def main(args): # Set up the logger if args.verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() # Make sure all necessary environment variables are set DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR = "./quickGen" if 'DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX' not in os.environ:'DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX environment is not set.') else: DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR = os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'] if os.path.exists(DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR): if not os.path.isdir(DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR): raise RuntimeError("Path %s Not a directory" % DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR) else: try: os.makedirs(DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR) except: raise SPECPROD_DIR = 'specprod' if 'SPECPROD' not in os.environ:'SPECPROD environment is not set.') else: SPECPROD_DIR = os.environ['SPECPROD'] prod_Dir = specprod_root() if os.path.exists(prod_Dir): if not os.path.isdir(prod_Dir): raise RuntimeError("Path %s Not a directory" % prod_Dir) else: try: os.makedirs(prod_Dir) except: raise # Initialize random number generator to use. np.random.seed(args.seed) random_state = np.random.RandomState(args.seed) # Derive spectrograph number from nstart if needed if args.spectrograph is None: args.spectrograph = args.nstart / 500 # Read fibermapfile to get object type, night and expid if args.fibermap:"Reading fibermap file {}".format(args.fibermap)) fibermap = read_fibermap(args.fibermap) objtype = get_source_types(fibermap) stdindx = np.where(objtype == 'STD') # match STD with STAR mwsindx = np.where(objtype == 'MWS_STAR') # match MWS_STAR with STAR bgsindx = np.where(objtype == 'BGS') # match BGS with LRG objtype[stdindx] = 'STAR' objtype[mwsindx] = 'STAR' objtype[bgsindx] = 'LRG' NIGHT = fibermap.meta['NIGHT'] EXPID = fibermap.meta['EXPID'] else: # Create a blank fake fibermap fibermap = empty_fibermap(args.nspec) targetids = random_state.randint(2**62, size=args.nspec) fibermap['TARGETID'] = targetids night = get_night() expid = 0"Initializing SpecSim with config {}".format(args.config)) desiparams = load_desiparams() qsim = get_simulator(args.config, num_fibers=1) if args.simspec: # Read the input file'Reading input file {}'.format(args.simspec)) simspec = nspec = simspec.nspec if simspec.flavor == 'arc': log.warning("quickgen doesn't generate flavor=arc outputs") return else: wavelengths = simspec.wave spectra = simspec.flux if nspec < args.nspec:"Only {} spectra in input file".format(nspec)) args.nspec = nspec else: # Initialize the output truth table. spectra = [] wavelengths = npix = len(wavelengths) truth = dict() meta = Table() truth['OBJTYPE'] = np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=(str, 10)) truth['FLUX'] = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) truth['WAVE'] = wavelengths jj = list() for thisobj in set(true_objtype): ii = np.where(true_objtype == thisobj)[0] nobj = len(ii) truth['OBJTYPE'][ii] = thisobj'Generating {} template'.format(thisobj)) # Generate the templates if thisobj == 'ELG': elg = desisim.templates.ELG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = elg.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_elg, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'LRG': lrg = desisim.templates.LRG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = lrg.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_lrg, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'QSO': qso = desisim.templates.QSO(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = qso.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_qso) elif thisobj == 'BGS': bgs = desisim.templates.BGS(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = bgs.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_bgs, rmagrange=args.rmagrange_bgs, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'STD': std = desisim.templates.STD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = std.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'QSO_BAD': # use STAR template no color cuts star = desisim.templates.STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = star.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'MWS_STAR' or thisobj == 'MWS': mwsstar = desisim.templates.MWS_STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = mwsstar.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'WD': wd = desisim.templates.WD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = wd.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'SKY': flux = np.zeros((nobj, npix)) meta1 = Table(dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(nobj, dtype=np.float32))) elif thisobj == 'TEST': flux = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) indx = np.where(wave > 5800.0 - 1E-6)[0][0] ref_integrated_flux = 1E-10 ref_cst_flux_density = 1E-17 single_line = (np.arange(args.nspec) % 2 == 0).astype( np.float32) continuum = (np.arange(args.nspec) % 2 == 1).astype(np.float32) for spec in range(args.nspec): flux[spec, indx] = single_line[ spec] * ref_integrated_flux / np.gradient(wavelengths)[ indx] # single line flux[spec] += continuum[ spec] * ref_cst_flux_density # flat continuum meta1 = Table( dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINE=wave[indx] * np.ones(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINEFLUX=single_line * ref_integrated_flux, CONSTFLUXDENSITY=continuum * ref_cst_flux_density)) else: log.fatal('Unknown object type {}'.format(thisobj)) sys.exit(1) # Pack it in. truth['FLUX'][ii] = flux meta = vstack([meta, meta1]) jj.append(ii.tolist()) # Sanity check on units; templates currently return ergs, not 1e-17 ergs... # assert (thisobj == 'SKY') or (np.max(truth['FLUX']) < 1e-6) # Sort the metadata table. jj = sum(jj, []) meta_new = Table() for k in range(args.nspec): index = int(np.where(np.array(jj) == k)[0]) meta_new = vstack([meta_new, meta[index]]) meta = meta_new # Add TARGETID and the true OBJTYPE to the metadata table. meta.add_column( Column(true_objtype, dtype=(str, 10), name='TRUE_OBJTYPE')) meta.add_column(Column(targetids, name='TARGETID')) # Rename REDSHIFT -> TRUEZ anticipating later table joins with zbest.Z meta.rename_column('REDSHIFT', 'TRUEZ') # explicitly set location on focal plane if needed to support airmass # variations when using specsim v0.5 if qsim.source.focal_xy is None: qsim.source.focal_xy = (u.Quantity(0, 'mm'), u.Quantity(100, 'mm')) # Set simulation parameters from the