    def extract_val(self) -> Any:
        val = None
        if self.raw.HasField("any_val"):
            val = self.raw.any_val
        elif self.raw.HasField("ascii_val"):
            val = self.raw.ascii_val
        elif self.raw.HasField("bool_val"):
            val = self.raw.bool_val
        elif self.raw.HasField("bytes_val"):
            val = base64.b64encode(self.raw.bytes_val)
        elif self.raw.HasField("decimal_val"):
            val = self.raw.decimal_val
            val = Decimal(str(val.digits / 10**val.precision))
        elif self.raw.HasField("float_val"):
            val = self.raw.float_val
        elif self.raw.HasField("int_val"):
            val = self.raw.int_val
        elif self.raw.HasField("json_ietf_val"):
            val = json.loads(self.raw.json_ietf_val)
        elif self.raw.HasField("json_val"):
            val = json.loads(self.raw.json_val)
        elif self.raw.HasField("leaflist_val"):
            val = []
            for elem in self.raw.leaflist_val.element:
        elif self.raw.HasField("proto_bytes"):
            val = self.raw.proto_bytes
        elif self.raw.HasField("string_val"):
            val = self.raw.string_val
        elif self.raw.HasField("uint_val"):
            val = self.raw.uint_val
            raise ValueError("Unhandled typed value %s" % self.raw)

        return val
def name_value_extractor(token_generator):
    Generator to extract a name and value from input.

    Yields tuples of the form  (name, value).
    Input format should be of form:
        name value1 [value2 value3 ...];
    terminating with semicolon.  If multiple values are present, they are
    summed.  For the special case where "name" begins with "CapGains" (case-
    insensitive), the values extracted are 2-tuples containing a numeric value
    representing the gain, and a length of time (in days).  In the future, a 3-tuple may
    contain the gain, the length of time, and a comment.

    field_name = re.compile(r'^[' + string.ascii_letters + r']')
    capgain_name = re.compile(r'cap-?gain', re.IGNORECASE)
    semicolon  = re.compile(r'^;');
    name = None
    value = Decimal(0.0)
    cap_gains_capture = False
    for token in token_generator:
        if re.match(capgain_name, token):
            log.debug("Interpreted token {0} as special cap gain field name.".format(token))
            cap_gains_capture = True
            name = token
            value = list()
        elif re.match(field_name, token):
            name = token
        elif re.match(semicolon, token):
            yield (name, value)
            if (cap_gains_capture):
                cap_gains_capture = False
            name = None
            value = Decimal(0.0)
            if (not cap_gains_capture):
                # TODO: make sure to convert string to clean number
                value += Decimal(token)
                ## Read tokens in following order:  purchase price, purchase date,
                ## 					sale price, sale date
                ## by advancing through token_generator's values
                buy_price = Decimal(token)
                buy_date = date(token_generator.__next__())
                sell_price = Decimal(token_generator.__next__())
                sell_date = date(token_generator.__next__())
                if (buy_price < 0):    # Purchase prices should be negative(cost).
                    buy_price *= -1
                if (buy_date > sell_date):
                    raise InputError(
                        "Sell date {0} occurs after buy date {1}"
                        .format(sell_date, buy_date)) 
                ## Push back a tuple of form  ( gain, days ) into the list
                value.append( (sell_price + buy_price,
                               (sell_date - buy_date).days) )
    def _calculate(self, rolls, environment):
        T = self._initializeViterbi()

        for roll in rolls:
            U = {}

            for next_state in DiceTypes:
                total = Decimal(0)
                argmax = []
                valmax = Decimal(0)

                # prob = None
                # vpath = []
                # vprobability = None

                for state in DiceTypes:
                    objs = T[state]
                    prob = Decimal(objs[0])
                    vpath = objs[1]
                    vprobability = Decimal(objs[2])

                    trans_value = environment.get_transition_probability(
                        state, next_state)
                    env_value = environment.get_emission_probability(
                        state, roll.roll_value)
                    prop_value = env_value * trans_value

                    prob = prob * prop_value
                    vprobability = vprobability * prop_value
                    total = total + prob

                    if vprobability > valmax:
                        valmax = vprobability

                    U[next_state] = [total, argmax, valmax]
            T = U

        total = Decimal(0)
        argmax = []
        valmax = Decimal(0)

        for state in DiceTypes:
            objs = T[state]
            prob = Decimal(objs[0])
            vpath = objs[1]
            vprob = objs[2]
            total = total.append(prob)

            if vprob > valmax:
                valmax = vprob

        for k, v in T.items():
            logger.info("{} {}".format(k, v))

        return argmax
    def _calculate(self, rolls, environment):
        T = self._initializeViterbi()

        for roll in rolls:
            U = {}

            for next_state in DiceTypes:
                total = Decimal(0)
                argmax = []
                valmax = Decimal(0)

