    def findNewPath(self, startVertices, endVertices, newRoutes, matrixPshort, gamma, lohse, dk):
        This method finds the new paths for all OD pairs.
        The Dijkstra algorithm is applied for searching the shortest paths.
        newRoutes = 0
        for start, startVertex in enumerate(startVertices):
            endSet = set()
            for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
                if startVertex._id != endVertex._id and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0.:
            if dk == 'boost':
                D, P = dijkstraBoost(self._boostGraph, startVertex.boost)
            elif dk == 'plain':
                D, P = dijkstraPlain(startVertex, endSet)
            elif dk == 'extend':
                D, P = dijkstra(startVertex, endSet)
            for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
                if startVertex._id != endVertex._id and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0.:
                    helpPath = []
                    helpPathSet = set()
                    pathcost = D[endVertex] / 3600.
                    ODPaths = self._paths[startVertex][endVertex]
                    for path in ODPaths:
                        path.currentshortest = False

                    vertex = endVertex
                    while vertex != startVertex:
                        vertex = P[vertex]._from

                    newPath, smallDiffPath = self.checkSmallDiff(
                        ODPaths, helpPath, helpPathSet, pathcost)

                    if newPath:
                        newpath = Path(startVertex, endVertex, helpPath)
                        for route in ODPaths:
                            route.updateSumOverlap(newpath, gamma)
                        if len(ODPaths) > 1:
                            for route in ODPaths[:-1]:
                                newpath.updateSumOverlap(route, gamma)
                        if lohse:
                            newpath.pathhelpacttime = pathcost
                            newpath.actpathtime = pathcost
                        for edge in newpath.edges:
                            newpath.freepathtime += edge.freeflowtime
                        newRoutes += 1
                    elif not smallDiffPath:
                        if lohse:
                            path.pathhelpacttime = pathcost
                            path.actpathtime = pathcost
                        path.usedcounts += 1
                        path.currentshortest = True
        return newRoutes
def main():
    # for measuring the required time for reading input files
    inputreaderstart = datetime.datetime.now()
    foutlog = open('%s_log.txt' % options.type, 'w')
        'The stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment will be executed with the %s model.\n'
        % options.type)
        'All vehicular releasing times are determined randomly(uniform).\n')

    matrices = options.mtxpsfile.split(",")
    parser = make_parser()

    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading net")
    print('net file:', options.netfile)
    net = Net()
    sumolib.net.readNet(options.netfile, net=net)
    if options.sigfile:
    foutlog.write('- Reading network: done.\n')
    foutlog.write('number of total startVertices:%s\n' % net.getstartCounts())
    foutlog.write('number of total endVertices:%s\n' % net.getendCounts())
    if options.verbose:
        print(net.getfullEdgeCounts(), "edges read (internal edges included)")

    if options.curvefile:

    if options.hours == 24.:
        assignHours = 16.
        assignHours = options.hours

    for edge in net.getEdges():
        if edge._lanes:
            edge.estcapacity *= assignHours

    if options.dijkstra == 'boost':
    if options.verbose:
        print("after link reduction:", net.getfullEdgeCounts(), "edges read")

    # calculate link travel time for all district connectors
    getConnectionTravelTime(net._startVertices, net._endVertices)

    foutlog.write('- Initial calculation of link parameters : done.\n')
    # the required time for reading the network

    if options.debug:

    # initialize the map for recording the number of the assigned vehicles
    AssignedVeh = {}
    # initialize the map for recording the number of the assigned trips
    AssignedTrip = {}
    smallDemand = []
    linkChoiceMap = {}
    odPairsMap = {}
    for start, startVertex in enumerate(net._startVertices):
        AssignedVeh[startVertex] = {}
        AssignedTrip[startVertex] = {}
        for end, endVertex in enumerate(net._endVertices):
            AssignedVeh[startVertex][endVertex] = 0
            AssignedTrip[startVertex][endVertex] = 0.

