def main(image_file): detector = Detector(weight_dir=MODEL_WEIGHT_SAVE_DIR, mode=3, min_face_size=24) input_img_full_path = TEST_INPUT_IMG_DIR + '/' + image_file output_img_full_path = TEST_OUTPUT_IMG_DIR + '/' + image_file image = cv2.imread(input_img_full_path) bbox, bboxes, landmarks = detector.predict(image) print('bboxes-shape---:', bboxes.shape) print('landmarks-shape---:', landmarks.shape) for bbox in bboxes: #print('bbox score--:',bbox[4]) #cv2.putText(image,str(np.round(bbox[4],2)),(int(bbox[0]),int(bbox[1])),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX,1,color=(255,0,255)) cv2.rectangle(image, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (0, 0, 255)) for landmark in landmarks: #print('landmark-shape---:',landmark.shape) #print('landmark----:',landmark) for i in range(0, 5):, (int(landmark[2 * i]), int(int(landmark[2 * i + 1]))), 3, (0, 0, 255)) #break cv2.imwrite(output_img_full_path, image) cv2.imshow('yy', image) cv2.waitKey(0)
def main(): print("Running Task") camera = Camera() d = Detector() rs = d.detect_image(camera.capture()) print(rs) for obj, confidence in rs.items(): print('Object {} : Confidence {}'.format(obj, confidence))
def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) = Camera() self.detector = Detector() self.stop_loop = False self.telemetry = Telemetry() self.position_calculator = PositionCalculator() self.frame = None
def detection(d): det = Detector(detector_name='mobilenet_ssd', config_path='./detectors.cfg') while True: if(d['tracker_ready'] == True): results = det.detect_image_frame(d['%d_frame'%d['index']], to_xywh=True) d['%d_boxes'%d['index']] = np.array([result[1:5] for result in results]) d['%d_scores'%d['index']] = np.array([result[5] for result in results]) d['tracker_ready'] = False d['detector_ready'] = True
def detect(cluster, id): img_catalog = make_camera_img_catalog(cluster, id) predictor = Detector(config_path='detector/configs/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml', weight_path='detector/configs/faster_rcnn_R_101.pkl') img_catalog = add_static_to_catalog(img_catalog) bboxes_catalog = 'static/img/cameras/cluster_' + str(cluster) + '/camera_' + str(id) + '/detected' clean_directory(bboxes_catalog) camera_cluster_id = str(cluster) + str(id) predictor.save_bboxes(img_catalog, camera_cluster_id) bboxes = make_camera_detected_img_catalog(cluster, id) return render_template('detected_images.html', image_catalog=bboxes, cluster=cluster, id=id)
def load_model(): # cropper = Cropper() # detector = Detector(config.DETECTOR_CFG, config.DETECTOR_WEIGHT, config.DETECTOR_LABELS) # reader_config = Cfg.load_config_from_file(config.READER_CFG) reader_config['weights'] = config.READER_WEIGHT reader_config['device'] = config.DEVICE reader = Reader(reader_config) # return cropper, detector, reader
def test_detector_image(self): # Create Localizer cfg_path = './data/yolo/full/trafficsigns.cfg' weights_path = './data/yolo/full/trafficsigns.weights' threshold = 0.24 localizer = Localizer(cfg_path, weights_path, threshold, gpu=0.0) # Create cropper crop_percent = 0.25 force_square = True cropper = Cropper(crop_percent, force_square) # Create classifier model_path = './data/classifier/trafficsigns.json' weights_path = './data/classifier/trafficsigns.h5' labels_path = './data/classifier/classes.txt' threshold = 0.5 classifier = Classifier(model_path, weights_path, labels_path, threshold) # Create detection pipeline detection_pipeline = DetectionPipeline(localizer, cropper, classifier) # Create detector images_path = './data/classifier/classes/' sounds_path = './data/sounds/' detector = Detector(detection_pipeline, images_path, sounds_path) # Detect on image img = cv2.imread('./tests/data/test.png') image, detections = detector.detect_image(img, show_confidence=True, return_image=True) true_detections = [{ 'class_id': 15, 'coordinates': [1434, 456, 1590, 612], 'label': 'max-60', 'confidence': 1.0 }] assert detections == true_detections
