def test_set_current(self): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=-35.363261,149.165230,584,353'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) print "Connecting to vehicle on: 'tcp:'" vehicle = connect('tcp:', wait_ready=True) print " Battery: %s" % vehicle.battery battery_test = Battery(vehicle.battery) # check number negative the limit battery_test.set_current(NEGATIVE_NUMBER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.current, 0) # check number positive the limit battery_test.set_current(POSITIVE_NUMBER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), POSITIVE_NUMBER) # check ZERO battery_test.set_current(0) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), 0) #check char that non number battery_test.set_current(CHARACTER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), 0) #check char that number battery_test.set_current(CHAR_NUMBER) self.assertEqual(battery_test.get_current(), int(CHAR_NUMBER)) sitl.stop()
def test_can_arm(): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True) vehicle = dronekit.connect("tcp:", wait_ready=True) # Wait for vehicle to be armable timeout = time.time() + 10 while not vehicle.is_armable and time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.35) timed_out = time.time() >= timeout if timed_out: sitl.stop() assert_false(timed_out, "Vehicle init timed out") # Arm it vehicle.mode = dronekit.VehicleMode("GUIDED") vehicle.armed = True # Confirm that it armed timeout = time.time() + 10 while not vehicle.armed and time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(0.35) timed_out = time.time() >= timeout vehicle.close() sitl.stop() assert_false(timed_out, "Vehicle arming timed out")
def test_land(self): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') headBefor =drone.vehicle.heading locBefor = drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(25) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(4) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(10) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
def test_sitl(): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args) sitl.block_until_ready() assert_equals(sitl.poll(), None, 'SITL should still be running.') assert_equals(sitl.using_sim, False, 'SITL for copter-3.3 should not be using pysim') sitl.stop() assert sitl.poll() != None, 'SITL should stop running after kill.' # Test "relaunch" sitl.launch(copter_args) try: sitl.launch(copter_args) assert False, 'SITL should fail to launch() again when running' except: pass try: sitl.launch(copter_args, restart=True) except: assert False, 'SITL should succeed in launch() when restart=True' sitl.stop()
def copter_sitl_guided_to(): """ Returns a copter SITL instance for use in test cases Status: hovering at 10m AGL Mode: Guided """ # Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4 sitl = SITL(sitl_filename, instance=0) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect to UAV to setup base parameters veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 10 # speed up SITL for rapid startup veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() # close vehicle instance after setting base parameters # Stop and relaunch SITL to enable distance sensor and battery monitor sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect again veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) # wait until armable while not veh.is_armable: sleep(0.5) veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 5 # set sim speed for rapid take-off veh.arm() # arm veh veh.mode = VehicleMode('GUIDED') # set veh mode to GUIDED veh.wait_simple_takeoff(10) # take-off to 10m AGL veh.close() # close vehicle after guided takeoff yield sitl # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
def test_take_off(self): sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') headBefor =drone.vehicle.heading locBefor = drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.take_off(3) headAfter = drone.vehicle.heading locAfter = drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame self.assertTrue( round(locAfter.alt-locBefor.alt)==3 and ((headBefor+5)%360<headAfter or(headBefor-5)%360 >headAfter)) drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
def copter_sitl_ground(): """ Returns a copter SITL instance for use in test cases Status: on ground Mode: Stabilize """ # Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4 sitl = SITL(sitl_filename, instance=0) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() print(sitl.connection_string()) # Connect to UAV to setup base parameters veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 10 # speed up SITL for rapid startup veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() # close veh instance after setting base parameters # Stop and relaunch SITL to enable distance sensor and battery monitor sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() yield sitl # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
