def draw(self): ax_prototype = plt.subplot(self.gs_prototype()) plt.cla() plt.title('Prototype') current_cluster = self.current_cluster() current_cluster.prototype.plot(ax=ax_prototype, legend=False) plt.figlegend(*ax_prototype.get_legend_handles_labels(), loc='lower center') plt.subplot(self.gs_warping_preservation(), sharex=ax_prototype) plt.cla() wpc_vector = current_cluster.warping_conservation_vector() plt.plot(np.arange(0.5, len(wpc_vector), 1), wpc_vector) self.title.set_text('Cluster #{0}/{2} ({1} elements)'.format(self._current_cluster_id + 1, current_cluster.n_items, len(self._clusters))) plt.subplot(self.gs_heatmap()) plt.cla() self._ax_heatmap = plt.gca() shared_axis =, subplot_spec=self.gs_heatmap(), sort_by=None, highlighted_points=current_cluster.points_of_interest, highlight_colours=self.highlight_colours) # Projections projections = current_cluster.projected_data ax_projections = plt.subplot(self.gs_projected_mean()) plt.cla() plt.title('Average DTW projection onto prototype') projections.mean().plot(ax=ax_projections, legend=False) plt.subplot(self.gs_projected_heatmap()) plt.cla() self._ax_projected_heatmap = plt.gca() if self._warping_conservation_view: current_cluster.projected_data.plot_heatmap(horizontal_grid=True, subplot_spec=self.gs_projected_heatmap(), share_y_axis=shared_axis, sort_by=None, highlighted_points=current_cluster.tracked_points_of_interest, highlight_colours=self.highlight_colours, replace_with_dataframe=current_cluster.warping_conservation_data) else: current_cluster.projected_data.plot_heatmap(horizontal_grid=True, subplot_spec=self.gs_projected_heatmap(), share_y_axis=shared_axis, sort_by=None, highlighted_points=current_cluster.tracked_points_of_interest, highlight_colours=self.highlight_colours) # Finally issue a draw command for the plot plt.draw()
def draw_dendrogram(self): ax_dendrogram = self.ax_dendrogram plt.subplot(ax_dendrogram, rasterized=True) hc = self.hierarchical_clustering_object dendrogram_dict = hc.dendrogram(orientation='right', get_leaves=True, distance_sort=True, color_threshold=self._cut_xdata, ax=ax_dendrogram) leaves = dendrogram_dict['leaves'] plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize=7) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if self._sorted_index is None: self._sorted_index =[leaves]
def _plot_regular_heatmap_on_figure(self, cluster): f = plt.figure(figsize=(11.7, 8.3)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, right=0.95) self._enlarged_heatmap_axis = plt.gca(), sort_by=None, highlighted_points=cluster.points_of_interest, highlight_colours=self.highlight_colours) f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._onclick_listener) return f
def plot_dtw_path(path, ax=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots path onto axis supplied by ax (or `plt.gca()` if no such axis given. :param path: :param ax: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() plot = ax.plot(path[0], path[1], *args, **kwargs)
def plot_dtw_cost_and_path(cost_matrix, path, ax=None): """ Plots the DTW cost matrix and path. Code taken from the mlpy documentation: :param cost_matrix: :param path: :return: """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() plot1 = ax.imshow(cost_matrix.T, origin='lower', cmap=cm.gray, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar(plot1) plot2 = ax.plot(path[0], path[1], 'w') xlim = ax.set_xlim((-0.5, cost_matrix.shape[0] - 0.5)) ylim = ax.set_ylim((-0.5, cost_matrix.shape[1] - 0.5))
def raw_plot_data_as_heatmap(data_frame, ax=None, highlight_masks=None, highlight_colours=None, *args, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Create a masked array from data_frame masked_arr =, mask=np.isnan(data_frame)) # Use colormap from colorbrewer, draw NaNs as white cmap = palettable.colorbrewer.sequential.YlGnBu_9.mpl_colormap cmap.set_bad('#FFFFFF', 1.0) HEATMAP_COLORS = ['k', 'w'] result = ax.imshow(masked_arr, origin='lower', cmap=cmap, aspect="auto", interpolation='nearest', *args, **kwargs) if highlight_masks is not None: for j, mask in highlight_masks.iteritems(): highlight_cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap([highlight_colours[j]]) highlight_cmap.set_bad('#000000', 0) ax.imshow(highlight_masks[j], origin='lower', cmap=highlight_cmap, aspect="auto", interpolation='nearest', *args, **kwargs) return result
def dendrogram(self, ax=None, no_labels=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the dendrogram for the hieararchical clustering :return: """ from dgw.util.plotting import pyplot as plt linkage = self.linkage if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() color_threshold = kwargs.pop('color_threshold', self._distance_threshold) ans = hierarchy.dendrogram(linkage, no_labels=no_labels, above_threshold_color='k', color_threshold=color_threshold, *args, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('Distance') return ans
