def connection(self,args): args=str(args) if args is 'sitl' or args is None: self._log("Starting copter simulator (SITL)") from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL() self.sitl=sitl'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string='tcp:' elif args=='0': connection_string='/dev/ttyACM0' elif args=='1': connection_string='/dev/ttyACM1' else: connection_string=str(args) self._log('Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string) vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) # Register observers vehicle.add_attribute_listener('location',self.location_callback) #vehicle.add_attribute_listener('battery',self.battery_callback) #vehicle.add_attribute_listener('heading',self.heading_callback) return vehicle
def connection(self, args): args = str(args) if args is 'sitl' or args is None: self._log("Starting copter simulator (SITL)") from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL() self.sitl = sitl'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = [ '-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,0' ] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string = 'tcp:' elif args == '0': connection_string = '/dev/ttyACM0' elif args == '1': connection_string = '/dev/ttyACM1' else: connection_string = str(args) self._log('Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string) vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) # Register observers vehicle.add_attribute_listener('location', self.location_callback) #vehicle.add_attribute_listener('battery',self.battery_callback) #vehicle.add_attribute_listener('heading',self.heading_callback) return vehicle
def test_can_arm(): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True) vehicle = dronekit.connect("tcp:", wait_ready=True) # Wait for vehicle to be armable timeout = time.time() + 10 while not vehicle.is_armable and time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.35) timed_out = time.time() >= timeout if timed_out: sitl.stop() assert_false(timed_out, "Vehicle init timed out") # Arm it vehicle.mode = dronekit.VehicleMode("GUIDED") vehicle.armed = True # Confirm that it armed timeout = time.time() + 10 while not vehicle.armed and time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.35) timed_out = time.time() >= timeout vehicle.close() sitl.stop() assert_false(timed_out, "Vehicle arming timed out")
def connectMyCopter(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='commands') parser.add_argument('--connect') args = parser.parse_args() connection_string = args.connect ''' if not connection_string: import dronekit_sitl sitl = dronekit_sitl.start_default() connection_string = sitl.connection_string() vehicle = connect(connection_string,wait_ready=True, baud=57600) ''' if not connection_string: import dronekit_sitl from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = [ '-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=28.468772344967554,77.53801532669809,200,353' ] sitl.launch(sitl_args, verbose=True, await_ready=False, restart=True) #vehicle = connect(connection_string,wait_ready=True, baud=57600) vehicle = connect('tcp:', wait_ready=True) return vehicle
def test_land(self): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') headBefor =drone.vehicle.heading locBefor = drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(25) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(4) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(10) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
def test_set_current(self): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) print "Connecting to vehicle on: 'tcp:'" vehicle = connect('tcp:', wait_ready=True) print " Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery battery_test = Battery(vehicle.battery) # check number negative the limit battery_test.set_current(NEGATIVE_NUMBER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.current, 0) # check number positive the limit battery_test.set_current(POSITIVE_NUMBER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), POSITIVE_NUMBER) # check ZERO battery_test.set_current(0) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), 0) #check char that non number battery_test.set_current(CHARACTER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), 0) #check char that number battery_test.set_current(CHAR_NUMBER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), int(CHAR_NUMBER)) sitl.stop()
def copter_sitl_guided_to(): """ Returns a copter SITL instance for use in test cases Status: hovering at 10m AGL Mode: Guided """ # Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4 sitl = SITL(sitl_filename, instance=0) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect to UAV to setup base parameters veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 10 # speed up SITL for rapid startup veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() # close vehicle instance after setting base parameters # Stop and relaunch SITL to enable distance sensor and battery monitor sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect again veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) # wait until armable while not veh.is_armable: sleep(0.5) veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 5 # set sim speed for rapid take-off veh.arm() # arm veh veh.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') # set veh mode to GUIDED veh.wait_simple_takeoff(10) # take-off to 10m AGL veh.close() # close vehicle after guided takeoff yield sitl # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
def initializeDrone(connectionString, isSimulator): if isSimulator: sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = [ '-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353' ] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) print "Connecting to vehicle on: 'tcp:'" vehicle = connect('tcp:', wait_ready=True) # print information about vehicle print "Global Location: %s" % vehicle.location.global_frame print "Global Location (relative altitude): %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print "Local Location: %s" % vehicle.location.local_frame #NED print "Attitude: %s" % vehicle.attitude print "Velocity: %s" % vehicle.velocity print "GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0 print "Groundspeed: %s" % vehicle.groundspeed print "Airspeed: %s" % vehicle.airspeed print "Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery print "EKF OK?: %s" % vehicle.ekf_ok print "Last Heartbeat: %s" % vehicle.last_heartbeat print "Rangefinder: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder print "Rangefinder distance: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.distance print "Rangefinder voltage: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.voltage print "Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading print "Is Armable?: %s" % vehicle.is_armable print "System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state print "Mode: %s" % # settable print "Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed else: # Connect to the Vehicle print 'Connecting to vehicle;' vehicle = connect(connectionString, wait_ready=True) # print information about vehicle print "Global Location: %s" % vehicle.location.global_frame print "Global Location (relative altitude): %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print "Local Location: %s" % vehicle.location.local_frame #NED print "Attitude: %s" % vehicle.attitude print "Velocity: %s" % vehicle.velocity print "GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0 print "Groundspeed: %s" % vehicle.groundspeed print "Airspeed: %s" % vehicle.airspeed print "Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery print "EKF OK?: %s" % vehicle.ekf_ok print "Last Heartbeat: %s" % vehicle.last_heartbeat print "Rangefinder: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder print "Rangefinder distance: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.distance print "Rangefinder voltage: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.voltage print "Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading print "Is Armable?: %s" % vehicle.is_armable print "System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state print "Mode: %s" % # settable print "Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed
def start_sitl_rover(): '''start a SITL session using sensible defaults. This should be the simplest way to start a sitl session''' print("Starting copter simulator (SITL)") sitl = SITL()'rover', '2.50', verbose=True) sitl_args = [ '-I0', '--model', 'rover', '--home=42.2278287,-8.72184010,584,353' ] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=False, restart=True, verbose=True) sitl.block_until_ready(verbose=True) return sitl
def test_sitl(): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args) sitl.block_until_ready() assert_equals(sitl.poll(), None, 'SITL should still be running.') assert_equals(sitl.using_sim, False, 'SITL for copter-3.3 should not be using pysim') sitl.stop() assert sitl.poll() != None, 'SITL should stop running after kill.' # Test "relaunch" sitl.launch(copter_args) try: sitl.launch(copter_args) assert False, 'SITL should fail to launch() again when running' except: pass try: sitl.launch(copter_args, restart=True) except: assert False, 'SITL should succeed in launch() when restart=True' sitl.stop()
def sitlUp(instance=0): global sitls args = sitl_args + ['-I' + str(instance)] sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(args, await_ready=True, restart=True) key = 'SYSID_THISMAV' value = instance + 1 setParamAndRelaunch(sitl, args, tcp_master(instance), key, value) sitls.append(sitl)
def test_take_off(self): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') headBefor =drone.vehicle.heading locBefor = drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(3) headAfter = drone.vehicle.heading locAfter = drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame self.assertTrue( round(locAfter.alt-locBefor.alt)==3 and ((headBefor+5)%360<headAfter or(headBefor-5)%360 >headAfter)) drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
def copter_sitl_ground(): """ Returns a copter SITL instance for use in test cases Status: on ground Mode: Stabilize """ # Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4 sitl = SITL(sitl_filename, instance=0) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() print(sitl.connection_string()) # Connect to UAV to setup base parameters veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 10 # speed up SITL for rapid startup veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() # close veh instance after setting base parameters # Stop and relaunch SITL to enable distance sensor and battery monitor sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() yield sitl # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
def start_default_sitl(lat=None, lon=None): print "Starting copter simulator (SITL)" from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) if ((lat is not None and lon is None) or (lat is None and lon is not None)): print("Supply both lat and lon, or neither") exit(1) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', ] if lat is not None: sitl_args.append('--home=%f,%f,584,353' % (lat,lon,)) sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string='tcp:' return (sitl, connection_string)
def _start_SITL(self): from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL() system="copter", version="3.3", verbose=False ) # ...or download system (e.g. "copter") and version (e.g. "3.3") sitl.launch(["--home=52.52.512593, 13.321893,0,90"], verbose=False, await_ready=False, restart=False) sitl.block_until_ready( verbose=False) # explicitly wait until receiving commands connection_string = sitl.connection_string() return connection_string
