def setup(): ''' oauth flow for new users or updating users most of this was shamelessly copied from : ''' client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key = config.CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret = config.CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox = False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost:10668') print "Paste this URL in your browser and login:"******"Token saved."
def __init__(self): if not mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False): # First run of the Plugin we did not save the access key yet client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key='scriptkiddi-2682', consumer_secret='965f1873e4df583c', sandbox=False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('') url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) showInfo("We will open a Evernote Tab in your browser so you can allow access to your account") openLink(url) oauth_verifier = getText(prompt="Please copy the code that showed up, after allowing access, in here")[0] secret_key = getText(prompt="protect your value with a password, it will be asked each time you import your notes")[0] auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token.get('oauth_token'), request_token.get('oauth_token_secret'), oauth_verifier) mw.col.conf[SETTING_TOKEN] = encode(secret_key, auth_token) else: secret_key = getText(prompt="password")[0] auth_token_encoded = mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False) auth_token = decode(secret_key, auth_token_encoded) self.token = auth_token self.client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=False) self.noteStore = self.client.get_note_store()
def get_oauth_data(self, user_id, session_key, evernote_config, access='basic'): access_config = evernote_config['access'][access] api_key = access_config['key'] api_secret = access_config['secret'] bytes_key = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(api_key, api_secret, user_id).encode() callback_key = hashlib.sha1(bytes_key).hexdigest() callback_url = "{url}?access={access}&key={key}&session_key={session_key}".format( access=access, url=evernote_config['oauth_callback_url'], key=callback_key, session_key=session_key ) sdk = EvernoteSdk(consumer_key=api_key, consumer_secret=api_secret, sandbox=self.sandbox) try: request_token = sdk.get_request_token(callback_url) if not request_token.get('oauth_token'): logging.getLogger().error('[X] EVERNOTE returns: {}'.format(request_token)) raise EvernoteApiError("Can't obtain oauth token from Evernote") oauth_url = sdk.get_authorize_url(request_token) except Exception as e: raise EvernoteApiError(e) return { 'oauth_url': oauth_url, 'oauth_token': request_token['oauth_token'], 'oauth_token_secret': request_token['oauth_token_secret'], 'callback_key': callback_key, }
def setup(): """ oauth flow for new users or updating users adapted from """ client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost:10668') print( "Paste this URL in your browser and login:"******"-> {url} \n\n" "Be advised, this will save your oauth token in plaintext to ~/.not_token !" "if you aren't cool with that, ctrl-c now and never return!".format( url=client.get_authorize_url(request_token) ) ) single_server = single_serve() single_server.handle_request() auth_url = path # noqa vals = parse_query_string(auth_url) auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier'] ) with open(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.not_token'), 'w') as f: f.write(auth_token) print("Token saved.")
def get_oauth_data(user_id, session_key, evernote_config, access="basic", sandbox=False): access_config = evernote_config["access"][access] api_key = access_config["key"] api_secret = access_config["secret"] bytes_key = f"{api_key}{api_secret}{user_id}".encode() callback_key = hashlib.sha1(bytes_key).hexdigest() url = evernote_config["oauth_callback_url"] callback_url = f"{url}?access={access}&key={callback_key}&"\ f"session_key={session_key}" sdk = EvernoteSdk(consumer_key=api_key, consumer_secret=api_secret, sandbox=sandbox) oauth_data = {"callback_key": callback_key} try: request_token = sdk.get_request_token(callback_url) except Exception as e: raise EvernoteApiError() from e if "oauth_token" not in request_token \ or "oauth_token_secret" not in request_token: raise EvernoteApiError("Can't obtain oauth token from Evernote") oauth_data["oauth_token"] = request_token["oauth_token"] oauth_data["oauth_token_secret"] = request_token["oauth_token_secret"] try: oauth_data["oauth_url"] = sdk.get_authorize_url(request_token) except Exception as e: raise EvernoteApiError() from e return oauth_data
def authorize(self, storage_name): '''Authorize/reauthorize the app if something is wrong with the token or storage. ''' # Start oauth flow client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=self.consumer_key, consumer_secret=self.consumer_secret, sandbox=False) request_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost') #Prompt the user to open the request URL in their browser print "Paste this URL in your browser and login\n" print client.get_authorize_url(request_token) + '\n' # Have the user paste the resulting URL so we can pull it # apart print "Paste the URL after login here:" authurl = raw_input() ## Parse the URL to get the OAuth verifier vals = self.parse_query_string(authurl) # Use the OAuth verifier and the values from request_token # to built the request for our authentication token, then # ask for it. auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier']) # We will need it for some methods self.token = auth_token # Write it to the storage file try: storage = open(storage_name, 'w') storage.write(auth_token) except ImportError, e: # Should never happen print 'Error while saving the auth token: ', e print 'Your auth token is: ', auth_token
