def main(*argv):
    if not argv:
        argv = sys.argv

    if len(argv) != 3:
        print('Usage: write_ndvi <envisat-product> <output-file>')
        print('  where envisat-product is the input filename')
        print('  and output-file is the output filename.')
        print('Example: MER_RR__1P_TEST.N1 my_ndvi.raw')

    # Open the product
    with epr.open(argv[1]) as product:

        # The NDVI shall be calculated using bands 6 and 8.
        band1_name = 'radiance_6'
        band2_name = 'radiance_10'

        band1 = product.get_band(band1_name)
        band2 = product.get_band(band2_name)

        # Allocate memory for the rasters
        width = product.get_scene_width()
        height = product.get_scene_height()
        subsampling_x = 1
        subsampling_y = 1
        raster1 = band1.create_compatible_raster(width, height,
                                                 subsampling_x, subsampling_y)
        raster2 = band2.create_compatible_raster(width, height,
                                                 subsampling_x, subsampling_y)

        # Read the radiance into the raster.
        offset_x = 0
        offset_y = 0

        logging.info('read "%s" data' % band1_name)
        band1.read_raster(offset_x, offset_y, raster1)

        logging.info('read "%s" data' % band2_name)
        band2.read_raster(offset_x, offset_y, raster2)

        # Open the output file
        logging.info('write ndvi to "%s"' % argv[2])
        with open(argv[2], 'wb') as out_stream:

            # Loop over all pixel and calculate the NDVI.
            # @NOTE: looping over data matrices is not the best soluton.
            #        It is done here just for demostrative purposes
            for j in range(height):
                for i in range(width):
                    rad1 = raster1.get_pixel(i, j)
                    rad2 = raster2.get_pixel(i, j)
                    if (rad1 + rad2) != 0.0:
                        ndvi = (rad2 - rad1) / (rad2 + rad1)
                        ndvi = -1.0
                    out_stream.write(struct.pack('f', ndvi))
            logging.info('ndvi was written success')
def main(*argv):
    '''A program for converting producing ENVI raster information from

    It generates as many raster as there are dataset entrance parameters.


        $ write_bands.py <envisat-product>
                         <output directory for the raster file>
                         <dataset name 1>
                         [<dataset name 2> ... <dataset name N>]


        $ write_bands.py \
        MER_RR__1PNPDK20020415_103725_000002702005_00094_00649_1059.N1 \
        . latitude


    if not argv:
        argv = sys.argv

    if len(argv) <= 3:
        print('Usage: write_bands.py <envisat-product> <output-dir> '
        print('                      [<dataset-name-2> ... <dataset-name-N>]')
        print('  where envisat-product is the input filename')
        print('  and output-dir is the output directory')
        print('  and dataset-name-1 is the name of the first band to be '
              'extracted (mandatory)')
        print('  and dataset-name-2 ... dataset-name-N are the names of '
              'further bands to be extracted (optional)')
        print('  write_bands MER_RR__2P_TEST.N1 . latitude')

    product_file_path = argv[1]
    output_dir_path = argv[2]

    # Open the product; an argument is a path to product data file
    with epr.open(product_file_path) as product:
        for band_name in argv[3:]:
            write_raw_image(output_dir_path, product, band_name)
def epr2gdal(product, vrt, overwrite_existing=False):
    if isinstance(product, str):
        filename = product
        product = epr.open(filename)

    ysize = product.get_scene_height()
    xsize = product.get_scene_width()

    if os.path.exists(vrt) and not overwrite_existing:
        raise ValueError('unable to create "{0}". Already exists'.format(vrt))

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT')
    if driver is None:
        raise RuntimeError('unable to get driver "VRT"')

    gdal_ds = driver.Create(vrt, xsize, ysize, 0)
    if gdal_ds is None:
        raise RuntimeError('unable to create "{}" dataset'.format(vrt))

    metadata = {
        'id_string': product.id_string,
        'meris_iodd_version': str(product.meris_iodd_version),
        'dataset_names': ','.join(product.get_dataset_names()),
        'num_datasets': str(product.get_num_datasets()),
        'num_dsds': str(product.get_num_dsds()),

    mph = product.get_mph()
    metadata = str(mph).replace(' = ', '=').split('\n')
    gdal_ds.SetMetadata(metadata, 'MPH')

    sph = product.get_sph()
    metadata = str(sph).replace(' = ', '=').split('\n')
    gdal_ds.SetMetadata(metadata, 'SPH')

    for band in product.bands():
        epr2gdal_band(band, gdal_ds)

    # @TODO: set geographic info

    return gdal_ds
def main(*argv):
    if not argv:
        argv = sys.argv

    if len(argv) != 4:
        print('Usage: write_bitmask <envisat-product> <bitmask-expression> '
        print('  where envisat-product is the input filename')
        print('  and bitmask-expression is a string containing the bitmask '
        print('  and output-file is the output filename.')
        print("  MER_RR__2P_TEST.N1 'l2_flags.LAND and not l2_flags.BRIGHT' "

    product_file_path = argv[1]
    bm_expr = argv[2]
    image_file_path = argv[3]

    # Open the product; an argument is a path to product data file
    with epr.open(product_file_path) as product:
        offset_x = 0
        offset_y = 0
        source_width = product.get_scene_width()
        source_height = product.get_scene_height()
        source_step_x = 1
        source_step_y = 1

        bm_raster = epr.create_bitmask_raster(source_width, source_height,
                                              source_step_x, source_step_y)

        product.read_bitmask_raster(bm_expr, offset_x, offset_y, bm_raster)

        with open(image_file_path, 'wb') as out_stream:

    print('Raw image data successfully written to "%s".' % image_file_path)
    print('Data type is "byte", size is %d x %d pixels.' % (source_width,
    def read_n1(self, ingest):
        Read N1 file (eg MERIS or AATSR), using pyepr package

        Extract the region of interest, and at the same time regrid to a regular grid.
        Returns a dictionary containing the parameters that were requested in the metadata file
        (plus coordinates) for the specified region.