def test_detector_video(self): # Create Localizer cfg_path = './data/yolo/full/trafficsigns.cfg' weights_path = './data/yolo/full/trafficsigns.weights' threshold = 0.24 localizer = Localizer(cfg_path, weights_path, threshold, gpu=0.0) # Create cropper crop_percent = 0.25 force_square = True cropper = Cropper(crop_percent, force_square) # Create classifier model_path = './data/classifier/trafficsigns.json' weights_path = './data/classifier/trafficsigns.h5' labels_path = './data/classifier/classes.txt' threshold = 0.5 classifier = Classifier(model_path, weights_path, labels_path, threshold) # Create detection pipeline detection_pipeline = DetectionPipeline(localizer, cropper, classifier) # Create detector images_path = './data/classifier/classes/' sounds_path = './data/sounds/' detector = Detector(detection_pipeline, images_path, sounds_path) # Detect on video video_feed = './tests/data/test.mp4' output_mp4 = './tests/data/test_output.mp4' output_csv = './tests/data/test_output.csv' exit_code = detector.detect_video_feed(video_feed, output=output_mp4, output_csv=output_csv, show_confidence=True, sound_notifications=True) assert exit_code == True
async def main(): log_levels = ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'] config_template = { 'devices': confuse.Sequence(BluetoothDeviceConfuseTemplate(), ), 'log_level': confuse.Choice(log_levels, default=DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL), 'mqtt': { 'enabled': confuse.Choice([True, False], default=DEFAULT_MQTT_ENABLED), 'host': confuse.String(default=DEFAULT_MQTT_HOST), 'log_level': confuse.Choice(['ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'], default=DEFAULT_MQTT_LOG_LEVEL), 'port': confuse.Integer(default=DEFAULT_MQTT_PORT), 'protocol': confuse.String(default=DEFAULT_MQTT_PROTOCOL), }, 'scheduler': { 'log_level': confuse.Choice(log_levels, default=DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_LOG_LEVEL), }, } config = confuse.Configuration('bluetooth_tracker', __name__).get(config_template) kwargs = {} kwargs['bluetooth_rssi_scanner'] = FakeBluetoothScanner kwargs['bluetooth_lookup_name_func'] = lambda *_: 'test' detector = Detector( config, mqtt.Client(), AsyncIOScheduler(), **kwargs, ) detector.start_detecting() killer = GracefulKiller() while not killer.kill_now: await asyncio.sleep(1)'shutting down') detector.stop_detecting()
def yolo(): image = cv2.imread(args["image"]) weightsPath = get_yolo_path("yolov3.weights") configPath = get_yolo_path("yolov3.cfg") labelsPath = get_yolo_path("coco.names") LABELS = open(labelsPath).read().strip().split("\n") np.random.seed(42) COLORS = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(len(LABELS), 3), dtype="uint8") # load our YOLO object detector trained on COCO dataset (80 classes) print("[INFO] loading YOLO from disk...") net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromDarknet(configPath, weightsPath) detector = Detector(net, image, args['confidence'], args['threshold'], LABELS, COLORS) img = detector.detect() cv2.imshow("Image", img) cv2.waitKey(0)
def callback(data): bridge = CvBridge() height, width = 1024, 1280 detector = Detector(height=height, width=width, is_live=False) try: image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) data = detector.detection_by_frame(image) print('parking center found = ', data['found']) #cv2.imwrite('/home/artemon12/PycharmProjects/parking_diploma/pics/lot_res1.jpg', image) out.write(image) if data['found']: quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, np.pi / 2) x_posititon = 0.7188 + data['parking_params']['x'] y_posititon = -1 * (0.7967 + data['parking_params']['y']) position = PoseStamped() position.header.seq = 0 position.header.stamp = position.header.frame_id = 'map' position.pose.position = Point(x_posititon, y_posititon, 0) position.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quat) if data['found'] and TRIGGER is not True: global TIME if TIME is 0: TIME = data['time'] POINTS.append(data['parking_params']['center']) if data['time'] - TIME > 1.5: global TRIGGER global POINTS average = np.std(POINTS) if average < 5: parking_pub.publish(position) TRIGGER = True
def test_detector_image_output_json(self): # Create Localizer cfg_path = './data/yolo/full/trafficsigns.cfg' weights_path = './data/yolo/full/trafficsigns.weights' threshold = 0.24 localizer = Localizer(cfg_path, weights_path, threshold, gpu=0.0) # Create cropper crop_percent = 0.25 force_square = True cropper = Cropper(crop_percent, force_square) # Create classifier model_path = './data/classifier/trafficsigns.json' weights_path = './data/classifier/trafficsigns.h5' labels_path = './data/classifier/classes.txt' threshold = 0.5 classifier = Classifier(model_path, weights_path, labels_path, threshold) # Create detection pipeline detection_pipeline = DetectionPipeline(localizer, cropper, classifier) # Create detector images_path = './data/classifier/classes/' sounds_path = './data/sounds/' detector = Detector(detection_pipeline, images_path, sounds_path) # Detect on image img = cv2.imread('./tests/data/test.png') output_filename = './tests/data/detector_image.json' detections = detector.detect_image(img, output=output_filename) assert os.path.exists(output_filename) == True
