class itkBinaryImageMorphologyInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): inFilename = File(argstr='%s', desc="inFilename", exists=True, mandatory=True, position=0) fileMode = traits.Str(argstr='%s', desc="fileMode", exists=True, mandatory=True, position=1) var1 = traits.String(argstr='%s', desc="var1", exists=True, mandatory=True, position=2) var2 = traits.String(argstr='%s', desc="var2", exists=True, mandatory=True, position=3) radius = traits.List(argstr='%s', type="traits.Float", sep=",", desc="radius", exists=True, mandatory=True, position=4) outFilename = traits.Str(argstr='%s', desc="outFilename", exists=True, mandatory=True, position=5)
def __init__(self, fname=""): = eta.Dict() self.fname = eta.File() self.plotting = eta.String() self.open_VERT = eta.Button("Open VERT") self.only_I = False self.only_dIdV = False self.pointers = [] self.fname = os.getcwdu() self.plotting = "V"
class GenerateProjectorCalibration(HasTraits): #width = traits.Int #height = traits.Int display_id = traits.String plot = Instance(Component) linedraw = Instance(LineSegmentTool) viewport_id = traits.String('viewport_0') display_mode = traits.Trait('white on black', 'black on white') client = traits.Any blit_compressed_image_proxy = traits.Any set_display_server_mode_proxy = traits.Any traits_view = View( Group( Item('display_mode'), Item('viewport_id'), Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False), orientation = "vertical"), resizable=True, ) def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): display_coords_filename = kwargs.pop('display_coords_filename') super( GenerateProjectorCalibration, self ).__init__(*args,**kwargs) fd = open(display_coords_filename,mode='r') data = pickle.load(fd) fd.close() self.param_name = 'virtual_display_config_json_string' self.fqdn = '/virtual_displays/'+self.display_id + '/' + self.viewport_id self.fqpn = self.fqdn + '/' + self.param_name self.client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client(self.fqdn) self._update_image() if 1: virtual_display_json_str = rospy.get_param(self.fqpn) this_virtual_display = json.loads( virtual_display_json_str ) if 1: virtual_display_json_str = rospy.get_param(self.fqpn) this_virtual_display = json.loads( virtual_display_json_str ) all_points_ok = True # error check for (x,y) in this_virtual_display['viewport']: if (x >= self.width) or (y >= self.height): all_points_ok = False break if all_points_ok: self.linedraw.points = this_virtual_display['viewport'] # else: # self.linedraw.points = [] self._update_image() def _update_image(self): self._image = np.zeros( (self.height, self.width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # draw polygon if len(self.linedraw.points)>=3: pts = [ (posint(y,self.height-1),posint(x,self.width-1)) for (x,y) in self.linedraw.points] mahotas.polygon.fill_polygon(pts, self._image[:,:,0]) self._image[:,:,0] *= 255 self._image[:,:,1] = self._image[:,:,0] self._image[:,:,2] = self._image[:,:,0] # draw red horizontal stripes for i in range(0,self.height,100): self._image[i:i+10,:,0] = 255 # draw blue vertical stripes for i in range(0,self.width,100): self._image[:,i:i+10,2] = 255 if hasattr(self,'_pd'): self._pd.set_data("imagedata", self._image) self.send_array() if len(self.linedraw.points) >= 3: self.update_ROS_params() def _plot_default(self): self._pd = ArrayPlotData() self._pd.set_data("imagedata", self._image) plot = Plot(self._pd, default_origin="top left") plot.x_axis.orientation = "top" img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata")[0] plot.bgcolor = "white" # Tweak some of the plot properties plot.title = "Click to add points, press Enter to clear selection" plot.padding = 50 plot.line_width = 1 # Attach some tools to the plot pan = PanTool(plot, drag_button="right", constrain_key="shift") zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(zoom) return plot def _linedraw_default(self): linedraw = LineSegmentTool(self.plot,color=(0.5,0.5,0.9,1.0)) self.plot.overlays.append(linedraw) linedraw.on_trait_change( self.points_changed, 'points[]') return linedraw def points_changed(self): self._update_image() @traits.on_trait_change('display_mode') def send_array(self): # create an array if self.display_mode.endswith(' on black'): bgcolor = (0,0,0,1) elif self.display_mode.endswith(' on white'): bgcolor = (1,1,1,1) if self.display_mode.startswith('black '): color = (0,0,0,1) elif self.display_mode.startswith('white '): color = (1,1,1,1) fname = tempfile.mktemp('.png') try: scipy.misc.imsave(fname, self._image ) image = freemovr_engine.msg.FreemoVRCompressedImage() image.format = 'png' = open(fname).read() self.blit_compressed_image_proxy(image) finally: os.unlink(fname) def get_viewport_verts(self): # convert to integers pts = [ (posint(x,self.width-1),posint(y,self.height-1)) for (x,y) in self.linedraw.points] # convert to list of lists for maximal json compatibility return [ list(x) for x in pts ]
class DeviceAnalogInState(traits.HasTraits): """encapsulate all (relevant) analog input state on the device Making these variables a member of their own HasTraits class means that updates to the device can be treated in an atomic way. """ # Analog input state AIN0_enabled = traits.Bool(False) AIN0_name = traits.String("AIN0") AIN1_enabled = traits.Bool(False) AIN1_name = traits.String("AIN1") AIN2_enabled = traits.Bool(True) AIN2_name = traits.String("AIN2") AIN3_enabled = traits.Bool(False) AIN3_name = traits.String("AIN3") trigger_device = traits.Instance('DeviceModel',transient=True) adc_prescaler = traits.Trait(128.0,{ 128.0:0x07,64.0: 0x06, # According to Atmel's at90usb1287 manual, faster than this is # too fast to get good measurements with 8MHz crystal. ## '32': 0x05,'16': 0x04,'8': 0x03, ## '4': 0x02,'2': 0x00, # also 0x01 }) downsample_bits = traits.Range(low=0,high=2**5-1,value=0) AIN_running = traits.Bool(False) sample_rate_total = traits.Property(label='Sample rate (Hz), all channels', depends_on=['adc_prescaler', 'trigger_device', 'downsample_bits']) sample_rate_chan = traits.Property(label='each channel', depends_on=['sample_rate_total', 'AIN0_enabled','AIN1_enabled', 'AIN2_enabled','AIN3_enabled',]) # but useful when plotting/saving data Vcc = traits.Float(3.3) traits_view = View(Group(Group(Item('AIN_running'), Item( 'Vcc', tooltip=('This does not set Vcc on the AT90USBKEY. Use to record the ' 'value of Vcc. (default = 3.3V)')), orientation='horizontal'), Group(Item('AIN0_enabled',padding=0), Item('AIN0_name',padding=0), Item('AIN1_enabled',padding=0), Item('AIN1_name',padding=0), padding=0, orientation='horizontal'), Group(Item('AIN2_enabled',padding=0), Item('AIN2_name',padding=0), Item('AIN3_enabled',padding=0), Item('AIN3_name',padding=0), padding=0, orientation='horizontal'), Group(Item('adc_prescaler'), Item('downsample_bits'), orientation='horizontal'), Group(Item('sample_rate_total', #show_label=False, style='readonly', ), Item('sample_rate_chan', #show_label=False, style='readonly', ), orientation='horizontal'), )) @traits.cached_property def _get_sample_rate_total(self): if self.trigger_device is not None: input_frequency = self.trigger_device.FOSC/self.adc_prescaler else: input_frequency = 100*1e3 # fake value # from USBKEY datasheet: if input_frequency < 50*1e3: warnings.warn('ADC sample frequency is too slow to get good sampling') if input_frequency > 200*1e3: warnings.warn('ADC sample frequency is too fast to get good sampling') #print 'input_frequency %.1f (kHz)'%(input_frequency/1000.0,) clock_cycles_per_sample = 13.0 clock_adc = input_frequency/clock_cycles_per_sample downsample_factor = self.downsample_bits+1 downsampled_clock_adc = clock_adc/downsample_factor return downsampled_clock_adc @traits.cached_property def _get_sample_rate_chan(self): n_chan = sum(map(int,[self.AIN0_enabled,self.AIN1_enabled, self.AIN2_enabled,self.AIN3_enabled])) if n_chan == 0: return 0.0 rate = self.sample_rate_total/float(n_chan) return rate
class itkConstantImageMathInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): inFilename = File(argstr='%s', desc = "inFilename", exists = True, mandatory = True, position = 0) fileMode = traits.Str(argstr='%s', desc = "fileMode", exists = True, mandatory = True, position = 1) value = traits.Int(argstr='%s', desc = "value", exists = True, mandatory = True, position = 2) operation = traits.String(argstr='%s', desc = "operation", exists = True, mandatory = True, position = 3) outFilename = traits.Str(argstr='%s', desc = "outFilename", exists = True, mandatory = True, position = 4)
class Fit(traits.HasTraits): name = traits.Str(desc="name of fit") function = traits.Str(desc="function we are fitting with all parameters") variablesList = traits.List(Parameter) calculatedParametersList = traits.List(CalculatedParameter) xs = None # will be a scipy array ys = None # will be a scipy array zs = None # will be a scipy array performFitButton = traits.Button("Perform Fit") getInitialParametersButton = traits.Button("Guess Initial Values") usePreviousFitValuesButton = traits.Button("Use Previous Fit") drawRequestButton = traits.Button("Draw Fit") setSizeButton = traits.Button("Set Initial Size") chooseVariablesButtons = traits.Button("choose logged variables") logLibrarianButton = traits.Button("librarian") logLastFitButton = traits.Button("log current fit") removeLastFitButton = traits.Button("remove last fit") autoFitBool = traits.Bool( False, desc= "Automatically perform this Fit with current settings whenever a new image is loaded" ) autoGuessBool = traits.Bool( False, desc= "Whenever a fit is completed replace the guess values with the calculated values (useful for increasing speed of the next fit)" ) autoDrawBool = traits.Bool( False, desc= "Once a fit is complete update the drawing of the fit or draw the fit for the first time" ) autoSizeBool = traits.Bool( False, desc= "If TOF variable is read from latest XML and is equal to 0.11ms (or time set in Physics) then it will automatically update the physics sizex and sizey with the Sigma x and sigma y from the gaussian fit" ) logBool = traits.Bool( False, desc="Log the calculated and fitted values with a timestamp") logName = traits.String( desc="name of the scan - will be used in the folder name") logDirectory = os.path.join("\\\\ursa", "AQOGroupFolder", "Experiment Humphry", "Data", "eagleLogs") latestSequence = os.path.join("\\\\ursa", "AQOGroupFolder", "Experiment Humphry", "Experiment Control And Software", "currentSequence", "latestSequence.xml") logFile = traits.File(desc="file path of logFile") logAnalyserBool = traits.Bool( False, desc="only use log analyser script when True") logAnalysers = [ ] #list containing full paths to each logAnalyser file to run logAnalyserDisplayString = traits.String( desc= "comma separated read only string that is a list of all logAnalyser python scripts to run. Use button to choose files" ) logAnalyserSelectButton = traits.Button("sel. analyser", image='@icons:function_node', style="toolbar") xmlLogVariables = [] imageInspectorReference = None #will be a reference to the image inspector fitting = traits.Bool(False) #true when performing fit fitted = traits.Bool( False) #true when current data displayed has been fitted fitSubSpace = traits.Bool( False) #true when current data displayed has been fitted startX = traits.Int startY = traits.Int endX = traits.Int endY = traits.Int fittingStatus = traits.Str() fitThread = None fitTimeLimit = traits.Float( 10.0, desc= "Time limit in seconds for fitting function. Only has an effect when fitTimeLimitBool is True" ) fitTimeLimitBool = traits.Bool( True, desc= "If True then fitting functions will be limited to time limit defined by fitTimeLimit " ) physics = traits.Instance( physicsProperties.physicsProperties.PhysicsProperties) #status strings notFittedForCurrentStatus = "Not Fitted for Current Image" fittedForCurrentImageStatus = "Fit Complete for Current Image" currentlyFittingStatus = "Currently Fitting..." failedFitStatus = "Failed to finish fit. See logger" timeExceededStatus = "Fit exceeded user time limit" lmfitModel = traits.Instance( lmfit.Model ) #reference to the lmfit model must be initialised in subclass mostRecentModelResult = None # updated to the most recent ModelResult object from lmfit when a fit thread is performed fitSubSpaceGroup = traitsui.VGroup( traitsui.Item("fitSubSpace", label="Fit Sub Space", resizable=True), traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("startX", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("startY", resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup(traitsui.Item("endX", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("endY", resizable=True)), visible_when="fitSubSpace"), label="Fit Sub Space", show_border=True) generalGroup = traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.Item("name", label="Fit Name", style="readonly", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("function", label="Fit Function", style="readonly", resizable=True), fitSubSpaceGroup, label="Fit", show_border=True) variablesGroup = traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.Item( "variablesList", editor=traitsui.ListEditor(style="custom"), show_label=False, resizable=True), show_border=True, label="parameters") derivedGroup = traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.Item( "calculatedParametersList", editor=traitsui.ListEditor(style="custom"), show_label=False, resizable=True), show_border=True, label="derived values") buttons = traitsui.VGroup( traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("autoFitBool", label="Auto fit?", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("performFitButton", show_label=False, resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("autoGuessBool", label="Auto guess?", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("getInitialParametersButton", show_label=False, resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("autoDrawBool", label="Auto draw?", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("drawRequestButton", show_label=False, resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("autoSizeBool", label="Auto size?", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("setSizeButton", show_label=False, resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("usePreviousFitValuesButton", show_label=False, resizable=True))) logGroup = traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("logBool", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("chooseVariablesButtons", show_label=False, resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("logName", resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("removeLastFitButton", show_label=False, resizable=True), traitsui.Item("logLastFitButton", show_label=False, resizable=True)), traitsui.HGroup( traitsui.Item("logAnalyserBool", label="analyser?", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("logAnalyserDisplayString", show_label=False, style="readonly", resizable=True), traitsui.Item("logAnalyserSelectButton", show_label=False, resizable=True)), label="Logging", show_border=True) actionsGroup = traitsui.VGroup(traitsui.Item("fittingStatus", style="readonly", resizable=True), logGroup, buttons, label="Fit Actions", show_border=True) traits_view = traitsui.View(traitsui.VGroup(generalGroup, variablesGroup, derivedGroup, actionsGroup), kind="subpanel") def __init__(self, **traitsDict): super(Fit, self).__init__(**traitsDict) self.startX = 0 self.startY = 0 self.lmfitModel = lmfit.Model(self.fitFunc) def _set_xs(self, xs): self.xs = xs def _set_ys(self, ys): self.ys = ys def _set_zs(self, zs): self.zs = zs def _fittingStatus_default(self): return self.notFittedForCurrentStatus def _getInitialValues(self): """returns ordered list of initial values from variables List """ return [_.initialValue for _ in self.variablesList] def _getParameters(self): """creates an lmfit parameters object based on the user input in variablesList """ return lmfit.Parameters( { _.parameter for _ in self.variablesList}) def _getCalculatedValues(self): """returns ordered list of fitted values from variables List """ return [_.calculatedValue for _ in self.variablesList] def _intelligentInitialValues(self): """If possible we can auto set the initial parameters to intelligent guesses user can always overwrite them """ self._setInitialValues(self._getIntelligentInitialValues()) def _get_subSpaceArrays(self): """returns the arrays of the selected sub space. If subspace is not activated then returns the full arrays""" if self.fitSubSpace: xs = self.xs[self.startX:self.endX] ys = self.ys[self.startY:self.endY]"xs array sliced length %s " % (xs.shape))"ys array sliced length %s " % (ys.shape)) zs = self.zs[self.startY:self.endY, self.startX:self.endX]"zs sub space array %s,%s " % (zs.shape)) return xs, ys, zs else: return self.xs, self.ys, self.zs def _getIntelligentInitialValues(self): """If possible we can auto set the initial parameters to intelligent guesses user can always overwrite them """ logger.debug("Dummy function should not be called directly") return #in python this should be a pass statement. I.e. user has to overwrite this def fitFunc(self, data, *p): """Function that we are trying to fit to. """ logger.error("Dummy function should not be called directly") return #in python this should be a pass statement. I.e. user has to overwrite this def _setCalculatedValues(self, modelFitResult): """updates calculated values with calculated argument """ parametersResult = modelFitResult.params for variable in self.variablesList: variable.calculatedValue = parametersResult[].value def _setCalculatedValuesErrors(self, modelFitResult): """given the covariance matrix returned by scipy optimize fit convert this into stdeviation errors for parameters list and updated the stdevError attribute