                # prob = None
                # vpath = []
                # vprobability = None

                for state in DiceTypes:
                    objs = T[state]
                    prob = Decimal(objs[0])
                    vpath = objs[1]
                    vprobability = Decimal(objs[2])

                    trans_value = environment.get_transition_probability(state, next_state)
                    env_value = environment.get_emission_probability(state, roll.roll_value)
                    prop_value = env_value * trans_value

                    prob = prob * prop_value
                    vprobability = vprobability * prop_value
                    total = total + prob

                    if vprobability > valmax:
                        valmax = vprobability

                    U[next_state] = [total, argmax, valmax]
            T = U

        total = Decimal(0)
        argmax = []
        valmax = Decimal(0)

        for state in DiceTypes:
            objs = T[state]
            prob = Decimal(objs[0])
            vpath = objs[1]
            vprob = objs [2]
            total = total.append(prob)

            if vprob > valmax:
                valmax = vprob

        for k, v in T.items():
            logger.info("{} {}".format(k, v))

        return argmax
def deserialize_decimals(value):
    """Counterpart to serialize_decimals().
    Recursively turns dict representations of decimals back into
    decimal.Decimal objects.
    if isinstance(value, dict) and '__ftw_publisher_serialized_obj__' in value:
        if value.get('__type__') == 'Decimal':
            retval = Decimal(value.get('value_str'))
    elif isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, PersistentMapping):
        retval = value.__class__()
        for key in value:
            retval[key] = deserialize_decimals(value[key])
    elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, PersistentList):
        retval = value.__class__()
        for item in value:
        retval = value
    return retval
def _read_item(buf, offset=0, unpack_from=unpack_from):
    ftype = buf[offset]
    offset += 1

    # 'S': long string
    if ftype == 'S':
        slen, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        val = buf[offset:offset + slen]
        offset += slen
    # 's': short string
    elif ftype == 's':
        slen, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
        val = buf[offset:offset + slen]
        offset += slen
    # 'b': short-short int
    elif ftype == 'b':
        val, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
    # 'B': short-short unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'B':
        val, = unpack_from('>b', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
    # 'U': short int
    elif ftype == 'U':
        val, = unpack_from('>h', buf, offset)
        offset += 2
    # 'u': short unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'u':
        val, = unpack_from('>H', buf, offset)
        offset += 2
    # 'I': long int
    elif ftype == 'I':
        val, = unpack_from('>i', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'i': long unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'i':
        val, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'L': long long int
    elif ftype == 'L':
        val, = unpack_from('>q', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'l': long long unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'l':
        val, = unpack_from('>Q', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'f': float
    elif ftype == 'f':
        val, = unpack_from('>f', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'd': double
    elif ftype == 'd':
        val, = unpack_from('>d', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'D': decimal
    elif ftype == 'D':
        d, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
        n, = unpack_from('>i', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        val = Decimal(n) / Decimal(10 ** d)
    # 'F': table
    elif ftype == 'F':
        tlen, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        limit = offset + tlen
        val = {}
        while offset < limit:
            keylen, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
            offset += 1
            key = buf[offset:offset + keylen]
            offset += keylen
            val[key], offset = _read_item(buf, offset)
    # 'A': array
    elif ftype == 'A':
        alen, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        limit = offset + alen
        val = []
        while offset < limit:
            v, offset = _read_item(buf, offset)
    # 't' (bool)
    elif ftype == 't':
        val, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        val = bool(val)
        offset += 1
    # 'T': timestamp
    elif ftype == 'T':
        val, = unpack_from('>Q', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
        val = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(val)
    # 'V': void
    elif ftype == 'V':
        val = None
        raise FrameSyntaxError(
            'Unknown value in table: {0!r} ({1!r})'.format(
                ftype, type(ftype)))
    return val, offset
def _read_item(buf, offset=0, unpack_from=unpack_from, ftype_t=ftype_t):
    ftype = ftype_t(buf[offset]) if ftype_t else buf[offset]
    offset += 1