def start_sitl(): """Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4, then set up the simulator for a rangefinder. Only works for Windows or Linux. Including binary in the project is ugly, but only used for testing.""" sitl_path = sitl_file_path() sitl = SITL(sitl_path) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) sitl.block_until_ready() return sitl
def test_preserve_eeprom(): # Start an SITL instance and change SYSID_THISMAV print "test" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') new_sysid = 10 working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True, wd=working_dir) vehicle = dronekit.connect("tcp:", wait_ready=True) print "Changing SYSID_THISMAV to {0}".format(new_sysid) while vehicle.parameters["SYSID_THISMAV"] != new_sysid: vehicle.parameters["SYSID_THISMAV"] = new_sysid time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(6) # Allow time for the parameter to go back to EEPROM print "Changed SYSID_THISMAV to {0}".format(new_sysid) vehicle.close() sitl.stop() # Now see if it persisted sitl.launch(copter_args, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True, wd=working_dir) vehicle = dronekit.connect("tcp:", wait_ready=True) assert_equals(new_sysid, vehicle.parameters["SYSID_THISMAV"]) vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
def test_preserve_eeprom(): # Start an SITL instance and change COMPASS_USE sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') sitl.launch(copter_args, verbose=True, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=False) connection_string = sitl.connection_string() vehicle = dronekit.connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) new_compass_use = 10 print("Changing COMPASS_USE to {0}".format(new_compass_use)) while vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"] != new_compass_use: vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"] = new_compass_use time.sleep(0.1) print("Changed COMPASS_USE to {0}".format(new_compass_use)) time.sleep(5) # give parameters time to write sitl.stop() vehicle.close() # Now see if it persisted sitl.launch(copter_args, await_ready=True, use_saved_data=True) vehicle = dronekit.connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) assert_equals(new_compass_use, vehicle.parameters["COMPASS_USE"]) vehicle.close() sitl.stop()
class SimRunner: def arm_vehicle(self): arm_time = 0 self.vehicle.armed = True while not self.vehicle.armed: time.sleep(0.2) print('waiting for armed...') arm_time += 0.2 if arm_time > 30: print("Arm fail") self.vehicle.close() self.sitl.stop() self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() self.ready = False return def __init__(self, sample_id, core_id, initial_profile, config): ardupilot_dir = config['root_dir'] + 'experiment/elf/' out_dir = config['root_dir'] + 'experiment/output/' self.elf_dir = "%s%d/" % (ardupilot_dir, 0) self.exp_out_dir = "%s%s/%d/" % (out_dir, 'PA', 0) self.ready = True self.states = [] self.profiles = [] self.sim_id = "%d_%d" % (sample_id, core_id) copter_file = self.elf_dir + "ArduCopter.elf" = 0.1 self.sitl = SITL(path=copter_file) home_str = "%.6f,%.6f,%.2f,%d" % (, initial_profile.lon, initial_profile.alt, initial_profile.yaw) sitl_args = [ '-S', '-I%d' % bug_id, '--home=' + home_str, '--model', '+', '--speedup=1', '--defaults=' + self.elf_dir + 'copter.parm' ] self.sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True, wd=self.elf_dir) port_number = 5760 + bug_id * 10 self.missions = [ Mission1(), Mission2(), Mission3(), Mission4(), Mission5() ] try: self.vehicle = connect('tcp:' % port_number, wait_ready=True, rate=10) except APIException: print("Cannot connect") self.sitl.stop() self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() self.ready = False return for k, v in initial_profile.params.items(): self.vehicle.parameters[k] = v while not self.vehicle.is_armable: print('initializing...') time.sleep(1) self.arm_vehicle() time.sleep(2) print(self.vehicle.version) def run(self): takeoff_mission = self.missions[0] time.sleep(10) temp_state = [] waypoint_num = 3 T = 2 ### 4 missions. Each mission has 3 waypoints. For each waypoint, the vehicle runs for 2 seconds for i in range(0, 4): current_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame if i % 2 == 