MySQLdb.Error as e:
                print "Caught error:"
                print e.args[0], e.args[1]
                print "Retrying in " + str(self.WAIT) + " secs"
                # Increment number of times it has tried to execute this function
                attempts += 1
                    # Try disconnecting first to avoid holding a CONNECTION open
                    # Try reconnecting to DB
                except ConnectionException as ce:
                    # Ignore connect error and gracefully exit function
                    print "DB reconnect failed:"
                    print e.args[0], e.args[1]
                    raise ce
            except AttributeError as ae:
                # Caught when an object such as the connection has not been instantiated.
                # This may happen if connection is lost whils trying to get a cursor
                raise ConnectionException("Attribute error in DB")
        # Fail after retry
        return None
class CheckLiveTriggers:

    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate config manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()
        # Get logger instance
        self.LOGGER = Debug.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.datatrigger")
    def checkTriggers(self, historicalData):
        '''Check if data received meets any one trigger conditions.
        Returns true if it's met'''
        trigger = False
        # Get last recorded data point. Used for trigger information
            previousDataPoint = HistoricalData.getLastHistoricalData(historicalData)
        except ConnectionException as ce:
            raise ce
        # Check if there was data in DB
        if previousDataPoint is not None:
                # Get all channel data
                channel = ""
                for key, value in previousDataPoint.energy.iteritems():
                    channel += key + "=" + str(value) + "w "
                self.LOGGER.info("Last data point for " + previousDataPoint.name +\
                " app_id=" + str(previousDataPoint.applianceId) + " type=" +\
                str(previousDataPoint.sensorType) + " " + "at " +\
                str(previousDataPoint.time) + " was " + channel +\
                str(previousDataPoint.temperature) + "c")
                # Check timeout
                timeout = self.checkTimeTrigger(previousDataPoint)
                if timeout is True:
                    trigger = True
                # Check energy variation
                energy = self.checkEnergyTrigger(historicalData, previousDataPoint)
                if energy is True:
                    trigger = True
                # Check temperature variation
                temp = self.checkTemperatureTrigger(historicalData, previousDataPoint)
                if temp is True:
                    trigger = True
            except AttributeError as ae:
                self.LOGGER.error("Caught Error:" + str(ae))
                trigger = False
            # No previous data point found
            self.LOGGER.info("No data history for device " + historicalData.name +\
            " on app_id=" + str(historicalData.applianceId) +\
            " type=" + str(historicalData.sensorType))
            trigger = True
        # Historial data existed but no conditions were met.
        return trigger
    def checkTimeTrigger(self, previousDataPoint):
        '''Returns true if time from last datapoint exceeded the maximum'''
        # Check timeout trigger condition first as it's most common condition to
        # trigger a save point. Ignoring device time so using system time
        if (datetime.today() - previousDataPoint.time) >= timedelta(seconds = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Trigger", "timeout")):
            self.LOGGER.info("Timeout trigger condition met with " +\
            str(datetime.today() - previousDataPoint.time) + " delta")
            return True
            return False
    def checkEnergyTrigger(self, historicalData, previousDataPoint):
        '''Returns true if the energy difference from the previous value is exceeded'''
        # Check energy variation. Get absolute value reguardless of positive / negative value
        # Must loop through each channel
        for key, value in historicalData.energy.iteritems():
            if previousDataPoint.energy.get(key, None) is not None:
                # Calculate the difference from last data point and the new one
                energyDiff = math.fabs(value) - previousDataPoint.energy[key]
                if energyDiff >= self.CONFIG.getFloatConfig("Trigger", "energyvariation"):
                    self.LOGGER.info("Energy trigger condition met with " + str(key) + " " +\
                    str(energyDiff) + "w delta")
                    return True
                # energy value did not exist in previous reading
                return True
        # Deliberate fall through to return false
        return False
    def checkTemperatureTrigger(self, historicalData, previousDataPoint):
        '''Returns true if the temperature difference from the previous value is exceeded'''
        # Check temperature variation. Get absolute value reguardless of positive / negative value
        tempDiff = math.fabs(historicalData.temperature - previousDataPoint.temperature)
        if tempDiff > self.CONFIG.getFloatConfig("Trigger", "temperatureVariation"):
            self.LOGGER.info("Temperature trigger condition met with " +\
            str(tempDiff) + "c delta")
            return True
            return False
class CheckLiveData:
    def __init__(self):
        # Instantiate config manager
        self.CONFIG = ConfigManager()
        # Get logger instance
        self.LOGGER = Debug.getLogger("energyathome.datalogger.datavalidation")
    # Validate data captured from device
    def validateData(self, historicalData):
        '''Checks historical data fall within parameter which is customised in the config file.
        Returns results in a tuple size of 2.
        [0] = True or False depending if validation was successful or not
        [1] = HistoricalData.HistoricalData class of sanitised data'''
        valid = True
        # Get maximum appliance Id value
        maxAppId = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Tolerence", "maxApplianceId")
            # If max app id is greater than 0 then checking for app id is enabled
            if maxAppId is not None and maxAppId >= 0:
                if self.checkApplianceId(historicalData) is False:
                    valid = False
            # Check device name matches in the config
            deviceNames = self.CONFIG.getConfig("Tolerence", "allowedDeviceNames")
            # If device names are defined then perform a match
            if deviceNames is not None and deviceNames != "":
                if self.checkDeviceName(historicalData) is False:
                    valid = False
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "allowNewAppliances") is False:
                # If it returns true then it's a new appliance and should be ignored
                if self.checkNewAppliance(historicalData) is True:
                    valid = False
                    self.LOGGER.info("Appliance ID " + str(historicalData.applianceId) + " was not stored due to allowNewAppliances = False")
            # Check channel names
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "allowBlankChannelNames") is False:
                test = self.checkChannelNames(historicalData)
                # If test returned None then it failed validation.
                # Otherwise assign returned Historical Data because it may have changed some attributes
                if test is None:
                    valid = False
                    historicalData = test
            # Check channels
            if self.CONFIG.getBooleanConfig("Tolerence", "checkChannels") is True and historicalData.applianceId is not None:
                test = self.checkChannels(historicalData)
                # If test returned None then it failed validation.
                # Otherwise assign returned Historical Data because it may have changed some attributes
                if test is None:
                    valid = False
                    historicalData = test
        except ConnectionException as ce:
            raise ce
        return (valid, historicalData)
    def checkApplianceId(self, historicalData):
        '''Checks if appliance ID falls within a set range'''
        # Get maximum appliance Id value
        maxAppId = self.CONFIG.getIntConfig("Tolerence", "maxApplianceId")
            # Check if appliance number exceeds maximum
            if int(historicalData.applianceId) > maxAppId:
                self.LOGGER.info("Appliance ID " + str(historicalData.applianceId) + " > " + str(maxAppId))
                return False
                return True
        except ValueError, ve:
            self.LOGGER.info("Check max App ID failed: " + str(historicalData.applianceId) + " > " + str(maxAppId))
            return False
        except AttributeError as ae:
            self.LOGGER.info("Check max App ID failed: No attribute Error:" + str(ae))
            return False