def ft_data_loader_init(args, data_length, image_tmpl, train_transforms, test_transforms, eval_transforms): if args.ft_dataset in ['ucf101', 'hmdb51', 'diving48', 'sth_v1']: from data.dataset import DataSet as DataSet elif args.ft_dataset == 'kinetics': from data.video_dataset import VideoDataSet as DataSet else: Exception("unsupported dataset") train_dataset = DataSet(args, args.ft_root, args.ft_train_list, num_segments=1, new_length=data_length, stride=args.ft_stride, modality=args.ft_mode, dataset=args.ft_dataset, test_mode=False, image_tmpl=image_tmpl if args.ft_mode in ["rgb", "RGBDiff"] else args.flow_prefix + "{}_{:05d}.jpg", transform=train_transforms) print("training samples:{}".format(train_dataset.__len__())) train_data_loader =, batch_size=args.ft_batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.ft_workers, pin_memory=True) val_dataset = DataSet(args, args.ft_root, args.ft_val_list, num_segments=1, new_length=data_length, stride=args.ft_stride, modality=args.ft_mode, test_mode=True, dataset=args.ft_dataset, image_tmpl=image_tmpl if args.ft_mode in ["rgb", "RGBDiff"] else args.flow_prefix + "{}_{:05d}.jpg", random_shift=False, transform=test_transforms) print("val samples:{}".format(val_dataset.__len__())) val_data_loader =, batch_size=args.ft_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.ft_workers, pin_memory=True) eval_dataset = DataSet(args, args.ft_root, args.ft_val_list, num_segments=1, new_length=data_length, stride=args.ft_stride, modality=args.ft_mode, test_mode=True, dataset=args.ft_dataset, image_tmpl=image_tmpl if args.ft_mode in ["rgb", "RGBDiff"] else args.ft_flow_prefix + "{}_{:05d}.jpg", random_shift=False, transform=eval_transforms, full_video=True) print("eval samples:{}".format(eval_dataset.__len__())) eval_data_loader =, batch_size=args.ft_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.ft_workers, pin_memory=True) return train_data_loader, val_data_loader, eval_data_loader, train_dataset.__len__(), val_dataset.__len__(), eval_dataset.__len__()
def test(self, epochs=99): dataset = DataSet(self.args.img_path, self.args.img_txt_test, self.test_transform) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() # test the top-1 acc and top-5 acc top1, top5 = self.validate(dataloader, criterion, self.args) # please refer to [ICML 2019] Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again # # test the robustness acc to shift transform, which is not considered in our paper val_dataset = DataSet(self.args.img_path, self.args.img_txt_test, self.val_transform) if (epochs+1) % 10 == 0: print('start to validate shift:') val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) validate_shift(val_dataloader,, self.args) # please refer to [ICML 2019] Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again # # test the robustness acc to diagonal transform, which is not considered in our paper if (epochs+1) % 10 == 0: print('start to validate diagonal:') torch.cuda.empty_cache() val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) validate_diagonal(val_dataloader,, self.args) return top1, top5
def __init__(self, nn_lr=0.005, kg_lr=0.0005, l2_penalty=0.0001, conv_window=3, hidden_dim=230, k=50, use_alt=-1, load_model=None): self.vocab, pretrained = get_pretrained_skipgram() self.word2idx = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(self.vocab)} self.dataset = DataSet() if use_alt < 0 else AltDataSet() self.dataset.featurize_all() self.rels = sorted(self.dataset.all_relations) self.ents = sorted(self.dataset.all_entities) self.rel2idx = {rel: idx for idx, rel in enumerate(self.rels)} self.idx2rel = {idx: rel for rel, idx in self.rel2idx.items()} self.ent2idx = {ent: idx for idx, ent in enumerate(self.ents)} self.train_data, self.test_data = self.dataset.split() if use_alt < 0 else self.dataset.load_from_file(use_alt) self.max_len = 0 for info in list(self.train_data.values()) + list(self.test_data.values()): for example in info.examples: example.indices = ( [self.word2idx[word] if word in self.word2idx else 0 for word in example.pre.split(' ')] + [0] + [self.word2idx[word] if word in self.word2idx else 0 for word in example.mid.split(' ')] + [0] + [self.word2idx[word] if word in self.word2idx else 0 for word in' ')] ) self.set_position(example) self.max_len = max(self.max_len, len(example.indices)) for info in list(self.train_data.values()) + list(self.test_data.values()): for example in info.examples: self.pad_example(example) self.model = Joint( num_relations=len(self.rels), num_entities=len(self.ents), pretrained=pretrained, conv_window=conv_window, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, k=k, ) if CUDA: self.model = self.model.cuda() if load_model: self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_model)) self.nn_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=nn_lr, weight_decay=l2_penalty, ) self.kg_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=kg_lr, weight_decay=l2_penalty, )
def __init__(self, use_alt=-1): vocab, self.pretrained = get_pretrained_skipgram() self.word2idx = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(vocab)} self.dataset = DataSet() if use_alt < 0 else AltDataSet() self.rels = sorted(self.dataset.all_relations) self.ents = sorted(self.dataset.all_entities) self.rel2idx = {rel: idx for idx, rel in enumerate(self.rels)} self.idx2rel = {idx: rel for rel, idx in self.rel2idx.items()} self.ent2idx = {ent: idx for idx, ent in enumerate(self.ents)} self.train_data, self.test_data = self.dataset.split( ) if use_alt < 0 else self.dataset.load_from_file(use_alt) self.enrich_data() self.num_examples_per_batch = 5 self.model = None self.optimizer = None self.loss = None
def startMode(self, mode, epochLength, n_episodes=None): if self._in_episode: raise AgentError( "Trying to start mode while current episode is not yet finished. This method can be " "called only *between* episodes for testing and validation.") elif mode == -1: raise AgentError( "Mode -1 is reserved and means 'training mode'; use resumeTrainingMode() instead." ) else: self._n_episodes = self._n_episodes_init if n_episodes is None else n_episodes self._mode = mode self._mode_epochs_length = epochLength self._total_mode_reward = 0. del self._tmp_dataset self._tmp_dataset = DataSet( self._environment, self._random_state, max_size=self._replay_memory_size, only_full_history=self._only_full_history)