def connect_virtual_vehicle(instance, home): sitlx = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) instance_arg = '-I%s' %(str(instance)) print("Drone instance is: %s" % instance_arg) home_arg = '--home=%s, %s,%s,180' % (str(home[0]), str(home[1]), str(home[2])) sitl_args = [instance_arg, '--model', 'quad', home_arg] sitlx.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True) tcp, ip, port = sitlx.connection_string().split(':') port = str(int(port) + instance * 10) conn_string = ':'.join([tcp, ip, port]) print('Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % conn_string) vehicle = connect(conn_string) vehicle.wait_ready(timeout=120) print("Reached here") return vehicle, sitlx
def from_config(cls, config_path: str, sitl_path: str): """ Create new Drone from a configuration file. Ignores connection_string to use SITL. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ with open(config_path, "r") as file: configuration = json.load(file) sitl = SITL(path=sitl_path) sitl.launch([]) vehicle_mode = configuration["vehicle_mode"] broker_ip = configuration["broker"]["ip"] broker_port = configuration["broker"]["port"] node_descriptor = configuration["node"] return cls( broker_ip, broker_port, node_descriptor, sitl, vehicle_mode, )
def start_sitl(): """Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4, then set up the simulator for a rangefinder. Only works for Windows or Linux. Including binary in the project is ugly, but only used for testing.""" sitl_path = sitl_file_path() sitl = SITL(sitl_path) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) sitl.block_until_ready() return sitl
def test_preserve_eeprom(): # Start an SITL instance and change COMPASS_USE sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=False) connection_string = sitl.connection_string() vehicle = dronekit.connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) new_compass_use = 10 print("Changing COMPASS_USE to {0}".format(new_compass_use)) while vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"] != new_compass_use: vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"] = new_compass_use time.sleep(0.1) print("Changed COMPASS_USE to {0}".format(new_compass_use)) time.sleep(5) # give parameters time to write sitl.stop() vehicle.close() # Now see if it persisted sitl.launch(copter_args, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True) vehicle = dronekit.connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) assert_equals(new_compass_use, vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"]) vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
def test_preserve_eeprom(): # Start an SITL instance and change SYSID_THISMAV print "test" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') new_sysid = 10 working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True, wd=working_dir) vehicle = dronekit.connect("tcp:", wait_ready=True) print "Changing SYSID_THISMAV to {0}".format(new_sysid) while vehicle.parameters["SYSID_THISMAV"] != new_sysid: vehicle.parameters["SYSID_THISMAV"] = new_sysid time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(6) # Allow time for the parameter to go back to EEPROM print "Changed SYSID_THISMAV to {0}".format(new_sysid) vehicle.close() sitl.stop() # Now see if it persisted sitl.launch(copter_args, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True, wd=working_dir) vehicle = dronekit.connect("tcp:", wait_ready=True) assert_equals(new_sysid, vehicle.parameters["SYSID_THISMAV"]) vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
class Drone: def __init__(self, config): self.default_webserver_ip = config.ip self.default_port = config.port self.default_webserver_port = config.webport = self.ip = config.ip self.home_location = LocationGlobalRelative(, config.lon, config.alt) self.sitl = config.sitl # Follow instructions @ self.instance = - 1 self.sitlInstance = SITL(instance=self.instance)'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) # system (e.g. "copter", "solo"), version (e.g. "3.3"), verbose if self.sitl: sitl_args = [ '--simin=', '--simout=', '--model', 'quad', '--home=' + str( + "," + str(self.home_location.lon) + "," + str(self.home_location.alt) + ",360" ] print(str(sitl_args)) self.sitlInstance.launch(sitl_args, verbose=False, await_ready=False, restart=True) self.connection_string = self.sitlInstance.connection_string() else: self.connection_string = '/dev/tty/ACM0' self.formation = None self.webserver = str(self.ip) + ":" + str(self.default_webserver_port) print('\nConnecting to vehicle on: %s\n' % self.connection_string) #print(site.USER_SITE) self.vehicle = connect(self.connection_string) print("Drone: " + str( + " connected!") self.drone_data = self.get_drone_data() # print(self.drone_data.__dict__.get(str( # self.print_drone_data() self.mission = Mission(self.vehicle) # logger config self.logger = logging.getLogger("/logs/drone" + str( + "_log") self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = logging.FileHandler("drone" + str( + "_log") fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(fh) self.logger.addHandler(ch) # Always add the drone to swarm last. # =============================ATTRIBUTE LISTENER CALLBACKS============================================== # ======================================================================================================= def location_callback(self): self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm")"Drone Location Changed: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)) if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt < 2 and == "GUIDED": # if the vehicle is in guided mode and alt is less than 2m slow it the f down self.vehicle.airspeed = .2 def armed_callback(self):"Drone Armed Status Changed: " + str(self.vehicle.armed)) self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm") def mode_callback(self):"Mode Changed: " + str( self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm") # =============================COMMUNICATION TO SERVER=================================================== # ======================================================================================================= def update_self_to_swarm(self, route): url = 'http://' + self.webserver + route + "?id=" + str( # + "/" + str( + "?id=" + str( data = self.get_drone_data().__dict__[(str(] try: # r =,data) r = requests.put(url, json=data)"\nServer Responded With: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.text) + "\n") return r.status_code except requests.HTTPError: return r.status_code def get_data_from_server(self, route): url = 'http://' + self.webserver + route # + "/" + str( # + "/" + str( try: r = requests.get(url) json_data = json.loads(r.text) parsed_data = Config(json_data)"\nServer Responded With: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.text) + "\n") return parsed_data except requests.HTTPError:"HTTP " + str(requests.HTTPError)) # =============================VEHICLE INFORMATION FUNCTIONS================================================= # ======================================================================================================= def get_drone_data(self): # creates a dictionary object out of the drone data return type( 'obj', (object, ), { str( { "id":, "ip": self.ip, "airspeed": self.vehicle.airspeed, "latitude":, "longitude": self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, "altitude": self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt, "armable": self.vehicle.is_armable, "armed": self.vehicle.armed, "mode": } }) def print_drone_data(self): drone_params = self.get_drone_data().__dict__.get(str( string_to_print = "Drone ID: " + str( drone_params.get("id")) + "\nDrone IP: " + str( drone_params.get("ip")) + "\nDrone A/S: " + str( drone_params.get( "airspeed")) + "\nDrone Location: (" + str( drone_params.get("latitude")) + ", " + str( drone_params.get("longitude")) + ", " + str( drone_params.get("altitude") ) + ")" + "\nDrone Armed: " + str( drone_params.get("armed") ) + "\nDrone Mode: " + drone_params.get("mode") print(string_to_print) # =============================VEHICLE CONTROL FUNCTIONS================================================= # ======================================================================================================= def set_parameter(self, paramName, value): # Sets a specified param to specified value self.vehicle.parameters[paramName] = value def set_airspeed(self, value): self.vehicle.airspeed = value def set_mode(self, mode): self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode(mode) def set_formation(self, formationName): self.formation = formationName def move_to_formation(self, aTargetAltitude): drone_params = self.get_drone_data() droneLat = float( drone_params) # would be better to just get the location object... droneLon = float(drone_params['longitude']) droneAlt = float(drone_params['altitude']) # Check altitude is 10 metres so we can manuver around eachother if aTargetAltitude is 10: if (self.formation == "triangle"): if ( == "1"): # Master, so take point self.vehicle.simple_goto(, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, aTargetAltitude) elif ( == "2"): # Slave 1, so take back-left # print("Drone 2 Moving To Position") self.vehicle.simple_goto(droneLat - .0000018, droneLon - .0000018, aTargetAltitude - 3) # print("Master loc:",droneLat,",",droneLon,",",droneAlt) "My Loc:" + str( + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon) + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) elif ( == "3"): # Slave 2, so take back-right # print("Drone 3 Moving To Position") self.vehicle.simple_goto(droneLat - .0000018, droneLon + .0000018, aTargetAltitude + 3) # print("Master loc:",droneLat,",",droneLon,",",droneAlt) "My Loc:" + str( + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon) + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) else:"Cannot Position This Drone In Formation") # Add more else if for more formation types else:"No such formation: " + self.formation) else: print("Invalid formation altitude!") print( "Please change formation altitude to 10 metres so the drones can manuver around eachother safetly!" ) def follow_in_formation(self, droneID): self.move_to_formation(10) def arm(self): self.enable_gps()"Basic pre-arm checks") while not self.vehicle.is_armable:" Waiting for vehicle to initialize...") time.sleep(1) self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED")"Arming motors") # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode self.vehicle.armed = True # Confirm vehicle armed before attempting to take off while not self.vehicle.armed:"Waiting for arming...") self.vehicle.armed = True time.sleep(1) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('location.global_relative_frame', self.location_callback) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('armed', self.armed_callback) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('mode', self.mode_callback)"Vehicle Armed!") def disable_gps(self): # if not self.sitl: # don't try updating params in sitl cuz it doesn't work. problem on their end self.vehicle.parameters["ARMING_CHECK"] = 0 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_TYPE"] = 3 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_CONFIG"] = 0 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_SWITCH"] = 0 self.vehicle.parameters["FENCE_ENABLE"] = 0 def enable_gps(self): # if not self.sitl: self.vehicle.parameters["ARMING_CHECK"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_TYPE"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_CONFIG"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_SWITCH"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["FENCE_ENABLE"] = 0 def arm_no_GPS(self):"Arming motors NO GPS") self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("SPORT") while not self.vehicle.armed:" Waiting for arming...") self.disable_gps() time.sleep(3) self.vehicle.armed = True self.update_self_to_swarm("/swarm") def shutdown(self): self.vehicle.remove_attribute_listener( 'location.global_relative_frame', self.location_callback) self.vehicle.remove_attribute_listener('armed', self.armed_callback) self.vehicle.remove_attribute_listener('mode', self.mode_callback) self.vehicle.close() # =================================MISSION FUNCTIONS===================================================== # ======================================================================================================= def wait_for_drone_match_altitude(self, droneID): self.wait_for_drone_reach_altitude( droneID, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt) def wait_for_swarm_to_match_altitude(self): swarm_params = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") for idx in enumerate(swarm_params.Drones[0]): self.wait_for_drone_match_altitude(idx) def wait_for_drone_reach_altitude(self, droneID, altitude): swarm_params = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") for idx, drone in enumerate(swarm_params.Drones[0]): if swarm_params.Drones[idx][1].get("id") == droneID: while (swarm_params.Drones[idx][1].altitude <= altitude * 0.95): swarm_params = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") print("Waiting for Drone: " + str(swarm_params.Drones[idx][1].get("id")) + " to reach " + str(altitude)) time.sleep(1)"Drone: " + swarm_params.Drones[idx][1].get("id") + " reached " + str(altitude) + "...") def wait_for_swarm_ready(self): # drone_data.Drones[drone_id][1 (indexing bug)].get("ip") swarm_ready_status = [] while not assert_true(swarm_ready_status): swarm_params = self.get_swarm_data("/Swarm") swarm_size = swarm_params.Drones.__len__() print("Found " + (str)(swarm_size) + "Drones in the Swarm.") for idx, drone in enumerate(swarm_params.Drones): if not swarm_params: print("No Drones Found in the Swarm.") else: if not swarm_params.Drones[idx][1]: print("No Drones Found in the Swarm.") else: print("Drone: " + (str)(swarm_params.Drones[idx][1].get("id") + " found in swarm")) swarm_ready_status.append(1) time.sleep(1) assert_true(swarm_ready_status) # if swarm_is_not_ready and all drones have been checked, do loop again print("Swarm is ready!") def goto_formation(self, formation, formationAltitude, bool): # Formation on X,Y axes swarm_data = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") # Form up on first drone in swarm for now head_drone_data = swarm_data.Drones[0][1] head_drone_loc = LocationGlobalRelative( head_drone_data.get("latitude"), head_drone_data.get("longitude"), head_drone_data.get("altitude")) """ Transition into formation so they don't crash Safe altitude is different for some drones so they don't maneuver into position at the same altitude 3 Steps: 1. Move to a safe altitude to manuver in 2. Move to the position inside the formation it should be in 3. Move to the correct altitude inside the formation Formation occurs on drone object (ID:1). ID:1 should only change its altitude. """ if formation == "triangle": for idx, drone in enumerate(swarm_data.Drones): if == 1: waypoint = LocationGlobalRelative(, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(waypoint) elif == 2: # Maneuver 5 metres below formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude - 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( - .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon - .0000027, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( - .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon - .0000027, formationAltitude) elif == 3: # Maneuver 5 metres above formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude + 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( + .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon - .0000027, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( + .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon - .0000027, formationAltitude) elif formation == "stacked": # Special formation altitude represents the separation on the Z axis between the drones special_formation_altitude = 3 for idx, drone in enumerate(swarm_data.Drones): if == 1: # Maneuver to formation altitude self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude) elif == 2: # Maneuver 5 metres below formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude - 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude - special_formation_altitude) elif == 3: # Maneuver 5 metres above formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude + 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude + special_formation_altitude) elif formation == "xaxis": for idx, drone in enumerate(swarm_data.Drones): if == 1: # Maneuver to formation altitude self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude) elif == 2: # Maneuver 5 metres below formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude - 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( - .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( - .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude) elif == 3: # Maneuver 5 metres above formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude + 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( + .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto( + .0000027, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude) elif formation == "yaxis": for idx, drone in enumerate(swarm_data.Drones): if == 1: # Maneuver to formation altitude self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon, formationAltitude) elif == 2: # Maneuver 5 metres below formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude - 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon - .0000027, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon - .0000027, formationAltitude) elif == 3: # Maneuver 5 metres above formation altitude if bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude elif not bool: safeAltitude = formationAltitude + 5 self.vehicle.simple_goto(, drone.location.global_frame.lon, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon + .0000027, safeAltitude) self.vehicle.simple_goto(, head_drone_loc.lon + .0000027, formationAltitude) def wait_for_next_formation(self, seconds): for idx in range(0, seconds):"Waiting " + str(seconds) + " seconds before next flight formation... " + str(idx + 1) + "/" + str(seconds)) time.sleep(1) def wait_for_formation(self, seconds): for idx in range(0, seconds):"Waiting for drones to form up... " + str(idx + 1) + "/" + str(seconds)) time.sleep(1) """def arm_and_takeoff(self, aTargetAltitude): self.arm()"Taking off!") self.vehicle.simple_takeoff(aTargetAltitude) # Take off to target altitude while True:"Vehicle Altitude: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= aTargetAltitude * .95:"Reached target altitude") self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm") break time.sleep(.75) """ def arm_and_takeoff(self, aTargetAltitude): #Arms vehicle and fly to aTargetAltitude."Basic pre-arm checks") # Don't try to arm until autopilot is ready while not self.vehicle.is_armable:" Waiting for vehicle to initialize...") # self.vehicle.gps_0.fix_type.__add__(2) # self.vehicle.gps_0.__setattr__(self.vehicle.gps_0.fix_type, 3) time.sleep(2)"Arming motors") self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('location.global_relative_frame', self.location_callback) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('armed', self.armed_callback) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('mode', self.mode_callback) # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED") self.vehicle.armed = True # Confirm vehicle armed before attempting to take off while not self.vehicle.armed:" Waiting for arming...") time.sleep(1)"Taking off!") self.vehicle.simple_takeoff( aTargetAltitude) # Take off to target altitude while self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt < aTargetAltitude * 0.95: " Currently flying... Alt: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) time.sleep(1) if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= aTargetAltitude * 0.95:"Reached target altitude") def land_vehicle(self):"Returning to Launch!!!") if self.sitl: self.vehicle.airspeed = 3 else: self.vehicle.parameters["RTL_ALT"] = 0.0 self.vehicle.airspeed = 1 self.set_mode("RTL") while != "RTL":"Vehicle Mode Didn't Change") self.set_mode("RTL") time.sleep(1) # while self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt > 0.2: "Altitude: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) time.sleep(1)"Landed!") def over_fix(self, lat, lon): #Negate to make sense in english #Should be True,False,False loc = LocationGlobal(lat, lon) if ( - < 0.000005: if (self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon - loc.lon) < 0.000005: return False return True return True
def connect2FCU(self): connection_string = self.args.connect sitl=None if not self.args.connect: print "The connect string was not specified. Running SITL!" from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string = 'tcp:' # Connect to the Vehicle. # Set `wait_ready=True` to ensure default attributes are populated before `connect()` returns. print "\nConnecting to vehicle on: %s" % connection_string vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) vehicle.wait_ready('autopilot_version') # Get all vehicle attributes (state) print "=======================================================" print " Autopilot Firmware version: %s" % vehicle.version print " Major version number: %s" % vehicle.version.major print " Minor version number: %s" % vehicle.version.minor print " Patch version number: %s" % vehicle.version.patch print " Release type: %s" % vehicle.version.release_type() print " Release version: %s" % vehicle.version.release_version() print " Stable release?: %s" % vehicle.version.is_stable() ''' print " Autopilot capabilities" print " Supports MISSION_FLOAT message type: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.mission_float print " Supports PARAM_FLOAT message type: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.param_float print " Supports MISSION_INT message type: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.mission_int print " Supports COMMAND_INT message type: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.command_int print " Supports PARAM_UNION message type: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.param_union print " Supports ftp for file transfers: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.ftp print " Supports commanding attitude offboard: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.set_attitude_target print " Supports commanding position and velocity targets in local NED frame: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.set_attitude_target_local_ned print " Supports set position + velocity targets in global scaled integers: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.set_altitude_target_global_int print " Supports terrain protocol / data handling: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.terrain print " Supports direct actuator control: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.set_actuator_target print " Supports the flight termination command: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.flight_termination print " Supports mission_float message type: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.mission_float print " Supports onboard compass calibration: %s" % vehicle.capabilities.compass_calibration print " Global Location: %s" % vehicle.location.global_frame print " Global Location (relative altitude): %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print " Local Location: %s" % vehicle.location.local_frame print " Attitude: %s" % vehicle.attitude print " Velocity: %s" % vehicle.velocity print " GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0 print " Gimbal status: %s" % vehicle.gimbal print " Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery print " EKF OK?: %s" % vehicle.ekf_ok print " Last Heartbeat: %s" % vehicle.last_heartbeat print " Rangefinder: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder print " Rangefinder distance: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.distance print " Rangefinder voltage: %s" % vehicle.rangefinder.voltage print " Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading print " Is Armable?: %s" % vehicle.is_armable print " System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state print " Groundspeed: %s" % vehicle.groundspeed # settable print " Airspeed: %s" % vehicle.airspeed # settable print " Mode: %s" % # settable print " Armed: %s" % vehicle.armed # settable ''' print "=======================================================" return vehicle, sitl
