def find_device(id_str, create_new=False, device_type=None, source=None, devdef=None, dev=None ): if not devicedb.connected(): devicedb.connect() if id_str in device_cache and time.time() < device_cache[id_str].birth + CACHE_TIMEOUT: dev = device_cache[id_str] else: if not dev: devfind = devicedb.get_devices(where="idstr='%s'"%id_str,limit=1) if (len(devfind) == 0): if CREATE_NEW_DEVICE and create_new: dev = devicedb.new_device() dev.IDstr = id_str dev.device_type = device_type if device_type else DEFAULT_NEW_DEVICE dev.source_name = source if source else DEFAULT_NEW_SOURCE # generate some random places to dump data dev.source_ids = gen_source_ids(dev,devdef) devicedb.insert_device(dev) else: print "Error publishing data : %s is not in devicedb"%id_str return None else: dev = devfind[0] dev.birth = time.time() device_cache[id_str] = dev if create_new: check_source_ids(dev) return dev
def lookupstuff(): global lookedstuffup, CODE_LINES if lookedstuffup: return import config import utils import devicedb import postgresops devicedb.connect() for code,dat in CODES.iteritems(): if dat[0] == "P": dev = devicedb.get_devices(where="idstr='%s'"%dat[1],limit=1); if len(dev) != 1: CODE_LINES[code] = lambda:"ERROR: Can't find device"; return; dev = dev[0] # get plug load names metas = devicedb.get_devicemetas(where="key like 'PLUGLOAD%d' and %d=any(devices)"%(dat[2],dev.ID),limit=1); if len(metas) != 1 or metas[0].parent == 0: loadstr = "UNKNOWN"; else: meta = metas[0] if meta.parent == 1: loads = [int(s) for s in meta.value.split(',')] else: loads = [meta.parent] loadstr = "" for lid in loads: loadnamemeta = devicedb.get_devicemetas(where="id=%d"%lid,limit=1)[0] loadstr += loadnamemeta.value; if lid != loads[-1]: loadstr += " + " # get uuid of power and current devdef = utils.read_device(dev.device_type) poweruuid = None currentuuid = None for feednameidx in range(len(dev.feed_names)): feedname = dev.feed_names[feednameidx] if 'power %d'%(dat[2]+1) in feedname.lower(): poweruuid = dev.source_ids[feednameidx] elif 'current %d'%(dat[2]+1) in feedname.lower(): currentuuid = dev.source_ids[feednameidx] CODE_LINES[code] = lambda loadstr=loadstr,poweruuid=poweruuid,currentuuid=currentuuid,dat=dat: (""%(urllib.quote("Wattage of Device(s): %s (Instrument:%s Port:%d)"%(loadstr,dat[1],dat[2]+1)),poweruuid)+";Device(s): "+loadstr + "\n" + "Wattage: %.2f W"%(get_smap_data(poweruuid)) + "\n" + "Amperage: %.2f A"%(get_smap_data(currentuuid))); elif dat[0] == "R": devs = {} for t,v in dat[1].iteritems(): dev = devicedb.get_devices(where="idstr='%s'"%v,limit=1); if len(dev) != 1: CODE_LINES[code] = lambda:"ERROR: Can't find device %s"%v; return; devs[t] = dev[0] occuuid = devs['occupancy'].source_ids[2]; humiduuid = devs['humidity'].source_ids[0]; tempuuid = devs['temperature'].source_ids[1]; lightuuid = devs['light'].source_ids[3]; CODE_LINES[code] = lambda occuuid=occuuid,humiduuid=humiduuid,tempuuid=tempuuid,lightuuid=lightuuid: (""%(urllib.quote("Occupancy of room"),occuuid)+";"+ "Occupancy: %.1f %%"%(get_smap_data(occuuid)) + "\n" + "Humidity: %.1f %%RH"%(get_smap_data(humiduuid)) + "\n" + "Temperature: %.1f C"%(get_smap_data(tempuuid)) + "\n" + "Light Level: %.1f ulux"%(1.0e6*get_smap_data(lightuuid))); else: CODE_LINES[code] = lambda:"NOT IMPLEMENTED" lookedstuffup = True