0: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(20, 30) / waypoint_num ] else: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-0.0003, -0.0002) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-30, -20) / waypoint_num ] # count = 0 for j in range(1, waypoint_num + 1): profile = LocationGlobal( + target_delta[0] * j, current_location.lon + target_delta[1] * j, current_location.alt + target_delta[2] * j) self.profiles.append([, profile.lon, profile.alt]) self.vehicle.simple_goto(profile) current_t = 0 temp_state = [] while current_t < T: ### record the [lat,lon,alt,pitch,yaw,roll,velocity] every 0.1 seconds temp_state.append([, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.velocity[0], self.vehicle.velocity[1], self.vehicle.velocity[2] ]) time.sleep(0.1) current_t += 0.1 # count += 1 # print(count) # print_info(self.vehicle) self.states.append(temp_state) self.vehicle.close() self.sitl.stop() + "states_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.states)) + "profiles_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.profiles)) print("Output Execution Path...") with open(self.exp_out_dir + "raw_%s.txt" % self.sim_id, "w") as execution_file: ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) while ep_line is not None: execution_file.write(ep_line) ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() print("Simulation %s completed." % self.sim_id) def run1(self): takeoff_mission = self.missions[0] time.sleep(10) home_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame temp_state = [] waypoint_num = 3 T = 2 ## first mission : guided mode for i in range(0, 5): current_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame if i % 2 == 0: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(20, 30) / waypoint_num ] else: target_delta = [ random.uniform(0.0002, 0.0003) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-0.0003, -0.0002) / waypoint_num, random.uniform(-30, -20) / waypoint_num ] for j in range(1, waypoint_num + 1): profile = LocationGlobal( + target_delta[0] * j, current_location.lon + target_delta[1] * j, current_location.alt + target_delta[2] * j) self.profiles.append([, profile.lon, profile.alt]) self.vehicle.simple_goto(profile) current_t = 0 temp_state = [] while current_t < T: temp_state.append([, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.velocity[0], self.vehicle.velocity[1], self.vehicle.velocity[2] ]) time.sleep(0.1) current_t += 0.1 self.states.append(temp_state) ## second mission : acro mode self.vehicle.channels.overrides['1'] = 1400 self.vehicle.channels.overrides['2'] = 1400 self.vehicle.channels.overrides['3'] = 1500 self.vehicle.channels.overrides['4'] = 1500 self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('ACRO') for i in range(0, waypoint_num): current_location = self.vehicle.location.global_frame self.profiles.append([, current_location.lon, current_location.alt ]) current_t = 0 temp_state = [] while current_t < T: self.vehicle.channels.overrides['3'] = 1500 temp_state.append([, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon, self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.velocity[0], self.vehicle.velocity[1], self.vehicle.velocity[2] ]) time.sleep(0.1) current_t += 0.1 # print_info(self.vehicle) self.states.append(temp_state) # ## third mission : auto mode # cmds = self.vehicle.commands # cmds.clear() # waypoint_in_auto = [random.uniform(0.0002,0.0003)/waypoint_num,random.uniform(0.0002,0.0003)/waypoint_num,random.uniform(20,30)/waypoint_num] # for j in range(1,waypoint_num+1): # profile = LocationGlobal([0]*j,current_location.lon+target_delta[1]*j,current_location.alt+target_delta[2]*j) # self.profiles.append([,profile.lon,profile.alt]) # cmds.add(Command(0,0,0,mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT,mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT,0,0,0,0,0,0,,profile.lon,profile.alt)) # cmds.upload() # = 0 # self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('AUTO') # for j in range(0,waypoint_num): # current_t = 0 # temp_state = [] # while current_t < T: # temp_state.append([,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt # ,self.vehicle.attitude.pitch,self.vehicle.attitude.yaw,self.vehicle.attitude.roll,self.vehicle.velocity[0],self.vehicle.velocity[1],self.vehicle.velocity[2]]) # time.sleep(0.1) # current_t += 0.1 # += 1 # self.states.append(temp_state) #### fourth mission : rtl mode # self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode('RTL') # for j in range(0,waypoint_num): # self.profiles.append([,home_location.lon,home_location.alt]) # current_t = 0 # temp_state = [] # while current_t < T: # temp_state.append([,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.lon,self.vehicle.location.global_frame.alt # ,self.vehicle.attitude.pitch,self.vehicle.attitude.yaw,self.vehicle.attitude.roll,self.vehicle.velocity[0],self.vehicle.velocity[1],self.vehicle.velocity[2]]) # time.sleep(0.1) # current_t += 0.1 # self.states.append(temp_state) self.vehicle.close() self.sitl.stop() + "states_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.states)) + "profiles_np_%s" % self.sim_id, np.array(self.profiles)) print("Output Execution Path...") with open(self.exp_out_dir + "raw_%s.txt" % self.sim_id, "w") as execution_file: ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) while ep_line is not None: execution_file.write(ep_line) ep_line = self.sitl.stdout.readline(0.01) self.sitl.p.stdout.close() self.sitl.p.stderr.close() print("Simulation %s completed." % self.sim_id)
class Simulator: def __init__(self): # SITL is the system in the loop simulator from dronekit self.sitl = SITL()'solo', '1.2.0', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['solo', '--home=51.011447,3.711648,5,0'] self.sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True, verbose=True) ############################################################################################################# # This is old code from when the onboard and simulator code were no modules yet # It is used to find the correct directories and start the correct processes, and might prove useful in the future # # This simulator can be invoked from the /simulator directory and the /tests directory # # Hardcoding relative paths should be avoided # current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) # drone_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "drone") # simulator_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "simulator") # onboard_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "onboard") # # Search for the drone directory containing the /simulator and /onboard directories # # Or stop if we find the /simulator and /onboard directories # while not (os.path.exists(drone_dir) or (os.path.exists(simulator_dir) and os.path.exists(onboard_dir))): # current_dir = parent_dir # parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) # if parent_dir == current_dir: # print "Could not find files" # sys.exit(1) # we did not find one of the necessary files # drone_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "drone") # simulator_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "simulator") # onboard_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "onboard") # if os.path.exists(drone_dir): # # we found the drone directory # simulator_dir = os.path.join(drone_dir, "simulator") # onboard_dir = os.path.join(drone_dir, "onboard") # video_dir = os.path.join(simulator_dir, "videos") # video_footage = os.path.join(video_dir, "testfootage.h264") # server = os.path.join(onboard_dir, "") # control_module = os.path.join(onboard_dir, "") # if not (os.path.exists(simulator_dir) and # os.path.exists(onboard_dir) and # os.path.exists(video_footage) and # os.path.exists(server) and # os.path.exists(control_module)): # print "Could not find files" # sys.exit(1) # we did not find one of the necessary files # The server and control modules were started as seperate processes # This gave issues when trying to measure the code coverage, hence we changed it to threads # env_vars = os.environ.copy() # env_vars["COVERAGE_PROCESS_START"] = ".coveragerc" # self.server_process = Popen(['python2', server, '--level', 'debug', '--simulate'], env=env_vars) # self.control_process = Popen(['python2', control_module, '--level', 'debug', '--simulate'], env=env_vars) ############################################################################################################# # Now that we have modules, we can just do this current_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) # this is the directory of the file video_footage = os.path.join(current_dir, 'videos', 'testfootage.h264') self.stream_simulator = StreamSimulator(video_footage) self.stream_simulator.start() log_level = logging.DEBUG simulation_logger = logging.getLogger("Simulator") formatter = logging.Formatter(logformat, datefmt=dateformat) handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # To log to a file, this could be used # handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=log_file) handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(log_level) simulation_logger.addHandler(handler) simulation_logger.setLevel(log_level) self.logger = simulation_logger self.server_thread = ServerSimulator(logger=simulation_logger) self.control_thread = ControlModuleSimulator(logger=simulation_logger, log_lvl=log_level) self.server_thread.start() self.control_thread.start() # capture kill signals to send it to the subprocesses signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler) def signal_handler(self, signal, frame): self.logger.debug("Exiting simulator") self.stop() sys.exit(0) def stop(self): self.stream_simulator.stop_thread() self.logger.debug("Stopping server and control module") self.server_thread.stop_thread() self.control_thread.stop_thread() self.logger.debug("Sleeping") time.sleep(5.0) self.logger.debug("Stopping SITL") self.sitl.stop()