of variables""" parametersResult = modelFitResult.params for variable in self.variablesList: variable.stdevError = parametersResult[].stderr def _setInitialValues(self, guesses): """updates calculated values with calculated argument """ c = 0 for variable in self.variablesList: variable.initialValue = guesses[c] c += 1 def deriveCalculatedParameters(self): """Wrapper for subclass definition of deriving calculated parameters can put more general calls in here""" if self.fitted: self._deriveCalculatedParameters() def _deriveCalculatedParameters(self): """Should be implemented by subclass. should update all variables in calculate parameters list""" logger.error("Should only be called by subclass") return def _fit_routine(self): """This function performs the fit in an appropriate thread and updates necessary values when the fit has been performed""" self.fitting = True if self.fitThread and self.fitThread.isAlive(): logger.warning( "Fitting is already running. You should wait till this fit has timed out before a new thread is started...." ) #logger.warning("I will start a new fitting thread but your previous thread may finish at some undetermined time. you probably had bad starting conditions :( !") return self.fitThread = FitThread() #new fitting thread self.fitThread.fitReference = self self.fitThread.isCurrentFitThread = True # user can create multiple fit threads on a particular fit but only the latest one will have an effect in the GUI self.fitThread.start() self.fittingStatus = self.currentlyFittingStatus def _perform_fit(self): """Perform the fit using scipy optimise curve fit. We must supply x and y as one argument and zs as anothger. in the form xs: 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 ys: 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 zs: 1 5 6 1 9 8 2 Hence the use of repeat and tile in positions and unravel for zs initially xs,ys is a linspace array and zs is a 2d image array """ if self.xs is None or self.ys is None or self.zs is None: logger.warning( "attempted to fit data but had no data inside the Fit object. set xs,ys,zs first" ) return ([], []) params = self._getParameters() if self.fitSubSpace: #fit only the sub space #create xs, ys and zs which are appropriate slices of the arrays xs, ys, zs = self._get_subSpaceArrays() else: #fit the whole array of data (slower) xs, ys, zs = self.xs, self.ys, self.zs positions = scipy.array([ scipy.tile(xs, len(ys)), scipy.repeat(ys, len(xs)) ]) #for creating data necessary for gauss2D function if self.fitTimeLimitBool: modelFitResult =, positions=positions, params=params, iter_cb=self.getFitCallback( time.time())) else: #no iter callback modelFitResult =, positions=positions, params=params) return modelFitResult def getFitCallback(self, startTime): """returns the callback function that is called at every iteration of fit to check if it has been running too long""" def fitCallback(params, iter, resid, *args, **kws): """check the time and compare to start time """ if time.time() - startTime > self.fitTimeLimit: raise FitException("Fit time exceeded user limit") return fitCallback def _performFitButton_fired(self): self._fit_routine() def _getInitialParametersButton_fired(self): self._intelligentInitialValues() def _drawRequestButton_fired(self): """tells the imageInspector to try and draw this fit as an overlay contour plot""" self.imageInspectorReference.addFitPlot(self) def _setSizeButton_fired(self): """use the sigmaX and sigmaY from the current fit to overwrite the inTrapSizeX and inTrapSizeY parameters in the Physics Instance""" self.physics.inTrapSizeX = abs(self.sigmax.calculatedValue) self.physics.inTrapSizeY = abs(self.sigmay.calculatedValue) def _getFitFuncData(self): """if data has been fitted, this returns the zs data for the ideal fitted function using the calculated paramters""" positions = [ scipy.tile(self.xs, len(self.ys)), scipy.repeat(self.ys, len(self.xs)) ] #for creating data necessary for gauss2D function zsravelled = self.fitFunc(positions, *self._getCalculatedValues()) return zsravelled.reshape(self.zs.shape) def _logAnalyserSelectButton_fired(self): """open a fast file editor for selecting many files """ fileDialog = FileDialog(action="open files") if fileDialog.return_code == pyface.constant.OK: self.logAnalysers = fileDialog.paths"selected log analysers: %s " % self.logAnalysers) self.logAnalyserDisplayString = str( [os.path.split(path)[1] for path in self.logAnalysers]) def runSingleAnalyser(self, module): """runs the logAnalyser module calling the run function and returns the columnNames and values as a list""" exec("import logAnalysers.