def plot(alignments, titles=None, horizontal_grid=True, no_y_axis=False, sort_by=None, subplot_spec=None, share_y_axis=None, scale_y_axis=None, highlighted_points={}, highlight_colours=None, rasterized=True, replace_with_dataframe=None): """ :param alignments: `AlignmentsData` object :param titles: Titles of the heatmaps. If set to none `alignments.dataset_axis` will be used :param horizontal_grid: Whether to plot heatmap on a horizontal grid :param no_y_axis: Will not plot the major (items) axis. :param sort_by: Sort values by 'length' or supplied index. :param subplot_spec: SubplotSpec of the suplot to plot hte heatmaps in. See `matplotlib.gridspec` package. :param share_y_axis: if not None, the plot will share the major (items) axis with the specified axis :param scale_y_axis: plot will scale the y axis by the specified number (linearly) if set. :type scale_y_axis: int :param highlighted_points: a (index, array) dictionary of points that should be highlighted in the heatmap :param: rasterized: whether to rasterize the plot or not (faster rending for rasterized) :param replace_with_dataframe: replace the data with the dataframe provided. Use for toggleable overlays :return: returns the shared y axis """ from dgw.util.plotting import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec number_of_datasets = alignments.number_of_datasets if titles is None: titles = alignments.dataset_axis # Should be OK just to just sort the first dataset as all others should have the same len sample_data_frame = alignments.dataset_xs(alignments.dataset_axis[0], copy=False).T lengths = sample_data_frame.apply(no_nans_len, axis=1) max_len = lengths.max() # Sorting if isinstance(sort_by, pd.Index): sorted_index = sort_by elif sort_by == 'length': debug('Sorting by length') lengths.sort() # Should do in-place sorted_index = lengths.index elif sort_by is None: sorted_index = alignments.items else: raise ValueError('Unsupported sort_by value provided: {0!r}. Only None or \'length\' supported'.format(sort_by)) # Apply sorting alignments = alignments.ix[sorted_index] # Create the instance of axis formatter tick_formatter = dataset_ticks(alignments, scale_y_axis) # Subplot creation if horizontal_grid: grid = (1, number_of_datasets + 1) width_ratios = [5] * number_of_datasets width_ratios.append(1) spacing_kwargs = {'wspace': 0.01, 'width_ratios': width_ratios} # Almost no space between plots else: grid = (number_of_datasets, 2) spacing_kwargs = {'hspace': 0.15, 'width_ratios': [5, 1]} # Allow a bit of a space for title if not subplot_spec: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(*grid, **spacing_kwargs) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(*grid, subplot_spec=subplot_spec, **spacing_kwargs) # Main drawing loop first_axis = None extent = None if scale_y_axis: extent = [0, max_len, 0, alignments.number_of_items * scale_y_axis] # Multiply by 10 as that is what matplotlib's dendrogram returns if highlighted_points: highlight_masks = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros((alignments.number_of_items, max_len), dtype=np.bool)) for i, ix in enumerate(sorted_index): try: points_of_interest = highlighted_points[ix] except KeyError: continue for j, points in points_of_interest.iteritems(): highlight_masks[j][i][points] = 1 for j in highlight_masks.iterkeys(): highlight_masks[j] =[j] <= 0, highlight_masks[j]) else: highlight_masks = None for i, (ix, title) in enumerate(zip(alignments.dataset_axis, titles)): t_gs = gs[:, i] if horizontal_grid else gs[i, 1] if i == 0: if not share_y_axis: first_axis = plt.subplot(t_gs) share_y_axis = first_axis else: first_axis = plt.subplot(t_gs, sharey=share_y_axis) else: # Remember to share axes plt.subplot(t_gs, sharex=first_axis, sharey=share_y_axis) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(tick_formatter) #plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_major_locator(IndexLocator(1000, 0)) # Remove redundant axes if horizontal_grid: if i > 0 or no_y_axis: plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) else: # Leave only last axis if i + 1 < number_of_datasets: plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if no_y_axis: plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) data_to_plot = alignments.dataset_xs(ix, copy=False).T # Cut most of the columns that are NaNs out of the plot data_to_plot = data_to_plot[data_to_plot.columns[:max_len]] if replace_with_dataframe is not None: result = raw_plot_data_as_heatmap(replace_with_dataframe, extent=extent, rasterized=rasterized) else: result = raw_plot_data_as_heatmap(data_to_plot, extent=extent, highlight_masks=highlight_masks, rasterized=rasterized, highlight_colours=highlight_colours) debug(plt.gca().get_ylim()) debug(plt.gca().get_xlim()) plt.title(title) plt.gca().title.set_fontsize(7) plt.gca().grid(False) plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize=7) # Colorbar colorbar_axis = plt.subplot(gs[:, number_of_datasets] if horizontal_grid else gs[:, 2]) plt.colorbar(result, cax=colorbar_axis) return first_axis