    # 'S': long string
    if ftype == 'S':
        slen, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        val = _bytes_to_str(buf[offset:offset + slen])
        offset += slen
    # rabbitmq implement 's' not as short string
    # see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-common/issues/261
    # 's': short string
    # elif ftype == 's':
    #     slen, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
    #     offset += 1

    #     val = _bytes_to_str(buf[offset:offset + slen])
    #     offset += slen
    # 'b': short-short int
    elif ftype == 'b':
        val, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
    # 'B': short-short unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'B':
        val, = unpack_from('>b', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
    # RabbitMQ implement 's' as short int
    # 'U': short int
    elif ftype in ['U', 's']:
        val, = unpack_from('>h', buf, offset)
        offset += 2
    # 'u': short unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'u':
        val, = unpack_from('>H', buf, offset)
        offset += 2
    # 'I': long int
    elif ftype == 'I':
        val, = unpack_from('>i', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'i': long unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'i':
        val, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'L': long long int
    elif ftype == 'L':
        val, = unpack_from('>q', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'l': long long unsigned int
    elif ftype == 'l':
        val, = unpack_from('>Q', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'f': float
    elif ftype == 'f':
        val, = unpack_from('>f', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'd': double
    elif ftype == 'd':
        val, = unpack_from('>d', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'D': decimal
    elif ftype == 'D':
        d, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        offset += 1
        n, = unpack_from('>i', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        val = Decimal(n) / Decimal(10**d)
    # 'F': table
    elif ftype == 'F':
        tlen, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        limit = offset + tlen
        val = {}
        while offset < limit:
            keylen, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
            offset += 1
            key = _bytes_to_str(buf[offset:offset + keylen])
            offset += keylen
            val[key], offset = _read_item(buf, offset)
    # 'A': array
    elif ftype == 'A':
        alen, = unpack_from('>I', buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        limit = offset + alen
        val = []
        while offset < limit:
            v, offset = _read_item(buf, offset)
    # 't' (bool)
    elif ftype == 't':
        val, = unpack_from('>B', buf, offset)
        val = bool(val)
        offset += 1
    # 'T': timestamp
    elif ftype == 'T':
        val, = unpack_from('>Q', buf, offset)
        offset += 8
        val = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(val)
    # 'V': void
    elif ftype == 'V':
        val = None
        raise FrameSyntaxError('Unknown value in table: {0!r} ({1!r})'.format(
            ftype, type(ftype)))
    return val, offset
文件: input.py 项目: Dan609/python
import sys
a = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readlines()))

Напишите программу, которая находит сумму чётных чисел в числового ряда.
Формат входных данных
Числовой ряд, заканчивающийся нулём.
Формат выходных данных
Сумма чётных чисел.

import sys
a = list(map(int, sys.stdin.readlines()))
b = []
for i in a:
	if i%2 == 0:

def count_char(text, char):
	count = 0
	for c in text:
		if c == char:
			count += 1
	return count

a = int(input())
b = int(input())
print(int((a*(a//b) + b*(b//a))/(b//a+a//b)))

def _read_item(buf, offset):
    ftype = ftype_t(buf[offset]) if ftype_t else buf[offset]
    offset += 1

    # 'S': long string
    if ftype == "S":
        (slen, ) = unpack_from(">I", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
            val = pstr_t(buf[offset:offset + slen])
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            val = buf[offset:offset + slen]