class OAuthView(QWebView): accessTokenChanged = Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None): QWebView.__init__(self) self.urlChanged.connect(self.pageChanged) conf = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() consumer_key = conf.get('API', 'consumer_key') consumer_secret = conf.get('API', 'consumer_secret') self.client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, sandbox=True) self.request_token = self.client.get_request_token('') url = self.client.get_authorize_url(self.request_token) self.load(url) @Slot(QUrl) def pageChanged(self, url): queries = url.queryItems() if len(queries) == 2 and queries[1][0] == u'oauth_verifier': self.hide() self.access_token = self.client.get_access_token( self.request_token['oauth_token'], self.request_token['oauth_token_secret'], queries[1][1] ) self.accessTokenChanged.emit(self.access_token)
def __init__(self): if USE_APPLESCRIPT is False: if not mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False): # First run of the Plugin we did not save the access key yet client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key='scriptkiddi-2682', consumer_secret='965f1873e4df583c', sandbox=False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('') url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) showInfo("We will open a Evernote Tab in your browser so you can allow access to your account") openLink(url) oauth_verifier = getText(prompt="Please copy the code that showed up, after allowing access, in here")[0] auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token.get('oauth_token'), request_token.get('oauth_token_secret'), oauth_verifier) mw.col.conf[SETTING_TOKEN] = auth_token else: auth_token = mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False) self.token = auth_token self.client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=False) self.noteStore = self.client.get_note_store()
def getAuthToken(self, c_key, c_secret): ## # Create an instance of EvernoteClient using your API # key (consumer key and consumer secret) ## client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=c_key, consumer_secret=c_secret, sandbox=False # Default: True ) ## # Provide the URL where the Evernote Cloud API should # redirect the user after the request token has been # generated. In this example, localhost is used; note # that in this example, we're copying the URLs manually # and that, in production, this URL will need to # automatically parse the response and send the user # to the next step in the flow. ## request_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost') ## # Prompt the user to open the request URL in their browser ## print "Paste this URL in your browser and login" print print '\t'+client.get_authorize_url(request_token) print print '-------' ## # Have the user paste the resulting URL so we can pull it # apart ## print "Paste the URL after login here:" authurl = raw_input() ## # Parse the URL to get the OAuth verifier ## vals = parse_query_string(authurl) ## # Use the OAuth verifier and the values from request_token # to built the request for our authentication token, then # ask for it. ## auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier'] ) return auth_token
def request_evernote_token(): client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=config.CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=config.CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=config.SANDBOX) request_token = client.get_request_token(OAUTH_URL) print('Paste this URL in your browser and login') print(client.get_authorize_url(request_token)) print('Paste the URL after login here:') auth_url = input() values = parse_query_string(auth_url) auth_token = client.get_access_token(request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], values['oauth_verifier']) print('Auth done') return auth_token
def request_oauth_token(sandbox=False): client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=MY_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=MY_CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=sandbox) resp_server = CLEVERNOTE_AUTH_WEB_SERVER # resp_server = 'http://localhost:8090/oauth' req_token = client.get_request_token(resp_server) webbrowser.open_new_tab(client.get_authorize_url(req_token)) auth_string64 = str(raw_input("Auth String: ")) auth_string = base64.b64decode(auth_string64) auth_dict = pickle.loads(auth_string) oauth_token = auth_dict['token'] verifier = auth_dict['verifier'] access_token = client.get_access_token(oauth_token, req_token['oauth_token_secret'], verifier) return access_token