def copter_sitl_auto_to(): """ Returns a copter SITL instance for use in test cases Status: starting auto takeoff(to 20m AGL), 13 waypoints Mode: Auto """ # Launch a SITL using local copy of Copter 4 sitl = SITL(sitl_filename, instance=0) sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353']) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect to UAV to setup base parameters veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) veh.parameters['SIM_SONAR_SCALE'] = 0.00001 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_ORIENT'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_SCALING'] = 10 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_PIN'] = 0 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_TYPE'] = 1 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MAX_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['RNGFND2_MIN_CM'] = 5000 veh.parameters['SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE'] = 12.59 veh.parameters['BATT_MONITOR'] = 4 veh.parameters['TERRAIN_ENABLE'] = 0 veh.parameters['ARMING_CHECK'] = 16384 # mission only veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 10 # speed up SITL for rapid startup veh.parameters['FRAME_CLASS'] = 2 # I'm a hex veh.close() # close vehicle instance after setting base parameters # Stop and relaunch SITL to enable distance sensor and battery monitor sitl.stop() sitl.launch(['--home=51.454531,-2.629158,589,353'], use_saved_data=True, verbose=True) # Wait for sitl to be ready before passing to test cases sitl.block_until_ready() # Connect again veh = connect(sitl.connection_string(), wait_ready=True, vehicle_class=DroneTreeVehicle) # upload an arbitrary mission mission = MAVWPLoader() filename = join(abspath(sys.path[0]), 'executable_mission.txt') mission.load(filename) # bit of a hack: fix the sequence number for w in mission.wpoints: w.seq = w.seq + 1 cmds = veh.commands cmds.clear() wplist = mission.wpoints[:] # add a dummy command on the front # just the first WP used as a placeholder # upload seems to skip the first WP cmds.add(wplist[0]) for wp in wplist: cmds.add(wp) cmds.upload() # wait until armable while not veh.is_armable: sleep(0.5) veh.parameters['SIM_SPEEDUP'] = 5 # set sim speed for rapid take-off sleep(0.5) # wait for parameter change to take place veh.arm() # arm vehicle # Perform an auto take-off veh.mode = VehicleMode('AUTO') # change mode to auto veh.channels.overrides['3'] = 1700 # raise throttle to confirm T/O # wait for take-off while veh.location.global_relative_frame.alt < 0.5: sleep(0.5) veh.close() # close vehicle instance after auto takeoff yield sitl # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
def test_move_left(self): """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,0'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() """"" """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,45'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,90'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,135'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,180'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ """" sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,225'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """ sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3', verbose=True) sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.768923,35.193595,0,270'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) drone = Drone('tcp:') drone.take_off(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.move_left(2) print drone.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame drone.vehicle.close() sitl.stop() #self.assertTrue(True) """"