simspec header or desiparams bright_objects = ['bgs', 'mws', 'bright', 'BGS', 'MWS', 'BRIGHT_MIX'] gray_objects = ['gray', 'grey'] if args.simspec is None: object_type = objtype flavor = None elif simspec.flavor == 'science': object_type = None flavor = simspec.header['PROGRAM'] else: object_type = None flavor = simspec.flavor log.warning( 'Maybe using an outdated simspec file with flavor={}'.format( flavor)) # Set airmass if args.airmass is not None: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = args.airmass elif args.simspec and 'AIRMASS' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = simspec.header['AIRMASS'] else: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = 1.25 # Science Req. Doc L3.3.2 # Set exptime if args.exptime is not None: qsim.observation.exposure_time = args.exptime * u.s elif args.simspec and 'EXPTIME' in simspec.header: qsim.observation.exposure_time = simspec.header['EXPTIME'] * u.s elif objtype in bright_objects: qsim.observation.exposure_time = desiparams['exptime_bright'] * u.s else: qsim.observation.exposure_time = desiparams['exptime_dark'] * u.s # Set Moon Phase if args.moon_phase is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = args.moon_phase elif args.simspec and 'MOONFRAC' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = simspec.header['MOONFRAC'] elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.7 elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.1 else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.5 # Set Moon Zenith if args.moon_zenith is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = args.moon_zenith * u.deg elif args.simspec and 'MOONALT' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = simspec.header['MOONALT'] * u.deg elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 30 * u.deg elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 80 * u.deg else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 100 * u.deg # Set Moon - Object Angle if args.moon_angle is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = args.moon_angle * u.deg elif args.simspec and 'MOONSEP' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = simspec.header[ 'MOONSEP'] * u.deg elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 50 * u.deg elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 60 * u.deg else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 60 * u.deg # Initialize per-camera output arrays that will be saved waves, trueflux, noisyflux, obsivar, resolution, sflux = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} maxbin = 0 nmax = args.nspec for camera in qsim.instrument.cameras: # Lookup this camera's resolution matrix and convert to the sparse # format used in desispec. R = Resolution(camera.get_output_resolution_matrix()) resolution[] = np.tile(R.to_fits_array(), [args.nspec, 1, 1]) waves[] = ( u.Angstrom).value.astype(np.float32)) nwave = len(waves[]) maxbin = max(maxbin, len(waves[])) nobj = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # object photons nsky = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # sky photons nivar = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance (object+sky) cframe_observedflux = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # calibrated object flux cframe_ivar = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance of calibrated object flux cframe_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to calibrated flux sky_ivar = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance of sky sky_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to sky only frame_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to nobj+nsky trueflux[] = np.empty( (args.nspec, nwave)) # calibrated flux noisyflux[] = np.empty( (args.nspec, nwave)) # observed flux with noise obsivar[] = np.empty( (args.nspec, nwave)) # inverse variance of flux if args.simspec: for i in range(10): cn = + str(i) if cn in simspec.cameras: dw = np.gradient(simspec.cameras[cn].wave) break else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to find a {} camera in input simspec'.format( camera)) else: sflux = np.empty((args.nspec, npix)) #- Check if input simspec is for a continuum flat lamp instead of science #- This does not convolve to per-fiber resolution if args.simspec: if simspec.flavor == 'flat':"Simulating flat lamp exposure") for i, camera in enumerate(qsim.instrument.cameras): channel = #- from simspec, b/r/z not b0/r1/z9 assert camera.output_wavelength.unit == u.Angstrom num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) phot = list() for j in range(10): cn = + str(j) if cn in simspec.cameras: camwave = simspec.cameras[cn].wave dw = np.gradient(camwave) phot.append(simspec.cameras[cn].phot) if len(phot) == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to find a {} camera in input simspec'.format( camera)) else: phot = np.vstack(phot) meanspec = resample_flux(waves[channel], camwave, np.average(phot / dw, axis=0)) fiberflat = random_state.normal(loc=1.0, scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(meanspec), size=(nspec, num_pixels)) ivar = np.tile(meanspec, [nspec, 1]) mask = np.zeros((simspec.nspec, num_pixels), dtype=np.uint32) for kk in range((args.nspec + args.nstart - 1) // 500 + 1): camera = channel + str(kk) outfile ='fiberflat', NIGHT, EXPID, camera) start = max(500 * kk, args.nstart) end = min(500 * (kk + 1), nmax) if (args.spectrograph <= kk): "Writing files for channel:{}, spectrograph:{}, spectra:{} to {}" .format(channel, kk, start, end)) ff = FiberFlat(waves[channel], fiberflat[start:end, :], ivar[start:end, :], mask[start:end, :], meanspec, header=dict(CAMERA=camera)) write_fiberflat(outfile, ff) filePath ="fiberflat", NIGHT, EXPID, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(filePath)) sys.exit(0) # Repeat the simulation for all spectra fluxunits = 1e-17 * u.erg / (u.s ***2 * u.Angstrom) for j in range(args.nspec): thisobjtype = objtype[j] sys.stdout.flush() if flavor == 'arc': qsim.source.update_in('Quickgen source {0}'.format, 'perfect', wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra * fluxunits) else: qsim.source.update_in('Quickgen source {0}'.format(j), thisobjtype.lower(), wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra[j, :] * fluxunits) qsim.source.update_out() qsim.simulate() qsim.generate_random_noise(random_state) for i, output in enumerate(qsim.camera_output): assert output['observed_flux'].unit == 1e17 * fluxunits # Extract the simulation results needed to create our uncalibrated # frame output file. num_pixels = len(output) nobj[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_source_electrons'][:, 0] nsky[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_sky_electrons'][:, 0] nivar[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1.0 / output['variance_electrons'][:, 0] # Get results for our flux-calibrated output file. cframe_observedflux[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:, 0] cframe_ivar[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:, 0] # Fill brick arrays from the results. camera = output.meta['name'] trueflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:, 0] noisyflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * ( output['observed_flux'][:, 0] + output['flux_calibration'][:, 0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0]) obsivar[camera][j][:] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:, 0] # Use the same noise realization in the cframe and frame, without any # additional noise from sky subtraction for now. frame_rand_noise[ j, i, :num_pixels] = output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0] cframe_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * ( output['flux_calibration'][:, 0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0]) # The sky output file represents a model fit to ~40 sky fibers. # We reduce the variance by a factor of 25 to account for this and # give the sky an independent (Gaussian) noise realization. sky_ivar[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 25.0 / (output['variance_electrons'][:, 0] - output['num_source_electrons'][:, 0]) sky_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = random_state.normal( scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(sky_ivar[j, i, :num_pixels]), size=num_pixels) armName = {"b": 0, "r": 1, "z": 2} for channel in 'brz': #Before writing, convert from counts/bin to counts/A (as in Pixsim output) #Quicksim Default: #FLUX - input spectrum resampled to this binning; no noise added [1e-17 erg/s/cm2/s/Ang] #COUNTS_OBJ - object counts in 0.5 Ang bin #COUNTS_SKY - sky counts in 0.5 Ang bin num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) dwave = np.gradient(waves[channel]) nobj[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave frame_rand_noise[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave nivar[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] *= dwave**2 nsky[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave sky_rand_noise[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave sky_ivar[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave**2 # Now write the outputs in DESI standard file system. None of the output file can have more than 500 spectra # Looping over spectrograph for ii in range((args.nspec + args.nstart - 1) // 500 + 1): start = max(500 * ii, args.nstart) # first spectrum for a given spectrograph end = min(500 * (ii + 1), nmax) # last spectrum for the spectrograph if (args.spectrograph <= ii): camera = "{}{}".format(channel, ii) "Writing files for channel:{}, spectrograph:{}, spectra:{} to {}" .format(channel, ii, start, end)) num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) # Write frame file framefileName ="frame", NIGHT, EXPID, camera) frame_flux=nobj[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels]+ \ nsky[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] + \ frame_rand_noise[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] frame_ivar = nivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] sh1 = frame_flux.shape[ 0] # required for slicing the resolution metric, resolusion matrix has (nspec,ndiag,wave) # for example if nstart =400, nspec=150: two spectrographs: # 400-499=> 0 spectrograph, 500-549 => 1 if (args.nstart == start): resol = resolution[channel][:sh1, :, :] else: resol = resolution[channel][-sh1:, :, :] # must create desispec.Frame object frame=Frame(waves[channel], frame_flux, frame_ivar,\ resolution_data=resol, spectrograph=ii, \ fibermap=fibermap[start:end], \ meta=dict(CAMERA=camera, FLAVOR=simspec.flavor) ), frame) framefilePath ="frame", NIGHT, EXPID, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(framefilePath)) if args.frameonly or simspec.flavor == 'arc': continue # Write cframe file cframeFileName ="cframe", NIGHT, EXPID, camera) cframeFlux = cframe_observedflux[ start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] + cframe_rand_noise[ start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] cframeIvar = cframe_ivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] # must create desispec.Frame object cframe = Frame(waves[channel], cframeFlux, cframeIvar, \ resolution_data=resol, spectrograph=ii, fibermap=fibermap[start:end], meta=dict(CAMERA=camera, FLAVOR=simspec.flavor) ), cframe) cframefilePath ="cframe", NIGHT, EXPID, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(cframefilePath)) # Write sky file skyfileName ="sky", NIGHT, EXPID, camera) skyflux=nsky[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] + \ sky_rand_noise[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] skyivar = sky_ivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] skymask = np.zeros(skyflux.shape, dtype=np.uint32) # must create desispec.Sky object skymodel = SkyModel(waves[channel], skyflux, skyivar, skymask, header=dict(CAMERA=camera)), skymodel) skyfilePath ="sky", NIGHT, EXPID, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(skyfilePath)) # Write calib file calibVectorFile ="calib", NIGHT, EXPID, camera) flux = cframe_observedflux[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] phot = nobj[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] calibration = np.zeros_like(phot) jj = (flux > 0) calibration[jj] = phot[jj] / flux[jj] #- TODO: what should calibivar be? #- For now, model it as the noise of combining ~10 spectra calibivar = 10 / cframe_ivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] #mask=(1/calibivar>0).astype(int)?? mask = np.zeros(calibration.shape, dtype=np.uint32) # write flux calibration fluxcalib = FluxCalib(waves[channel], calibration, calibivar, mask) write_flux_calibration(calibVectorFile, fluxcalib) calibfilePath ="calib", NIGHT, EXPID, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(calibfilePath))