def get_request_token(user, callback): ''' Get request token ''' from settings import secrets client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=secrets.EVERNOTE_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=secrets.EVERNOTE_CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=SANDBOX ) request_token = client.get_request_token(callback) logging.debug(request_token) # Save secret memcache.set(SECRET_MCK %, request_token['oauth_token_secret']) authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) return authorize_url
def _get_evernote_token(app_debug): client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret =CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=SANDBOX_ENABLE ) request_token = client.get_request_token("http://gevernote/") if request_token['oauth_callback_confirmed']: url_callback = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) if app_debug: print ("URL: %s" % url_callback) print ("oauth_token: %s" % request_token['oauth_token']) print ("oauth_token_secret: %s" % request_token['oauth_token_secret']) window = AuthWindow(url_callback) window.show_all() Gtk.main() if app_debug: print ("oauth_verifier: %s" % window.oauth_verifier) if not (window.oauth_verifier == "None"): # get the token for authorization user_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], window.oauth_verifier ) else: # handle window closed by cancel and no token user_token = window.oauth_verifier Gtk.main_quit if app_debug: print ("user_token: %s" % user_token) elif app_debug: # need app error checking/message here print("bad callback") # Token available? return user_token
def _getEverNoteOAuthURL(self): client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=EverNoteConsumerInfo.CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=EverNoteConsumerInfo.CONSUMER_SECRET, service_host = MetaData.get_evernote_host(), sandbox=False # Default: True ; if using yinxiang, set service_host='' ; in using Evernote International, set service_host='' ) callbackUrl = "http://"+PROGRAM_NAME request_token = client.get_request_token(callbackUrl) # Save the request token information for later self.__authData['oauth_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] self.__authData['oauth_token_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] # Redirect the user to the Evernote authorization URL url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) logging.debug(url) return url
def get_client(): token = get_token() if not token: print "Username:\t", username = raw_input() print "Password:\t", password = raw_input() print "\n" client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key="freddieshoreditch-8876", consumer_secret="13801fb7745664f3", sandbox=False ) req_token = client.get_request_token("http://localhost/") os_ = get_os() url_ = client.get_authorize_url(req_token) if os_ == "Mac OS X": command = "open {}".format(url_) elif os == "Windows": print "Unimplemented for Windows." sys.exit(3) elif os == "Linux or other": print "Unimplemented for Linux or other." sys.exit(3) else: print "Unimplemented for your operating system." sys.exit(3) tries = 0 exit_code = -1 while exit_code != 0 and tries < 5: tries += 1 exit_code =, shell=True) if exit_code != 0: print "Could not open authorisation url, please open it manually:", print url_ print "\n\nPASTE the URL after logging in:\t" result = raw_input() vals = parse_query_string(result) token = client.get_access_token( req_token["oauth_token"], req_token["oauth_token_secret"], vals["oauth_verifier"] ) with open("token.json", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(token)) return EvernoteClient(token=token), token
def get_client(): token = get_token() if not token: print 'Username:\t', username = raw_input() print 'Password:\t', password = raw_input() print '\n' client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key='freddieshoreditch-8876', consumer_secret='13801fb7745664f3', sandbox=False) req_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost/') os_ = get_os() url_ = client.get_authorize_url(req_token) if (os_ == 'Mac OS X'): command = 'open {}'.format(url_) elif (os == 'Windows'): print 'Unimplemented for Windows.' sys.exit(3) elif (os == 'Linux or other'): print 'Unimplemented for Linux or other.' sys.exit(3) else: print 'Unimplemented for your operating system.' sys.exit(3) tries = 0 exit_code = -1 while (exit_code != 0 and tries < 5): tries += 1 exit_code =, shell=True) if exit_code != 0: print 'Could not open authorisation url, please open it manually:', print url_ print '\n\nPASTE the URL after logging in:\t' result = raw_input() vals = parse_query_string(result) token = client.get_access_token(req_token['oauth_token'], req_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier']) with open('token.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(token)) return EvernoteClient(token=token), token
def get_client_oauth(self): client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key = self.customer_key, consumer_secret = self.customer_secret, sandbox = self.is_sandbox) request_token = client.get_request_token(self.url) print request_token request_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) print request_url auth_url = raw_input() vals = parse_query_string(auth_url) auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier']) return client