def execute_mission(mission, time_limit): # TODO: allow 'binary' and 'speedup' to be passed as arguments home = [40.071374969556928, -105.22978898137808, 1583.702759, 246] speedup = 1 binary = '/experiment/source/build/sitl/bin/ardurover' vehicle = sitl = None try: model_arg = '--model=rover' home_arg = '--home={}'.format(','.join(map(str, home))) defaults_arg = "--defaults=/experiment/source/Tools/autotest/default_params/rover.parm" sitl = SITL(binary) sitl.launch([home_arg, model_arg, defaults_arg], verbose=True, await_ready=True, restart=False, speedup=speedup) # launch mavproxy -- ports aren't being forwarded! # sim_uri = sitl.connection_string() # mavproxy_cmd = \ # " --console --master tcp: --sitl --out localhost:14550 & /bin/bash" #, shell=True) # time.sleep(1) # dronekit is broken! it always tries to connect to print("try to connect to vehicle...") dronekit_connects_to = 'tcp:' vehicle = dronekit.connect(dronekit_connects_to, wait_ready=True) # TODO: add time limit while not vehicle.is_armable: time.sleep(0.2) # TODO: add time limit # arm the rover vehicle.armed = True while not vehicle.armed: print("waiting for the rover to be armed...") time.sleep(0.1) vehicle.armed = True # TODO: add time limit issue_mission(vehicle, mission) # trigger the mission by switching the vehicle's mode to "AUTO" vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") # monitor the mission last_wp = vehicle.commands.count mission_complete = [False] waypoints_visited = [] try: def on_waypoint(self, name, message): wp = int(message.seq) # print("Reached WP #{}".format(wp)) # record the (relevant) state of the vehicle waypoints_visited.append((wp, snapshot(vehicle))) if wp == last_wp: mission_complete[0] = True vehicle.add_message_listener('MISSION_ITEM_REACHED', on_waypoint) # wait until the last waypoint is reached or a time limit has expired time_started = timer() while not mission_complete[0]: time_elapsed = timer() - time_started if time_limit and time_elapsed > time_limit: return waypoints_visited[:] time.sleep(0.2) return waypoints_visited[:] # remove the listener finally: vehicle.remove_message_listener('MISSION_ITEM_REACHED', on_waypoint) # close the connection and shutdown the simulator finally: if vehicle: vehicle.close() if sitl: sitl.stop()
break time.sleep(1) def countdown(amtTime): i = 0 while i <= amtTime: print("COUNTDOWN: "+str(amtTime-i)) time.sleep(1) i = i+1 def countdownAlt(amTime): o = 0 while o <= amTime: print("COUNTDOWN: "+str(amTime-o)) print " Altitude: ", vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt time.sleep(1) o = o+1 countdown(5) cmds = vehicle.commands cmds.wait_ready() home = vehicle.home_location print print home.lon arm_and_takeoff(2); vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL") countdownAlt(30); sitl.stop(); print("Done")
arm_and_takeoff(10) print "Set default/target airspeed to 3" vehicle.airspeed = 3 print "Going towards first point for 30 seconds ..." point1 = LocationGlobalRelative(-35.361354, 149.165218, 20) vehicle.simple_goto(point1) # sleep so we can see the change in map time.sleep(30) print "Going towards second point for 30 seconds (groundspeed set to 10 m/s) ..." point2 = LocationGlobalRelative(-35.363244, 149.168801, 20) vehicle.simple_goto(point2, groundspeed=10) # sleep so we can see the change in map time.sleep(30) print "Returning to Launch" vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL") #Close vehicle object before exiting script print "Close vehicle object" vehicle.close() # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop()
class APMSim(object): existing = [] usedINum = mav.manager.list() @staticmethod def nextINum(): port = mav.nextUnused(APMSim.usedINum, range(0, 254)) return port def __init__(self, index): self.iNum = index self.args = sitl_args + ['-I' + str(index)] self.sitl = SITL()'copter', '3.3') self.sitl.launch(self.args, await_ready=True, restart=True) self.connStr = tcp_master(index) self.setParamAndRelaunch('SYSID_THISMAV', index + 1) APMSim.existing.append(self) @staticmethod def create(): index = APMSim.nextINum() try: result = APMSim(index) return result except Exception as ee: APMSim.usedINum.remove(index) raise ee def setParamAndRelaunch(self, key, value): wd = self.sitl.wd v = connect(self.connStr, wait_ready=True) v.parameters.set(key, value, wait_ready=True) v.close() self.sitl.stop() self.sitl.launch(self.args, await_ready=True, restart=True, wd=wd, use_saved_data=True) v = connect(self.connStr, wait_ready=True) # This fn actually rate limits itself to every 2s. # Just retry with persistence to get our first param stream. v._master.param_fetch_all() v.wait_ready() actualValue = v._params_map[key] assert actualValue == value v.close() def close(self): self.sitl.stop() APMSim.usedINum.remove(self.iNum) APMSim.existing.remove(self) @staticmethod def clean(): for sitl in APMSim.existing: sitl.stop() APMSim.existing = []