def simulate(airmass=None, exptime=None, seeing=None, moon_frac=None, moon_sep=None, moon_alt=None, seed=1234, nspec=5000, brickname='testbrick', galsim=False, ra=None, dec=None): #- construct the simulator qsim = simulator.Simulator('desi') # Initialize random number generator to use. random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed) #- Create a blank fake fibermap for bricks fibermap = empty_fibermap(nspec) targetids = random_state.randint(2**62, size=nspec) fibermap['TARGETID'] = targetids night = get_night() expid = 0 #- working out only ELG objtype = 'ELG' true_objtype = np.tile(np.array([objtype]), (nspec)) #- Initialize the output truth table. spectra = [] wavemin ='b').wavemin wavemax ='z').wavemax dw = 0.2 wavelengths = np.arange(round(wavemin, 1), wavemax, dw) npix = len(wavelengths) truth = dict() meta = Table() truth['OBJTYPE'] = 'ELG' * nspec truth['FLUX'] = np.zeros((nspec, npix)) truth['WAVE'] = wavelengths #- get the templates flux, tmpwave, meta1 = get_templates(wavelengths, seed=seed, nmodel=nspec) truth['FLUX'] = flux meta = vstack([meta, meta1]) #- Add TARGETID and the true OBJTYPE to the metadata table. meta.add_column(Column(true_objtype, dtype=(str, 10), name='TRUE_OBJTYPE')) meta.add_column(Column(targetids, name='TARGETID')) #- Rename REDSHIFT -> TRUEZ anticipating later table joins with zbest.Z meta.rename_column('REDSHIFT', 'TRUEZ') waves, trueflux, noisyflux, obsivar, resolution, sflux = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} #- Now simulate maxbin = 0 nmax = nspec for camera in qsim.instrument.cameras: # Lookup this camera's resolution matrix and convert to the sparse # format used in desispec. R = Resolution(camera.get_output_resolution_matrix()) resolution[] = np.tile(R.to_fits_array(), [nspec, 1, 1]) waves[] = ( u.Angstrom).value.astype(np.float32)) nwave = len(waves[]) maxbin = max(maxbin, len(waves[])) nobj = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # object photons nsky = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # sky photons nivar = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance (object+sky) cframe_observedflux = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # calibrated object flux cframe_ivar = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance of calibrated object flux cframe_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to calibrated flux sky_ivar = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance of sky sky_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to sky only frame_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to nobj+nsky trueflux[] = np.empty( (nspec, nwave)) # calibrated brick flux noisyflux[] = np.empty( (nspec, nwave)) # brick flux with noise obsivar[] = np.empty( (nspec, nwave)) # inverse variance of brick flux sflux = np.empty((nspec, npix)) #- Repeat the simulation for all spectra fluxunits = 1e-17 * u.erg / (u.s ***2 * u.Angstrom) spectra = truth['FLUX'] * 1.0e17 print("Simulating Spectra") for j in range(nspec): print("Simulating %s/%s spectra" % (j, nspec), end='\r') thisobjtype = 'ELG' sys.stdout.flush() #- update qsim using conditions if airmass is None: thisairmass = None else: thisairmass = airmass[j] if seeing is None: thisseeing = None else: thisseeing = seeing[j] if moon_frac is None: thismoon_frac = None else: thismoon_frac = moon_frac[j] if moon_sep is None: thismoon_sep = None else: thismoon_sep = moon_sep[j] if moon_alt is None: thismoon_alt = None else: thismoon_alt = moon_alt[j] if exptime is None: thisexptime = None else: thisexptime = exptime[j] nqsim = update_simulator(qsim, airmass=thisairmass, exptime=thisexptime, seeing=thisseeing, moon_frac=thismoon_frac, moon_sep=thismoon_sep, moon_alt=thismoon_alt, galsim=galsim) nqsim.source.update_in('Quickgen source {0}'.format(j), thisobjtype.lower(), wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra[j, :] * fluxunits) nqsim.source.update_out() nqsim.simulate() nqsim.generate_random_noise(random_state) sflux[j][:] = 1e17 * for i, output in enumerate(nqsim.camera_output): assert output['observed_flux'].unit == 1e17 * fluxunits # Extract the simulation results needed to create our uncalibrated # frame output file. num_pixels = len(output) nobj[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_source_electrons'][:, 0] nsky[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_sky_electrons'][:, 0] nivar[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1.0 / output['variance_electrons'][:, 0] # Get results for our flux-calibrated output file. cframe_observedflux[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:, 0] cframe_ivar[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:, 0] # Fill brick arrays from the results. camera = output.meta['name'] trueflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:, 0] noisyflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * ( output['observed_flux'][:, 0] + output['flux_calibration'][:, 0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0]) #return output obsivar[camera][j][:] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:, 0] # Use the same noise realization in the cframe and frame, without any # additional noise from sky subtraction for now. frame_rand_noise[ j, i, :num_pixels] = output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0] cframe_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * ( output['flux_calibration'][:, 0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0]) # The sky output file represents a model fit to ~40 sky fibers. # We reduce the variance by a factor of 25 to account for this and # give the sky an independent (Gaussian) noise realization. sky_ivar[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 25.0 / (output['variance_electrons'][:, 0] - output['num_source_electrons'][:, 0]) sky_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = random_state.normal( scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(sky_ivar[j, i, :num_pixels]), size=num_pixels) cframe_flux = cframe_observedflux[ j, i, :num_pixels] + cframe_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] armName = {"b": 0, "r": 1, "z": 2} for channel in 'brz': num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) dwave = np.gradient(waves[channel]) nobj[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave frame_rand_noise[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave nivar[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] *= dwave**2 nsky[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave sky_rand_noise[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave sky_ivar[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave**2 # Now write the outputs in DESI standard file system. None of the output file can have more than 500 spectra # Output brick files if ra is None or dec is None: filename = 