def auth_start(): """Makes a request to Evernote for the request token then redirects the user to Evernote to authorize the app using the request token. After authorizing, the user will be redirected back to auth_finish().""" # cookieがすでにあったら、承認はせず、HOMEへ飛ばす。 if 'token' in request.cookies: return redirect(url_for('get')) client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=EN_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=EN_CONSUMER_SECRET,sandbox=False) request_token=client.get_request_token(request.url_root+'authComplete') url=client.get_authorize_url(request_token) # Save the request token information for later session['oauth_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] session['oauth_token_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] # Redirect the user to the Evernote authorization URL return redirect(url)
def auth_evernote(): #import evernote.edam.userstore.constants as UserStoreConstants #import evernote.edam.type.ttypes as Types from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key = 'baschtik-3522', consumer_secret = '9851242b79ad58cd', sandbox = True, ) request_token = client.get_request_token('') try: text = '''\ 1) Go to: \n%s 1a) Make sure that you have the complete URL (Scroll to te right). 2) Click "Allow" (you might have to log in first) 3) You will get a Code. Copy it to the Clip-board ''' % client.get_authorize_url(request_token) except: d.msgbox("Sorry, Evernote reportet an error. " "I quit the setup and show you the Response from Evernote.") print request_token raise d.scrollbox( text, height=15, width=0) code, verifier = d.inputbox( "Now enter the code here:", width=150 ) if code != 0: sync_pairs() try: auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], verifier ) except: d.msgbox("There was an error gernerating the access token\n" "The profile will be saved, continue and edit it later." "Otherwise sync will not work""", height=10, width=50) auth_token = False return auth_token
def oauth(): client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=conf.key, consumer_secret=conf.sec, sandbox=conf.env) token = client.get_request_token(conf.url) url = client.get_authorize_url(token) c = requests.session() c.get(url) print "==> Please Sign in. Never store your PASSWORD!" cnt = 3 while cnt: cnt -= 1 payload = {"login": "******", "targetUrl": url} if hasattr(conf, "username"): payload["username"] = conf.username else: payload["username"] = raw_input("Username: "******"password"): payload["password"] = conf.password else: payload["password"] = getpass().strip() resp =, data=payload) if resp.history: break else: if not cnt: print "Incorrect Username or Passowrd!" sys.exit(1) else: print "Sorry, incorrect Username or Password." print "<== Signed in." payload = {"authorize": "Authorize", "embed": "false"} payload["oauth_token"] = token["oauth_token"] payload["oauth_callback"] = conf.url resp =, data=payload, allow_redirects=False) return client.get_access_token( token["oauth_token"], token["oauth_token_secret"], resp.headers["location"].split("?")[1].split("&")[1].split("=")[1], )
def evernote_auth(client_id, client_secret, storage, sandbox=False): credentials = storage.get() if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: host = 'localhost' port = 9343 client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=client_id, consumer_secret=client_secret, sandbox=sandbox ) request_token = client.get_request_token('http://{}:{}/'.format(host, port)) authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) print 'Go to the following link in your browser:' print print ' ' + authorize_url print http = tools.ClientRedirectServer((host, port), tools.ClientRedirectHandler) http.handle_request() if 'oauth_verifier' not in http.query_params: print "Bad Evernote Oauth, no verifier:{}".format(http.query_params) return access_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], http.query_params['oauth_verifier'] ) token_uri = 'https://{}'.format('sandbox.' if sandbox else '') credentials = OAuth2Credentials( access_token, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token=request_token['oauth_token'], # not really - timedelta(days=-365), token_uri=token_uri, user_agent='evernote.basic' ) storage.put(credentials) return credentials
def get_auth_token(): """ Run through the Evernote OAuth procedure :returns: User token string """ # Create an HTTP server on a spare port httpd = MininoteHTTPServer(('', 0), MininoteHTTPRequestHandler) callbackurl = urljoin("http://{}:{}".format(*httpd.server_address), RETURN_PATH) client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=EVERNOTE_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=EVERNOTE_CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=DEVELOPMENT_MODE) request_token = client.get_request_token(callbackurl) authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) print 'Please login at the following url:\n{}'.format(authorize_url) # Open browser to auth page SilentWebbrowser(authorize_url).start() # Wait until browser is redirected httpd.server_activate() while httpd.auth_path is None: httpd.handle_request() httpd.server_close() def parse_query_string(authorize_url): query_params = urlparse(authorize_url).query return dict(kv.split('=') for kv in query_params.split('&')) vals = parse_query_string(httpd.auth_path) if 'oauth_verifier' not in vals: raise OAuthError('There was an error logging in. Please try again.') return client.get_access_token(request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier'])
