 def reltav_gryson_go(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "He tells you that he is glad to have you, and that he hopes to teach you much along the way.  He also \
                              lets you know that <div class='special'>he will meet you outside</div> once you are ready to depart."
     state.choices = [('relintavern', 'Ok.')]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON, True)]
     return state
 def findfiles(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You and Grayson look into the main commquart office and find files related to his sister Ifalna.  It says she is kept \
                     in the <div class='special'>19th sector of the Yementi prison block</div>."
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.GRAYSON_SIS_LOC_YEM)]
     state.choices = [('commquart', 'Get out of here'),]
     return state
 def reltavgrpyoung(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You talk to the youngest of the bunch, and the rest of the group is watching like hawks.  He says something\
                                 about how they just came from the nearby town of <div class='special'>Lorentown</div>, but he is quickly told to shut up."
     state.actions = [[game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_LORENTOWN, True]]
     state.choices = [('reltavgrp','Ok')] 
     return state
 def ystavpianofire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "Lublob plays Wake Up by The Arcade Fire.  A man in the back of the bar perks up and says he loved \
                     your selection.  He teaches you how to use <div class='special'>Morph</div> magic using a special b-stone."
     state.choices = [('ystav', 'Leave him alone'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_magic, self.request, magic_consts.MORPH)]
     return state    
 def relwlkkidsstonehave(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You ask if you can have one of the m-stones because you really like how they shine.  They boys look at each \
                             other for a moment, until the youngest one hands you one of his <div class='special'>m-stones</div> from his collection.  \
                             He looks up at you but doesn't say anything."
     state.choices = [('relinwalk', 'Thank the boy and leave them alone'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.CHILDS_M_STONE)]
     return state
 def ystavpianomangive(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You <div class='special'>drop a few coins</div> into his tip jar."
     state.choices = [('ystavpianomanplay', 'Ask him to play a tune for you'),                         
                      ('ystavpianoask', 'Ask him his name'),
                      ('ystav', 'Leave him alone'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.YS_GAVE_PIANOMAN_MONEY),]
     return state
 def sector10(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You head into sector 10 of the Yementi prison.  You find a few women prisoners here, many of them look battered and abused, \
                     you ask them where Grayson's sister is.  They do not know but they offer sexual pleasure for their release.  You tell them \
                     their offer does not interest you but you will help them if you can, but first you must find someone."
     state.choices = [('yemprison', 'Go back')]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.SEC_10_WOMEN_YEM),]
     return state
 def lorentavbartenderaskweather(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You ask him what he thinks about the weather here in Lorentown.  He tells you that it is ok, he enjoys the cool \
                     weather, but he says there is nothing like the weather in his home town of <div class='special'>Panalia</div>.  He tells you \
                     it's a beautiful, rich land where it is never too hot or too cold."
     state.choices = [('lorentavbartenderaskyou', 'Ask him if he recognizes you'),
                      ('lorentav', 'Finish your drink'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_PANALIA),] 
     return state
 def yshistelenaleave(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "As you are walking out of the Historical Center, you hear Elena call your name from behind.  She is adjusting \
                     a pouch on her belt and then raises her eyes to meet yours.  She says that if you are both to survive, you both \
                     better be ready.  You look at her for a moment, she walks up to you before you can say anything, and you both leave, \
                     preparing for the uncertain doom to come."
     state.choices = [('start', 'Head to the exit of the Historical Center')]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS)]
     return state
 def ysgenweapknife(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1):
         state.message = "You got a <div class='special'>knife</div>."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.KNIFE)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
 def ysgenweapshottie(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_3):
         state.message = "You got the <div class='special'>8 gauge shotgun</div>."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.SHOTGUN_8G)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
 def ysgenmagicfire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1):
         state.message = "You learned <div class='special'>Fire</div> magic."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_magic, self.request, magic_consts.FIRE)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
 def yshistreadbookmoremoremore(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "'The way is harsh.  The light is nigh gone.  I can nary hear a peep.  We are in the Deep Black now, and it is \
                     just four.  It is just four of us.  We are in the Deep Black.  I write to you by candle, I have but four left in my \
                     bag.  I love you my darling.  We have spent a hundred moons forging the path so that you all may come and find us \
                     and be with us again.  We will make it and we will be happy again.  I will see the end of this place.' -Tonas"
     state.choices = [("yshistreadbookmoremoremoremore", "Read another passage from the book"),
                      ("yshist", "Put the book down"),]
     state.actions = []
     return state        
 def ysinn(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk into the Snowpeak Inn, you take note of the sign made out of wood, shaped like mountains \
                     and painted white at the tips.  The words Snowpeak painted in green and white at the mountain tips. \
                     Doren, the inn keeper, says hello to you."
     state.choices = [('ysinntalk', 'Talk to Doren'),
                      ('ysinnmap', 'Take a look at the map on the wall'),
                      ('ysinnrest', 'Get some rest'),
                      ('start', 'Leave the Inn'),]
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def ystav(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk into the The Icey Tavern, or just The Icey, as the locals call it.  It smells of rotten cheese and fresh lager, \
                     just the way they like it around here.  The mining men often come to this tavern to unload their heavy burdens and \
                     listen to the young man playing the bars piano, angling for silver."
     state.choices = [('ystavminer', 'Talk to a group of miners'),
                      ('ystavkirin', 'Talk to Kirin the bartender'),
                      ('ystavpianoman', 'Talk to the young man playing piano'),
                      ('start', 'Leave the tavern'),]
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def lorenelenagoys(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You agree to go on the journey with Elena.  She is reluctant at first, but finally warms to the idea of having you \
                     along.  She says she will make it worth your while, and in addition to weapons, she will help you to learn new magic \
                     along the way.  She says if all goes well they will be among the first to leave the land via the shores on the other \
                     of the mountains. She will meet you at the <div class='special'>Lorentown Buggy</div> and she says your next \
                     destination is <div class='special'>Yellowstar, a town close to the mountains</div>."
     state.choices = [('lorentav', 'Tell her you will meet her by the buggy'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_YELLOWSTAR),
                      (game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA),] 
     return state        
 def findguards(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You begin heading around to the side.  The facility is difficult to get around since it is located in a wide open desert.  Grayson \
                     suggests you cross over the mountains behind the mining camp and come secretly to the other side.  You tell him you think that will take \
                     about two days.  He says he had guessed three.  You begin the perilous journey across the mountains to come unnoticed to the side of the \
                     facilities.  There you both wait, silently, in the forest.  The first guard came out to rape a prisoner, you cut his throat and took \
                     his uniform.  It took two more days for the second guard to come there, he came with a horrible stomach condition, and despite the stench, \
                     Grayson slayed him like a hog.  <div class='special'>You steal their uniforms</div>."
     state.choices = [('headfortheback', 'Head for the back entrance'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.IN_DISGUISE_YEMENTI),]
     return state
 def ysgen(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk into the Yellowstar General Store.  The friendly old clerk behind the display case does not even bother to \
                     get up, but when you stroll in an ear of his perks up and an eye peaks out from behind his paper.  He takes a sip of his \
                     drink and leaves you to shop.  There are some weapons and b/w-stones on sale.  You decide to take a look around."
     state.choices = [('ysgenweapons', 'Look at the weapons'),
                      ('ysgenmagic', 'Look at the magic'),
                      ('start', 'Leave the General Store'),]
     # first general store, at least give them money lv 1 if they have not gotten it so far
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1)]
     return state                            
 def lorentrigoin(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell the person behind the door you would like to come in.  He asks for the password."
     state.choices = []
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.LOREN_KNOW_TRIANGLE_PASS):
         state.choices.append(('lorentrienter', 'Give him the password'))
     state.choices.append(('lorentrimakeup', 'Make up a password'))
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Apologize and walk away'))
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def yshistreadbookmore(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "'Sometimes I wonder if Malcom is going psychotic.  I cannot tell if he is going to kill someone or love them next.  \
                     He went loose on poor Menlo yesterday, beating him to all bloody hala and back.  He left him in the forest, probably \
                     paralyzed, food for the wolves of the night.  It is getting cold now and we do not know how much further we have \
                     left to go.  The night falls and we never know who will wake up the next morn.  I believe this winter will pass though \
                     I still trust Malcom.  I guess I have to trust him, if I am to live.' -Tonas"
     state.choices = [("yshistreadbookmoremore", "Read another passage from the book"),
                      ("yshist", "Put the book down"),]
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "Welcome to the town of Relin."
     state.choices = [('relininn', 'Head into the Relin Red Inn'),
                             ('relintavern', 'Head to the Star Horse Tavern for a drink'),
                             ('relinwalk', 'Walk down the town road and see if you recognize anyone'),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON):
         state.choices.append(('yementi/start', 'Head out on journey with Grayson'))
     state.choices.append(('relinbuggy', 'Talk to the Relin Buggy driver'))   
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_RELIN)]
     return state
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.actions = [[game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.MATCHES],
                                      [game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.KNIFE],
                                      [game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.PLAYER_KNOWS_SELF, False],
                                      [game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1]]
     state.message = "You awake in a dark forest.  The moonlight is bright enough for you to barely see, but perhaps \
                                         not bright enough to get to any nearby towns.  What do you do?"
     state.choices = [('forcab',"Explore the forest and try to find a town"),
                             ('findwood',"Try to build a fire and get some rest")]
     return state
 def yshistread(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You go over to the shelves of books and find one sitting by itself on a reading stand.  'The history of Barig's Pass, \
                     construction/Year 1'."
     state.choices = [("yshistreadbook", "Read a passage from the book"),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.choices.append(('yshistelentalk', 'Go talk with Elena'))
     state.choices.append(('yshistlook', 'Look at some historical photographs'))                    
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Leave the Historical Center'))
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def loreninnask(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.actions = []
     state.message = "You tell Yelvin you'd like a room for the night. You tell him you notice the inn is rather empty, so you wouldn't mind \
                     a discount.  He agrees and gives you a key.  You rest well throughout the night.  When you wake you leave the inn."