'brick-{}-{}.fits'.format(channel, brickname) filepath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join('{}'.format(brickname), filename)) if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) print('Writing {}'.format(filepath)) header = dict(BRICKNAM=brickname, CHANNEL=channel) brick = Brick(filepath, mode='update', header=header) brick.add_objects(noisyflux[channel], obsivar[channel], waves[channel], resolution[channel], fibermap, night, expid) brick.close() """ # Append truth to the file. Note: we add the resolution-convolved true # flux, not the high resolution source flux, which makes chi2 # calculations easier. header = fitsheader(header) fx =, mode='append') _add_truth(fx, header, meta, trueflux, sflux, wavelengths, channel) fx.flush() fx.close() #sys.stdout.close() """ print("Wrote file {}".format(filepath)) else: bricknames = get_bricknames(ra, dec) fibermap['BRICKNAME'] = bricknames bricknames = set(bricknames) print("No. of bricks: {}".format(len(bricknames))) print("Writing brick files") for brick_name in bricknames: thisbrick = (fibermap['BRICKNAME'] == brick_name) brickdata = fibermap[thisbrick] fibers = brickdata['FIBER'] #np.mod(brickdata['FIBER'],nspec) filename = 'brick-{}-{}.fits'.format(channel, brick_name) filepath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join('./{}'.format(brick_name), filename)) if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) #print('Writing {}'.format(filepath)) header = dict(BRICKNAM=brick_name, CHANNEL=channel) brick = Brick(filepath, mode='update', header=header) brick.add_objects(noisyflux[channel][fibers], obsivar[channel][fibers], waves[channel], resolution[channel][fibers], brickdata, night, expid) brick.close() print("Finished writing brick files for {} bricks".format( len(bricknames))) #- make a truth file header = fitsheader(header) make_truthfile(header, meta, trueflux, sflux, wavelengths)
def batch_pixsim(batchfile, flavors, nspec=5000, night=None, expids=None, nodes=None, pixprod=None, desi_spectro_sim=None, seed=None): ''' Write a slurm batch script for run newexp-desi for the list of flavors ''' nexp = len(flavors) nspectrographs = (nspec - 1) // 500 + 1 ntasks = nexp * 3 timestr = '00:30:00' logfile = '{}.%j.log'.format(batchfile) np.random.seed(seed) seeds = np.random.randint(2**32, size=nexp) if night is None: night = obs.get_night() if expids is None: expids = obs.get_next_expid(nexp) assert len(expids) == len(flavors) if pixprod is None: if 'PIXPROD' in os.environ: pixprod = os.environ['PIXPROD'] else: raise ValueError('must provide pixprod or set $PIXPROD') if desi_spectro_sim is None: if 'DESI_SPECTRO_SIM' in os.environ: desi_spectro_sim = os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_SIM'] else: raise ValueError( 'must provide desi_spectro_sim or set $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM') outdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(desi_spectro_sim, pixprod, night))'output dir {}'.format(outdir)) if nodes is None: # nodes = calc_nodes(ntasks, tasktime=5, maxtime=20) nodes = nexp * nspectrographs cmd = "srun -n {nspectrographs} -N {nspectrographs} -c $nproc /usr/bin/time pixsim-desi --mpi --verbose --cosmics --night {night} --expid {expid} --seed {seed}" with open(batchfile, 'w') as fx: fx.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --partition=debug\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --account=desi\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --nodes={}\n".format(nodes)) fx.write("#SBATCH --time={}\n".format(timestr)) fx.write("#SBATCH --job-name=pixsim\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --output={}\n".format(logfile)) fx.write("if [ ${NERSC_HOST} = edison ]; then\n") fx.write(" nproc=24\n") fx.write("else\n") fx.write(" nproc=32\n") fx.write("fi\n\n") fx.write('export DESI_SPECTRO_SIM={}\n'.format(desi_spectro_sim)) fx.write('export PIXPROD={}\n'.format(pixprod)) fx.write('\necho Starting at `date`\n') for expid, flavor, seed in zip(expids, flavors, seeds): fx.write('\n#- Exposure {} ({})\n'.format(expid, flavor)) cx = cmd.format(night=night, expid=expid, nspectrographs=nspectrographs, seed=seed) fx.write(cx + ' &\n') fx.write('\nwait\n') fx.write('\n#- Preprocess raw data\n') cmd = 'srun -n 1 -N 1 desi_preproc --infile {infile} --outdir {outdir} --cameras {cameras}' outdir = os.path.join(desi_spectro_sim, pixprod, night) for expid in expids: infile ='raw', night=night, expid=expid, outdir=outdir) for i in range(nspectrographs): cameras = 'b{},r{},z{}'.format(i, i, i) cx = cmd.format(infile=infile, outdir=outdir, cameras=cameras) fx.write(cx + ' &\n') fx.write('\nwait\n') fx.write('echo Done at `date`\n')
def batch_newexp(batchfile, flavors, nspec=5000, night=None, expids=None, nodes=None, pixprod=None, desi_spectro_sim=None, tileids=None, seed=None): ''' Write a slurm batch script for run newexp-desi for the list of flavors ''' nexp = len(flavors) timestr = '00:30:00' logfile = '{}.%j.log'.format(batchfile) np.random.seed(seed) seeds = np.random.randint(2**32, size=nexp) if night is None: night = obs.get_night() if expids is None: expids = obs.get_next_expid(nexp) if nodes is None: nodes = calc_nodes(nexp, tasktime=1.5, maxtime=20) if tileids is None: tileids = list() for flavor in flavors: flavor = flavor.lower() t = obs.get_next_tileid(program=flavor) tileids.append(t) if flavor in ('arc', 'flat'): obs.update_obslog(obstype=flavor, program='calib', tileid=t) elif flavor in ('bright', 'bgs', 'mws'): obs.update_obslog(obstype='science', program='bright', tileid=t) elif flavor in ('gray', 'grey'): obs.update_obslog(obstype='science', program='gray', tileid=t) else: obs.update_obslog(obstype='science', program='dark', tileid=t) if pixprod is None: if 'PIXPROD' in os.environ: pixprod = os.environ['PIXPROD'] else: raise ValueError('must provide pixprod or set $PIXPROD') if desi_spectro_sim is None: if 'DESI_SPECTRO_SIM' in os.environ: desi_spectro_sim = os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_SIM'] else: raise ValueError( 'must provide desi_spectro_sim or set $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM')'output dir {}/{}/{}'.format(desi_spectro_sim, pixprod, night)) assert len(expids) == len(flavors) cmd = "srun -n 1 -N 1 -c $nproc /usr/bin/time newexp-desi --night {night} --nspec {nspec} --flavor {flavor} --expid {expid} --tileid {tileid} --seed {seed}" with open(batchfile, 'w') as fx: fx.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --partition=debug\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --account=desi\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --nodes={}\n".format(nodes)) fx.write("#SBATCH --time={}\n".format(timestr)) fx.write("#SBATCH --job-name=newexp\n") fx.write("#SBATCH --output={}\n".format(logfile)) fx.write("if [ ${NERSC_HOST} = edison ]; then\n") fx.write(" nproc=24\n") fx.write("else\n") fx.write(" nproc=32\n") fx.write("fi\n\n") fx.write('export DESI_SPECTRO_SIM={}\n'.format(desi_spectro_sim)) fx.write('export PIXPROD={}\n'.format(pixprod)) fx.write('\n') fx.write('echo Starting at `date`\n\n') fx.write('mkdir -p $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM/$PIXPROD/etc\n') fx.write('mkdir -p $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM/$PIXPROD/{}\n'.format(night)) fx.write('\n') for expid, flavor, tileid, seed in zip(expids, flavors, tileids, seeds): fx.write( cmd.format(nspec=nspec, night=night, expid=expid, flavor=flavor, tileid=tileid, seed=seed) + ' &\n') fx.write('\nwait\n') fx.write('\necho Done at `date`\n') return expids
def main(args): # Set up the logger if args.verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() # Make sure all necessary environment variables are set DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR="./quickGen" if 'DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX' not in os.environ:'DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX environment is not set.') else: DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR=os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'] if os.path.exists(DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR): if not os.path.isdir(DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR): raise RuntimeError("Path %s Not a directory"%DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR) else: try: os.makedirs(DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX_DIR) except: raise SPECPROD_DIR='specprod' if 'SPECPROD' not in os.environ:'SPECPROD environment is not set.') else: SPECPROD_DIR=os.environ['SPECPROD'] prod_Dir=specprod_root() if os.path.exists(prod_Dir): if not os.path.isdir(prod_Dir): raise RuntimeError("Path %s Not a directory"%prod_Dir) else: try: os.makedirs(prod_Dir) except: raise # Initialize random number generator to use. np.random.seed(args.seed) random_state = np.random.RandomState(args.seed) # Derive spectrograph number from nstart if needed if args.spectrograph is None: args.spectrograph = args.nstart / 500 # Read fibermapfile to get object type, night and expid if args.fibermap:"Reading fibermap file {}".format(args.fibermap)) fibermap=read_fibermap(args.fibermap) objtype = get_source_types(fibermap) stdindx=np.where(objtype=='STD') # match STD with STAR mwsindx=np.where(objtype=='MWS_STAR') # match MWS_STAR with STAR bgsindx=np.where(objtype=='BGS') # match BGS with LRG objtype[stdindx]='STAR' objtype[mwsindx]='STAR' objtype[bgsindx]='LRG' NIGHT=fibermap.meta['NIGHT'] EXPID=fibermap.meta['EXPID'] else: # Create a blank fake fibermap fibermap = empty_fibermap(args.nspec) targetids = random_state.randint(2**62, size=args.nspec) fibermap['TARGETID'] = targetids night = get_night() expid = 0"Initializing SpecSim with config {}".format(args.config)) desiparams = load_desiparams() qsim = get_simulator(args.config, num_fibers=1) if args.simspec: # Read the input file'Reading input file {}'.format(args.simspec)) simspec = nspec = simspec.nspec if simspec.flavor == 'arc': log.warning("quickgen doesn't generate flavor=arc outputs") return else: wavelengths = simspec.wave spectra = simspec.flux if nspec < args.nspec:"Only {} spectra in input file".format(nspec)) args.nspec = nspec else: # Initialize the output truth table. spectra = [] wavelengths = npix = len(wavelengths) truth = dict() meta = Table() truth['OBJTYPE'] = np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=(str, 10)) truth['FLUX'] = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) truth['WAVE'] = wavelengths jj = list() for thisobj in set(true_objtype): ii = np.where(true_objtype == thisobj)[0] nobj = len(ii) truth['OBJTYPE'][ii] = thisobj'Generating {} template'.format(thisobj)) # Generate the templates if thisobj == 'ELG': elg = desisim.templates.ELG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = elg.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_elg,sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'LRG': lrg = desisim.templates.LRG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = lrg.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_lrg,sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'QSO': qso = desisim.templates.QSO(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = qso.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_qso) elif thisobj == 'BGS': bgs = desisim.templates.BGS(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = bgs.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_bgs,rmagrange=args.rmagrange_bgs,sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj =='STD': std = desisim.templates.STD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = std.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'QSO_BAD': # use STAR template no color cuts star = desisim.templates.STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = star.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'MWS_STAR' or thisobj == 'MWS': mwsstar = desisim.templates.MWS_STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = mwsstar.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'WD': wd = desisim.templates.WD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = wd.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'SKY': flux = np.zeros((nobj, npix)) meta1 = Table(dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(nobj, dtype=np.float32))) elif thisobj == 'TEST': flux = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) indx = np.where(wave>5800.0-1E-6)[0][0] ref_integrated_flux = 1E-10 ref_cst_flux_density = 1E-17 single_line = (np.arange(args.nspec)%2 == 0).astype(np.float32) continuum = (np.arange(args.nspec)%2 == 1).astype(np.float32) for spec in range(args.nspec) : flux[spec,indx] = single_line[spec]*ref_integrated_flux/np.gradient(wavelengths)[indx] # single line flux[spec] += continuum[spec]*ref_cst_flux_density # flat continuum meta1 = Table(dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINE=wave[indx]*np.ones(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINEFLUX=single_line*ref_integrated_flux, CONSTFLUXDENSITY=continuum*ref_cst_flux_density)) else: log.fatal('Unknown object type {}'.format(thisobj)) sys.exit(1) # Pack it in. truth['FLUX'][ii] = flux meta = vstack([meta, meta1]) jj.append(ii.tolist()) # Sanity