client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key = 'KEY', consumer_secret = 'SECRET', sandbox = SANDBOX ) ## # Provide the URL where the Evernote Cloud API should # redirect the user after the request token has been # generated. In this example, localhost is used; note # that in this example, we're copying the URLs manually # and that, in production, this URL will need to # automatically parse the response and send the user # to the next step in the flow. ## request_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost') ## # Prompt the user to open the request URL in their browser ## print "Paste this URL in your browser and login" print print '\t'+client.get_authorize_url(request_token) print print '-------' ## # Have the user paste the resulting URL so we can pull it # apart ## print "Paste the URL after login here:"
def main(): """Takes the access token in the session and presents the user with notes that are tagged "template" or "Template" If there are no notes tagged "template" or "Template" 4 example notes are created If the user is not logged in: a splash page with the option to authorize the appliction is presented """ #check to see the user has logged in if "access_token" in session.keys(): #setup Evernote client client = EvernoteClient(token=session["access_token"], sandbox=sandbox) user_store = client.get_user_store() note_store = client.get_note_store() #get a list of tags labeled "template" or "Template" template_tags = get_template_tags(session["access_token"]) #if a "template" or "Template" tag does already exist do a search for notes tagged with "templates" if template_tags: personal_search_results = [] for tag in template_tags: notebook_filter=NoteStoreTypes.NoteFilter() notebook_filter.tagGuids= [tag] result_spec = NoteStoreTypes.NotesMetadataResultSpec(includeTitle=True) personal_search_result = note_store.findNotesMetadata(notebook_filter,0 , 40000, result_spec) personal_search_results+=personal_search_result.notes metadata_notes_list = personal_search_results #if the search returns less than 4 notes create 4 note templates for them: if len(metadata_notes_list) < 4: standard_template_notes = create_standard_templates(session["access_token"]) metadata_notes_list += standard_template_notes #if there are no tags labeled "template" or "Template" create it and create standard template notes if not template_tags: template_tags = Types.Tag() = "template" template_tags = note_store.createTag(template_tags) #create 4 note templates for the user: metadata_notes_list = create_standard_templates(session["access_token"]) #return the list of templates and their views and display them (with their links) to the user for note in metadata_notes_list: #get the user user = user_store.getUser() #Get the HTML contents of each note: template_link = "evernote:///view/%s/%s/%s/%s/" % (, user.shardId, note.guid, note.guid) #edit this template: Link to note "evernote:///view/[userId]/[shardId]/[noteGuid]/[noteGuid]/" #create URL that allows the user to create a new note based on the template in_app_link = "note/template/%s" % note.guid #get the thumnail for each note"/shard/"+user.shardId+"/thm/note/"+note.guid+".jpg", data={"auth":session["access_token"]}) image_data = "data:"+r.headers['Content-Type'] + ";" +"base64," + str(base64.b64encode(r.content).decode("utf-8")) #wrap all this data in a dictionary and put it in a list try: content_list.append({"image":image_data, "in_app_link":in_app_link, "template_link":template_link, "title":note.title}) except NameError: content_list = [{"image":image_data, "in_app_link":in_app_link, "template_link":template_link, "title":note.title}] #render the template with the data we just retrivied return render_template('index.html', templates=content_list) #if their Evernote access_token session varible is not set, redirect them to Evernote to authoirze the applicaiton else: #Setup Evernote client client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox= sandbox ) try: request_token = client.get_request_token("http://localhost:"+str(port)+"/auth") #set callback URL session['oauth_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] #Set OAuth token in the broswer session session['oauth_token_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] #Set OAuth secret in the broswer session authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) #get redirect URL except KeyError: #If there is an error alert the user and prompt them to reauthenticate return render_template("error.html", error_message="invalid API key and/or secret. Please check the values of cosumer_key and sonsumer_secret in the file are valid and <a href=\'/clear'>click here</a> to reset.") else: #Present the user with a page descibing what the appliction does, and prompt them to authorize the app to access their Evernote account return render_template('splash.html', auth_url = authorize_url) #suggest notebook name of giphy to user
num_of_notes=days_pervious_to_search ) # If their Evernote access_token session varible is not set, # redirect them to Evernote to authorize the applicaiton else: # