 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "He warns you that you won't be strong enough to survive there but you want to go anyway.  \
                     You get raped and defiled by a band of murderous shorejovals as soon as you are dropped off.  \
                     They do not leave any remains of your body."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def sector5(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You head into sector 5 of the Yementi prison.  It turns out there is a major riot ensuing and you get caught up in the \
                     middle.  A flyby arrow strikes you in the head and your brains ooze out onto the prison floor.  One prisoner steps \
                     on your brainey guts and slips on them.  When he is down a guard puts a sword through his throat."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def keeplook(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You begin looking under mattresses and overturning desks.  All the noise gets the attention of some guards and they come \
                     in there.  They realize you are both intruders when you cannot recite the camp creed, and take you prisoner.  You both toil \
                     in the mining camps for 40 years.  One day you are brutally sodomized by another prisoner and die from major blood loss."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def agreespar(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "What starts out as a friendly spar ends up turning ugly after the junior officers find out you are imposters.  About 40 of them attack \
                     you and Grayson at once.  They cut your limbs off and take your bloodied, limbless, still living bodies out to the camp yard \
                     where you are left to rot.  You die a few days later."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def quartera(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You and Grayson carefully enter the first building.  It appears that there are some guards inside.  The commanding \
                     officer asks who your CO is in A-Sect, but neither you nor Grayson know.  The officer casts FireII on both of you, your \
                     skin crawls and bubbles and boils, and your insides are on fire.  You go blind when you feel the fire \
                     burning out of your skull.  You drop dead on the spot."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def lorentribreakin(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell the pair of eyes you are coming in no matter what.  He does not say anything but only breathes heavily.  \
                     The eyes widen and just as they do, you feel a spike of fire go through your gut.  Your insides burn and you look down \
                     only to see a fire sword passing through a lower wooden slot in the door and into your stomach.  You cannot breathe, \
                     the eyes only stare at you.  You take a few steps backward and die."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def reltav_gryson_eff(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell Grayson exactly what you think about him.  He gets very upset and claims he is not a liar and he can \
                              teach you.  You continue to call him a liar.  He gets angry and smashes his ale mug into your face.  The glass \
                              in your eye blinds you from seeing his knife stabbing you in the chest.  Grayson kills you."
     state.choices = []
     state.die = True
     return state
 def relwlkmcewut(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "He looks down, he seems upset.  But before you know it he moves like lightning, blurs right past you, and runs \
                             a mithril blade over your neck, he slices in deep.  Blood sprays out and your head falls backward and snaps off your \
     state.choices = []
     state.die = True
     return state
 def lorenelenaaskman(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You ask her about the man who went over the mountains.  Her face slowly turns to black and she \
                     appears to start chuckling to herself.  She asks what you would know about such things and before \
                     your lips even move she sends Lazerus, her dark blade, through your throat and your face.  Your head \
                     splits in two pieces and falls to the floor, your blood sprays upward in a fountain and splashes down \
                     upon her.  It streams down her face and drops into her drink, like tears."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def fire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.FIRE):
         state.message = "You cause second and third degree burns to both thieves, and you smile as you hear their departing screams of agony."
         state.choices = [('relin/start','You head into the town of Relin.')]
         state.message = "You do not have the ability to use fire magic, while you attempt to cast it, the thieves murder you."
         state.die = True
     return state
 def spell(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if (game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.CURE)):
         state.message = "You heal yourself, you feel that you are too weak to continue to explore though, so you go back to camp and gather some firewood along the way."
         state.choices = [('back','Head back to camp')]
         state.message = "You do not have the ability to use cure magic, you bleed to death."
         state.die = True
     return state
 def gorunningheadfirst(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You well up with anger after seeing the size of the encampment and the horrible place it appears to be.  You wonder about \
                 all those inside and you become blind with rage.  You start charging towards the encampment at full speed, screaming ahead \
                 of you.  Grayson tries to warn you to stop, but you go head first into the encampment.  You start running up the side wall \
                 as the flaming arrows of the guards come flying down at you.  About half way up you feel a burning pit tear wide in your \
                 gut.  You have been hit.  You fall to the ground and the height you fell from causes you to hit the ground with a great force.  \
                 You break your neck and die."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def firewhirlwind(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.FIRE):            
         state.message = "You cast fire on Grayson but it has no effect on him.  He just laughs maniacally."
         state.message = "You do not have fire magic, and you cannot save yourself."  
     state.message += "  Grayson continues to pummel you with his endless hail storm \
                         and he laughs as you squirm and fight against the burning sand.  Your eyeballs are ripped to shreds and your body looks like \
                         it was run through a grater.  Grayson kills you."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def ystavpianoask(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You ask him his name, even though you can read from the tip jar it should be Lublob.  He says everyone calls him \
                     pianoman.  You ask him why that is but he starts freaking out.  Lublob begins thrashing his arms and flailing incessantly. \
                     Kirin perks up from behind the bar and asks what the hell is going on.  You tell him you weren't doing a thing and this \
                     nutcase started going crazy.  Kirin tells you Lublob is a special young man and you can't treat him this way.  Lublob \
                     takes some ale mugs and begins pitching them across the tavern, the glass hits the other wall and smashes all over \
                     everyone.  You tell Lublob to stop throwing things but Kirin tells you to shut up.  He comes up to you from behind the \
                     bar with a hammer the size of a boulder, he unleashes it on you, smashing your face into a pile of blood and brains \
                     all over the dirty tavern floor.  They burn your body outside but your blood stains the tavern floor for years."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def icewhirlwind(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.FIRE):            
         state.message = "You cast ice magic on Grayson and he is damaged drastically.  He falls backward and goes into a stupor.  You walk over to him \
                         and see if he is still attacking, but he is not.  He falls to the ground, his face buried in the dirt, and he offers his apology over and over.  \
                         You tell him it is ok and that two of you should make haste.  He tells you his sisters name is Ifalna."
         state.choices = [('reassuregraysonlearn', 'Tell Grayson everything will be fine'),]
         state.message = "You do not have ice magic, and you cannot save yourself.  Grayson continues to pummel you with his endless hail storm \
                         and he laughs as you squirm and fight against the burning sand.  Your eyeballs are ripped to shreds and your body looks like \
                         it was run through a grater.  Grayson kills you."
         state.die = True
     return state                         
 def curewhirlwind(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.CURE):            
         state.message = "You cast cure and heal yourself.  When Grayson sees the stars of the cure swirling around you, he realizes what is going on \
                         and vanquishes the emotal.  He recalls his whirlwind and runs right up to you.  He checks your body for any major wounds \
                         and you tell him you are ok.  He falls to the ground, his face buried in the dirt, and he offers his apology over and over.  \
                         You tell him it is ok and that two of you should make haste.  He tells you his sisters name is Ifalna."
         state.choices = [('reassuregraysonlearn', 'Tell Grayson everything will be fine'),]
         state.message = "You do not have cure magic, and you cannot save yourself.  Grayson continues to pummel you with his endless hail storm \
                         and he laughs as you squirm and fight against the burning sand.  Your eyeballs are ripped to shreds and your body looks like \
                         it was run through a grater.  Grayson kills you."
         state.die = True
     return state
 def headfortheback(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.IN_DISGUISE_YEMENTI):
         state.message = "You sneak in through a workers entrance in the back of the camp.  You both are questioned by an officer \
                     on your way in, but you let him know you've both been kicking the hell out of some prisoners, so he \
                     leaves you both alone.  You begin searching for Grayson's sister."
         state.choices = [('questionguard','Question some guards coming your way'),]                        
         if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.FARSEE_FACILITY_YEM):
             state.choices.append(('commquart', 'You used Sight, you can go directly to the commanders quarters'))
             state.message += "  But neither of you are sure where to start."
         state.message = "You head around back and try to enter through the back door, but you do not have any disguises so when you \
                     present yourselves to the guard you are immediately taken captive.  You both toil away in the mines for the next 20 years \
                     until one day you are beaten to death for misbehaving.  Your body is thrown into a deep mine shaft and never seen again."
         state.die = True
     return state
 def agreemagic(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "They infuse you with some kind of spell which was powered by their experimental b-stone.  You can feel the energy flowing \
                     through you.  And then all at once your face explodes and the scientists are covered in your blood."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def wait(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You die from blood loss overnight."
     state.die = True
     return state
 def reltavgrpchallenge(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You challenge them to a fight but they are insulted by your weakness and cut you down in an instant."
     state.choices = []
     state.die = True 
     return state
 def lorentavwom(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You slowly walk over to the two female assassins sitting the corner.  You ask if they mind you pulling up a chair \
                     and joining them but they both double team you and slice your body into quarters.  You are dead."
     state.die = True
     return state