        offset += slen
    # 's': short string
    elif ftype == "s":
        (slen, ) = unpack_from(">B", buf, offset)
        offset += 1
        val = pstr_t(buf[offset:offset + slen])
        offset += slen
    # 'x': Bytes Array
    elif ftype == "x":
        (blen, ) = unpack_from(">I", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        val = buf[offset:offset + blen]
        offset += blen
    # 'b': short-short int
    elif ftype == "b":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">B", buf, offset)
        offset += 1
    # 'B': short-short unsigned int
    elif ftype == "B":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">b", buf, offset)
        offset += 1
    # 'U': short int
    elif ftype == "U":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">h", buf, offset)
        offset += 2
    # 'u': short unsigned int
    elif ftype == "u":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">H", buf, offset)
        offset += 2
    # 'I': long int
    elif ftype == "I":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">i", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'i': long unsigned int
    elif ftype == "i":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">I", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'L': long long int
    elif ftype == "L":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">q", buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'l': long long unsigned int
    elif ftype == "l":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">Q", buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'f': float
    elif ftype == "f":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">f", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
    # 'd': double
    elif ftype == "d":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">d", buf, offset)
        offset += 8
    # 'D': decimal
    elif ftype == "D":
        (d, ) = unpack_from(">B", buf, offset)
        offset += 1
        (n, ) = unpack_from(">i", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        val = Decimal(n) / Decimal(10**d)
    # 'F': table
    elif ftype == "F":
        (tlen, ) = unpack_from(">I", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        limit = offset + tlen
        val = {}
        while offset < limit:
            (keylen, ) = unpack_from(">B", buf, offset)
            offset += 1
            key = pstr_t(buf[offset:offset + keylen])
            offset += keylen
            val[key], offset = _read_item(buf, offset)
    # 'A': array
    elif ftype == "A":
        (alen, ) = unpack_from(">I", buf, offset)
        offset += 4
        limit = offset + alen
        val = []
        while offset < limit:
            v, offset = _read_item(buf, offset)
    # 't' (bool)
    elif ftype == "t":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">B", buf, offset)
        val = bool(val)
        offset += 1
    # 'T': timestamp
    elif ftype == "T":
        (val, ) = unpack_from(">Q", buf, offset)
        offset += 8
        val = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(val)
    # 'V': void
    elif ftype == "V":
        val = None
        raise FrameSyntaxError("Unknown value in table: {0!r} ({1!r})".format(
            ftype, type(ftype)))
    return val, offset
a = 3
print(sq(5))  # expected 125 but 25 returned
### this happens because partial take the reference to the object
### assign another value to a create another object in memory

def my_func_8(a, b):
    print(a, b)

a = [1, 2]
f5 = partial(my_func_8, a)
f5(100)  # [1, 2] 100

f5(100)  # [1, 2, 3] 100
### it is only mutate the internal state of the same object, reference to list
### is the same

## applications examples

### distance between two points
origin = (0, 0)
l = [(1, 1), (0, 2), (-3, 2), (0, 0), (10, 10)]

dist2 = lambda a, b: (a[0] - b[0])**2 + (a[1] - b[1])**2
print(dist2((1, 1), origin))  # 2

print(sorted(l))  # doesn't work well
class GenericDataContainer:
    """A data container for storing some common Python types with some basic validation capabilities
    def __init__(self,
                 result_set_name: str = 'anonymous',
                 data_type: object = str,
                 data_validator: DataValidator = None,
        self.data = None
        self.data_type = data_type
        if data_type.__name__ == 'str':
            self.data = ''
        elif data_type.__name__ == 'list' or data_type.__name__ == 'tuple':
            self.data = list()
        elif data_type.__name__ == 'int':
            self.data = 0
        elif data_type.__name__ == 'float':
            self.data = 0.0
        elif data_type.__name__ == 'Decimal':
            self.data = Decimal('0.0')
        elif data_type.__name__ == 'dict':
            self.data = dict()
            raise Exception(
                'Data type "{}" was not found in the current supported types: {}'
                .format(data_type.__name__, ('str', 'list', 'tuple', 'int',
                                             'float', 'Decimal', 'dict')))
        self.data_validator = None
        if data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(data_validator, DataValidator):
                self.data_validator = data_validator
                    'Using DataValidator implementation of "{}"'.format(
                raise Exception(
                    'Invalid data validator type. Expected an implementation of DataValidator'
            logger.warning('No data validator set')
        logger.info('GenericDataContainer "{}" ready'.format(result_set_name))
        self.logger = logger
        self.result_set_name = result_set_name