def main(input_net_name): net_name = input_net_name assert net_name in NET_NAMES images_dir = WIDER_FACE_IMG_DIR annotation_file = WIDER_FACE_ANNO_FILE out_dir = GAN_DATA_ROOT_DIR out_dir = '{}/{}'.format(out_dir, net_name) if net_name == 'r_net': mode = 1 elif net_name == 'o_net': mode = 2 #images_path images_jpg bboxes dataset = load_widerface_dataset(images_dir, annotation_file) detector = Detector(weight_dir= MODEL_WEIGHT_SAVE_DIR, mode=mode) bboxes_all = [] #p_net 一次测一张图片,注意,其返回可能会有多个,因为图片中可以包含多张面,而且还有图片金字塔 print('data img len --:',len(dataset['images_jpg'])) for img_jpg in dataset['images_jpg']: _, bboxes, _ = detector.predict(img_jpg) bboxes_all.append(bboxes) bboxes_all = np.array(bboxes_all) print('predict over---') if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) detections_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'middle_wideface_data_det.pkl') with open(detections_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({ 'bboxes': bboxes_all, }, f) save_hard_examples(net_name, out_dir, dataset, detections_path)
def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.num_classes = 4 self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' assert self.device == 'cuda', 'CUDA is not available' images_folder = os.path.join(args.images_root, args.videoname) self.dataset = Vehicle(images_folder, model=args.model_type, image_size_effdet=args.image_size_effdet) self.loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, sampler=SequentialSampler(self.dataset), num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False) self.detector = Detector(args.weight, args.conf_thres, args.iou_thres, args.model_type, args.image_size_effdet) self.tracker = JDETracker(max_age=args.max_age, buffer_size=args.buffer_size, det_thresh=args.conf_thres, thresh1=args.tracker_thresh1, thresh2=args.tracker_thresh2, thresh3=args.tracker_thresh3) self.track_features_type = args.track_features_type self.save_detects = args.save_detects self.detect_outputs = args.detect_outputs self.detect_results = [] self.track_outputs = args.track_outputs self.track_results = []
from detector.detector import Detector if __name__ == '__main__': det = Detector(detector_name='yolo', config_path='config.cfg') # detect_image_test #det.detect_image('./_samples/MOT17-09-FRCNN/img1/000055.jpg') # detect_video_test #det.detect_video('./_samples/MOT17-09-FRCNN.mp4') # detect_webcam_test #det.detect_webcam() #det = Detector(detector_name='mobilenet', config_path='detectors.cfg') #det.detect_webcam() # Detect image sequence
from rpi import rec_utils from rpi import pi_utils import utils.audio_utils as au from utils.state_machine import StateMachine from detector.detector import Detector import pickle DIRECTORY = "records_detector" MODEL_DIR = "models/svc.pickle" if __name__ == "__main__": rec_saver = au.RecSaver(DIRECTORY) with open(MODEL_DIR, "rb") as model_file: detector = Detector(pickle.load(model_file)) audio_rec = rec_utils.AudioRecorder() state_machine = StateMachine(audio_rec, detector, rec_saver) button = pi_utils.Button(4) while 1: button_pressed = button.check_value() if button_pressed: state_machine.change_state()
from telemetry.telemetry import Telemetry from positionCalculator.positionCalculator import PositionCalculator import cv2 from settings.settings import Values from detector.detector import Detector import time if __name__ == '__main__': frame = cv2.imread("images/pole.png") telemetry = Telemetry() positionCalculator = PositionCalculator() detector = Detector() width, height = frame.shape[1::-1] altitude = 10 x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 azimuth = 0 telemetry.update_telemetry_manually(width / 2, height / 2, azimuth, altitude) try: if Values.PRINT_FPS: last_time = time.time() ind = 0 while True: frame = cv2.imread("images/pole.png") left = x_offset + int(width / 2 - width * altitude / 30) right = x_offset + int(width / 2 + width * altitude / 30) top = y_offset + int(height / 2 - height * altitude / 30)