check on units; templates currently return ergs, not 1e-17 ergs... # assert (thisobj == 'SKY') or (np.max(truth['FLUX']) < 1e-6) # Sort the metadata table. jj = sum(jj,[]) meta_new = Table() for k in range(args.nspec): index = int(np.where(np.array(jj) == k)[0]) meta_new = vstack([meta_new, meta[index]]) meta = meta_new # Add TARGETID and the true OBJTYPE to the metadata table. meta.add_column(Column(true_objtype, dtype=(str, 10), name='TRUE_OBJTYPE')) meta.add_column(Column(targetids, name='TARGETID')) # Rename REDSHIFT -> TRUEZ anticipating later table joins with zbest.Z meta.rename_column('REDSHIFT', 'TRUEZ') # explicitly set location on focal plane if needed to support airmass # variations when using specsim v0.5 if qsim.source.focal_xy is None: qsim.source.focal_xy = (u.Quantity(0, 'mm'), u.Quantity(100, 'mm')) # Set simulation parameters from the simspec header or desiparams bright_objects = ['bgs','mws','bright','BGS','MWS','BRIGHT_MIX'] gray_objects = ['gray','grey'] if args.simspec is None: object_type = objtype flavor = None elif simspec.flavor == 'science': object_type = None flavor = simspec.header['PROGRAM'] else: object_type = None flavor = simspec.flavor log.warning('Maybe using an outdated simspec file with flavor={}'.format(flavor)) # Set airmass if args.airmass is not None: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = args.airmass elif args.simspec and 'AIRMASS' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = simspec.header['AIRMASS'] else: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = 1.25 # Science Req. Doc L3.3.2 # Set exptime if args.exptime is not None: qsim.observation.exposure_time = args.exptime * u.s elif args.simspec and 'EXPTIME' in simspec.header: qsim.observation.exposure_time = simspec.header['EXPTIME'] * u.s elif objtype in bright_objects: qsim.observation.exposure_time = desiparams['exptime_bright'] * u.s else: qsim.observation.exposure_time = desiparams['exptime_dark'] * u.s # Set Moon Phase if args.moon_phase is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = args.moon_phase elif args.simspec and 'MOONFRAC' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = simspec.header['MOONFRAC'] elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.7 elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.1 else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.5 # Set Moon Zenith if args.moon_zenith is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = args.moon_zenith * u.deg elif args.simspec and 'MOONALT' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = simspec.header['MOONALT'] * u.deg elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 30 * u.deg elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 80 * u.deg else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 100 * u.deg # Set Moon - Object Angle if args.moon_angle is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = args.moon_angle * u.deg elif args.simspec and 'MOONSEP' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = simspec.header['MOONSEP'] * u.deg elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 50 * u.deg elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 60 * u.deg else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 60 * u.deg # Initialize per-camera output arrays that will be saved waves, trueflux, noisyflux, obsivar, resolution, sflux = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} maxbin = 0 nmax= args.nspec for camera in qsim.instrument.cameras: # Lookup this camera's resolution matrix and convert to the sparse # format used in desispec. R = Resolution(camera.get_output_resolution_matrix()) resolution[] = np.tile(R.to_fits_array(), [args.nspec, 1, 1]) waves[] = ( nwave = len(waves[]) maxbin = max(maxbin, len(waves[])) nobj = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # object photons nsky = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # sky photons nivar = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # inverse variance (object+sky) cframe_observedflux = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # calibrated object flux cframe_ivar = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # inverse variance of calibrated object flux cframe_rand_noise = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to calibrated flux sky_ivar = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # inverse variance of sky sky_rand_noise = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to sky only frame_rand_noise = np.zeros((nmax,3,maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to nobj+nsky trueflux[] = np.empty((args.nspec, nwave)) # calibrated flux noisyflux[] = np.empty((args.nspec, nwave)) # observed flux with noise obsivar[] = np.empty((args.nspec, nwave)) # inverse variance of flux if args.simspec: for i in range(10): cn = + str(i) if cn in simspec.cameras: dw = np.gradient(simspec.cameras[cn].wave) break else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a {} camera in input simspec'.format(camera)) else: sflux = np.empty((args.nspec, npix)) #- Check if input simspec is for a continuum flat lamp instead of science #- This does not convolve to per-fiber resolution if args.simspec: if simspec.flavor == 'flat':"Simulating flat lamp exposure") for i,camera in enumerate(qsim.instrument.cameras): channel = #- from simspec, b/r/z not b0/r1/z9 assert camera.output_wavelength.unit == u.Angstrom num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) phot = list() for j in range(10): cn = + str(j) if cn in simspec.cameras: camwave = simspec.cameras[cn].wave dw = np.gradient(camwave) phot.append(simspec.cameras[cn].phot) if len(phot) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a {} camera in input simspec'.format(camera)) else: phot = np.vstack(phot) meanspec = resample_flux( waves[channel], camwave, np.average(phot/dw, axis=0)) fiberflat = random_state.normal(loc=1.0, scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(meanspec), size=(nspec, num_pixels)) ivar = np.tile(meanspec, [nspec, 1]) mask = np.zeros((simspec.nspec, num_pixels), dtype=np.uint32) for kk in range((args.nspec+args.nstart-1)//500+1): camera = channel+str(kk) outfile ='fiberflat', NIGHT, EXPID, camera) start=max(500*kk,args.nstart) end=min(500*(kk+1),nmax) if (args.spectrograph <= kk):"Writing files for channel:{}, spectrograph:{}, spectra:{} to {}".format(channel,kk,start,end)) ff = FiberFlat( waves[channel], fiberflat[start:end,:], ivar[start:end,:], mask[start:end,:], meanspec, header=dict(CAMERA=camera)) write_fiberflat(outfile, ff)"fiberflat",NIGHT,EXPID,camera)"Wrote