    def _store_dict(self, data: object, key: object, **kwarg) -> int:
        if key is None:
            raise Exception(
                'Expected a key value but found None (data_type was set to dict)'
        if key in self.data:
                'Key "{}" already exists in dict - old value was replaced with new value'
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(self.data_validator, DataValidator):
                if not self.data_validator.validate(data=data, **kwarg):
                    raise Exception('Dictionary validation failed')
                    'Validation for value passed. key="{}"'.format(key))
                # FIXME: The code below should be unreachable. Further scenarios in testing should be explored.
                    'No DataValidator set - Dictionary value for key "{}" stored without validation! [2]'
                    .format(key))  # pragma: no cover
                'No DataValidator set - Dictionary value for key "{}" stored without validation! [1]'
        self.data[key] = data
        return len(self.data)

    def _store_str(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        validated = False
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(self.data_validator, StringDataValidator):
                validated = True
                if not self.data_validator.validate(data=data, **kwarg):
                    raise Exception('String validation failed')
                self.data = data
        if not validated:
            if data is None:
                self.data = None
                return 0
                self.data = '{}'.format(data)
        return len(self.data)

    def _store_list(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(self.data_validator, DataValidator):
                if not self.data_validator.validate(data=data, **kwarg):
                    raise Exception('List item validation failed')
                    'Validation for value passed. New list size: {}'.format(
                        len(self.data) + 1))
                'No DataValidator set - List value stored without validation! [2]. New list size: {}'
                .format(len(self.data) + 1))
        return len(self.data)

    def _store_tuple(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        if data is None:
            raise Exception(
                'Input data cannot be None - expecting a list or tuple')
        if type(data).__name__ not in ('list', 'tuple'):
            raise Exception('Expecting a list or tuple but got "{}"'.format(
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            item_index = 0
            for item in data:
                if not self.data_validator.validate(data=item, **kwarg):
                    raise Exception(
                        'List item validation failed on item number {}'.format(
                item_index = item_index + 1
                'Validation for value passed. New list size: {}'.format(
                    len(self.data) + 1))
        if len(self.data) == 0 and type(self.data).__name__ == 'list':
            if type(data).__name__ == 'list':
                self.data = data
                self.data = tuple(self.data)
            elif type(data).__name__ == 'tuple':
                self.data = data
            raise Exception(
                'Tuple already set. You have to create another GenericDataContainer instance to store another tuple'
        return len(self.data)

    def _store_int(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        if type(data).__name__ not in ('int', 'float', 'str'):
            raise Exception(
                'Expecting a int, float or str but got "{}"'.format(
        tmp_value = None
        if isinstance(data, str):
            tmp_value = int(float(data))
        elif isinstance(data, float):
            tmp_value = int(data)
        elif isinstance(data, int):
            tmp_value = data
        self.data = tmp_value
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(self.data_validator, NumberDataValidator):
                if self.data_validator.validate(data=self.data, **
                                                kwarg) is False:
                    raise Exception('Input validation failed')
                raise Exception('Expected a NumberDataValidator')
        return 1

    def _store_float(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        if isinstance(data, str):
            self.data = float(data)
        elif isinstance(data, int):
            self.data = float(data)
        elif isinstance(data, float):
            self.data = data
            raise Exception('Could not convert input data to float')
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(self.data_validator, NumberDataValidator):
                if self.data_validator.validate(data=self.data, **
                                                kwarg) is False:
                    raise Exception('Input validation failed')
                raise Exception('Expected a NumberDataValidator')
        return 1

    def _store_decimal(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, int) or isinstance(
                data, float):
            self.data = Decimal(data)
        elif isinstance(data, Decimal):
            self.data = data
            raise Exception('Could not convert input data to Decimal')
        if self.data_validator is not None:
            if isinstance(self.data_validator, NumberDataValidator):
                if self.data_validator.validate(data=self.data, **
                                                kwarg) is False:
                    raise Exception('Input validation failed')
                raise Exception('Expected a NumberDataValidator')
        return 1

    def store(self, data: object, key: object = None, **kwarg) -> int:
        if self.data_type.__name__ == 'dict':
            return self._store_dict(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)
        elif self.data_type.__name__ == 'str':
            return self._store_str(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)
        elif self.data_type.__name__ == 'list':
            return self._store_list(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)
        elif self.data_type.__name__ == 'tuple':
            return self._store_tuple(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)
        elif self.data_type.__name__ == 'int':
            return self._store_int(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)
        elif self.data_type.__name__ == 'float':
            return self._store_float(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)
        elif self.data_type.__name__ == 'Decimal':
            return self._store_decimal(data=data, key=key, **kwarg)