    # initialization
    vehID = 0
    matrixSum = 0.0
    lohse = (options.type == "lohse")
    incremental = (options.type == "incremental")
    checkKPaths = False

    if not incremental and options.kPaths > 1:
        checkKPaths = True
    if not incremental:

    starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
    # initialize the file for recording the routes
    if options.odestimation:
        foutroute = open('routes.rou.xml', 'w')
        print("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- generated on %s by $Id: Assignment.py 25261 2017-07-19 06:52:21Z behrisch $ -->
<routes>""" % starttime,

    # for counter in range (0, len(matrices)):
    for counter, matrix in enumerate(matrices):
        # delete all vehicle information related to the last matrix for saving
        # the disk space
        vehicles = []
        iterInterval = 0
        matrixPshort, startVertices, endVertices, CurrentMatrixSum, begintime, assignPeriod, Pshort_EffCells, matrixSum, smallDemandRatio = getMatrix(
            net, options.verbose, matrix, matrixSum, options.demandscale)
        options.hours = float(assignPeriod)
        smallDemandPortion = math.ceil(
            float(options.maxiteration) / 2. * smallDemandRatio)
        if float(smallDemandPortion) != 0.:
            iterInterval = math.ceil(
                float(options.maxiteration) / float(smallDemandPortion))

        departtime = begintime * 3600

        if options.verbose:
            print('the analyzed matrices:', counter)
            print('Begintime:', begintime, "O'Clock")
            print('departtime', departtime)
            print('Matrix und OD Zone already read for Interval', counter)
            print('CurrentMatrixSum:', CurrentMatrixSum)

        foutlog.write('Reading matrix and O-D zones: done.\n')
        foutlog.write('Matrix und OD Zone already read for Interval:%s\n' %
        foutlog.write('CurrentMatrixSum:%s\n' % CurrentMatrixSum)
        foutlog.write('number of current startVertices:%s\n' %
        foutlog.write('number of current endVertices:%s\n' % len(endVertices))

        if options.odestimation:
            linkChoiceMap = initLinkChoiceMap(net, startVertices, endVertices,
                                              matrixPshort, linkChoiceMap,

        for edge in net.getEdges():
            edge.flow = 0.
            edge.helpflow = 0.
            edge.actualtime = edge.freeflowtime
            edge.helpacttime = edge.freeflowtime
            edge.fTT = 0.
            edge.TT = 0.
            edge.delta = 0.
            edge.helpacttimeEx = 0.

        # the number of origins, the umber of destinations and the number of
        # the OD pairs
        origins = len(startVertices)
        dests = len(endVertices)
        ODpairs = origins * dests

        # output the origin and destination zones and the number of effective
        # OD pairs
        if options.debug:
            # matrixCounter)
            outputODZone(startVertices, endVertices, Pshort_EffCells, counter)

        if incremental:
            print('begin the incremental assignment!')
            iter = 0
            options.lamda = 0.
            while iter < options.maxiteration:
                foutlog.write('- Current iteration(not executed yet):%s\n' %
                iter += 1
                if iterInterval != 0 and operator.mod(iter, iterInterval) == 0:
                    assignSmallDemand = True
                    assignSmallDemand = False
                for start, startVertex in enumerate(startVertices):
                    targets = set()
                    for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
                        if assignSmallDemand and matrixPshort[start][
                                end] > 0. and matrixPshort[start][end] < 1.:
                            smallDemand[start][end] = matrixPshort[start][
                                end] / float(smallDemandPortion)

                        if matrixPshort[start][end] > 1. or (
                                and smallDemand[start][end] > 0.):

                    if len(targets) > 0:
                        if options.dijkstra == 'boost':
                            D, P = dijkstraBoost(net._boostGraph,
                        elif options.dijkstra == 'plain':
                            D, P = dijkstraPlain(startVertex, targets)
                        elif options.dijkstra == 'extend':
                            D, P = dijkstra(startVertex, targets)
                        vehID, smallDemand, linkChoiceMap = doIncAssign(
                            net, vehicles, options.verbose,
                            options.maxiteration, options.odestimation,
                            endVertices, start, startVertex, matrixPshort,
                            smallDemand, D, P, AssignedVeh, AssignedTrip,
                            vehID, assignSmallDemand, linkChoiceMap,