def predictcmnd(self, image): # check cccd """ ========================================= ===== Crop and align id card image ========================================= """ request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest() # model_name = "cropper_cmnd_model" # signature name, default is 'serving_default' request.model_spec.signature_name = "serving_default" # preprocess image img, original_image, original_width, original_height = preprocess_image( image, Cropper.TARGET_SIZE) if img.ndim == 3: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) # request to cropper model request.inputs["input_1"].CopyFrom( tf.make_tensor_proto(img, dtype=np.float32, shape=img.shape)) try: result = self.stub.Predict(request, 10.0) result = result.outputs["tf_op_layer_concat_14"].float_val result = np.array(result).reshape((-1, 9)) except Exception as e: print("Cropper cmnd = ", e) cropper = Cropper() cropper.set_best_bboxes(result, original_width=original_width, original_height=original_height, iou_threshold=0.5) # respone to client if image is invalid if cropper.respone_client(threshold_idcard=0.8) == -1: # print(cropper.respone_client(threshold_idcard=0.8)) return elif cropper.respone_client(threshold_idcard=0.8) == 0: # print("no cropper") # cv2.imwrite('app/static/aligned_images/' + filename, original_image) aligned_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) else: # print("cropper image") cropper.set_image(original_image=original_image) # print("Cropper cmnd end") # output of cropper part aligned_image = getattr(cropper, "image_output") cv2.imwrite('storage/c.jpg', aligned_image) aligned_image = cv2.cvtColor(aligned_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) """ =========================================== ==== Detect informations in aligned image =========================================== """ # preprocess aligned image original_height, original_width, _ = aligned_image.shape img = cv2.resize(aligned_image, Detector.TARGET_SIZE) img = np.float32(img / 255.) # model_name = "detector_cmnd_model" # signature name, default is 'serving_default' request.model_spec.signature_name = "serving_default" if img.ndim == 3: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) # new request to detector model request.inputs["input_1"].CopyFrom( tf.make_tensor_proto(img, dtype=np.float32, shape=img.shape)) try: # print("Detect cmnd = ok") result = self.stub.Predict(request, 10.0) result = result.outputs["tf_op_layer_concat_14"].float_val result = np.array(result).reshape((-1, 13)) # print("Detect cmnd = end") except Exception as e: print("Detect cmnd = ", e) detector = Detector() detector.set_best_bboxes(result, original_width=original_width, original_height=original_height, iou_threshold=0.5) detector.set_info_images(original_image=aligned_image) # output of detector part info_images = getattr(detector, "info_images") return info_images
import base64, cv2, random import numpy as np from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from detector.detector import Detector, OP_RECT, OP_KEYPOINTS app = Flask(__name__) det = Detector() @app.route('/detect', methods=['POST']) def detect(): image_base64 = request.json['image'] padding = request.json.get('padding') if padding is None: padding = 0 keypoints = request.json.get('keypoints') if keypoints is None: keypoints = False rect = request.json.get('rect') if rect is None: rect = False crop = request.json.get('crop') if crop is None: crop = False rgb = request.json.get('rgb') # OpenCV works with BGR, so we reverse RGB rgb = rgb[::-1] if rgb else None print('rgb is ', rgb) npimg = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(image_base64), np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(npimg, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
def __init__(self, detector_name, tracker_name, config_path='./config.cfg'): self.det = Detector(detector_name, config_path) self.tra = Tracker_temp(tracker_name, config_path)
