 def __init__(this):
     this.dbconnection = dbconnection.dbconnection()
     data = cgi.FieldStorage()
     print "Content-type: text/html\n"
     if data.has_key("do"):
         if (
             data.has_key("roleid") and data.has_key("itemid") and data["do"].value == "setrole"
         ):  # set roleid of itemid to data['roleid']
             this.dbconnection.setrole(data["itemid"].value, data["roleid"].value)
         elif (
             data.has_key("roleid") and data["do"].value == "removerole"
         ):  # remove role id and set all roles with that id to -1 (none)
         elif data["do"].value == "addrole":  # add role
             # get user id of currently logged in user
                 cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"])
                 userid = cookies["userid"].value
                 # add role
             roleid = this.dbconnection.addrole(userid, data["rolename"].value, data["rolecolor"].value)
             # add attrroles
             attrdata = []
             for counter in range(10):
                 if data.has_key("attr" + str(counter)):
                     # turn params into array
                     if (
                         data["attr" + str(counter)].value == "title"
                         or data["attr" + str(counter)].value == "body"
                         or data["attr" + str(counter)].value == "author"
                         if data["comp" + str(counter)].value == "includes":
                             # value = "%"+data['val'+str(counter)].value+"%" f**k it
                             value = data["val" + str(counter)].value
                         elif data["comp" + str(counter)].value == "equals":
                             value = data["val" + str(counter)].value
                         print roleid, (data["attr" + str(counter)].value, value)
                         this.dbconnection.addattrrole(roleid, (data["attr" + str(counter)].value, value))
         elif data["do"].value == "editpositions":  # edit role positions (order)
             this.dbconnection.editroleposition(data["roleid"].value, data["roleposition"].value)
         elif data["do"].value == "removefeed":  # remove feed
         elif data["do"].value == "addfeed":  # add feed
             # userid,feedtype,url,roleid,secureuser,securepass
             secureuser = ""
             securepass = ""
             roleid = ""
             if data.has_key("secureuser"):
                 secureuser = data["secureuser"].value
             if data.has_key("securepass"):
                 securepass = data["securepass"].value
             if data.has_key("roleid"):
                 roleid = data["roleid"].value
                 data["userid"].value, data["feedtype"].value, data["feedurl"].value, roleid, secureuser, securepass
	def __init__(this):
		this.dbconnection = dbconnection.dbconnection()
		this.analysis = analysis.analysis()
		print "Content-type: text/html\n"
			cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"])
			userid = cookies['userid'].value
			print this.update(userid)
		except Exception, e:
			print "error getdata: %s" %(e)
	def __init__(this):
		this.dbconnection = dbconnection.dbconnection()
		this.html = []
			cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"])
			#build header
			this.html += ["Content-type: text/html\n"]
			this.html += ['''<html>
				<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js'></script>
				<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.min.js'></script>
				<script type='text/javascript' src='../jq/farbtastic/farbtastic.js'></script>
				<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/main.js'></script>
				<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.css' >
				<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/main.css' >
				<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../jq/farbtastic/farbtastic.css' >
			#build content
			#get roles data
			#userid = 1 #testing only
			userid = int(cookies['userid'].value)
			roles = this.dbconnection.getroles(userid)
			feeds = this.dbconnection.getfeeds(userid)
			#make logout link
			this.html += ["<a id='logout' href='../src/logout.py'>Log Out</a>"]
			#make new items notice
			this.html += ["<div id='newitems'>"]
			this.html += ["Updated [3]"]
			this.html += ["</div>"]