                if options.dijkstra != 'extend':
                    linkMap = net._fullEdges
                    linkMap = net._edges
                for edge in linkMap.itervalues():
                    edge.getActualTravelTime(options, False)
                    if options.dijkstra == 'boost':
                        edge.boost.weight = edge.helpacttime
            print('begin the', options.type, " assignment!")
            # initialization for the clogit and the lohse assignment model
            iter_outside = 1
            newRoutes = 1
            stable = False
            first = True
            # begin the traffic Assignment
            while newRoutes > 0:
                foutlog.write('- SUE iteration:%s\n' % iter_outside)
                # Generate the effective routes als intital path solutions,
                # when considering k shortest paths (k is defined by the user.)
                if checkKPaths:
                    checkPathStart = datetime.datetime.now()
                    newRoutes = net.calcKPaths(options.verbose, options.kPaths,
                                               newRoutes, startVertices,
                                               endVertices, matrixPshort,
                    checkPathEnd = datetime.datetime.now() - checkPathStart
                        '- Time for finding the k-shortest paths: %s\n' %
                        '- Finding the k-shortest paths for each OD pair: done.\n'
                    if options.verbose:
                        print('iter_outside:', iter_outside)
                        print('number of k shortest paths:', options.kPaths)
                        print('number of new routes:', newRoutes)

                elif not checkKPaths and iter_outside == 1 and counter == 0:
                    print('search for the new path')
                    newRoutes = net.findNewPath(startVertices, endVertices,
                                                newRoutes, matrixPshort,
                                                options.gamma, lohse,

                checkKPaths = False

                if options.verbose:
                    print('iter_outside:', iter_outside)
                    print('number of new routes:', newRoutes)

                stable = False
                iter_inside = 1
                while not stable:
                    if options.verbose:
                        print('iter_inside:', iter_inside)
                    stable = doSUEAssign(net, options, startVertices,
                                         endVertices, matrixPshort,
                                         iter_inside, lohse, first)
                    # The matrixPlong and the matrixTruck should be added when
                    # considering the long-distance trips and the truck trips.
                    if lohse:
                        stable = doLohseStopCheck(net, options, stable,

                    iter_inside += 1

                    if options.verbose:
                        print('stable:', stable)

                newRoutes = net.findNewPath(startVertices, endVertices,
                                            newRoutes, matrixPshort,
                                            options.gamma, lohse,

                first = False
                iter_outside += 1

                if newRoutes < 3 and iter_outside > int(
                    (options.maxiteration) / 2):
                    newRoutes = 0

                if iter_outside > options.maxiteration:
                    print('The max. number of iterations is reached!')
                        'The max. number of iterations is reached!\n')
                        'The number of new routes and the parameter stable will be set to zero and True respectively.\n'
                    print('newRoutes:', newRoutes)
                    stable = True
                    newRoutes = 0

            # update the path choice probability and the path flows as well as
            # generate vehicle data
            vehID = doSUEVehAssign(net, vehicles, options, counter,
                                   matrixPshort, startVertices, endVertices,
                                   AssignedVeh, AssignedTrip, vehID, lohse)

        # output the generated vehicular releasing times and routes, based on
        # the current matrix
        print('done with the assignment')  # debug
        if options.odestimation:
            linkChoicesOutput(net, startVertices, endVertices, matrixPshort,
                              linkChoiceMap, odPairsMap, options.outputdir,
            sortedVehOutput(vehicles, departtime, options, foutroute)

    if not options.odestimation:

    # output the global performance indices
    assigntime = outputStatistics(net, starttime, len(matrices))

        '- Assignment is completed and all required information is generated. '

    if options.verbose:
        print('Duration for traffic assignment:', assigntime)
        print('Total assigned vehicles:', vehID)
    print('Total number of the assigned trips:', matrixSum)
def main():
    # for measuring the required time for reading input files
    inputreaderstart = datetime.datetime.now()
    foutlog = file('%s_log.txt' % options.type, 'w')
    foutlog.write('The stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment will be executed with the %s model.\n' % options.type)
    foutlog.write('All vehicular releasing times are determined randomly(uniform).\n')
    matrices = options.mtxpsfile.split(",")
    parser = make_parser()
    if options.verbose:
        print "Reading net"
    print 'net file:', options.netfile
    net = Net()
    sumolib.net.readNet(options.netfile, net=net)
    if options.sigfile:
    foutlog.write('- Reading network: done.\n')
    foutlog.write('number of total startVertices:%s\n' % net.getstartCounts())
    foutlog.write('number of total endVertices:%s\n' % net.getendCounts())
    if options.verbose:
        print net.getfullEdgeCounts(), "edges read (internal edges included)"

    if options.curvefile:
    if options.hours == 24.:
        assignHours = 16.
        assignHours = options.hours 

    for edge in net.getEdges():
        if edge._lanes:
            edge.estcapacity *= assignHours

    if options.dijkstra == 'boost':
    if options.verbose:
        print "after link reduction:", net.getfullEdgeCounts(), "edges read"

    # calculate link travel time for all district connectors 
    getConnectionTravelTime(net._startVertices, net._endVertices)
    foutlog.write('- Initial calculation of link parameters : done.\n')
    # the required time for reading the network     
    if options.debug:
    # initialize the map for recording the number of the assigned vehicles
    AssignedVeh = {}
    # initialize the map for recording the number of the assigned trips
    AssignedTrip = {}
    smallDemand = []
    linkChoiceMap = {}
    odPairsMap = {}
    for start, startVertex in enumerate(net._startVertices):
        for end, endVertex in enumerate(net._endVertices):
            AssignedVeh[startVertex][endVertex] = 0
            AssignedTrip[startVertex][endVertex] = 0.
    # initialization
    vehID = 0
    matrixSum = 0.0
    lohse = (options.type == "lohse")
    incremental = (options.type == "incremental")
    checkKPaths = False
    if not incremental and options.kPaths > 1:
        checkKPaths = True
    if not incremental:
    starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
    # initialize the file for recording the routes
    if options.odestimation:
        foutroute = open('routes.rou.xml', 'w')
        print >> foutroute, """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- generated on %s by $Id: Assignment.py 11700 2012-01-10 22:20:15Z behrisch $ -->
<routes>""" % starttime
    for counter, matrix in enumerate(matrices):  #for counter in range (0, len(matrices)):
        # delete all vehicle information related to the last matrix for saving the disk space
        vehicles = []
        iterInterval = 0
        matrixPshort, startVertices, endVertices, CurrentMatrixSum, begintime, assignPeriod, Pshort_EffCells, matrixSum, smallDemandRatio = getMatrix(net, options.verbose, matrix, matrixSum, options.demandscale)
        options.hours = float(assignPeriod)
        smallDemandPortion = math.ceil(float(options.maxiteration)/2. * smallDemandRatio)
        if float(smallDemandPortion) != 0.:
            iterInterval = math.ceil(float(options.maxiteration) / float(smallDemandPortion))
        departtime = begintime * 3600
        if options.verbose:
            print 'the analyzed matrices:', counter
            print 'Begintime:', begintime, "O'Clock"
            print 'departtime', departtime
            print 'Matrix und OD Zone already read for Interval', counter
            print 'CurrentMatrixSum:', CurrentMatrixSum
        foutlog.write('Reading matrix and O-D zones: done.\n')
        foutlog.write('Matrix und OD Zone already read for Interval:%s\n' %counter)
        foutlog.write('CurrentMatrixSum:%s\n' %CurrentMatrixSum)
        foutlog.write('number of current startVertices:%s\n' %len(startVertices))
        foutlog.write('number of current endVertices:%s\n' %len(endVertices))
        if options.odestimation:
            linkChoiceMap = initLinkChoiceMap(net, startVertices, endVertices, matrixPshort, linkChoiceMap, odPairsMap)

        for edge in net.getEdges():
            edge.flow = 0.
            edge.helpflow = 0.
            edge.actualtime = edge.freeflowtime
            edge.helpacttime = edge.freeflowtime
            edge.fTT = 0.
            edge.TT = 0.
            edge.delta = 0.
            edge.helpacttimeEx = 0.
        # the number of origins, the umber of destinations and the number of the OD pairs
        origins = len(startVertices)
        dests = len(endVertices)
        ODpairs = origins * dests
        # output the origin and destination zones and the number of effective OD pairs
        if options.debug:
            outputODZone(startVertices, endVertices, Pshort_EffCells, counter) # matrixCounter)  
        if incremental:
            print 'begin the incremental assignment!'
            iter = 0
            options.lamda = 0.
            while iter < options.maxiteration:
                foutlog.write('- Current iteration(not executed yet):%s\n' %iter)
                iter += 1
                if iterInterval != 0 and operator.mod(iter,iterInterval) == 0:
                    assignSmallDemand = True
                    assignSmallDemand = False
                for start, startVertex in enumerate(startVertices):
                    targets = set()
                    for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
                        if assignSmallDemand and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0. and matrixPshort[start][end] < 1.:
                            smallDemand[start][end] = matrixPshort[start][end]/float(smallDemandPortion)
                        if matrixPshort[start][end] > 1. or (assignSmallDemand and smallDemand[start][end] > 0.):