        :param ingest: An IngestImages object instance, which contains metadata and inputdir variables
        :return: Dictionary containing the coordinates and data arrays
        :return: The value of whichever variable was specified by ingest.metadata['time_variable'].
                 This will be converted to a proper datetime in the calling method.
        import epr

        data = {}
        image = epr.open(str(ingest.metadata['filename']))

        # Get date/time (is a string like '06-APR-2012 09:00:56.832999')
        time_temp = image.get_sph().get_field(ingest.metadata['time_variable']).get_elem()

        # Regrid coordinates and extract region of interest
        longitude = image.get_band('longitude').read_as_array()
        latitude = image.get_band('latitude').read_as_array()
        new_lon, new_lat = GeoTools.get_new_lat_lon(longitude, latitude, ingest.metadata['region_coords'])
        data['longitude'] = new_lon
        data['latitude'] = new_lat

        # Read in flag array, and extract bit for valid/invalid points to remove missing data points
        if 'flag_name' in ingest.metadata.keys():
            flag_array = image.get_band(ingest.metadata['flag_name']).read_as_array()
            flag_array = flag_array >> ingest.metadata['flag_bit'] & 1
            flag_array = None

        # Helper function to read a dataset, then extract and regrid to region of interest
        # NB we read using the higher level get_band, instead of get_database. This is much simpler to use, and also 
        # means that values have already had scaling applied and are converted to floats
        def get_variable(varname):
            array = image.get_band(varname).read_as_array()
            if flag_array is not None:
                array[flag_array==1] = np.nan
            array_roi = GeoTools.extract_region_and_regrid(longitude, latitude, new_lon, new_lat, array)
            return array_roi

        # Get the variables that were specified in the metadata file
        for variable in ingest.metadata['variables']:
            data[variable] = get_variable(str(variable))  # str() is needed as json returns unicode

        # Get the viewing angles
        for angle in ingest.metadata['angle_names']:
            data[angle] = get_variable(ingest.metadata['angle_names'][angle])

        # If this is MERIS reflectance, apply solar correction
        if ingest.metadata['instrument'].lower() == 'meris' and ingest.metadata['vartype'] == 'radiance':
            data = self.correct_MERIS(image, longitude, latitude, new_lon, new_lat, ingest.metadata, data)

        # If this is AATSR reflectance, apply corrections
        if ingest.metadata['instrument'].lower() == 'aatsr' and ingest.metadata['vartype'] == 'reflectance':
            data = self.correct_AATSR(image, ingest.metadata, data)

        return data, time_temp
    for band in product.bands():
        epr2gdal_band(band, gdal_ds)

    # @TODO: set geographic info

    return gdal_ds

if __name__ == '__main__':
    filename = 'MER_LRC_2PTGMV20000620_104318_00000104X000_00000_00000_0001.N1'
    vrtfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.vrt'

    gdal_ds = epr2gdal(filename, vrtfilename)

    with epr.open(filename) as product:
        band_index = product.get_band_names().index('water_vapour')
        band = product.get_band('water_vapour')
        eprdata = band.read_as_array()
        unit = band.unit
        lines_mirrored = band.lines_mirrored
        scaling_offset = band.scaling_offset
        scaling_factor = band.scaling_factor

    gdal_band = gdal_ds.GetRasterBand(band_index + 1)
    vrtdata = gdal_band.ReadAsArray()

    if lines_mirrored:
        vrtdata = vrtdata[:, ::-1]

    vrtdata = vrtdata * scaling_factor + scaling_offset
@author: mag

#import numpy
#from pylab import *
#from pylab import imshow
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pn = '/home/mag/data/baltic/finngulfWindCases/'
fn = 'ASA_WSM_1PNPDE20110523_084634_000000983102_00395_48254_2349.N1'
fn = 'ASA_WSM_1PNPDE20111127_085336_000002143109_00079_50955_3727.N1'

import epr

product = epr.open(pn + fn)

proc_dataset = product.get_dataset('MAIN_PROCESSING_PARAMS_ADS')

record = proc_dataset.read_record(0)

field = record.get_field('range_spacing')


# Get proc_data
pd = product.get_band('proc_data')
proc_data = pd.read_as_array(5000, 5000, xoffset=500, yoffset=9000, \
                             xstep=2, ystep=2)
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import epr

FILENAME = 'MER_LRC_2PTGMV20000620_104318_00000104X000_00000_00000_0001.N1'

# load original data
with epr.open(FILENAME) as product:
    band = product.get_band('water_vapour')
    wv_orig_histogram, orig_bins = np.histogram(band.read_as_array().flat, 50)

# plot water vapour histogram
plt.bar(orig_bins[:-1], wv_orig_histogram, 0.02, label='original')
plt.title('Water Vapour Histogram')

# modily scaling facotrs
with epr.open(FILENAME, 'rb+') as product:
    dataset = product.get_dataset('Scaling_Factor_GADS')
    record = dataset.read_record(0)

    field = record.get_field('sf_wvapour')
    scaling = field.get_elem()
    scaling *= 1.1