def detection(d): det = Detector(detector_name='mobilenet_ssd', config_path='./detectors.cfg') while True: if(d['tracker_ready'] == True): results = det.detect_image_frame(d['%d_frame'%d['index']], to_xywh=True) d['%d_boxes'%d['index']] = np.array([result[1:5] for result in results]) d['%d_scores'%d['index']] = np.array([result[5] for result in results]) d['tracker_ready'] = False d['detector_ready'] = True
class tracking_by_detection(object): def __init__(self, detector_name, tracker_name, config_path='./config.cfg'): self.det = Detector(detector_name, config_path) self.tra = Tracker_temp(tracker_name, config_path) def open_with_mkdir(self, path): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname(path)): pass else: raise return open(path, 'w') def tracking_by_detection(self, video_stream, output_file, show_image=True, detect_freq=1, down_sample_ratio=1.0, is_probability_driven_detect=True, print_fps=False): video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_stream) fps = 0.0 step_counter = 0 counter = 0 first_time_flag = True start_time = time.time() total_time = time.time() result_list = [] frame_index = 1 while True: ret, frame = if ret != True: break (h, w) = frame.shape[:2] frame_resized = cv2.resize( frame, (int(w * down_sample_ratio), int(h * down_sample_ratio))) if ((step_counter % detect_freq == 0) or counter == 0 or (is_probability_driven_detect == True and self.tra.is_detection_needed() == True)): results = self.det.detect_image_frame(frame_resized, to_xywh=True) boxes = np.array([result[1:5] for result in results]) scores = np.array([result[5] for result in results]) self.tra.set_detecion_needed(False) tracker, detections = self.tra.start_tracking( frame_resized, boxes, scores) # Call the tracker if (IS_TRACKING_DISPLAY is True): for track in tracker.tracks: if track.is_confirmed() and track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0] / down_sample_ratio), int(bbox[1] / down_sample_ratio)), (int(bbox[2] / down_sample_ratio), int(bbox[3] / down_sample_ratio)), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0] / down_sample_ratio), int(bbox[1] / down_sample_ratio)), 0, 5e-3 * 200, (0, 255, 0), 2) bbox = track.to_tlwh() result_list.append([ frame_index, track.track_id, bbox[0] / down_sample_ratio, bbox[1] / down_sample_ratio, bbox[2] / down_sample_ratio, bbox[3] / down_sample_ratio ]) if (IS_DETECTION_DISPLAY is True): for detection in detections: bbox = detection.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0] / down_sample_ratio), int(bbox[1] / down_sample_ratio)), (int(bbox[2] / down_sample_ratio), int(bbox[3] / down_sample_ratio)), (255, 0, 0), 2) counter += 1 step_counter += 1 if (step_counter % detect_freq == 0): fps = step_counter / (time.time() - start_time) if (print_fps is True): print(fps) step_counter = 0 cv2.putText(frame, 'FPS:' + str(round(fps, 1)), (0, 25), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2) start_time = time.time() if (first_time_flag is True): step_counter = 0 counter = 0 total_time = time.time() first_time_flag = False if (show_image == True): cv2.imshow('image', frame) frame_index += 1 if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps = counter / (time.time() - total_time) print('Average FPS:', round(fps, 1)) print('Total eplased:', round(time.time() - total_time, 2)) try: f = self.open_with_mkdir(output_file) for result in result_list: print('%d,%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,1,-1,-1,-1' % (int(result[0]), int(result[1]), float(result[2]), float(result[3]), float(result[4]), float(result[5])), file=f) f.close() except Exception as e: print(e) print('Something went wrong when writing output file!') video_capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() try: del tracker del detections del result_list del video_capture del frame del frame_resized del results del boxes del bbox del scores del step_counter del first_time_flag del start_time del total_time del frame_index except Exception as e: print(e) return fps, counter