print("Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)") condition_yaw(90, relative=True) print("Velocity North and East") send_global_velocity(NORTH, EAST, 0, DURATION) send_global_velocity(0, 0, 0, 1) print("Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)") condition_yaw(90, relative=True) print("Velocity South and East") send_global_velocity(SOUTH, EAST, 0, DURATION) send_global_velocity(0, 0, 0, 1) """ The example is completing. LAND at current location. """ print("Setting LAND mode...") vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LAND") #Close vehicle object before exiting script print "Close vehicle object" vehicle.close() # Shut down simulator if it was started. if sitl is not None: sitl.stop() print("Completed")
def main(): """ The Main function of this script. """ args = _parse_arguments() util.log_init( "sitl_A%s_%s.txt" % (, util.get_latest_log("latest_sitl.txt")), util.log_level[args.level]) shared.AGENT_ID = 'A%s' % shared.AGENT_COUNT = args.n shared.CURRENT_ALGORITHM = args.algorithm shared.AGENT_CHARACTER = args.character shared.des_alt = args.alt util.log_info("AGENT_ID = %s" % shared.AGENT_ID) util.log_info("Algorithm: %s" % shared.CURRENT_ALGORITHM) util.log_info("Agent type: %s" % shared.AGENT_CHARACTER) print "Start simulator (SITL)" sitl = SITL(args.pix) # initialize SITL with firmware path if shared.AGENT_ID in start_loc: sitl_args = ['--home=%s' % start_loc[shared.AGENT_ID]] else: sitl_args = ['--home=%s' % start_loc['FFF']] # Pre-recorded coordinates. #sitl_args = ['-I0', '--model', 'quad', '--home=31.301201,121.498192,9,353'] sitl.launch(sitl_args, await_ready=True, restart=True) # Connect to the vehicle. (Spawn an instance of Vehicle named "vehicle") # connection port is coded in the file name of the firmware like "ac3.4.5_port5760" # use regular expression to search the string and extract port number port ='port\d{4}', args.pix) port ='\d{4}', print "Connecting to copter on: TCP:" % port copter = nav.connect('tcp:' % port, wait_ready=True, rate=20) util.log_info("Copter connected. Firmware: %s" % copter.version) if not args.xbee: # simulate XBee using ZeroMQ [pub, sub] = comm.zmq_init(comm_port_list[shared.AGENT_ID], comm_port_list) subscriber_thread = comm.Subscriber(shared.AGENT_ID, sub) subscriber_thread.start() xbee = pub # make xbee the publisher util.log_info("ZeroMQ initialzied.") else: # use actual xbee ports ser = serial.Serial(args.xbee, 57600) xbee = comm.xbee_init(ser) util.log_info("Xbee initialzed.") info = "IFO,%s connected with firmware %s" % (shared.AGENT_ID, copter.version) comm.xbee_broadcast(xbee, info) _add_listeners(copter) takeoff_thread = nav.Takeoff(copter, xbee, shared.des_alt, 3) purge_thread = comm.Purge(shared.neighbors) broadcast_thread = comm.Broadcast(shared.AGENT_ID, copter, xbee) flocking_thread = _choose_algorithm(copter, xbee, shared.neighbors) takeoff_thread.start() takeoff_thread.join() # wait until takeoff procedure completed if shared.status['airborne']: # only execute the threads when airborne util.log_info("Copter is airborne, starting threads.") broadcast_thread.start() purge_thread.start() flocking_thread.start() # main loop while True: try: time.sleep(.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: break if shared.status['airborne']: # echo exiting status if shared.status['exiting']: info = "IFO,%s %s-ing." % (shared.AGENT_ID, shared.status['command']) comm.xbee_broadcast(xbee, info) util.log_info(info) # if an rtl or land command is received, kill flocking and set the `exiting` flag elif shared.status['command'] == 'RTL' or shared.status[ 'command'] == 'LAND': shared.status['thread_flag'] |= shared.FLOCKING_FLAG nav.set_mode(copter, shared.status['command']) shared.status['exiting'] = True if not flocking_thread.is_alive(): # break the loop if finished break nav.wait_for_disarm(copter) # wait for disarm comm.xbee_broadcast(xbee, 'IFO,%s terminated.' % shared.AGENT_ID) # clean up purge_thread.stop() while purge_thread.is_alive(): util.log_info('Waiting for purge to shutdown') purge_thread.join(3) util.log_info('Purge killed.') broadcast_thread.stop() while broadcast_thread.is_alive(): util.log_info('Waiting for broadcast to shutdown') broadcast_thread.join(3) util.log_info('Broadcast killed.') copter.close() util.log_info("Copter shutdown.") if args.xbee: xbee.halt() ser.close() util.log_info("Xbee and serial closed.") else: subscriber_thread.stop() while subscriber_thread.is_alive(): util.log_info('Waiting for Subscriber to shutdown') subscriber_thread.join(3) util.log_info('Subscriber killed.') sitl.stop() util.log_info("SITL shutdown.")