     if not game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.LOREN_MUNMOS_WHISKEY_FLYER):
         state.message += " On your way out you notice a message hanging from your door knob.  It says 'Best in the West, \
                         try DrunkFella's brand bourbon.  The best in all Munmos!'. You decide to <div class='special'>keep the flyer</div>. \
                         You ask Yelvin about the flyer and he says he has no idea where it came from or what Munmos is."
         state.actions.append((game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.LOREN_MUNMOS_WHISKEY_FLYER)) 
     state.choices = [('start', 'Leave the Inn'),]
     return state
 def yshistreadbook(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "'The way's been rough.  We already lost Johan, Benny, Les, Mian, Cym and Donnal between y.s. and the river \
                     we just crossed.  Malcom tried to name it after himself, like everything else on this suicide mission.  He claims \
                     there is a hidden port town that is sustained by a sister town across the great water.  With people dying in y.s., with \
                     no one else... with nothing else to do, who'd want to stay around there?  Nobody really knows how much further we have \
                     till we get to this town, Manny is starting to say it's not even real.  It's just some shit and Malcom is taking us all \
                     on a death hike.' -Tonas"
     state.choices = [("yshistreadbookmore", "Read another passage from the book"),
                      ("yshist", "Put the book down"),]
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def yshistreadbookmoremore(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "'I really do miss my wife.  I cannot believe that Malcom convinced us to come out here without our wives \
                     but I guess he is right.  They would not survive.  We came across the body of Menlo, it was half eaten, the other half \
                     too covered in maggots and worms for any beast to go near.  His eyes had been chewed out, maybe pecked out, hard to tell.  \
                     The worst part about seeing Menlo's body was that it meant we had been traveling in a circle for the last six \
                     moons.  I wonder how long we have been out here now.  I do not think Malcom knows the way.  Almost half of us are gone \
                     now.  I still do not know who will wake up the next day.  I hope this town exists, because I do not think I know \
                     how to get back home now.  I wish I could see my wife one more time.' -Tonas, the sad"
     state.choices = [("yshistreadbookmoremoremore", "Read another passage from the book"),
                      ("yshist", "Put the book down"),]
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def usesightcamp(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.SIGHT):            
         state.message = "You see far beyond the walls, and into the depths of the facilities.  You see the faces of the slaves, toiling \
                         away for years on the poisonous, murdersome mines of Yementi.  You see a few empty guards quarters, you see some \
                         people crying, you see some people laughing, you see some things you wish you had not seen.  \
                         Most importantly, though, you gain a <div class='special'>full understanding of the facilities layout</div>."
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.FARSEE_FACILITY_YEM),]
         state.choices = [('makeplan', 'Make a plan for sneaking in'),]
         state.message = "You do not have Sight."
         state.choices = [('gorunningheadfirst', 'Go charging for the encampment'),
                          ('makeplan', 'Consult Grayson on a plan'),]
     return state
 def yempoutside(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You and Grayson escape Ifalna from the prison by getting her a spare guard uniform found in a nearby storage room."
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.SEC_10_WOMEN_YEM):
         state.message += "  On your way out, you remind the group of the poor women you came across on sector 10.  You all go over there and \
                         help them escape too.  They are so grateful that they <div class='special'>promise they will build a temple in your name</div> when they get home."
     state.message += "  When you get to the outskirts of the prison you ask Grayson and Ifalna what they plan to do.  They say they don't know \
                     for sure yet, but they are definitely going back to their home town of <div class='special'>Alaran</div>.  Grayson says you can get there by \
                     way of the Relin Buggy.  You thank him for everything and hope to see him again.  You say bye to Ifalna as well.  \
                     They ask where you will go, and you tell them you still do not understand what has happened to you, and how you came \
                     to be, and you will find that out first.  They wish you good well."
     state.choices = [('relin/start', 'Go to Relin'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.delete_status, self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON),
                      (game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_ALARAN)]
     return state
 def yshistlook(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You look over some of the historical photographs.  There is one of a gruff looking man in a tall black hat, black coat \
                     and eyes dark as the  night.  His coat tails are rough from scraping against the rough earth, and his finger tips darkened \
                     with the color of the dirt.  Next to him is a smiling gentleman  in what appears to be some kind of wool suit.  He carries \
                     a pack which appears to be heavy with books and journals and his glasses cast a glint of sun into the photo.  \
                     The picture is titled 'Malcom and Tonas Barig, firsts of our kind'.  You study the picture closely and \
                     notice a sword at Malcom's side."
     state.choices = []
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.choices.append(('yshistelentalk', 'Go talk with Elena'))
     state.choices.append(('yshistread', 'Read some books'))
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Leave the Historical Center'))
     state.actions = []
     return state
 def xxx(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = ""
     state.choices = []
     state.actions = []
     return state