def run(opt): # output dir if os.path.exists(opt.save_dir): shutil.rmtree(opt.save_dir) os.makedirs(opt.save_dir) # load dataset dataset = Dataloader(source=opt.source, imgsz=opt.img_size).dataset # load object detection model, and weights detector = Detector(detector_type=opt.detector_type, cfg_file=opt.detector_cfg_file) detector.run_through_once(opt.img_size) # 空跑一次 # load object tracking model tracker = Tracker(tracker_type=opt.tracker_type, cfg_file=opt.tracker_cfg_file) # load pose detection model poser = Poser(poser_type=opt.poser_type, cfg_file=opt.poser_cfg_file) # load classifier model clssifier = Classifier(classifier_type=opt.classifier_type, cfg_file=opt.classifier_cfg_file) print(detector.device, detector.cfg) filt_with_txt = False # 先分析一下status标注文件.txt,存在的才进行检测,这样能加快速度 if filt_with_txt: from classifier.data_analyse import anaylise_label label_ret = anaylise_label() label_stems = [x[0] for x in label_ret] for img_idx, (path, img, im0s, vid_cap) in enumerate(dataset): # print(type(img), type(im0s)) # print(type(im0s), im0s.shape) if dataset.is_camera: im0s = im0s[0] path = f'{path[0]}/{img_idx:0<6}.jpg' if filt_with_txt: fold_stem = path.split('/')[-2] idx = label_stems.index(fold_stem) # print(fold_stem, label_stems, idx) img_stem = Path(path).stem valid_stems = [Path(x).stem for x in label_ret[idx][-1]] in_it = f'track_{img_stem}' in valid_stems # print(path, in_it, label_ret[idx][-1][0]) if not in_it: continue # img: [3, w, h], preprocess, inference, NMS, det_ret = detector.detect( path, img, im0s) # detect result: nparray, [num_obj, 6] 6: xyxy,conf,cls # detector.imshow(im0s, det_ret) # track tra_ret = tracker.track( det_ret, im0s) # track result: list, [num_obj, 7], 7: xyxy, cls, tid, trace # print(tra_ret[:, 5]) # tracker.imshow(im0s, tra_ret, path) # pose detect pose_ret = poser.detect_pose(tra_ret, im0s, path, return_type='zzd') # zzd format: np.array(object): [num_obj, 10],10: xyxy cls tid trace keypoints kp_score proposal_score # print(pose_ret) poser.imshow(im0s, pose_ret, path, resize=(1280, 720)) # classifier if opt.feature_save_dir is not None: # 保存特征的 clssifier.build_and_save_feature(pose_ret, path, save_dir=opt.feature_save_dir) print(f'\rsaving features: [{img_idx + 1:>3}/{len(dataset)}] ', end='') continue # status_ret = clssifier.detect_status(pose_ret, path, is_camera=dataset.is_camera) # zzd format: np.array(object): [num_obj, 12], 12: 比10多了status_idx和status # clssifier.imshow(im0s, status_ret, show_name='x', resize=(1280, 720)) # print(status_ret) if img_idx == 10: if cv2.waitKeyEx(0) == ord('q'): raise StopIteration
from import VideoCamera from detector.detector import Detector import configparser import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage:', sys.argv[0], '<config_file>') print('Example:', sys.argv[0], 'config/config.cfg') exit(0) app = Flask(__name__) config = configparser.ConfigParser()[1]) detector = Detector(config['tflite']['model'], config['tflite'].getboolean('use_edgetpu')) labels = config['tflite']['labels'] src0 = config['cameras'].getint('src0') threshold = config['cameras'].getfloat('threshold') @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') def gen(camera): while True: frame = camera.get_frame() yield (b'--frame\r\n'
def predict(filename): channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:8500") stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel) request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest() # model_name = "cropper_model" # signature name, default is 'serving_default' request.model_spec.signature_name = "serving_default" start = time.time() """ ========================================= ===== Crop and align id card image ========================================= """ filepath = app.config["IMAGE_UPLOADS"] + "/" + filename # preprocess image img, original_image, original_width, original_height = preprocess_image( filepath, Cropper.TARGET_SIZE) if img.ndim == 3: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) # request to cropper model request.inputs["input_1"].CopyFrom( tf.make_tensor_proto(img, dtype=np.float32, shape=img.shape)) try: result = stub.Predict(request, 10.0) result = result.outputs["tf_op_layer_concat_14"].float_val result = np.array(result).reshape((-1, 9)) except Exception as e: print(e) cropper = Cropper() cropper.set_best_bboxes(result, original_width=original_width, original_height=original_height, iou_threshold=0.5) # respone to client if image is invalid if not cropper.respone_client(threshold_idcard=0.8): return render_template('upload_image_again.html') cropper.set_image(original_image=original_image) # output