class Vehicle(): ####################################### # Constructor ####################################### def __init__(self , connectionString,mode): if mode =='r': #run on vihcle print 'Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connectionString self.vehicle = connect(connectionString, baud=57600) if mode =='s': #run on simultor self.sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) self.sitl_args = ['-I0','--gimbal' ,'--model', 'quad', '--home=31.7396,35.1956,3,-1'] self.sitl.launch(self.sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) self.vehicle = connect('tcp:', wait_ready=True) ####################################### # Arm And TakeOff ####################################### def arm_and_takeoff(self,takeOffAltitude): self.vehicle_pre_arm_check() # chack if the vehicle is armable print "Basic pre-arm checks" # Don't let the user try to arm until autopilot is ready while not self.vehicle.is_armable: print " Waiting for vehicle to initialise..." time.sleep(1) self.vehicle_arm() # Arm vehicle self.vehicle_arming_check() # Wait for the drone to arm time.sleep(1) # Sleep for Sec self.vehicle_take_off(takeOffAltitude) # TakeOff #self.print_vehicle_full_state_info() # Print the vehicle status ####################################################################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################################################################### ############################################## # SETTERS # ############################################## def air_speed(self,speed): self.vehicle.airspeed = speed def rtl(self): self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL") def closeVec(self): self.vehicle.close() def set_mode(self,mode): self.vehicle.mode=mode def set_armed(self,bool): self.vehicle.armed =bool def gimbal_rotate(self,pitch=0,roll=0,yaw=0): self.vehicle.gimbal.rotate(pitch,roll,yaw) def set_groundspeed(self,speed): self.vehicle.groundspeed= speed return ############################################## # GETTERS # ############################################## def get_location(self): return self.vehicle.location.global_frame def get_location_latitude(self): return def get_location_longitude(self): return self.vehicle.location.lon def get_location_altitude(self): return self.vehicle.location.alt def get_location_global_frame(self): return self.vehicle.location.global_frame def get_location_global_relative(self): return self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame def get_location_local_frame(self): return self.vehicle.location.local_frame def get_attitude(self): return self.vehicle.attitude def get_gimbal(self): return self.vehicle.gimbal def get_velocity(self): return self.vehicle.velocity def get_gps(self): return self.vehicle.gps_0 def get_heading(self): return self.vehicle.heading def is_armable(self): return self.vehicle.is_armable def get_system_status(self): return self.vehicle.system_status.state def get_groundspeed(self): return self.vehicle.groundspeed def get_airspeed(self): return self.vehicle.airspeed def get_mode(self): return def get_home_location(self): return self.vehicle.home_location def get_battery_voltage(self): return self.vehicle.battery.voltage def get_battery_current (self): return self.vehicle.battery.current def get_battery_level (self): if self.vehicle.battery.level is None: return -1 return self.vehicle.battery.level def get_distance_metres(self,aLocation1, aLocation2): dlat = - dlong = aLocation2.lon - aLocation1.lon return math.sqrt((dlat*dlat) + (dlong*dlong)) * 1.113195e5 ############################################## # PRINTS # ############################################## def print_vehicle_state(self): print '| Pitch: $%.2f | Yaw: $%.2f | Roll: $%.2f | Heading: $%.2f |' % (self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.heading) def print_vehicle_info(self): print "Attitude" print "========" print 'pitch: $%.2f' % (self.vehicle.attitude.pitch) print 'yaw: $%.2f' % (self.vehicle.attitude.yaw) print 'roll: $%.2f' % (self.vehicle.attitude.roll) print ' ' #print 'Battery' #print '=======' #print 'Voltage: $%.2f' % (self.vehicle.battery.voltage) #print 'Current: $%.2f' % (self.vehicle.battery.current) #print 'Level: $%.2f' % (self.vehicle.battery.level) def print_vehicle_full_state_info(self): # Get all vehicle attributes (state) print "\nGet all vehicle attribute values:" print " Global Location: ...................... %s" % self.vehicle.location.global_frame print " Global Location (relative altitude): .. %s" % self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print " Local Location: ....................... %s" % self.vehicle.location.local_frame print " Attitude: ............................. %s" % self.vehicle.attitude print " Velocity: ............................. %s" % self.vehicle.velocity print " GPS: .................................. %s" % self.vehicle.gps_0 print " Gimbal status: ........................ %s" % self.vehicle.gimbal print " Battery: .............................. %s" % self.vehicle.battery print " EKF OK?: .............................. %s" % self.vehicle.ekf_ok print " Last Heartbeat: ....................... %s" % self.vehicle.last_heartbeat print " Rangefinder: .......................... %s" % self.vehicle.rangefinder print " Rangefinder distance: ................. %s" % self.vehicle.rangefinder.distance print " Rangefinder voltage: .................. %s" % self.vehicle.rangefinder.voltage print " Heading: .............................. %s" % self.vehicle.heading print " Is Armable?: .......................... %s" % self.vehicle.is_armable print " System status: ........................ %s" % self.vehicle.system_status.state print " Groundspeed: .......................... %s" % self.vehicle.groundspeed # settable print " Airspeed: ............................. %s" % self.vehicle.airspeed # settable print " Mode: ................................. %s" % # settable print " Armed: ................................ %s" % self.vehicle.armed # settable print "\n \n" ############################################## # VEHICLE # ############################################## # Loof until the drone is initialise def vehicle_pre_arm_check(self): while not self.vehicle.is_armable: print " Waiting for vehicle to initialise..." time.sleep(1) # Start to arm the motors def vehicle_arm(self): print "==> Vehicle Start Arming" self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED") # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode self.vehicle.armed = True return 1 # Loof until the the motors are armed def vehicle_arming_check(self): while not self.vehicle.armed: print "==> Waiting for vehicle to arm" time.sleep(1) #self.vehicle.armed = True # Taking off the drone to the given altitude - Loof until the the drone reaches the altitude def vehicle_take_off(self, takeOffAltitude): print "Vehicle Taking Off!" self.vehicle.simple_takeoff(takeOffAltitude) # Take off to target altitude # Wait until the vehicle reaches a safe height before processing the goto while True: print " Altitude: ", self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= takeOffAltitude*0.95: #Trigger just below target alt. print "Reached target altitude" break time.sleep(1) # Take the drone to the specifide location, def simpleGoTo(self, lat, lng, alt, velocity = -1): #dest = LocationGlobalRelative(lat, lon, height) # set the default travel speed if velocity == -1: self.vehicle.airspeed = 1 else: self.vehicle.airspeed = velocity dest = LocationGlobalRelative(lat, lng, alt) self.vehicle.simple_goto(dest) def vehicle_RTL(self): self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL") self.vehicle.flush() # Take the drone to def vehicle_goto_location(self, location): currentLocation = self.vehicle.location targetDistance = get_distance_metres(currentLocation, location) gotoFunction(location); self.vehicle.flush() while not api.exit and"GUIDED": #Stop action if we are no longer in guided mode. remainingDistance = get_distance_metres(self.vehicle.location, location) if remainingDistance <= targetDistance * 0.01: #Just below target, in case of undershoot. print "Reached target" break; time.sleep(2) def vehicle_condition_yaw(self, heading, relative=False): """ Send MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW message to point vehicle at a specified heading (in degrees). This method sets an absolute heading by default, but you can set the `relative` parameter to `True` to set yaw relative to the current yaw heading. By default the yaw of the vehicle will follow the direction of travel. After setting the yaw using this function there is no way to return to the default yaw "follow direction of travel" behaviour """ if relative: is_relative=1 #yaw relative to direction of travel else: is_relative=0 #yaw is an absolute angle # create the CONDITION_YAW command using command_long_encode() msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode( 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, #command 0, #confirmation heading, # param 1, yaw in degrees 0, # param 2, yaw speed deg/s 1, # param 3, direction -1 ccw, 1 cw is_relative, # param 4, relative offset 1, absolute angle 0 0, 0, 0) # param 5 ~ 7 not used # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) def vehicle_rotate_camera_gimbal(self, location): """ Send MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI message to point camera gimbal at a specified region of interest (LocationGlobal). The vehicle may also turn to face the ROI. """ # create the MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode( 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, #command 0, #confirmation 0, 0, 0, 0, #params 1-4, location.lon, location.alt ) # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) """ Functions to make it easy to convert between the different frames-of-reference. In particular these make it easy to navigate in terms of "metres from the current position" when using commands that take absolute positions in decimal degrees. The methods are approximations only, and may be less accurate over longer distances, and when close to the Earth's poles. Specifically, it provides: * get_location_metres - Get LocationGlobal (decimal degrees) at distance (m) North & East of a given LocationGlobal. * get_distance_metres - Get the distance between two LocationGlobal objects in metres * get_bearing - Get the bearing in degrees to a LocationGlobal """ def get_location_metres(original_location, dNorth, dEast): """ Returns a LocationGlobal object containing the latitude/longitude `dNorth` and `dEast` metres from the specified `original_location`. The returned LocationGlobal has the same `alt` value as `original_location`. The function is useful when you want to move the vehicle around specifying locations relative to