%s as currentAnalyser" % module) reload( currentAnalyser ) #in case it has changed..#could make this only when user requests #now the array also contains the raw image as this may be different to zs if you are using a processor if hasattr(self.imageInspectorReference, "rawImage"): rawImage = self.imageInspectorReference.rawImage else: rawImage = None return[self.xs, self.ys, self.zs, rawImage], self.physics.variables, self.variablesList, self.calculatedParametersList) def runAnalyser(self): """ if logAnalyserBool is true we perform runAnalyser at the end of _log_fit runAnalyser checks that logAnalyser exists and is a python script with a valid run()function it then performs the run method and passes to the run function: -the image data as a numpy array -the xml variables dictionary -the fitted paramaters -the derived values""" for logAnalyser in self.logAnalysers: if not os.path.isfile(logAnalyser): logger.error( "attempted to runAnalyser but could not find the logAnalyser File: %s" % logAnalyser) return #these will contain the final column names and values finalColumns = [] finalValues = [] #iterate over each selected logAnalyser get the column names and values and add them to the master lists for logAnalyser in self.logAnalysers: directory, module = os.path.split(logAnalyser) module, ext = os.path.splitext(module) if ext != ".py": logger.error("file was not a python module. %s" % logAnalyser) else: columns, values = self.runSingleAnalyser(module) finalColumns.extend(columns) finalValues.extend(values) return finalColumns, finalValues def mostRecentModelFitReport(self): """returns the lmfit fit report of the most recent lmfit model results object""" if self.mostRecentModelResult is not None: return lmfit.fit_report(self.mostRecentModelResult) + "\n\n" else: return "No fit performed" def getCalculatedParameters(self): """useful for print returns tuple list of calculated parameter name and value """ return [(, _.value) for _ in self.calculatedParametersList] def _log_fit(self): if self.logName == "": logger.warning("no log file defined. Will not log") return #generate folders if they don't exist logFolder = os.path.join(self.logDirectory, self.logName) if not os.path.isdir(logFolder):"creating a new log folder %s" % logFolder) os.mkdir(logFolder) imagesFolder = os.path.join(logFolder, "images") if not os.path.isdir(imagesFolder):"creating a new images Folder %s" % imagesFolder) os.mkdir(imagesFolder) commentsFile = os.path.join(logFolder, "comments.txt") if not os.path.exists(commentsFile):"creating a comments file %s" % commentsFile) open(commentsFile, "a+").close() #create a comments file in every folder! firstSequenceCopy = os.path.join(logFolder, "copyOfInitialSequence.ctr") if not os.path.exists(firstSequenceCopy):"creating a copy of the first sequence %s -> %s" % (self.latestSequence, firstSequenceCopy)) shutil.copy(self.latestSequence, firstSequenceCopy) if self.imageInspectorReference.model.imageMode == "process raw image": #if we are using a processor, save the details of the processor used to the log folder processorParamtersFile = os.path.join(logFolder, "processorOptions.txt") processorPythonScript = os.path.join(logFolder, "") #TODO! if not os.path.exists(processorParamtersFile): with open(processorParamtersFile, "a+") as processorParamsFile: string = str(self.imageInspectorReference.model. chosenProcessor) + "\n" string += str(self.imageInspectorReference.model.processor. optionsDict) processorParamsFile.write(string) logger.debug("finished all checks on log folder") #copy current image try: shutil.copy(self.imageInspectorReference.selectedFile, imagesFolder) except IOError as e: logger.error("Could not copy image. Got IOError: %s " % e.message) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not copy image. Got %s: %s " % (type(e), e.message)) raise e"copying current image") self.logFile = os.path.join(logFolder, self.logName + ".csv") #analyser logic if self.logAnalyserBool: #run the analyser script as requested "log analyser bool enabled... will attempt to run analyser script" ) analyserResult = self.runAnalyser()"analyser result = %s " % list(analyserResult)) if analyserResult is None: analyserColumnNames = [] analyserValues = [] #analyser failed. continue as if nothing happened else: analyserColumnNames, analyserValues = analyserResult else: #no analyser enabled analyserColumnNames = [] analyserValues = [] if not os.path.exists(self.logFile): variables = [ for _ in self.variablesList] calculated = [ for _ in self.calculatedParametersList] times = ["datetime", "epoch seconds"] info = ["img file name"] xmlVariables = self.xmlLogVariables columnNames = times + info + variables + calculated + xmlVariables + analyserColumnNames with open( self.logFile, 'ab+' ) as logFile: # note use of binary file so that windows doesn't write too many /r writer = csv.writer(logFile) writer.writerow(columnNames) #column names already exist so... logger.debug("copying current image") variables = [_.calculatedValue for _ in self.variablesList] calculated = [_.value for _ in self.calculatedParametersList] now = time.time() #epoch seconds timeTuple = time.localtime(now) date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", timeTuple) times = [date, now] info = [self.imageInspectorReference.selectedFile] xmlVariables = [ self.physics.variables[varName] for varName in self.xmlLogVariables ] data = times + info + variables + calculated + xmlVariables + analyserValues with open(self.logFile, 'ab+') as logFile: writer = csv.writer(logFile) writer.writerow(data) def _logLastFitButton_fired(self): """logs the fit. User can use this for non automated logging. i.e. log particular fits""" self._log_fit() def _removeLastFitButton_fired(self): """removes the last line in the log file """ logFolder = os.path.join(self.logDirectory, self.logName) self.logFile = os.path.join(logFolder, self.logName + ".csv") if self.logFile == "": logger.warning("no log file defined. Will not log") return if not os.path.exists(self.logFile): logger.error( "cant remove a line from a log file that doesn't exist") with open(self.logFile, 'r') as logFile: lines = logFile.readlines() with open(self.logFile, 'wb') as logFile: logFile.writelines(lines[:-1]) def saveLastFit(self): """saves result of last fit to a txt/csv file. This can be useful for live analysis or for generating sequences based on result of last fit""" try: with open( self.imageInspectorReference.cameraModel + "-" + self.physics.species + "-" + "lastFit.csv", "wb") as lastFitFile: writer = csv.writer(lastFitFile) writer.writerow(["time", time.time()]) for variable in self.variablesList: writer.writerow([, variable.calculatedValue]) for variable in self.calculatedParametersList: writer.writerow([, variable.value]) except Exception as e: logger.error("failed to save last fit to text file. message %s " % e.message) def _chooseVariablesButtons_fired(self): self.xmlLogVariables = self.chooseVariables() def _usePreviousFitValuesButton_fired(self): """update the guess initial values with the value from the last fit """ "use previous fit values button fired. loading previous initial values" ) self._setInitialValues(self._getCalculatedValues()) def chooseVariables(self): """Opens a dialog asking user to select columns from a data File that has been selected. THese are then returned as a string suitable for Y cols input""" columns = self.physics.variables.keys() columns.sort() values = zip(range(0, len(columns)), columns) checklist_group = traitsui.Group( '10', # insert vertical space traitsui.Label('Select the additional variables you wish to log'), traitsui.UItem('columns', style='custom', editor=traitsui.CheckListEditor(values=values, cols=6)), traitsui.UItem('selectAllButton')) traits_view = traitsui.View(checklist_group, title='CheckListEditor', buttons=['OK'], resizable=True, kind='livemodal') col = ColumnEditor(numberOfColumns=len(columns)) try: col.columns = [ columns.index(varName) for varName in self.xmlLogVariables ] except Exception as e: logger.error( "couldn't selected correct variable names. Returning empty selection" ) logger.error("%s " % e.message) col.columns = [] col.edit_traits(view=traits_view) logger.debug("value of columns selected = %s ", col.columns) logger.debug("value of columns selected = %s ", [columns[i] for i in col.columns]) return [columns[i] for i in col.columns] def _logLibrarianButton_fired(self): """opens log librarian for current folder in logName box. """ logFolder = os.path.join(self.logDirectory, self.logName) if not os.path.isdir(logFolder): logger.error( "cant open librarian on a log that doesn't exist.... Could not find %s" % logFolder) return librarian = plotObjects.logLibrarian.Librarian(logFolder=logFolder) librarian.edit_traits()