of cropper part aligned_image = getattr(cropper, "image_output") cv2.imwrite('app/static/aligned_images/' + filename, aligned_image) aligned_image = cv2.cvtColor(aligned_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) """ =========================================== ==== Detect informations in aligned image =========================================== """ # preprocess aligned image original_height, original_width, _ = aligned_image.shape img = cv2.resize(aligned_image, Detector.TARGET_SIZE) img = np.float32(img / 255.) # model_name = "detector_model" # signature name, default is 'serving_default' request.model_spec.signature_name = "serving_default" if img.ndim == 3: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) # new request to detector model request.inputs["input_1"].CopyFrom( tf.make_tensor_proto(img, dtype=np.float32, shape=img.shape)) try: result = stub.Predict(request, 10.0) result = result.outputs["tf_op_layer_concat_14"].float_val result = np.array(result).reshape((-1, 13)) except Exception as e: print(e) detector = Detector() detector.set_best_bboxes(result, original_width=original_width, original_height=original_height, iou_threshold=0.5) detector.set_info_images(original_image=aligned_image) # output of detector part info_images = getattr(detector, "info_images") """ ===================================== ==== Reader infors from infors image ===================================== """ keys = list(info_images.keys()) keys.remove("thoi_han") keys.remove("chan_dung") infors = dict() # init default value of quoc_tich, dan_toc infors['quoc_tich'] = "" infors['dan_toc'] = "" if "quoc_tich" in keys: infors['quoc_tich'] = ["Việt Nam"] keys.remove("quoc_tich") if "sex" in keys: info_image = info_images["sex"] infors["sex"] = list() for i in range(len(info_image)): img = info_image[i]['image'] s = reader.predict(img) if "Na" in s: infors["sex"].append("Nam") else: infors["sex"].append("Nữ") keys.remove("sex") if "dan_toc" in keys: info_image = info_images["dan_toc"] infors["dan_toc"] = list() for i in range(len(info_image)): img = info_image[i]['image'] s = reader.predict(img) s = s.split(" ")[-1] infors["dan_toc"].append(s) keys.remove("dan_toc") for key in keys: infors[key] = list() info_image = info_images[key] for i in range(len(info_image)): img = info_image[i]['image'] s = reader.predict(img) infors[key].append(s) que_quan_0 = infors['que_quan'][0] que_quan_1 = '' noi_thuong_tru_0 = infors['noi_thuong_tru'][0] noi_thuong_tru_1 = '' if len(infors['que_quan']) == 2: que_quan_1 = infors['que_quan'][1] if len(infors['noi_thuong_tru']) == 2: noi_thuong_tru_1 = infors['noi_thuong_tru'][1] print("total_time:{}".format(time.time() - start)) return render_template('predict.html', id=infors['id'][0].replace(" ", ""), full_name=infors['full_name'][0], date_of_birth=infors['date_of_birth'][0], sex=infors['sex'][0], quoc_tich=infors['quoc_tich'], dan_toc=infors['dan_toc'], que_quan_0=que_quan_0, que_quan_1=que_quan_1, noi_thuong_tru_0=noi_thuong_tru_0, noi_thuong_tru_1=noi_thuong_tru_1, filename=str(filename))
from detector.detector import Detector import pandas as pd # input image input_path = '/media/herval/Save/School/THB/Master/Semestre3/Projekt/data/processed/test/test_sub_image_x1-2692_y1-2512_x2-3320_y2-3525.jpeg' # output folder output_path = '/media/herval/Save/School/THB/Master/Semestre3/Projekt/data/processed/test/outputs' # real centers real_centers_path = '/media/herval/Save/School/THB/Master/Semestre3/Projekt/data/processed/test/test_sub_image_x1-2692_y1-2512_x2-3320_y2-3525_marked.csv' real = pd.read_csv(real_centers_path, sep=',', header=0).values[:, 1:] # instantiate the detector detector = Detector(input_path, output_path) detector.recognize() detector.mapping(real)
from camera.threadcamera import ThreadCamera from detector.detector import Detector from detector.threaddetector import ThreadDetector import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if __name__ == '__main__': camera = Camera() print(camera) app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window = Gui(camera) detector = Detector(camera, window) print(detector) t_cam = ThreadCamera(camera) t_cam.start() t_detector = ThreadDetector(detector) t_detector.start() window.setCamera(camera, t_cam) window.setDetector(detector, t_detector) t_gui = ThreadGui(window) t_gui.start()