the current vehicle position. The algorithm is relatively accurate over small distances (10m within 1km) except close to the poles. """ earth_radius=6378137.0 #Radius of "spherical" earth #Coordinate offsets in radians dLat = dNorth/earth_radius dLon = dEast/(earth_radius*math.cos(math.pi* #New position in decimal degrees newlat = + (dLat * 180/math.pi) newlon = original_location.lon + (dLon * 180/math.pi) if type(original_location) is LocationGlobal: targetlocation=LocationGlobal(newlat, newlon,original_location.alt) elif type(original_location) is LocationGlobalRelative: targetlocation=LocationGlobalRelative(newlat, newlon,original_location.alt) else: raise Exception("Invalid Location object passed") return targetlocation; def get_distance_metres(self,aLocation1, aLocation2): """ Returns the ground distance in metres between two LocationGlobal objects. This method is an approximation, and will not be accurate over large distances and close to the """ dlat = - dlong = aLocation2.lon - aLocation1.lon return math.sqrt((dlat*dlat) + (dlong*dlong)) * 1.113195e5 def get_bearing(self,aLocation1, aLocation2): """ Returns the bearing between the two LocationGlobal objects passed as parameters. This method is an approximation, and may not be accurate over large distances and close to the earth's poles. """ off_x = aLocation2.lon - aLocation1.lon off_y = - bearing = 90.00 + math.atan2(-off_y, off_x) * 57.2957795 if bearing < 0: bearing += 360.00 return bearing; """ Functions to move the vehicle to a specified position (as opposed to controlling movement by setting velocity components). The methods include: * goto_position_target_global_int - Sets position using SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command in MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT frame * goto_position_target_local_ned - Sets position using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command in MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED frame * goto - A convenience function that can use Vehicle.simple_goto (default) or goto_position_target_global_int to travel to a specific position in metres North and East from the current location. This method reports distance to the destination. """ def goto_position_target_global_int(aLocation): """ Send SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command to request the vehicle fly to a specified LocationGlobal. See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored. """ msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_global_int_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, # frame 0b0000111111111000, # type_mask (only speeds enabled)*1e7, # lat_int - X Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters aLocation.lon*1e7, # lon_int - Y Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters aLocation.alt, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude, not WGS84 if absolute or relative, above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT 0, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) def goto_position_target_local_ned(north, east, down): """ Send SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command to request the vehicle fly to a specified location in the North, East, Down frame. It is important to remember that in this frame, positive altitudes are entered as negative "Down" values. So if down is "10", this will be 10 metres below the home altitude. Starting from AC3.3 the method respects the frame setting. Prior to that the frame was ignored. For more information see: See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored. """ msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame 0b0000111111111000, # type_mask (only positions enabled) north, east, down, # x, y, z positions (or North, East, Down in the MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED frame 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z velocity in m/s (not used) 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) def send_ned_velocity(velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, duration): """ Move vehicle in direction based on specified velocity vectors and for the specified duration. This uses the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command with a type mask enabling only velocity components ( Note that from AC3.3 the message should be re-sent every second (after about 3 seconds with no message the velocity will drop back to zero). In AC3.2.1 and earlier the specified velocity persists until it is canceled. The code below should work on either version (sending the message multiple times does not cause problems). See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored. """ msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame 0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled) 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z positions (not used) velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, # x, y, z velocity in m/s 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) # send command to vehicle on 1 Hz cycle for x in range(0,duration): self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) time.sleep(1) def send_global_velocity(velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, duration): """ Move vehicle in direction based on specified velocity vectors. This uses the SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command with type mask enabling only velocity components ( Note that from AC3.3 the message should be re-sent every second (after about 3 seconds with no message the velocity will drop back to zero). In AC3.2.1 and earlier the specified velocity persists until it is canceled. The code below should work on either version (sending the message multiple times does not cause problems). See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored. """ msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_global_int_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, # frame 0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled) 0, # lat_int - X Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters 0, # lon_int - Y Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters 0, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude(not WGS84 if absolute or relative) # altitude above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT velocity_x, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s velocity_y, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s velocity_z, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) # send command to vehicle on 1 Hz cycle for x in range(0,duration): self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) time.sleep(1)
class SimRunner: def arm_vehicle(self): arm_time = 0 self.vehicle.armed = True while not self.vehicle.armed: time.sleep(0.2) print('waiting for armed...') arm_time += 0.2 if arm_time > 30: print("Arm fail") self.vehicle.close() self.sitl.stop() self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() self.ready = False return def __init__(self, sample_id, core_id, initial_profile, config): ardupilot_dir = config['root_dir'] + 'experiment/elf/' out_dir = config['root_dir'] + 'experiment/output/' self.elf_dir = "%s%d/" % (ardupilot_dir, 0) self.exp_out_dir = "%s%s/%d/" % (out_dir, 'PA', 0) self.ready = True self.states = [] self.profiles = [] self.sim_id = "%d_%d" % (sample_id, core_id) copter_file = self.elf_dir + "ArduCopter.elf" = 0.1 self.sitl = SITL(path=copter_file) home_str = "%.6f,%.6f,%.2f,%d" % (, initial_profile.lon, initial_profile.alt, initial_profile.yaw) sitl_args = [ '-S', '-I%d' % bug_id, '--home=' + home_str, '--model', '+', '--speedup=1', '--defaults=' + self.elf_dir + 'copter.parm' ] self.sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True, wd=self.elf_dir) port_number = 5760 + bug_id * 10 self.missions = [ Mission1(), Mission2(), Mission3(), Mission4(), Mission5() ] try: self.vehicle = connect('tcp:' % port_number, wait_ready=True, rate=10) except APIException: print("Cannot connect") self.sitl.stop() self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() self.ready = False return for k, v in initial_profile.params.items(): self.vehicle.parameters[k] = v while not self.vehicle.is_armable: print('initializing...') time.sleep(1) self.arm_vehicle() time.sleep(2) print(self.vehicle.version) def run(self): takeoff_mission = self.missions[0] time.sleep(10) temp_state = [] waypoint_num = 3 T = 2 ### 4 missions. Each mission has 3 waypoints. For each waypoint, the vehicle runs for 2 seconds for i in range(0, 4): current_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame if i % 2 == 0: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(20, 30) / waypoint_num ] else: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-0.0003, -0.0002) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-30, -20) / waypoint_num ] # count = 0 for j in range(1, waypoint_num + 1): profile = LocationGlobal( + target_delta[0] * j, current_location.lon + target_delta[1] * j, current_location.alt + target_delta[2] * j) self.profiles.append([, profile.lon, profile.alt]) self.vehicle.simple_goto(profile) current_t = 0 temp_state = [] while current_t < T: ### record the [lat,lon,alt,pitch,yaw,roll,velocity] every 0.1 seconds temp_state.append([, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.velocity[0], self.vehicle.velocity[1], self.vehicle.velocity[2] ]) time.sleep(0.1) current_t += 0.1 # count += 1 # print(count) # print_info(self.vehicle) self.states.append(temp_state) self.vehicle.close() self.sitl.stop() + "states_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.states)) + "profiles_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.profiles)) print("Output Execution Path...") with open(self.exp_out_dir + "raw_%s.txt" % self.sim_id, "w") as execution_file: ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) while ep_line is not None: execution_file.write(ep_line) ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() print("Simulation %s completed." % self.sim_id) def run1(self): takeoff_mission = self.missions[0] time.sleep(10) home_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame temp_state = [] waypoint_num = 3 T = 2 ## first mission : guided mode for i in range(0, 5): current_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame if i % 2 == 0: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(20, 30) / waypoint_num ] else: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-0.0003, -0.0002) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-30, -20) / waypoint_num ] for j in range(1, waypoint_num + 1): profile = LocationGlobal( + target_delta[0] * j, current_location.lon + target_delta[1] * j, current_location.alt + target_delta[2] * j) self.profiles.append([, profile.lon, profile.alt]) self.vehicle.simple_goto(profile) current_t = 0 temp_state = [] while current_t < T: temp_state.append([, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.velocity[0], self.vehicle.velocity[1], self.vehicle.velocity[2] ]) time.sleep(0.1) current_t += 0.1 self.states.append(temp_state) ## second mission : acro mode self.vehicle.channels.overrides['1'] = 1400 self.vehicle.channels.overrides['2'] = 1400 self.vehicle.channels.overrides['3'] = 1500 self.vehicle.channels.overrides['4'] = 1500 self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('ACRO') for i in range(0, waypoint_num): current_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame self.profiles.append([, current_location.lon, current_location.alt ]) current_t = 0 temp_state = [] while current_t < T: self.vehicle.channels.overrides['3'] = 1500 temp_state.append([, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.velocity[0], self.vehicle.velocity[1], self.vehicle.velocity[2] ]) time.sleep(0.1) current_t += 0.1 # print_info(self.vehicle) self.states.append(temp_state) # ## third mission : auto mode # cmds = self.vehicle.commands # cmds.clear() # waypoint_in_auto = [random.uniform(0.0002,0.0003)/waypoint_num,random.uniform(0.0002,0.0003)/waypoint_num,random.uniform(20,30)/waypoint_num] # for j in range(1,waypoint_num+1): # profile = LocationGlobal([0]*j,current_location.lon+target_delta[1]*j,current_location.alt+target_delta[2]*j) # self.profiles.append([,profile.lon,profile.alt]) # cmds.add(Command(0,0,0,mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT,mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT,0,0,0,0,0,0,,profile.lon,profile.alt)) # cmds.upload() # = 0 # self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('AUTO') # for j in range(0,waypoint_num): # current_t = 0 # temp_state = [] # while current_t < T: # temp_state.append([,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt # ,self.vehicle.attitude.pitch,self.vehicle.attitude.yaw,self.vehicle.attitude.roll,self.vehicle.velocity[0],self.vehicle.velocity[1],self.vehicle.velocity[2]]) # time.sleep(0.1) # current_t += 0.1 # += 1 # self.states.append(temp_state) #### fourth mission : rtl mode # self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('RTL') # for j in range(0,waypoint_num): # self.profiles.append([,home_location.lon,home_location.alt]) # current_t = 0 # temp_state = [] # while current_t < T: # temp_state.append([,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt # ,self.vehicle.attitude.pitch,self.vehicle.attitude.yaw,self.vehicle.attitude.roll,self.vehicle.velocity[0],self.vehicle.velocity[1],self.vehicle.velocity[2]]) # time.sleep(0.1) # current_t += 0.1 # self.states.append(temp_state) self.vehicle.close() self.sitl.stop() + "states_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.states)) + "profiles_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.profiles)) print("Output Execution Path...") with open(self.exp_out_dir + "raw_%s.txt" % self.sim_id, "w") as execution_file: ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) while ep_line is not None: execution_file.write(ep_line) ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() print("Simulation %s completed." % self.sim_id)
class APMSim(object): existing = [] usedINum = mav.manager.list() @staticmethod def nextINum(): port = mav.nextUnused(APMSim.usedINum, range(0, 254)) return port def __init__(self, index): self.iNum = index self.args = sitl_args + ['-I' + str(index)] self.sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') self.sitl.launch(self.args, await_ready=True, restart=True) self.connStr = tcp_master(index) self.setParamAndRelaunch('SYSID_THISMAV', index + 1) APMSim.existing.append(self) @staticmethod def create(): index = APMSim.nextINum() try: result = APMSim(index) return result except Exception as ee: APMSim.usedINum.remove(index) raise ee def setParamAndRelaunch(self, key, value): wd = self.sitl.wd v = connect(self.connStr, wait_ready=True) v.parameters.set(key, value, wait_ready=True) v.close() self.sitl.stop() self.sitl.launch(self.args, await_ready=True, restart=True, wd=wd, use_saved_data=True) v = connect(self.connStr, wait_ready=True) # This fn actually rate limits itself to every 2s. # Just retry with persistence to get our first param stream. v._master.param_fetch_all() v.wait_ready() actualValue = v._params_map[key] assert actualValue == value v.close() def close(self): self.sitl.stop() APMSim.usedINum.remove(self.iNum) APMSim.existing.remove(self) @staticmethod def clean(): for sitl in APMSim.existing: sitl.stop() APMSim.existing = []
'''Runs simulator using python''' import os from time import sleep from dronekit_sitl import SITL SIM = {} BIN = os.getenv("SITL_BIN") DO_DOWNLOAD = True if BIN is not None: DO_DOWNLOAD = False SIM["path"] = BIN DEFAULTS = os.getenv("SITL_DEFAULTS_FILEPATH") if DEFAULTS is not None: SIM["defaults_filepath"] = DEFAULTS SIM = SITL(**SIM) if DO_DOWNLOAD:'copter', '3.3', verbose=False) SIM.launch([ '--model', 'quad', ], await_ready=True, restart=False) print("Simulator lanched") while True: sleep(5)
def execute_mission(mission, time_limit): # TODO: allow 'binary' and 'speedup' to be passed as arguments home = [40.071374969556928, -105.22978898137808, 1583.702759, 246] speedup = 1 binary = '/experiment/source/build/sitl/bin/ardurover' vehicle = sitl = None try: model_arg = '--model=rover' home_arg = '--home={}'.format(','.join(map(str, home))) defaults_arg = "--defaults=/experiment/source/Tools/autotest/default_params/rover.parm" sitl = SITL(binary) sitl.launch([home_arg, model_arg, defaults_arg], verbose=True, await_ready=True, restart=False, speedup=speedup) # launch mavproxy -- ports aren't being forwarded! # sim_uri = sitl.connection_string() # mavproxy_cmd = \ # " --console --master tcp: --sitl --out localhost:14550 & /bin/bash" #, shell=True) # time.sleep(1) # dronekit is broken! it always tries to connect to print("try to connect to vehicle...") dronekit_connects_to = 'tcp:' vehicle = dronekit.connect(dronekit_connects_to, wait_ready=True) # TODO: add time limit while not vehicle.is_armable: time.sleep(0.2) # TODO: add time limit # arm the rover vehicle.armed = True while not vehicle.armed: print("waiting for the rover to be armed...") time.sleep(0.1) vehicle.armed = True # TODO: add time limit issue_mission(vehicle, mission) # trigger the mission by switching the vehicle's mode to "AUTO" vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") # monitor the mission last_wp = vehicle.commands.count mission_complete = [False] waypoints_visited = [] try: def on_waypoint(self, name, message): wp = int(message.seq) # print("Reached WP #{}".format(wp)) # record the (relevant) state of the vehicle waypoints_visited.append((wp, snapshot(vehicle))) if wp == last_wp: mission_complete[0] = True vehicle.add_message_listener('MISSION_ITEM_REACHED', on_waypoint) # wait until the last waypoint is reached or a time limit has expired time_started = timer() while not mission_complete[0]: time_elapsed = timer() - time_started if time_limit and time_elapsed > time_limit: return waypoints_visited[:] time.sleep(0.2) return waypoints_visited[:] # remove the listener finally: vehicle.remove_message_listener('MISSION_ITEM_REACHED', on_waypoint) # close the connection and shutdown the simulator finally: if vehicle: vehicle.close() if sitl: sitl.stop()
from dronekit_sitl import SITL import dronekit import time from dronekit_sitl import version_list from dronekit_sitl import download import sys copter_args = ['-S', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353'] sitl = SITL() sitl.launch(copter_args, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True) vehicle = dronekit.connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) print vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"] vehicle.close() sitl.stop() sys.exit(0) sitl = SITL() sitl.stop()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=False) sitl.stop() sys.exit(0) versions = version_list() models = list(versions.keys()) print models.sort() download('copter','3.3', None)
) args = parser.parse_args() connection_string = args.connect sitl = None #Start SITL if no connection string specified if not args.connect: print "Starting copter simulator (SITL)" from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = [ '-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353' ] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string = 'tcp:' # Connect to the Vehicle print 'Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) def arm_and_takeoff(aTargetAltitude): """ Arms vehicle and fly to aTargetAltitude. """ print "Basic pre-arm checks" # Don't let the user try to arm until autopilot is ready while not vehicle.is_armable:
sitl = None connection_string1 = None connection_string2 = None if not connection_string: from dronekit_sitl import SITL print(site.USER_SITE) sitl1 = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl2 = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args1 = ['-I0', '--simin=', '--simout=', '--model', 'quad'] sitl_args2 = ['-I1', '--simin=', '--simout=', '--model', 'quad'] sitlInstance1 = sitl1.launch(sitl_args1, verbose=False, await_ready=False, restart=True) sitlInstance2 = sitl2.launch(sitl_args2, verbose=False, await_ready=False, restart=True) # sitl = dronekit_sitl.start_default() connection_string1 = sitl1.connection_string() connection_string2 = sitl2.connection_string() print('Connecting to vehicle1 on: %s' % connection_string1) vehicle1 = connect(connection_string1, wait_ready=True) print('Connecting to vehicle2 on: %s' % connection_string2) vehicle2 = connect(connection_string2, wait_ready=True) def arm_and_takeoff(vehicle, aTargetAltitude): """ Arms vehicle and fly to aTargetAltitude.
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Gps navigation of a single UAV.') parser.add_argument("x",help ="+x -> EAST and -x -> WEST",type=float,metavar="X") parser.add_argument("y",help="+y -> NORTH and -y -> SOUTH",type=float,metavar="Y") parser.add_argument("d",help="total distance by single uav",type=int,metavar="distance") parser.add_argument('--connect', help="Vehicle connection target string. If not specified, SITL automatically started and used.") parser.add_argument('--baudrate',type=int, help="Vehicle baudrate settings specify 57600 when connecting with radio. If not specified, SITL automatically started and used.",default=115200) args = parser.parse_args() connection_string = args.connect sitl = None #Start SITL if no connection string specified if not connection_string or not args.baudrate: from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=53.367063,-3.109593,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string = 'tcp:' # Connect to the Vehicle print 'Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True,baud=args.baudrate) quad = QuadController(vehicle) home_location = quad.home_position() init_pos = altered_position(home_location,args.x,args.y) start = init_pos end = altered_position(start,0,args.d) print "Basic pre-arm checks" # Don't try to arm until autopilot is ready while not quad.is_armable: print " Waiting for vehicle to initialise..." time.sleep(1) print "Arming motors" # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode quad.mode = "GUIDED" quad.arm = True # Confirm vehicle armed before attempting to take off while not quad.arm: print " Waiting for arming..." time.sleep(1) print "Vehicl armed status: " + str(quad.arm) print "taking off .." print quad.mode quad.takeoff() print "going to first way point..." quad.goto(init_pos) if not quad.goto(init_pos,groundspeed=1): print "some event has gone horribly wrong" return while not QuadController.get_distance((,quad.current_location.lon),init_pos): time.sleep(0.001)#to avoid consuming much CPU print "arrived at first way point" #print "settting yaw" #quad.set_yaw(90) #time.sleep(5) #print quad.heading print "following path..." path = QuadController.path(start,end) for p in path[1:]: print "going to Lat:%.6f, Lon:%.6f" %(p[0],p[1]) if not quad.goto((p[0],p[1])): print "some event has gone horribly wrong" return while not QuadController.get_distance((,quad.current_location.lon),(p[0],p[1])): time.sleep(0.01) print quad.current_location print "vehicle returning to launch..." quad.mode = "RTL"
def setup_sitl(): global sitl sitl = SITL('copter', '3.3-rc5') sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True)
def test_move_left(self): """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() """"" """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,45'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,90'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,135'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,180'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,225'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,270'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """"