			#make role selection dropdown
			this.html += ["<div id='roleselect'>"]
			this.html += ["		<select name='roleid'>"]
			this.html += ["			<option selected='' value=''>All Roles</option>"]
			for role in roles:
					this.html += ["		<option value='%s'>%s</option>" %(role[0],role[2])]
			this.html += ["				<option value='-1'>None</option>"]
			this.html += ["		</select>"]
			this.html += ["</div>"]
			#make feeds controllor dialog
			this.html += ["<div id='feedslink'><a href='#'>Feeds</a></div>"]
			this.html += ["<div id='feeds' title='Feeds'>"]
			this.html += ["		<ul>"]
			for feed in feeds:
				this.html += ["		<li><img id='typeicon' src='../img/feedtype%s.gif' /><span id='url'>%s</span><span class='hidden'>%s</span><a id='remove' href='#'>[remove]</a></li>" %(feed[2],feed[1],feed[0])]
			this.html += ["		</ul>"]
			this.html += ["		<div id='addupdatefeed'>"]
			this.html += ["			<span class='hidden'>%s</span>" %(userid)]
			this.html += ["			Type:<select id='type' name='type'>"]
			this.html += ["				<option value='0'>RSS/ATOM</option>"]
			this.html += ["				<option value='1'>GMail</option>"]
			this.html += ["				<option value='2'>GCal</option>"]
			this.html += ["			</select>"]
			this.html += ["			</br><label for='url'>URL:<input id='url' name='url' type='text' /></label>"]
			this.html += ["			</br>Role (if applicable):<select id='roleid' name='roleid'"]
			this.html += ["				<option selected='' value=''>None</option>"]
			for role in roles:
					this.html += ["		<option value='%s'>%s</option>" %(role[0],role[2])]
			this.html += ["			</select>"]
			this.html += ["			</br>Login Info (if necessary):"]
			this.html += ["			</br><label for='secureuser'>User:<input id='secureuser' name='secureuser' type='text' /></label>"]
			this.html += ["			</br><label for='securepass'>Pass:<input id='securepass' name='securepass' type='text' /></label>"]
			this.html += ["			</br><a id='submit' href='#'>Create Feed</a>"]
			this.html += ["		</div>"]
			this.html += ["</div>"]
			#make roles controllor dialog 
			this.html += ["<div id='roleslink'><a href='#'>Roles</a></div>"]
			this.html += ["<div id='roles' title='Roles'>"]
			this.html += ["		<ol>"]
			for role in roles:
				this.html += ["		<li><span class='hidden'>%s|#%s</span><img id='handle' src='../img/handle.gif'></img>%s<a id='remove' href='#'>[remove]</a></li>" %(role[0],role[3],role[2])]
			this.html += ["		</ol>"]  
			this.html += ["		<div id='addupdaterole'>"]
			this.html += ["			<label for='name'>Name:<input name='name' id='name' type='text' /></label>"]
			this.html += ["			<div id='colorchoose'></div><label for='color'>Color:<input id='color' type='text' name='color' /></label>"]
			this.html += ["			<div id='attrs'>"]
			this.html += ["				Attributes:"]
			this.html += ["				<div id='attr-0'>"]
			this.html += ["					<select id='attr' name='attr'>"]
			this.html += ["						<option value='title'>Title</option>"]
			this.html += ["						<option value='body'>Body</option>"]
			this.html += ["						<option value='author'>Author</option>"]
			this.html += ["					</select>"]
			this.html += ["					<select id='comparison' name='comparison'>"]
			this.html += ["						<option value='equals'>Equals</option>"]
			this.html += ["						<option value='includes'>Includes</option>"]
			this.html += ["					</select>"]
			this.html += ["					<input id='value' name='value' type='text' />"]
			this.html += ["					</br><a id='showattr-1' href='#'>(+ another attribute)</a>"]
			this.html += ["				</div>"]
			for i in range(10):
				this.html += ["				<div id='attr-%s'>" %(i+1)]
				this.html += ["					<select id='attr' name='attr'>"]
				this.html += ["						<option value='title'>Title</option>"]
				this.html += ["						<option value='body'>Body</option>"]
				this.html += ["						<option value='author'>Author</option>"]
				this.html += ["					</select>"]
				this.html += ["					<select id='comparison' name='comparison'>"]
				this.html += ["						<option value='equals'>Equals</option>"]
				this.html += ["						<option value='includes'>Includes</option>"]
				this.html += ["					</select>"]
				this.html += ["					<input id='value' name='value' type='text' />"]
				if i < 9:
					this.html += ["					</br><a id='showattr-%s' href='#'>(+ another attribute)</a>" %(i+2)]
				this.html += ["				</div>"]
