def testLoadDataset(self): ''' test universal dataset loading function ''' from datasets.common import loadDataset, loadClim, loadStnTS # test climtology ds = loadClim(name='PCIC', grid='arb2_d02', varlist=['precip']) assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'PCIC' assert 'precip' in ds assert ds.gdal and ds.isProjected # test CVDP ds = loadDataset(name='HadISST', period=None, varlist=None, mode='CVDP') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'HadISST' assert 'PDO' in ds assert ds.gdal and not ds.isProjected # test CVDP with WRF ds = loadDataset(name='phys-ens-2100', period=None, varlist=None, mode='CVDP') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'phys-ens-2100' assert 'PDO' in ds assert ds.gdal and not ds.isProjected # test WRF station time-series ds = loadStnTS(name='ctrl-1_d02', varlist=['MaxPrecip_1d'], station='ecprecip', filetypes='hydro') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'ctrl-1_d02' assert 'MaxPrecip_1d' in ds # test example with list expansion # test EC station time-series dss = loadStnTS(name=['EC', 'ctrl-1'], varlist=['MaxPrecip_1d', 'precip'], station='ecprecip', filetypes='hydro', load_list=['name', 'varlist'], lproduct='outer') assert len(dss) == 4 assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert dss[1].name == 'EC' and dss[2].name == 'ctrl-1' assert 'MaxPrecip_1d' in dss[0] and 'precip' in dss[1] assert 'MaxPrecip_1d' not in dss[3] and 'precip' not in dss[2]
def loadShapeObservations(obs=None, seasons=None, basins=None, provs=None, shapes=None, varlist=None, slices=None, aggregation='mean', shapetype=None, period=None, variable_list=None, **kwargs): ''' convenience function to load shape observations; the main function is to select sensible defaults based on 'varlist', if no 'obs' are specified ''' # prepare arguments if shapetype is None: shapetype = 'shpavg' # really only one in use # resolve variable list (no need to maintain order) if isinstance(varlist,basestring): varlist = [varlist] variables = set(shp_params) for name in varlist: if name in variable_list: variables.update(variable_list[name].vars) else: variables.add(name) variables = list(variables) # figure out default datasets if obs is None: obs = 'Observations' lUnity = lCRU = lWSC = False if obs[:3].lower() in ('obs','wsc'): if any(var in CRU_vars for var in variables): if aggregation == 'mean' and seasons is None: lUnity = True; obs = [] if basins and any([var in WSC_vars for var in variables]): if aggregation.lower() in ('mean','std','sem','min','max') and seasons is None: lWSC = True; obs = [] if not isinstance(obs,(list,tuple)): obs = (obs,) # configure slicing (extract basin/province/shape and period) slices = _configSlices(slices=slices, basins=basins, provs=provs, shapes=shapes, period=period) if slices is not None: noyears = slices.copy(); noyears.pop('years',None) # slices for climatologies # prepare and load ensemble of observations obsens = Ensemble(name='obs',title='Observations', basetype=Dataset) if len(obs) > 0: # regular operations with user-defined dataset try: ensemble = loadEnsembleTS(names=obs, season=seasons, aggregation=aggregation, slices=slices, varlist=variables, shape=shapetype, ldataset=False, **kwargs) for ens in ensemble: obsens += ens except EmptyDatasetError: pass if lUnity: # load Unity data instead of averaging CRU data if period is None: period = (1979,1994) dataset = loadDataset(name='Unity', varlist=variables, mode='climatology', period=period, shape=shapetype) if slices is not None: dataset = dataset(**noyears) # slice immediately obsens += dataset.load() if lCRU: # this is basically regular operations with CRU as default obsens += loadEnsembleTS(names='CRU', season=seasons, aggregation=aggregation, slices=slices, varlist=variables, shape=shapetype, ldataset=True, **kwargs) if lWSC: # another special case: river hydrographs # from datasets.WSC import loadGageStation, GageStationError try: dataset = loadGageStation(basin=basins, varlist=['runoff'], aggregation=aggregation, mode='climatology', filetype='monthly') if slices is not None: dataset = dataset(**noyears) # slice immediately obsens += dataset.load() except GageStationError: pass # just ignore, if gage station if data is missing # return ensembles (will be wrapped in a list, if BatchLoad is used) return obsens
def testLoadDataset(self): ''' test universal dataset loading function ''' from datasets.common import loadDataset, loadClim, loadStnTS # test climtology ds = loadClim(name='PCIC', grid='arb2_d02', varlist=['precip']) assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'PCIC' assert 'precip' in ds assert ds.gdal and ds.isProjected # test CVDP ds = loadDataset(name='HadISST', period=None, varlist=None, mode='CVDP') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'HadISST' assert 'PDO' in ds assert ds.gdal and not ds.isProjected # test CVDP with WRF ds = loadDataset(name='phys-ens-2100', period=None, varlist=None, mode='CVDP') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'phys-ens-2100' assert 'PDO' in ds assert ds.gdal and not ds.isProjected # test WRF station time-series ds = loadStnTS(name='ctrl-1_d02', varlist=['MaxPrecip_1d'], station='ecprecip', filetypes='hydro') assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert == 'ctrl-1_d02' assert 'MaxPrecip_1d' in ds # test example with list expansion # test EC station time-series dss = loadStnTS(name=['EC','ctrl-1'], varlist=['MaxPrecip_1d','precip'], station='ecprecip', filetypes='hydro', load_list=['name','varlist'], lproduct='outer') assert len(dss) == 4 assert isinstance(ds, Dataset) assert dss[1].name == 'EC' and dss[2].name == 'ctrl-1' assert 'MaxPrecip_1d' in dss[0] and 'precip' in dss[1] assert 'MaxPrecip_1d' not in dss[3] and 'precip' not in dss[2]
if isinstance(periods, (np.integer, int)): periods = [periods] # check and expand WRF experiment list WRF_experiments = getExperimentList(WRF_experiments, WRF_project, 'WRF') if isinstance(WRF_domains, (np.integer, int)): WRF_domains = [WRF_domains] # check and expand CESM experiment list CESM_experiments = getExperimentList(CESM_experiments, CESM_project, 'CESM') # expand datasets and resolutions if datasets is None: datasets = gridded_datasets # update some dependencies unity_grid = grid # trivial in this case obs_args['grid'] = grid obs_args['varlist'] = load_list ## load observations/reference dataset obs_dataset = loadDataset(name=obs_name, mode=obs_mode, **obs_args).load() # print an announcement if len(WRF_experiments) > 0: print('\n Bias-correcting WRF Datasets:') print([ for exp in WRF_experiments]) if len(CESM_experiments) > 0: print('\n Bias-correcting CESM Datasets:') print([ for exp in CESM_experiments]) if len(datasets) > 0: print('\n Bias-correcting Other Datasets:') print(datasets) print('\n On Grid/Resolution:\n {:s}'.format(grid)) print('\n Variable List: {:s}'.format( 'All' if varlist is None else printList(varlist))) print('\n Bias-Correction Method: {:s}'.format(bc_method))
def loadShapeObservations(obs=None, seasons=None, basins=None, provs=None, shapes=None, varlist=None, slices=None, aggregation='mean', shapetype=None, period=None, variable_list=None, **kwargs): ''' convenience function to load shape observations; the main function is to select sensible defaults based on 'varlist', if no 'obs' are specified ''' # prepare arguments if shapetype is None: shapetype = 'shpavg' # really only one in use # resolve variable list (no need to maintain order) if isinstance(varlist, basestring): varlist = [varlist] variables = set(shp_params) for name in varlist: if name in variable_list: variables.update(variable_list[name].vars) else: variables.add(name) variables = list(variables) # figure out default datasets if obs is None: obs = 'Observations' lUnity = lCRU = lWSC = False if obs[:3].lower() in ('obs', 'wsc'): if any(var in CRU_vars for var in variables): if aggregation == 'mean' and seasons is None: lUnity = True obs = [] if basins and any([var in WSC_vars for var in variables]): if aggregation.lower() in ('mean', 'std', 'sem', 'min', 'max') and seasons is None: lWSC = True obs = [] if not isinstance(obs, (list, tuple)): obs = (obs, ) # configure slicing (extract basin/province/shape and period) slices = _configSlices(slices=slices, basins=basins, provs=provs, shapes=shapes, period=period) if slices is not None: noyears = slices.copy() noyears.pop('years', None) # slices for climatologies # prepare and load ensemble of observations obsens = Ensemble(name='obs', title='Observations', basetype=Dataset) if len(obs) > 0: # regular operations with user-defined dataset try: ensemble = loadEnsembleTS(names=obs, season=seasons, aggregation=aggregation, slices=slices, varlist=variables, shape=shapetype, ldataset=False, **kwargs) for ens in ensemble: obsens += ens except EmptyDatasetError: pass if lUnity: # load Unity data instead of averaging CRU data if period is None: period = (1979, 1994) dataset = loadDataset(name='Unity', varlist=variables, mode='climatology', period=period, shape=shapetype) if slices is not None: dataset = dataset(**noyears) # slice immediately obsens += dataset.load() if lCRU: # this is basically regular operations with CRU as default obsens += loadEnsembleTS(names='CRU', season=seasons, aggregation=aggregation, slices=slices, varlist=variables, shape=shapetype, ldataset=True, **kwargs) if lWSC: # another special case: river hydrographs # from datasets.WSC import loadGageStation, GageStationError try: dataset = loadGageStation(basin=basins, varlist=['runoff'], aggregation=aggregation, mode='climatology', filetype='monthly') if slices is not None: dataset = dataset(**noyears) # slice immediately obsens += dataset.load() except GageStationError: pass # just ignore, if gage station data is missing # return ensembles (will be wrapped in a list, if BatchLoad is used) return obsens
## process arguments if isinstance(periods, (np.integer,int)): periods = [periods] # check and expand WRF experiment list WRF_experiments = getExperimentList(WRF_experiments, WRF_project, 'WRF') if isinstance(WRF_domains, (np.integer,int)): WRF_domains = [WRF_domains] # check and expand CESM experiment list CESM_experiments = getExperimentList(CESM_experiments, CESM_project, 'CESM') # expand datasets and resolutions if datasets is None: datasets = gridded_datasets # update some dependencies unity_grid = grid # trivial in this case obs_args['grid'] = grid obs_args['varlist'] = load_list ## load observations/reference dataset obs_dataset = loadDataset(name=obs_name, mode=obs_mode, **obs_args).load() # print an announcement if len(WRF_experiments) > 0: print('\n Bias-correcting WRF Datasets:') print([ for exp in WRF_experiments]) if len(CESM_experiments) > 0: print('\n Bias-correcting CESM Datasets:') print([ for exp in CESM_experiments]) if len(datasets) > 0: print('\n Bias-correcting Other Datasets:') print(datasets) print('\n On Grid/Resolution:\n {:s}'.format(grid)) print('\n Variable List: {:s}'.format('All' if varlist is None else printList(varlist))) print('\n Bias-Correction Method: {:s}'.format(bc_method)) print('\n Observationa/Reference Dataset:\n {:s}'.format(obs_dataset if ldebug else