from dronekit_sitl import SITL import dronekit import time from dronekit_sitl import version_list from dronekit_sitl import download import sys copter_args = ['-S', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353'] sitl = SITL() sitl.launch(copter_args, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True) vehicle = dronekit.connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) print vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"] vehicle.close() sitl.stop() sys.exit(0) sitl = SITL() sitl.stop()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=False) sitl.stop() sys.exit(0) versions = version_list() models = list(versions.keys()) print models.sort() download('copter', '3.3', None)
def setup_solo_sitl(): global sitl sitl = SITL()'solo', '1.2.0') sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True)
class Drone: def __init__(self, config): self.default_webserver_ip = config.ip self.default_port = config.port self.default_webserver_port = config.webport = self.ip = config.ip self.sitl = config.sitl self.sitlInstance = SITL('/home/dino/.dronekit/sitl/copter-3.3/apm') if self.sitl: sitl_args = [ '--instance ' + str( - 1), '-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353' ] self.sitlInstance.launch(sitl_args, verbose=False, await_ready=False, restart=True) self.connection_string = self.sitlInstance.connection_string() else: self.connection_string = '/dev/tty/ACM0' self.formation = None self.webserver = str(self.ip) + ":" + str(self.default_webserver_port) print('\nConnecting to vehicle on: %s\n' % self.connection_string) self.vehicle = connect(self.connection_string) print("Drone: " + str( + " connected!") self.drone_data = self.get_drone_data() self.print_drone_data() self.mission = Mission(self.vehicle) # logger config self.logger = logging.getLogger("drone" + (str)( + "_log") self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = logging.FileHandler("drone" + (str)( + "_log") fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(fh) self.logger.addHandler(ch) # Always add the drone to swarm last. # =============================ATTRIBUTE LISTENER CALLBACKS============================================== # ======================================================================================================= def location_callback(self): self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm")"Drone Location Changed: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)) if ( self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt < 2 and == "GUIDED" ): # if the vehicle is in guided mode and alt is less than 2m slow it the f down self.vehicle.airspeed = .2 def armed_callback(self):"Drone Armed Status Changed: " + str(self.vehicle.armed)) self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm") def mode_callback(self):"Mode Changed: " + str( self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm") # =============================COMMUNICATION TO SERVER=================================================== # ======================================================================================================= def update_self_to_swarm(self, route): url = self.webserver + route try: r =, self.get_drone_data())"\nServer Responded With: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.text) + "\n") except requests.HTTPError: def get_data_from_server(self, route): url = self.webserver + route + "/" + str( try: r = requests.get(url)"\nServer Responded With: " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.text) + "\n") return Config(json.loads(r.text)) except requests.HTTPError:"HTTP " + str(requests.HTTPError)) return "NO_DATA" # =============================VEHICLE INFORMATION FUNCTIONS================================================= # ======================================================================================================= def get_drone_data(self): # creates a dictionary object out of the drone data return type( 'obj', (object, ), { "id":, "ip": self.ip, "airspeed": self.vehicle.airspeed, "latitude":, "longitude": self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, "altitude": self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt, "armable": self.vehicle.is_armable, "armed": self.vehicle.armed, "mode": }) def print_drone_data(self): drone_params = self.get_drone_data() string_to_print = "Drone ID: " + str( ) + "\nDrone IP: " + str(drone_params.ip) + "\nDrone A/S: " + str( drone_params.airspeed ) + "\nDrone Location: (" + str(drone_params.latitude) + ", " + str( drone_params.longitude) + ", " + str( drone_params.altitude) + ")" + "\nDrone Armed: " + str( drone_params.armed) + "\nDrone Mode: " + drone_params.mode print(string_to_print) # =============================VEHICLE CONTROL FUNCTIONS================================================= # ======================================================================================================= def set_parameter(self, paramName, value): # Sets a specified param to specified value self.vehicle.parameters[paramName] = value def set_airspeed(self, value): self.vehicle.airspeed = value def set_mode(self, mode): self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode(mode) def set_formation(self, formationName): self.formation = formationName def move_to_formation(self, aTargetAltitude): drone_params = self.get_drone_data() droneLat = float( drone_params) # would be better to just get the location object... droneLon = float(drone_params['longitude']) droneAlt = float(drone_params['altitude']) #Check altitude is 10 metres so we can manuver around eachother if aTargetAltitude is 10: if (self.formation == "triangle"): if ( == "1"): # Master, so take point self.vehicle.simple_goto(, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, aTargetAltitude) elif ( == "2"): # Slave 1, so take back-left # print("Drone 2 Moving To Position") self.vehicle.simple_goto(droneLat - .0000018, droneLon - .0000018, aTargetAltitude - 3) # print("Master loc:",droneLat,",",droneLon,",",droneAlt) "My Loc:" + str( + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon) + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) elif ( == "3"): # Slave 2, so take back-right # print("Drone 3 Moving To Position") self.vehicle.simple_goto(droneLat - .0000018, droneLon + .0000018, aTargetAltitude + 3) # print("Master loc:",droneLat,",",droneLon,",",droneAlt) "My Loc:" + str( + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon) + "," + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) else:"Cannot Position This Drone In Formation") # Add more else if for more formation types else:"No such formation: " + self.formation) else: print("Invalid formation altitude!") print( "Please change formation altitude to 10 metres so the drones can manuver around eachother safetly!" ) def follow_in_formation(self, droneID): # print("ENTERING FORMATION:", formationName) self.move_to_formation(10) # print("About to Enter Loop:", def arm(self): self.enable_gps()"Basic pre-arm checks") while not self.vehicle.is_armable:" Waiting for vehicle to initialize...") time.sleep(1) self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED")"Arming motors") # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode self.vehicle.armed = True # Confirm vehicle armed before attempting to take off while not self.vehicle.armed:"Waiting for arming...") self.vehicle.armed = True time.sleep(1) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('location.global_relative_frame', self.location_callback) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('armed', self.armed_callback) self.vehicle.add_attribute_listener('mode', self.mode_callback)"Vehicle Armed!") def disable_gps(self): # if not self.sitl: # don't try updating params in sitl cuz it doesn't work. problem on their end self.vehicle.parameters["ARMING_CHECK"] = 0 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_TYPE"] = 3 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_CONFIG"] = 0 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_SWITCH"] = 0 self.vehicle.parameters["FENCE_ENABLE"] = 0 def enable_gps(self): # if not self.sitl: self.vehicle.parameters["ARMING_CHECK"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_TYPE"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_CONFIG"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["GPS_AUTO_SWITCH"] = 1 self.vehicle.parameters["FENCE_ENABLE"] = 0 def arm_no_GPS(self):"Arming motors NO GPS") self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("SPORT") while not self.vehicle.armed:" Waiting for arming...") self.disable_gps() time.sleep(3) self.vehicle.armed = True self.update_self_to_swarm("/swarm") def shutdown(self): self.vehicle.remove_attribute_listener( 'location.global_relative_frame', self.location_callback) self.vehicle.remove_attribute_listener('armed', self.armed_callback) self.vehicle.remove_attribute_listener('mode', self.mode_callback) self.vehicle.close() # =================================MISSION FUNCTIONS===================================================== # ======================================================================================================= def wait_for_drone_match_altitude(self, droneID): self.wait_for_drone_reach_altitude( droneID, self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt) def wait_for_swarm_to_match_altitude(self): swarm_params = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") for idx in enumerate(swarm_params): self.wait_for_drone_match_altitude(idx) def wait_for_drone_reach_altitude(self, droneID, altitude): swarm_params = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") for idx in enumerate(swarm_params.Drones): if swarm_params.Drones[idx].id == droneID: while (swarm_params.Drones[idx].altitude <= altitude * 0.95): swarm_params = self.get_data_from_server("/Swarm") print("Waiting for Drone: " + str(swarm_params.Drones[idx].id) + " to reach " + str(altitude)) time.sleep(1)"Drone: " + swarm_params.Drones[idx].id + " reached " + str(altitude) + "...") def arm_and_takeoff(self, aTargetAltitude): self.arm()"Taking off!") self.vehicle.simple_takeoff( aTargetAltitude) # Take off to target altitude while True: "Vehicle Altitude: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= aTargetAltitude * .95:"Reached target altitude") self.update_self_to_swarm("/Swarm") break time.sleep(.75) def goto(self): pass def land_vehicle(self):"Returning to Launch!!!") if self.sitl: self.vehicle.airspeed = 3 else: self.vehicle.parameters["RTL_ALT"] = 0.0 self.vehicle.airspeed = 1 self.set_mode("RTL") while != "RTL":"Vehicle Mode Didn't Change") self.set_mode("RTL") time.sleep(1) # while self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt > 0.2: "Altitude: " + str(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)) time.sleep(1)"Landed!") def to_string(self): return ("id: " + + ", " + "ip" + self.ip + ", " + "self.webserver" + self.webserver)
from dronekit_sitl import SITL import mission args = ['--model', 'plane',] sitl = SITL() # load a binary path (optional)"plane", "3.8.0", verbose=False) sitl.launch(args, verbose=False, await_ready=True, restart=False) sitl.block_until_ready(verbose=False) mission.start_flight(sitl.connection_string()) print(sitl.position) code = sitl.complete(verbose=False) sitl.poll() sitl.stop()
def copter_sitl_auto_to(): """ Returns a copter SITL instance for use in test cases Status: starting auto takeoff(to 20m AGL), 13 waypoints Mode: Auto """ # Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4 sitl = SITL(sitl_filename, instance=0) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect to UAV to setup base parameters veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 10 # speed up SITL for rapid startup veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() # close vehicle instance after setting base parameters # Stop and relaunch SITL to enable distance sensor and battery monitor sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect again veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), wait_ready=True, vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) # upload an arbitrary mission mission = MAVWPLoader() filename = join(abspath(sys.path[0]), 'executable_mission.txt') mission.load(filename) # bit of a hack: fix the sequence number for w in mission.wpoints: w.seq = w.seq + 1 cmds = veh.commands cmds.clear() wplist = mission.wpoints[:] # add a dummy command on the front # just the first WP used as a placeholder # upload seems to skip the first WP cmds.add(wplist[0]) for wp in wplist: cmds.add(wp) cmds.upload() # wait until armable while not veh.is_armable: sleep(0.5) veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 5 # set sim speed for rapid take-off sleep(0.5) # wait for parameter change to take place veh.arm() # arm vehicle # Perform an auto take-off veh.mode = VehicleMode('AUTO') # change mode to auto veh.channels.overrides['3'] = 1700 # raise throttle to confirm T/O # wait for take-off while veh.location.global_relative_frame.alt < 0.5: sleep(0.5) veh.close() # close vehicle instance after auto takeoff yield sitl # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
parser.add_argument('--connect', help="Vehicle connection target string. If not specified, SITL automatically started and used.") args = parser.parse_args() connection_string = args.connect sitl = None #Start SITL if no connection string specified if not args.connect: print "Starting copter simulator (SITL)" from dronekit_sitl import SITL sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) connection_string = 'tcp:' # Connect to the Vehicle print 'Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) def arm_and_takeoff(aTargetAltitude): """ Arms vehicle and fly to aTargetAltitude. """ print "Basic pre-arm checks" # Don't try to arm until autopilot is ready
class Simulator: def __init__(self): # SITL is the system in the loop simulator from dronekit self.sitl = SITL()'solo', '1.2.0', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['solo', '--home=51.011447,3.711648,5,0'] self.sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True, verbose=True) ############################################################################################################# # This is old code from when the onboard and simulator code were no modules yet # It is used to find the correct directories and start the correct processes, and might prove useful in the future # # This simulator can be invoked from the /simulator directory and the /tests directory # # Hardcoding relative paths should be avoided # current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) # drone_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "drone") # simulator_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "simulator") # onboard_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "onboard") # # Search for the drone directory containing the /simulator and /onboard directories # # Or stop if we find the /simulator and /onboard directories # while not (os.path.exists(drone_dir) or (os.path.exists(simulator_dir) and os.path.exists(onboard_dir))): # current_dir = parent_dir # parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) # if parent_dir == current_dir: # print "Could not find files" # sys.exit(1) # we did not find one of the necessary files # drone_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "drone") # simulator_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "simulator") # onboard_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "onboard") # if os.path.exists(drone_dir): # # we found the drone directory # simulator_dir = os.path.join(drone_dir, "simulator") # onboard_dir = os.path.join(drone_dir, "onboard") # video_dir = os.path.join(simulator_dir, "videos") # video_footage = os.path.join(video_dir, "testfootage.h264") # server = os.path.join(onboard_dir, "") # control_module = os.path.join(onboard_dir, "") # if not (os.path.exists(simulator_dir) and # os.path.exists(onboard_dir) and # os.path.exists(video_footage) and # os.path.exists(server) and # os.path.exists(control_module)): # print "Could not find files" # sys.exit(1) # we did not find one of the necessary files # The server and control modules were started as seperate processes # This gave issues when trying to measure the code coverage, hence we changed it to threads # env_vars = os.environ.copy() # env_vars["COVERAGE_PROCESS_START"] = ".coveragerc" # self.server_process = Popen(['python2', server, '--level', 'debug', '--simulate'], env=env_vars) # self.control_process = Popen(['python2', control_module, '--level', 'debug', '--simulate'], env=env_vars) ############################################################################################################# # Now that we have modules, we can just do this current_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) # this is the directory of the file video_footage = os.path.join(current_dir, 'videos', 'testfootage.h264') self.stream_simulator = StreamSimulator(video_footage) self.stream_simulator.start() log_level = logging.DEBUG simulation_logger = logging.getLogger("Simulator") formatter = logging.Formatter(logformat, datefmt=dateformat) handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # To log to a file, this could be used # handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=log_file) handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(log_level) simulation_logger.addHandler(handler) simulation_logger.setLevel(log_level) self.logger = simulation_logger self.server_thread = ServerSimulator(logger=simulation_logger) self.control_thread = ControlModuleSimulator(logger=simulation_logger, log_lvl=log_level) self.server_thread.start() self.control_thread.start() # capture kill signals to send it to the subprocesses signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler) def signal_handler(self, signal, frame): self.logger.debug("Exiting simulator") self.stop() sys.exit(0) def stop(self): self.stream_simulator.stop_thread() self.logger.debug("Stopping server and control module") self.server_thread.stop_thread() self.control_thread.stop_thread() self.logger.debug("Sleeping") time.sleep(5.0) self.logger.debug("Stopping SITL") self.sitl.stop()
def setup_sitl(): global sitl sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True)
# mav.remove_message_listener(vehicle) time.sleep(1) # mavlink not thread safe... for thread in change_sysid_threads: print("Waiting for thread...") thread.join() print("Sleeping a little to let SITLs go away...") time.sleep(2) print("Launching SITLs") for i in range(0, len(sitls)): sitl = sitls[i][0] sitl_args = sitls[i][1] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True, use_saved_data=True, wd=sitl.wd, verbose=True) # create another connection so a GCS can be connected for visualisation if args.extra_connection: hub_connection_strings.append(args.extra_connection) # dronekit-python (us!) port: connection_string = "udpout:localhost:2345" hub_connection_strings.append("udpin:localhost:2345") hub_should_quit = False def mavlink_hub_target():
import sys import os import dronekit import time import re from dronekit_sitl import SITL print('launching SITL...') s = SITL(path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'build/out/apm')) s.launch([], wd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'build/test'), verbose=True) print('connecting...') time.sleep(1) vehicle = dronekit.connect('tcp:') print('waiting a fair amount of time...') start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: time.sleep(.1) line = s.stdout.readline(0.01) if line: sys.stdout.write(line) line = s.stderr.readline(0.01) if line: sys.stderr.write(line) print('checking for messages...') messages = False def logme(*args):
def main(): """ The Main function of this script. """ args = _parse_arguments() util.log_init( "sitl_A%s_%s.txt" % (, util.get_latest_log("latest_sitl.txt")), util.log_level[args.level]) shared.AGENT_ID = 'A%s' % shared.AGENT_COUNT = args.n shared.CURRENT_ALGORITHM = args.algorithm shared.AGENT_CHARACTER = args.character shared.des_alt = args.alt util.log_info("AGENT_ID = %s" % shared.AGENT_ID) util.log_info("Algorithm: %s" % shared.CURRENT_ALGORITHM) util.log_info("Agent type: %s" % shared.AGENT_CHARACTER) print "Start simulator (SITL)" sitl = SITL(args.pix) # initialize SITL with firmware path if shared.AGENT_ID in start_loc: sitl_args = ['--home=%s' % start_loc[shared.AGENT_ID]] else: sitl_args = ['--home=%s' % start_loc['FFF']] # Pre-recorded coordinates. #sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.301201,121.498192,9,353'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) # Connect to the vehicle. (Spawn an instance of Vehicle named "vehicle") # connection port is coded in the file name of the firmware like "ac3.4.5_port5760" # use regular expression to search the string and extract port number port ='port\d{4}', args.pix) port ='\d{4}', print "Connecting to copter on: TCP:" % port copter = nav.connect('tcp:' % port, wait_ready=True, rate=20) util.log_info("Copter connected. Firmware: %s" % copter.version) if not args.xbee: # simulate XBee using ZeroMQ [pub, sub] = comm.zmq_init(comm_port_list[shared.AGENT_ID], comm_port_list) subscriber_thread = comm.Subscriber(shared.AGENT_ID, sub) subscriber_thread.start() xbee = pub # make xbee the publisher util.log_info("ZeroMQ initialzied.") else: # use actual xbee ports ser = serial.Serial(args.xbee, 57600) xbee = comm.xbee_init(ser) util.log_info("Xbee initialzed.") info = "IFO,%s connected with firmware %s" % (shared.AGENT_ID, copter.version) comm.xbee_broadcast(xbee, info) _add_listeners(copter) takeoff_thread = nav.Takeoff(copter, xbee, shared.des_alt, 3) purge_thread = comm.Purge(shared.neighbors) broadcast_thread = comm.Broadcast(shared.AGENT_ID, copter, xbee) flocking_thread = _choose_algorithm(copter, xbee, shared.neighbors) takeoff_thread.start() takeoff_thread.join() # wait until takeoff procedure completed if shared.status['airborne']: # only execute the threads when airborne util.log_info("Copter is airborne, starting threads.") broadcast_thread.start() purge_thread.start() flocking_thread.start() # main loop while True: try: time.sleep(.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: break if shared.status['airborne']: # echo exiting status if shared.status['exiting']: info = "IFO,%s %s-ing." % (shared.AGENT_ID, shared.status['command']) comm.xbee_broadcast(xbee, info) util.log_info(info) # if an rtl or land command is received, kill flocking and set the `exiting` flag elif shared.status['command'] == 'RTL' or shared.status[ 'command'] == 'LAND': shared.status['thread_flag'] |= shared.FLOCKING_FLAG nav.set_mode(copter, shared.status['command']) shared.status['exiting'] = True if not flocking_thread.is_alive(): # break the loop if finished break nav.wait_for_disarm(copter) # wait for disarm comm.xbee_broadcast(xbee, 'IFO,%s terminated.' % shared.AGENT_ID) # clean up purge_thread.stop() while purge_thread.is_alive(): util.log_info('Waiting for purge to shutdown') purge_thread.join(3) util.log_info('Purge killed.') broadcast_thread.stop() while broadcast_thread.is_alive(): util.log_info('Waiting for broadcast to shutdown') broadcast_thread.join(3) util.log_info('Broadcast killed.') copter.close() util.log_info("Copter shutdown.") if args.xbee: xbee.halt() ser.close() util.log_info("Xbee and serial closed.") else: subscriber_thread.stop() while subscriber_thread.is_alive(): util.log_info('Waiting for Subscriber to shutdown') subscriber_thread.join(3) util.log_info('Subscriber killed.') sitl.stop() util.log_info("SITL shutdown.")