			this.html += ["			</div>"]
			this.html += ["			<a href='#' id='submit'>Create Role</a>"]
			this.html += ["		</div>"]                            
			this.html += ['</div>']
			#make tab bar from each feed
			this.html += ['''<div id='tabs'>
				<li><a href="view.py?of=-1"><span>All</span></a></li>
				<li><a href='view.py?of=1'><span>Email</span></a></li>
				<li><a href='view.py?of=2'><span>Calendar</span></a></li>
				<li><a href='view.py?of=0'><span>Articles</span></a></li>
			this.html += ["<div id='moreitems'>"]
			this.html += ["		<a href='#'>Get More Old Items</a>"]
			this.html += ["</div>"]
			#build footer
			this.html += ["</body>\n</html>"]
			print "\n".join(this.html)
			print "Location: ../src/index.py\n"
	def __init__(this):
		this.dbconnection = dbconnection.dbconnection()
		this.html = []
			cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"])
			userid = int(cookies['userid'].value)
			this.html += ["Content-type: text/html\n"]
			this.html += ['''<html>
				<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/items.css' />
				<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/items.js'></script>
			#get parameters from GET
			getdata = cgi.FieldStorage()

			#get desired items from database
			dof = None
			dfor = None
			drecent = None
			dorderby = None
			haskey = False
			currentattrs = ""
			if getdata.has_key('of'):
				dof = getdata['of']
				haskey = True
				currentattrs = "of="+getdata['of'].value
			if getdata.has_key('for'):
				dfor = getdata['for']
				haskey = True
				if currentattrs != '':
					currentattrs = currentattrs+"&for="+getdata['for'].value
					currentattrs = "for="+getdata['for'].value
			if getdata.has_key('orderby'):
				dorderby = getdata['orderby']
				if currentattrs != '':
					currentattrs = currentattrs+"&orderby="+getdata['orderby'].value
					currentattrs = "orderby="+getdata['orderby'].value
				haskey = True
			if getdata.has_key('recent'):
				drecent = getdata['recent'].value	
				if currentattrs != '':
					currentattrs = currentattrs+"&recent="+getdata['recent'].value
					currentattrs = "recent="+getdata['recent'].value		
			if not haskey:
			items = this.dbconnection.getitems(userid,dof,dfor,dorderby,drecent)

			feedtypes = this.dbconnection.getfeedtypes()
			#userid = 1 #for testing purposes only
			roles = this.dbconnection.getroles(userid)
			this.html += ["<div id='items'>"]
			#put current url in hidden span
			this.html += ["		<span id='hiddenurl' class='hidden'>view.py?%s</span>" %(currentattrs)]
			for item in items:
				#encode data in proper form
				itemtime = time.strftime("%I:%M%p - %b %d '%y",time.gmtime(float(item[7])))
				if item[5].strip() == "":
					itemauthor = ""
					itemauthor = "From %s" %(item[5])
				#display item
				this.html += ["<div id='item-%s'>" %(item[0])]
				this.html += ["		<div id='header'>"]
				this.html += ["			<img id='typeicon' src='../img/feedtype%s.gif' />" %(feedtypes[item[1]][0])]
				this.html += ["			<a id='permalink' href='#item-%s'>#</a><a id='title' href='%s'>%s</a>"%(item[0],item[6],item[3])]
				this.html += ["			<form action='#' method='post'>"]
				this.html += ["				<select name='roleid'>"]
				#display role options
				beenselected = False
				for role in roles:
					if int(role[0]) == int(item[2]):
						selected = "selected=''"
						beenselected = True
						selected = ""
					this.html += ["				<option %s value='%s|#%s'>%s</option>" %(selected,role[0],role[3],role[2])]
				if not beenselected:
					selected = "selected=''"
					selected = ""
				this.html += ["					<option %s value='none|white'>None</option>" %(selected)]
				this.html += ["				</select>"]
				this.html += ["			</form>"]
				this.html += ["			<span id='time'>%s</span>" %(itemtime)]
				this.html += ["		</div>"]
				this.html += ["		<div id='content'>"]
				this.html += ["			<p>%s @ %s,</p>" %(itemauthor,itemtime)]
				this.html += ["			<p>%s</p>" %(item[4])]
				this.html += ["		</div>"]
				this.html += ["</div>"]
			numitems = len(items)
			this.html += ["		<span id='hiddenrecent' class='hidden'>%s</span>" %(numitems)]
			this.html += ["</div>"]

			#add footer
			this.html += ['''</body>
			print '\n'.join(this.html)
			print "Location: ../src/index.py"
	def __init__(this):
		this.dbconnection = dbconnection.dbconnection()