file {}".format(filePath)) sys.exit(0) # Repeat the simulation for all spectra fluxunits = 1e-17 * u.erg / (u.s * ** 2 * u.Angstrom) for j in range(args.nspec): thisobjtype = objtype[j] sys.stdout.flush() if flavor == 'arc': qsim.source.update_in( 'Quickgen source {0}'.format, 'perfect', wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra * fluxunits) else: qsim.source.update_in( 'Quickgen source {0}'.format(j), thisobjtype.lower(), wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra[j, :] * fluxunits) qsim.source.update_out() qsim.simulate() qsim.generate_random_noise(random_state) for i, output in enumerate(qsim.camera_output): assert output['observed_flux'].unit == 1e17 * fluxunits # Extract the simulation results needed to create our uncalibrated # frame output file. num_pixels = len(output) nobj[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_source_electrons'][:,0] nsky[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_sky_electrons'][:,0] nivar[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1.0 / output['variance_electrons'][:,0] # Get results for our flux-calibrated output file. cframe_observedflux[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:,0] cframe_ivar[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:,0] # Fill brick arrays from the results. camera = output.meta['name'] trueflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:,0] noisyflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * (output['observed_flux'][:,0] + output['flux_calibration'][:,0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:,0]) obsivar[camera][j][:] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:,0] # Use the same noise realization in the cframe and frame, without any # additional noise from sky subtraction for now. frame_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['random_noise_electrons'][:,0] cframe_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * ( output['flux_calibration'][:,0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:,0]) # The sky output file represents a model fit to ~40 sky fibers. # We reduce the variance by a factor of 25 to account for this and # give the sky an independent (Gaussian) noise realization. sky_ivar[j, i, :num_pixels] = 25.0 / ( output['variance_electrons'][:,0] - output['num_source_electrons'][:,0]) sky_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = random_state.normal( scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(sky_ivar[j,i,:num_pixels]),size=num_pixels) armName={"b":0,"r":1,"z":2} for channel in 'brz': #Before writing, convert from counts/bin to counts/A (as in Pixsim output) #Quicksim Default: #FLUX - input spectrum resampled to this binning; no noise added [1e-17 erg/s/cm2/s/Ang] #COUNTS_OBJ - object counts in 0.5 Ang bin #COUNTS_SKY - sky counts in 0.5 Ang bin num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) dwave=np.gradient(waves[channel]) nobj[:,armName[channel],:num_pixels]/=dwave frame_rand_noise[:,armName[channel],:num_pixels]/=dwave nivar[:,armName[channel],:num_pixels]*=dwave**2 nsky[:,armName[channel],:num_pixels]/=dwave sky_rand_noise[:,armName[channel],:num_pixels]/=dwave sky_ivar[:,armName[channel],:num_pixels]/=dwave**2 # Now write the outputs in DESI standard file system. None of the output file can have more than 500 spectra # Looping over spectrograph for ii in range((args.nspec+args.nstart-1)//500+1): start=max(500*ii,args.nstart) # first spectrum for a given spectrograph end=min(500*(ii+1),nmax) # last spectrum for the spectrograph if (args.spectrograph <= ii): camera = "{}{}".format(channel, ii)"Writing files for channel:{}, spectrograph:{}, spectra:{} to {}".format(channel,ii,start,end)) num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) # Write frame file"frame",NIGHT,EXPID,camera) frame_flux=nobj[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels]+ \ nsky[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] + \ frame_rand_noise[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] frame_ivar=nivar[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] sh1=frame_flux.shape[0] # required for slicing the resolution metric, resolusion matrix has (nspec,ndiag,wave) # for example if nstart =400, nspec=150: two spectrographs: # 400-499=> 0 spectrograph, 500-549 => 1 if (args.nstart==start): resol=resolution[channel][:sh1,:,:] else: resol=resolution[channel][-sh1:,:,:] # must create desispec.Frame object frame=Frame(waves[channel], frame_flux, frame_ivar,\ resolution_data=resol, spectrograph=ii, \ fibermap=fibermap[start:end], \ meta=dict(CAMERA=camera, FLAVOR=simspec.flavor) ), frame)"frame",NIGHT,EXPID,camera)"Wrote file {}".format(framefilePath)) if args.frameonly or simspec.flavor == 'arc': continue # Write cframe file"cframe",NIGHT,EXPID,camera) cframeFlux=cframe_observedflux[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels]+cframe_rand_noise[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] cframeIvar=cframe_ivar[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] # must create desispec.Frame object cframe = Frame(waves[channel], cframeFlux, cframeIvar, \ resolution_data=resol, spectrograph=ii, fibermap=fibermap[start:end], meta=dict(CAMERA=camera, FLAVOR=simspec.flavor) ),cframe)"cframe",NIGHT,EXPID,camera)"Wrote file {}".format(cframefilePath)) # Write sky file"sky",NIGHT,EXPID,camera) skyflux=nsky[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] + \ sky_rand_noise[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] skyivar=sky_ivar[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] skymask=np.zeros(skyflux.shape, dtype=np.uint32) # must create desispec.Sky object skymodel = SkyModel(waves[channel], skyflux, skyivar, skymask, header=dict(CAMERA=camera)), skymodel)"sky",NIGHT,EXPID,camera)"Wrote file {}".format(skyfilePath)) # Write calib file"calib",NIGHT,EXPID,camera) flux = cframe_observedflux[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] phot = nobj[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] calibration = np.zeros_like(phot) jj = (flux>0) calibration[jj] = phot[jj] / flux[jj] #- TODO: what should calibivar be? #- For now, model it as the noise of combining ~10 spectra calibivar=10/cframe_ivar[start:end,armName[channel],:num_pixels] #mask=(1/calibivar>0).astype(int)?? mask=np.zeros(calibration.shape, dtype=np.uint32) # write flux calibration fluxcalib = FluxCalib(waves[channel], calibration, calibivar, mask) write_flux_calibration(calibVectorFile, fluxcalib)"calib",NIGHT,EXPID,camera)"Wrote file {}".format(calibfilePath))