                    if len(targets) > 0:
                        if options.dijkstra == 'boost':
                            D,P = dijkstraBoost(net._boostGraph, startVertex.boost)
                        elif options.dijkstra == 'plain':
                            D,P = dijkstraPlain(startVertex, targets)
                        elif options.dijkstra == 'extend':
                            D,P = dijkstra(startVertex, targets)
                        vehID, smallDemand, linkChoiceMap = doIncAssign(net, vehicles, options.verbose, options.maxiteration, options.odestimation,
                                            endVertices, start, startVertex, matrixPshort, smallDemand,
                                            D, P, AssignedVeh, AssignedTrip, vehID, assignSmallDemand, linkChoiceMap, odPairsMap)

                if options.dijkstra != 'extend':
                    linkMap = net._fullEdges
                    linkMap = net._edges
                for edge in linkMap.itervalues():
                    edge.getActualTravelTime(options, False)
                    if options.dijkstra == 'boost':
                        edge.boost.weight = edge.helpacttime
            print 'begin the', options.type, " assignment!"
            # initialization for the clogit and the lohse assignment model
            iter_outside = 1
            newRoutes = 1
            stable = False
            first = True
            # begin the traffic Assignment
            while newRoutes > 0:
                foutlog.write('- SUE iteration:%s\n' %iter_outside)
                # Generate the effective routes als intital path solutions, when considering k shortest paths (k is defined by the user.)
                if checkKPaths:
                    checkPathStart = datetime.datetime.now() 
                    newRoutes = net.calcKPaths(options.verbose, options.kPaths, newRoutes, startVertices, endVertices, matrixPshort, options.gamma)
                    checkPathEnd = datetime.datetime.now() - checkPathStart
                    foutlog.write('- Time for finding the k-shortest paths: %s\n' %checkPathEnd)
                    foutlog.write('- Finding the k-shortest paths for each OD pair: done.\n')
                    if options.verbose:
                        print 'iter_outside:', iter_outside
                        print 'number of k shortest paths:', options.kPaths 
                        print 'number of new routes:', newRoutes
                elif not checkKPaths and iter_outside == 1 and counter == 0:
                    print 'search for the new path'
                    newRoutes = net.findNewPath(startVertices, endVertices, newRoutes, matrixPshort, options.gamma, lohse, options.dijkstra)
                checkKPaths = False
                if options.verbose:
                    print 'iter_outside:', iter_outside
                    print 'number of new routes:', newRoutes
                stable = False
                iter_inside = 1
                while not stable:
                    if options.verbose:
                        print 'iter_inside:', iter_inside
                    stable = doSUEAssign(net, options, startVertices, endVertices, matrixPshort, iter_inside, lohse, first)
                    # The matrixPlong and the matrixTruck should be added when considering the long-distance trips and the truck trips.
                    if lohse:
                        stable = doLohseStopCheck(net, options, stable, iter_inside, options.maxiteration, foutlog)

                    iter_inside += 1
                    if options.verbose:
                        print 'stable:', stable
                newRoutes = net.findNewPath(startVertices, endVertices, newRoutes, matrixPshort, options.gamma, lohse, options.dijkstra)

                first = False    
                iter_outside += 1
                if newRoutes < 3 and iter_outside > int((options.maxiteration)/2):
                    newRoutes = 0
                if iter_outside > options.maxiteration:
                    print 'The max. number of iterations is reached!'
                    foutlog.write('The max. number of iterations is reached!\n')
                    foutlog.write('The number of new routes and the parameter stable will be set to zero and True respectively.\n')
                    print 'newRoutes:', newRoutes 
                    stable = True
                    newRoutes = 0
            # update the path choice probability and the path flows as well as generate vehicle data 	
            vehID = doSUEVehAssign(net, vehicles, options, counter, matrixPshort, startVertices, endVertices, AssignedVeh, AssignedTrip, vehID, lohse)

       # output the generated vehicular releasing times and routes, based on the current matrix
        print 'done with the assignment' # debug
        if options.odestimation:
            linkChoicesOutput(net, startVertices, endVertices, matrixPshort, linkChoiceMap, odPairsMap, options.outputdir, starttime)
            sortedVehOutput(vehicles, departtime, options, foutroute)

    if not options.odestimation:

    # output the global performance indices
    assigntime = outputStatistics(net, starttime, len(matrices))
    foutlog.write('- Assignment is completed and all required information is generated. ')

    if options.verbose:
        print 'Duration for traffic assignment:', assigntime
        print 'Total assigned vehicles:', vehID
    print 'Total number of the assigned trips:', matrixSum