def import_data_test(data_name, ratio_train_size, test_size): if (data_name == "mnist"): all_data_X, all_data_Y, all_test_X, all_test_Y = import_mnist() nb_class = 10 if (data_name == "cifar10"): all_data_X, all_data_Y, all_test_X, all_test_Y = import_cifar10() nb_class = 10 if (data_name == "cifar100"): all_data_X, all_data_Y, all_test_X, all_test_Y = import_cifar100() nb_class = 100 test_X = all_test_X[0:test_size] test_Y = all_test_Y[0:test_size] test = DataSet(test_X, test_Y) if (ratio_train_size == 1): data = DataSet(all_data_X, all_data_Y) return data, test all_data_size = len(all_data_Y) train_size = (int)(all_data_size * ratio_train_size) nb_each_class = int(train_size / nb_class) train_X = [] train_Y = [] ind = 0 cur_nbEachClass = np.zeros([nb_class]) while (len(train_X) < nb_each_class * nb_class) and (ind < all_data_size): class_nb = all_data_Y[ind] if (cur_nbEachClass[class_nb] < nb_each_class): train_X.append(all_data_X[ind]) train_Y.append(all_data_Y[ind]) cur_nbEachClass[class_nb] = cur_nbEachClass[class_nb] + 1 ind = ind + 1 if (ind >= all_data_size): train_X = all_data_X[0:train_size] train_Y = all_data_Y[0:train_size] train_X = np.array(train_X) train_Y = np.array(train_Y) data = DataSet(train_X, train_Y) return data, test
def test_ensemble(self, epochs=99): pth = self.args.ensemble cnt = len(pth) print(f'>>>>>>>>>>>ensemble {cnt} model<<<<<<<<<<<<<') net = [] for i in range(cnt): net.append(resnet.resnet50(num_classes=self.args.num_classes)) for i in range(cnt): print(pth[i]) net[i].load_state_dict(torch.load(pth[i]), strict=True) for i in range(cnt): net[i].cuda() net[i].eval() dataset = DataSet(self.args.img_path, self.args.img_txt_test, self.test_transform) val_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) top1 = AvgMeter() top5 = AvgMeter() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (input, target) in enumerate(val_loader): input = input.cuda(non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True) target = target.squeeze(1) # compute output output = net[0](input) output = torch.softmax(output, dim=1) for k in range(1, cnt): output += torch.softmax(net[k](input), dim=1) # measure accuracy and record loss acc1, acc5 = accuracy(output, target, topk=(1, 5)) top1.update(acc1[0], input.size(0)) top5.update(acc5[0], input.size(0)) if i % self.args.print_freq == 0: print('Test: [{0}/{1}]\t' 'Acc@1 {top1.val:.3f} ({top1.avg:.3f})\t' 'Acc@5 {top5.val:.3f} ({top5.avg:.3f})'.format( i, len(val_loader), top1=top1, top5=top5)) print(' * Acc@1 {top1.avg:.3f} Acc@5 {top5.avg:.3f}' .format(top1=top1, top5=top5)) print(f'Top-1 ACC: {top1.avg}, Top-5 ACC: {top5.avg}')
def train(self): self.cur_epoch_lams = torch.zeros(self.args.num_classes, self.args.num_classes, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() self.cur_epoch_cnt = torch.zeros(self.args.num_classes, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() = loss_recoder = AvgMeter() dataset = DataSet(self.args.img_path, self.args.img_txt_train, self.train_transform) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=self.args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=8) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(,, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=self.args.wd) if self.args.method == 'baseline': self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() elif self.args.method == 'ls': self.criterion = label_smooth(self.args.num_classes).cuda() elif self.args.method == 'ols': self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() elif self.args.method == 'tfkd': self.criterion = tf_kd_loss scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[45, 80], gamma=0.1) f = open('{}/log.txt'.format(self.args.expname), 'w') writer = SummaryWriter(self.args.expname) cur_loss = 0 best_top1, best_top5 = 0.0, 0.0 istep = 0 for epoch in range(self.args.epochs): self.cur_epoch_lams = torch.zeros(self.args.num_classes, self.args.num_classes, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() self.cur_epoch_cnt = torch.zeros(self.args.num_classes, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() for i, (x, y) in enumerate(dataloader): x = x.cuda() y = y.cuda() y = y.squeeze(1) target = y optimizer.zero_grad() output = if self.args.method == 'ols': self.update_loss_lams(output, target) loss = self.soft_cross_entropy(output, target) * 1.0 + self.criterion(output, target) * 1.0 else: if self.args.method == 'ls': loss = self.criterion(output, target) elif self.args.method == 'tf_kd': loss = self.criterion(output, target) else: loss = self.criterion(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_recoder.update(loss.item(), 1) cur_loss += loss.item() time_now ='%H:%M:%S') #record loss writer.add_scalar("loss", loss.item(), istep) istep+=1 if (i+1) % (len(dataset)//2//self.args.batch_size) == 0: print('%s [epoch %d/%d, iter %d/%d] lr = %f cur_loss = %f avg_loss = %f' % (time_now, epoch, self.args.epochs, i, len(dataloader), optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], cur_loss/100, loss_recoder.avg)) cur_loss = 0 if self.args.method == 'ols': for cls in range(self.args.num_classes): if self.cur_epoch_cnt[cls].max() < 0.5: self.loss_lams[cls] = 1. / self.args.num_classes else: # It is empirically found that adding restrictions here can be better for fine-grained classification # Not for ImageNet or CIFAR if self.loss_lams[cls].max() >= 0.88: continue else: self.loss_lams[cls] = self.cur_epoch_lams[cls] / self.cur_epoch_cnt[cls] scheduler.step() top1, top5 = self.test() writer.add_scalar("Top-1 ACC", top1, epoch) writer.add_scalar("Top-5 ACC", top5, epoch), f'./{self.args.expname}/{epoch}.pth') if top1 > best_top1: best_top1, best_top5 = top1, top5, '{}/best.pth'.format(self.args.expname)) print('Currently Best top-1 = {}, top-5 = {}'.format(best_top1, best_top5)) f.writelines('Currently Best top-1 = {}, top-5 = {}'.format(best_top1, best_top5)) f.close() writer.close()
class BaseRunner: def __init__(self, use_alt=-1): vocab, self.pretrained = get_pretrained_skipgram() self.word2idx = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(vocab)} self.dataset = DataSet() if use_alt < 0 else AltDataSet() self.rels = sorted(self.dataset.all_relations) self.ents = sorted(self.dataset.all_entities) self.rel2idx = {rel: idx for idx, rel in enumerate(self.rels)} self.idx2rel = {idx: rel for rel, idx in self.rel2idx.items()} self.ent2idx = {ent: idx for idx, ent in enumerate(self.ents)} self.train_data, self.test_data = self.dataset.split( ) if use_alt < 0 else self.dataset.load_from_file(use_alt) self.enrich_data() self.num_examples_per_batch = 5 self.model = None self.optimizer = None self.loss = None def enrich_data(self): pass def train(self, epochs=10, batch_size=100, persist_path='../trained_models/na'): self.model.train() print("start training") num = 0 batch = defaultdict(list) for i in range(epochs): sample_space = self.sample(self.train_data) loss_so_far = 0.0 for pair, info in sample_space: num += 1 self.add_to_batch(pair, info, batch) if num == batch_size: output = self.forward_with_batch(batch) loss = self.loss( output, torch.FloatTensor(batch['target']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.FloatTensor(batch['target'])) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() loss_so_far += loss.item() num = 0 batch = defaultdict(list) print("Epoch {} with loss {}".format(i, loss_so_far)) predict_scores, facts, predict_rels, pairs = self.predict('tmp') precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(facts, predict_scores, pos_label=1) self.print_curve(precision, recall) self.model.train(), persist_path) def predict(self, result_filename, topk=1): torch.no_grad() self.model.eval() print("start predicting") predict_scores = [] predict_rels = [] facts = [] pairs = [] count = 0 sample_space = self.sample(self.test_data, True) for pair, info in sample_space: if len(info.examples) > 500: continue with torch.no_grad(): output = self.predict_single(pair, info) for _ in range(topk): pairs.append(pair) top, top_indices = torch.topk(output.squeeze(), k=topk, dim=-1) predict_rels.extend( [self.idx2rel[idx] for idx in top_indices.tolist()]) for idx in top_indices.tolist(): if self.idx2rel[idx] in info.relations: facts.append(1) else: facts.append(0) predict_scores.extend(top.tolist()) if CUDA: torch.cuda.empty_cache() count += 1 if count % 1000 == 0: print("Predicted {}".format(count)) assert len(predict_scores) == len(facts) == len(predict_rels) == len( pairs) with open(result_filename, 'w') as file: for predict_score, fact, predict_rel, pair in zip( predict_scores, facts, predict_rels, pairs): file.write("{},{},{},{},{}\n".format(predict_score, fact, predict_rel, pair[0], pair[1])) return predict_scores, facts, predict_rels, pairs def predict_single(self, pair, info): raise NotImplementedError def forward_with_batch(self, batch): raise NotImplementedError def add_to_batch(self, pair, info, batch): raise NotImplementedError def sample(self, data, use_all=False): sample_space = [(pair, info) for pair, info in data.items() if '[NA]' not in info.relations] if use_all: sample_space += [(pair, info) for pair, info in data.items() if '[NA]' in info.relations] else: sample_space += sample( [(pair, info) for pair, info in data.items() if '[NA]' in info.relations], len(sample_space) // len(self.rels)) shuffle(sample_space) return sample_space def print_curve(self, precision, recall): def find_closest_idx(arr, tgt): idx = -1 delta = 100000 for i, n in enumerate(arr): new_delta = abs(n - tgt) if new_delta < delta: delta = new_delta idx = i return idx thresholds = [ 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95 ] results = [precision[find_closest_idx(recall, t)] for t in thresholds] print(results)
def _gen_data(self, num_validation): import tensorflow as tf mnist_data = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() (y_train, train_labels), (y_test, test_labels) = mnist_data assert y_train.shape == ( MNIST_N_TRAIN, MNIST_HEIGHT_PIXELS, MNIST_WIDTH_PIXELS, ) assert y_test.shape == ( MNIST_N_TEST, MNIST_HEIGHT_PIXELS, MNIST_WIDTH_PIXELS, ) n = MNIST_WIDTH_PIXELS * MNIST_HEIGHT_PIXELS y_train = y_train.reshape(MNIST_N_TRAIN, MNIST_OUTPUT_DIM, n) / 255.0 y_test = y_test.reshape(MNIST_N_TEST, MNIST_OUTPUT_DIM, n) / 255.0 validation_inds = np.random.choice( MNIST_N_TRAIN, num_validation, replace=False, ) validation_bool_inds = np.full(MNIST_N_TRAIN, False) validation_bool_inds[validation_inds] = True y_validation = y_train[validation_bool_inds] y_train = y_train[~validation_bool_inds] validation_labels = train_labels[validation_bool_inds] train_labels = train_labels[~validation_bool_inds] x0 = np.linspace(-1, 1, MNIST_WIDTH_PIXELS) x1 = np.linspace(-1, 1, MNIST_HEIGHT_PIXELS) xx = np.meshgrid(x0, x1) x = np.stack([xx[0].ravel(), np.flip(xx[1].ravel())], axis=0) assert x.shape == (MNIST_INPUT_DIM, n) self.train = TaskSubMap() self.test = TaskSubMap() self.validation = TaskSubMap() for task_submap, y_subset, label_subset in [ [self.train, y_train, train_labels], [self.test, y_test, test_labels], [self.validation, y_validation, validation_labels], ]: for y, label in zip(y_subset, label_subset): task = DataSet() task.input_dim = MNIST_INPUT_DIM task.output_dim = MNIST_OUTPUT_DIM for data_subset in [task.train, task.test]: data_subset.x = x data_subset.y = y data_subset.n = n data_subset.label = label task_submap.add_task(task, label) if not os.path.isdir(MNIST_DATA_DIRNAME): os.makedirs(MNIST_DATA_DIRNAME) with open(MNIST_DATA_FILENAME, "wb") as f: pickle.dump( [ self.train, self.test, self.validation, ], f, )
print('loading checkpoint {}'.format(opt.resume_path)) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.resume_path) assert opt.arch == checkpoint['arch'] opt.begin_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) if not opt.no_train: optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) step_scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint['step_scheduler']) print('run') for i in range(opt.begin_epoch, opt.n_epochs + 1): if not opt.no_train: #每次重新生成该周期的训练集文件,每个渐变采样4帧,渐变前后各采样1帧,跳过紧接着渐变的2帧 generate_train_samples.main(opt.train_gts_json_path,4,0.25,2,opt.train_list_path) training_data = DataSet(opt.train_subdir,opt.train_list_path, spatial_transform=spatial_transform, temporal_transform=temporal_transform, target_transform=target_transform, sample_duration=opt.sample_duration) train_loader = training_data, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.n_threads, pin_memory=True) step_scheduler.step() train_epoch(i, train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, opt, train_logger, train_batch_logger,step_scheduler) if opt.test: spatial_transform = Compose([ Scale(opt.sample_size), CenterCrop(opt.sample_size), ToTensor(opt.norm_value), norm_method
angle = 2*PI - abs(angle) elif (angle > PI): angle = -(2*PI - angle) return angle def inputDimensions(self): return self._input_dim def nActions(self): # The environment allows two different actions to be taken # at each time step return self._n_actions def observe(self): return self.convert_repr() if __name__ == "__main__": rng = np.random.RandomState() env = Doublecartpole(rng,min_f=-5,max_f=5,stepsize=5) env.reset(mode=-1) dataset = DataSet(env) print(env.nActions()) for i in range(1000): act = rng.randint(env.nActions()) r = env.act(act) obs = env.observe() dataset.addSample(obs, act, r, False, 0) env.summarizePerformance(dataset,"./test/","testoide")
def __init__(self, environments, q_networks, replay_memory_size=1000000, replay_start_size=None, batch_size=32, random_state=np.random.RandomState(), exp_priority=0, train_policy=None, train_policy_kwargs=None, test_policy=None, test_policy_kwargs=None, only_full_history=True, init_env=0): self._controllers = [] self._environments = environments self._networks = q_networks self._e = init_env self._environment = environments[self._e] self._network = self._networks[self._e] self._network_memory = [] self._replay_memory_size = replay_memory_size self._replay_start_size = replay_start_size self._batch_size = batch_size self._random_state = random_state self._exp_priority = exp_priority self._only_full_history = only_full_history self._datasets = list() for i in range(len(self._environments)): self._datasets.append( DataSet(self._environments[i], max_size=replay_memory_size, random_state=random_state, use_priority=self._exp_priority, only_full_history=self._only_full_history)) self._dataset = self._datasets[self._e] self._tmp_dataset = None # Will be created by startTesting() when necessary self._mode = -1 self._mode_epochs_length = 0 self._total_mode_reward = 0 self._training_loss_averages = [] self._Vs_on_last_episode = [] self._in_episode = False self._selected_action = -1 self._selected_batch = None self._train_policies = [None] * len(environments) self._test_policies = [None] * len(environments) self._states = [None] * len(self._environments) for i in range(len(self._environments)): self._states[i] = [] inputDims = self._environments[i].inputDimensions() if self._replay_start_size is None: self._replay_start_size = max(inputDims[i][0] for i in range(len(inputDims))) elif self._replay_start_size < max(inputDims[i][0] for i in range(len(inputDims))): raise AgentError( "Replay_start_size should be greater than the biggest history of a state." ) for j in range(len(inputDims)): self._states[i].append( np.zeros(inputDims[j], dtype=config.floatX)) if (train_policy is None): self._train_policies[i] = EpsilonGreedyPolicy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state, 0.1) else: #Todo : change the number of actions. Listify the policies self._train_policies[i] = train_policy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state, **train_policy_kwargs) self._train_policies[i].setAttribute("model", q_networks[i]) if (test_policy is None): self._test_policies[i] = GreedyPolicy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state) else: self._test_policies[i] = test_policy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state, **test_policy_kwargs) self._test_policies[i].setAttribute("model", q_networks[i]) self._test_policy = self._test_policies[self._e] self._train_policy = self._train_policies[self._e] self._state = self._states[self._e]
class NeuralAgent(object): """The NeuralAgent class wraps a deep Q-network for training and testing in a given environment. Attach controllers to it in order to conduct an experiment (when to train the agent, when to test,...). Parameters ----------- environment : object from class Environment The environment in which the agent interacts q_network : object from class QNetwork The q_network associated to the agent replay_memory_size : int Size of the replay memory. Default : 1000000 replay_start_size : int Number of observations (=number of time steps taken) in the replay memory before starting learning. Default: minimum possible according to environment.inputDimensions(). batch_size : int Number of tuples taken into account for each iteration of gradient descent. Default : 32 random_state : numpy random number generator Default : random seed. exp_priority : float The exponent that determines how much prioritization is used, default is 0 (uniform priority). One may check out Schaul et al. (2016) - Prioritized Experience Replay. train_policy : object from class Policy Policy followed when in training mode (mode -1) test_policy : object from class Policy Policy followed when in other modes than training (validation and test modes) only_full_history : boolean Whether we wish to train the neural network only on full histories or we wish to fill with zeroes the observations before the beginning of the episode """ def __init__(self, environments, q_networks, replay_memory_size=1000000, replay_start_size=None, batch_size=32, random_state=np.random.RandomState(), exp_priority=0, train_policy=None, train_policy_kwargs=None, test_policy=None, test_policy_kwargs=None, only_full_history=True, init_env=0): self._controllers = [] self._environments = environments self._networks = q_networks self._e = init_env self._environment = environments[self._e] self._network = self._networks[self._e] self._network_memory = [] self._replay_memory_size = replay_memory_size self._replay_start_size = replay_start_size self._batch_size = batch_size self._random_state = random_state self._exp_priority = exp_priority self._only_full_history = only_full_history self._datasets = list() for i in range(len(self._environments)): self._datasets.append( DataSet(self._environments[i], max_size=replay_memory_size, random_state=random_state, use_priority=self._exp_priority, only_full_history=self._only_full_history)) self._dataset = self._datasets[self._e] self._tmp_dataset = None # Will be created by startTesting() when necessary self._mode = -1 self._mode_epochs_length = 0 self._total_mode_reward = 0 self._training_loss_averages = [] self._Vs_on_last_episode = [] self._in_episode = False self._selected_action = -1 self._selected_batch = None self._train_policies = [None] * len(environments) self._test_policies = [None] * len(environments) self._states = [None] * len(self._environments) for i in range(len(self._environments)): self._states[i] = [] inputDims = self._environments[i].inputDimensions() if self._replay_start_size is None: self._replay_start_size = max(inputDims[i][0] for i in range(len(inputDims))) elif self._replay_start_size < max(inputDims[i][0] for i in range(len(inputDims))): raise AgentError( "Replay_start_size should be greater than the biggest history of a state." ) for j in range(len(inputDims)): self._states[i].append( np.zeros(inputDims[j], dtype=config.floatX)) if (train_policy is None): self._train_policies[i] = EpsilonGreedyPolicy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state, 0.1) else: #Todo : change the number of actions. Listify the policies self._train_policies[i] = train_policy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state, **train_policy_kwargs) self._train_policies[i].setAttribute("model", q_networks[i]) if (test_policy is None): self._test_policies[i] = GreedyPolicy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state) else: self._test_policies[i] = test_policy( self._environments[i].nActions(), random_state, **test_policy_kwargs) self._test_policies[i].setAttribute("model", q_networks[i]) self._test_policy = self._test_policies[self._e] self._train_policy = self._train_policies[self._e] self._state = self._states[self._e] def setEnvironment(self, e, reset=False): """ Change the environment and the related dataset """ self._e = e self._dataset = self._datasets[self._e] self._state = self._states[e] if reset: self._state[...] = 0 self._dataset.flush() if self._tmp_dataset is not None: self._tmp_dataset.flush() self._environment = self._environments[self._e] self._train_policy = self._train_policies[self._e] self._test_policy = self._test_policies[self._e] self._network = self._networks[self._e] def setControllersActive(self, toDisable, active): """ Activate controller """ for i in toDisable: self._controllers[i].setActive(active) def setLearningRate(self, lr): """ Set the learning rate for the gradient descent """ self._network.setLearningRate(lr) def learningRate(self): """ Get the learning rate """ return self._network.learningRate() def setDiscountFactor(self, df): """ Set the discount factor """ self._network.setDiscountFactor(df) def discountFactor(self): """ Get the discount factor """ return self._network.discountFactor() def overrideNextAction(self, action): """ Possibility to override the chosen action. This possibility should be used on the signal OnActionChosen. """ self._selected_action = action def avgBellmanResidual(self): """ Returns the average training loss on the epoch """ if (len(self._training_loss_averages) == 0): return -1 return np.average(self._training_loss_averages) def avgEpisodeVValue(self): """ Returns the average V value on the episode (on time steps where a non-random action has been taken) """ if (len(self._Vs_on_last_episode) == 0): return -1 if (np.trim_zeros(self._Vs_on_last_episode) != []): return np.average(np.trim_zeros(self._Vs_on_last_episode)) else: return 0 def totalRewardOverLastTest(self): """ Returns the average sum of rewards per episode and the number of episode """ return self._total_mode_reward / self._totalModeNbrEpisode, self._totalModeNbrEpisode def statRewardsOverLastTests(self): """ Returns the average sum of rewards per episode and the number of episode """ return np.mean(self._mode_rewards), np.var(self._mode_rewards), np.std( self._mode_rewards), self._totalModeNbrEpisode def bestAction(self): """ Returns the best Action """ action = self._network.chooseBestAction(self._state) V = max(self._network.qValues(self._state)) return action, V def attach(self, controller): if (isinstance(controller, Controller)): self._controllers.append(controller) else: raise TypeError( "The object you try to attach is not a Controller.") def detach(self, controllerIdx): return self._controllers.pop(controllerIdx) def mode(self): return self._mode def startMode(self, mode, epochLength, n_episodes=None): if self._in_episode: raise AgentError( "Trying to start mode while current episode is not yet finished. This method can be " "called only *between* episodes for testing and validation.") elif mode == -1: raise AgentError( "Mode -1 is reserved and means 'training mode'; use resumeTrainingMode() instead." ) else: self._n_episodes = self._n_episodes_init if n_episodes is None else n_episodes self._mode = mode self._mode_epochs_length = epochLength self._total_mode_reward = 0. del self._tmp_dataset self._tmp_dataset = DataSet( self._environment, self._random_state, max_size=self._replay_memory_size, only_full_history=self._only_full_history) def resumeTrainingMode(self, n_episodes=None): self._n_episodes = self._n_episodes_init if n_episodes is None else self._n_episodes self._mode = -1 def summarizeTestPerformance(self, **kwargs): if self._mode == -1: raise AgentError( "Cannot summarize test performance outside test environment.") self._environment.summarizePerformance(self._tmp_dataset, **kwargs) def generateAndStoreBatch(self): self._selected_batch = self._dataset.randomBatch( self._batch_size, self._exp_priority) return copy.deepcopy(self._selected_batch) def train(self): """ This function selects a random batch of data (with self._dataset.randomBatch) and performs a Q-learning iteration (with self._network.train). """ # We make sure that the number of elements in the replay memory # is strictly superior to self._replay_start_size before taking # a random batch and perform training if self._dataset.n_elems <= self._replay_start_size: return try: states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminals, rndValidIndices = self._dataset.randomBatch( self._batch_size, self._exp_priority ) if self._selected_batch is None else self._selected_batch loss, loss_ind = self._network.train(states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminals) self._training_loss_averages.append(loss) if (self._exp_priority): self._dataset.updatePriorities( pow(loss_ind, self._exp_priority) + 0.0001, rndValidIndices[1]) self._selected_batch = None except SliceError as e: warn("Training not done - " + str(e), AgentWarning) def dumpNetwork(self, fname, nEpoch=-1, path="."): """ Dump the network Parameters ----------- fname : string Name of the file where the network will be dumped nEpoch : int Epoch number (Optional) """ try: os.makedirs(path + "/nnets") except Exception: pass basename = path + "/nnets/" + fname for f in os.listdir(path + "/nnets/"): if fname in f: os.remove(path + "/nnets/" + f) all_params = self._network.getAllParams() if (nEpoch >= 0): joblib.dump(all_params, basename + ".epoch={}".format(nEpoch)) else: joblib.dump(all_params, basename, compress=True) def storeNetwork(self, **kwargs): """ Store a copy of the network in memory """ self._network_memory.append((self._network.getCopy(), kwargs)) def getNetworks(self): """ Store a copy of the network in memory """ return self._network_memory def setNetwork(self, fname, nEpoch=-1): """ Set values into the network Parameters ----------- fname : string Name of the file where the values are nEpoch : int Epoch number (Optional) """ basename = "nnets/" + fname if (nEpoch >= 0): all_params = joblib.load(basename + ".epoch={}".format(nEpoch)) else: all_params = joblib.load(basename) self._network.setAllParams(all_params) def run(self, n_epochs, epoch_length, n_episodes=1): """ This function encapsulates the whole process of the learning. It starts by calling the controllers method "onStart", Then it runs a given number of epochs where an epoch is made up of one or many episodes (called with agent._runEpisode) and where an epoch ends up after the number of steps reaches the argument "epoch_length". It ends up by calling the controllers method "end". Parameters ----------- n_epochs : number of epochs int epoch_length : maximum number of steps for a given epoch int """ self._n_episodes = n_episodes self._n_episodes_init = n_episodes for c in self._controllers: c.onStart(self) i = 0 while i < n_epochs: self._training_loss_averages = [] if self._mode != -1: self._totalModeNbrEpisode = 0 self._mode_rewards = [] while self._totalModeNbrEpisode < self._n_episodes: mode_epoch_length = self._mode_epochs_length self._runEpisode(mode_epoch_length) self._mode_rewards.append(self._total_mode_reward) self._total_mode_reward = 0 self._totalModeNbrEpisode += 1 # mode_epoch_length = self._mode_epochs_length # while mode_epoch_length > 0 and self._totalModeNbrEpisode < self._n_episodes: # self._totalModeNbrEpisode += 1 # mode_epoch_length = self._runEpisode(mode_epoch_length) # # self._mode_rewards.append(self._total_mode_reward) # self._total_mode_reward = 0 else: length = epoch_length n_episodes = self._n_episodes while n_episodes > 0: while length > 0: length = self._runEpisode(length) n_episodes -= 1 i += 1 for c in self._controllers: c.onEpochEnd(self) self._environment.end() for c in self._controllers: c.onEnd(self) def _runEpisode(self, maxSteps): """ This function runs an episode of learning. An episode ends up when the environment method "inTerminalState" returns True (or when the number of steps reaches the argument "maxSteps") Parameters ----------- maxSteps : maximum number of steps before automatically ending the episode int """ self._in_episode = True initState = self._environment.reset(self._mode) inputDims = self._environment.inputDimensions() for i in range(len(inputDims)): if inputDims[i][0] > 1: self._state[i][1:] = initState[i][1:] self._Vs_on_last_episode = [] while maxSteps > 0: maxSteps -= 1 obs = self._environment.observe() for i in range(len(obs)): self._state[i][0:-1] = self._state[i][1:] self._state[i][-1] = obs[i] V, action, reward = self._step() self._Vs_on_last_episode.append(V) if self._mode != -1: self._total_mode_reward += reward is_terminal = self._environment.inTerminalState() or maxSteps == 0 self._addSample(obs, action, reward, is_terminal) for c in self._controllers: c.onActionTaken(self) if is_terminal: break self._in_episode = False for c in self._controllers: c.onEpisodeEnd(self, is_terminal, reward) return maxSteps def _step(self): """ This method is called at each time step. If the agent is currently in testing mode, and if its *test* replay memory has enough samples, it will select the best action it can. If there are not enough samples, FIXME. In the case the agent is not in testing mode, if its replay memory has enough samples, it will select the best action it can with probability 1-CurrentEpsilon and a random action otherwise. If there are not enough samples, it will always select a random action. Parameters ----------- state : ndarray An ndarray(size=number_of_inputs, dtype='object), where states[input] is a 1+D matrix of dimensions input.historySize x "shape of a given ponctual observation for this input". Returns ------- action : int The id of the action selected by the agent. V : float Estimated value function of current state. """ action, V = self._chooseAction() reward = self._environment.act(action) return V, action, reward def _addSample(self, ponctualObs, action, reward, is_terminal): if self._mode != -1: self._tmp_dataset.addSample(ponctualObs, action, reward, is_terminal, priority=1) else: self._dataset.addSample(ponctualObs, action, reward, is_terminal, priority=1) def _chooseAction(self): if self._mode != -1: # Act according to the test policy if not in training mode action, V = self._test_policy.action(self._state) else: if self._dataset.n_elems > self._replay_start_size: # follow the train policy action, V = self._train_policy.action( self._state ) #is self._state the only way to store/pass the state? else: # Still gathering initial data: choose dummy action action, V = self._train_policy.randomAction() for c in self._controllers: c.onActionChosen(self, action) return action, V
class Runner: def __init__(self, nn_lr=0.005, kg_lr=0.0005, l2_penalty=0.0001, conv_window=3, hidden_dim=230, k=50, use_alt=-1, load_model=None): self.vocab, pretrained = get_pretrained_skipgram() self.word2idx = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(self.vocab)} self.dataset = DataSet() if use_alt < 0 else AltDataSet() self.dataset.featurize_all() self.rels = sorted(self.dataset.all_relations) self.ents = sorted(self.dataset.all_entities) self.rel2idx = {rel: idx for idx, rel in enumerate(self.rels)} self.idx2rel = {idx: rel for rel, idx in self.rel2idx.items()} self.ent2idx = {ent: idx for idx, ent in enumerate(self.ents)} self.train_data, self.test_data = self.dataset.split() if use_alt < 0 else self.dataset.load_from_file(use_alt) self.max_len = 0 for info in list(self.train_data.values()) + list(self.test_data.values()): for example in info.examples: example.indices = ( [self.word2idx[word] if word in self.word2idx else 0 for word in example.pre.split(' ')] + [0] + [self.word2idx[word] if word in self.word2idx else 0 for word in example.mid.split(' ')] + [0] + [self.word2idx[word] if word in self.word2idx else 0 for word in' ')] ) self.set_position(example) self.max_len = max(self.max_len, len(example.indices)) for info in list(self.train_data.values()) + list(self.test_data.values()): for example in info.examples: self.pad_example(example) self.model = Joint( num_relations=len(self.rels), num_entities=len(self.ents), pretrained=pretrained, conv_window=conv_window, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, k=k, ) if CUDA: self.model = self.model.cuda() if load_model: self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_model)) self.nn_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=nn_lr, weight_decay=l2_penalty, ) self.kg_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=kg_lr, weight_decay=l2_penalty, ) def set_position(self, example): pre_len = len(example.pre.split(' ')) mid_len = len(example.mid.split(' ')) post_len = len(' ')) example.pos_pos_1 = [0] * pre_len + list(range(mid_len + post_len + 2)) example.neg_pos_1 = list(range(pre_len + 1)) example.neg_pos_1.reverse() example.neg_pos_1 += [0] * (mid_len + post_len + 1) example.entity_pos_1 = [0] * (pre_len + mid_len + post_len + 2) example.entity_pos_1[pre_len] = 1 example.pos_pos_2 = [0] * (pre_len + mid_len + 1) + list(range(post_len + 1)) example.neg_pos_2 = list(range(pre_len + mid_len + 2)) example.neg_pos_2.reverse() example.neg_pos_2 += [0] * post_len example.entity_pos_2 = [0] * (pre_len + mid_len + post_len + 2) example.entity_pos_2[pre_len + mid_len + 1] = 1 if example.h_idx > example.t_idx: tmp = example.pos_pos_1 example.pos_pos_1 = example.pos_pos_2 example.pos_pos_2 = tmp tmp = example.neg_pos_1 example.neg_pos_1 = example.neg_pos_2 example.neg_pos_2 = tmp tmp = example.entity_pos_1 example.entity_pos_1 = example.entity_pos_2 example.entity_pos_2 = tmp self.cap_position(example.pos_pos_1) self.cap_position(example.neg_pos_1) self.cap_position(example.pos_pos_2) self.cap_position(example.neg_pos_2) self.cap_position(example.entity_pos_1) self.cap_position(example.entity_pos_2) def cap_position(self, position): for i in range(len(position)): if position[i] > 99: position[i] = 99 def pad_example(self, example): example.indices += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.indices)) example.pos_pos_1 += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.pos_pos_1)) example.neg_pos_1 += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.neg_pos_1)) example.entity_pos_1 += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.entity_pos_1)) example.pos_pos_2 += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.pos_pos_2)) example.neg_pos_2 += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.neg_pos_2)) example.entity_pos_2 += [0] * (self.max_len - len(example.entity_pos_2)) assert len(example.pos_pos_1) == self.max_len def train(self, iters=10, batch_size=100, persist_path='../trained_models/han.mod'): print("start training") self.model.train() rel2pairs = {} for pair, info in self.train_data.items(): for rel in info.relations: if rel in rel2pairs: rel2pairs[rel].append(pair) else: rel2pairs[rel] = [pair] nn_losser = nn.BCELoss() kg_losser = nn.NLLLoss() num = 0 batch = defaultdict(list) for i in range(iters): sample_space = [(pair, info) for pair, info in self.train_data.items() if '[NA]' not in info.relations] sample_space += sample([(pair, info) for pair, info in self.train_data.items() if '[NA]' in info.relations], len(sample_space) // len(self.rels)) shuffle(sample_space) total_nn_loss = 0.0 total_kg_loss = 0.0 for pair, info in sample_space: num += 1 # for nn batch['h_idx'].append(self.ent2idx[pair[0]]) batch['t_idx'].append(self.ent2idx[pair[1]]) examples = [choice(info.examples) for _ in range(20)] batch['X'].append([ex.indices for ex in examples]) batch['pos_pos_1'].append([ex.pos_pos_1 for ex in examples]) batch['pos_pos_2'].append([ex.pos_pos_2 for ex in examples]) batch['neg_pos_1'].append([ex.neg_pos_1 for ex in examples]) batch['neg_pos_2'].append([ex.neg_pos_2 for ex in examples]) batch['entity_pos_1'].append([ex.entity_pos_1 for ex in examples]) batch['entity_pos_2'].append([ex.entity_pos_2 for ex in examples]) batch['target'].append( [0] * len(self.rel2idx) ) for rel in info.relations: batch['target'][-1][self.rel2idx[rel]] = 1.0 / len(info.relations) # for kg r = choice(info.relations) all_h_indices = [self.ent2idx[t[0]] for t in rel2pairs[r]] all_t_indices = [self.ent2idx[t[1]] for t in rel2pairs[r]] batch['r_idx'].append(self.rel2idx[r]) batch['h_indices'].append([choice(all_h_indices) for _ in range(20)]) batch['t_indices'].append([choice(all_t_indices) for _ in range(20)]) if num == batch_size: nn_output = self.model( X=torch.LongTensor(batch['X']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['X']), positions=[ torch.LongTensor(batch['pos_pos_1']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['pos_pos_1']), torch.LongTensor(batch['pos_pos_2']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['pos_pos_2']), torch.LongTensor(batch['neg_pos_1']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['neg_pos_1']), torch.LongTensor(batch['neg_pos_2']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['neg_pos_2']), torch.LongTensor(batch['entity_pos_1']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['entity_pos_1']), torch.LongTensor(batch['entity_pos_2']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['entity_pos_2']), ], h_idx=torch.LongTensor(batch['h_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['h_idx']), t_idx=torch.LongTensor(batch['t_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['t_idx']), r_idx=None, h_indices=None, t_indices=None, nn=True, ) nn_loss = nn_losser(nn_output, torch.FloatTensor(batch['target']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.FloatTensor(batch['target'])) self.nn_optimizer.zero_grad() nn_loss.backward() self.nn_optimizer.step() total_nn_loss += nn_loss.item() nn_output = None nn_loss = None if CUDA: torch.cuda.empty_cache() pr, ph, pt = self.model( X=None, positions=None, h_idx=torch.LongTensor(batch['h_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['h_idx']), t_idx=torch.LongTensor(batch['t_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['t_idx']), r_idx=torch.LongTensor(batch['r_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['r_idx']), h_indices=torch.LongTensor(batch['h_indices']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['h_indices']), t_indices=torch.LongTensor(batch['t_indices']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['t_indices']), nn=False, ) kg_loss = ( kg_losser(pr, torch.LongTensor(batch['r_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['r_idx'])) + kg_losser(ph, torch.LongTensor(batch['h_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['h_idx'])) + kg_losser(pt, torch.LongTensor(batch['t_idx']).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor(batch['t_idx'])) ) self.kg_optimizer.zero_grad() kg_loss.backward() self.kg_optimizer.step() total_kg_loss += kg_loss.item() num = 0 batch = defaultdict(list) if i % 10 == 0: print("Iter {} nn loss {} kg loss {}".format(i, total_nn_loss, total_kg_loss)), persist_path) predict_scores, facts, predict_rels, pairs = self.predict('tmp') precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(facts, predict_scores, pos_label=1) self.print_curve(precision, recall) self.model.train() def predict(self, result_filename, topk=1): torch.no_grad() self.model.eval() predict_scores = [] predict_rels = [] facts = [] pairs = [] count = 0 to_be_tested = [t for t in self.test_data.items() if '[NA]' not in t[1].relations] to_be_tested += [t for t in self.test_data.items() if '[NA]' in t[1].relations] for pair, info in to_be_tested: h_idx = self.ent2idx[pair[0]] t_idx = self.ent2idx[pair[1]] output = self.model( X=torch.LongTensor([[ex.indices for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.indices for ex in info.examples]]), positions=[ torch.LongTensor([[ex.pos_pos_1 for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.pos_pos_1 for ex in info.examples]]), torch.LongTensor([[ex.pos_pos_2 for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.pos_pos_2 for ex in info.examples]]), torch.LongTensor([[ex.neg_pos_1 for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.neg_pos_1 for ex in info.examples]]), torch.LongTensor([[ex.neg_pos_2 for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.neg_pos_2 for ex in info.examples]]), torch.LongTensor([[ex.entity_pos_1 for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.entity_pos_1 for ex in info.examples]]), torch.LongTensor([[ex.entity_pos_2 for ex in info.examples]]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([[ex.entity_pos_2 for ex in info.examples]]), ], h_idx=torch.LongTensor([h_idx]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([h_idx]), t_idx=torch.LongTensor([t_idx]).cuda() if CUDA else torch.LongTensor([t_idx]), r_idx=None, h_indices=None, t_indices=None, nn=True, ) for _ in range(topk): pairs.append(pair) top, top_indices = torch.topk(output.squeeze(), k=topk, dim=-1) predict_rels.extend([self.idx2rel[idx] for idx in top_indices.tolist()]) for idx in top_indices.tolist(): if self.idx2rel[idx] in info.relations: facts.append(1) else: facts.append(0) predict_scores.extend(top.tolist()) count += 1 if count % 100 == 0: print("Predicted {}".format(count)) assert len(predict_scores) == len(facts) == len(predict_rels) == len(pairs) with open(result_filename, 'w') as file: for predict_score, fact, predict_rel, pair in zip(predict_scores, facts, predict_rels, pairs): file.write("{},{},{},{},{}\n".format(predict_score, fact, predict_rel, pair[0], pair[1])) return predict_scores, facts, predict_rels, pairs def print_curve(self, precision, recall): def find_closest_idx(arr, tgt): idx = -1 delta = 100000 for i, n in enumerate(arr): new_delta = abs(n - tgt) if new_delta < delta: delta = new_delta idx = i return idx thresholds = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95] results = [precision[find_closest_idx(recall, t)] for t in thresholds] print(results)
from config import VALIDATION_SET_PATH, TRAINING_SET_PATH, EPOCHS_TO_TRAIN from data.dataset import DataSet from data.dataset_generator import DataSetGenerator from model import PBPModel from training import fit_epochs if __name__ == '__main__': model = PBPModel().get_model() training_set_gen = DataSetGenerator(data_root=TRAINING_SET_PATH) validation_data = DataSet(data_root=VALIDATION_SET_PATH) fit_epochs(EPOCHS_TO_TRAIN, model, training_set_gen, validation_data)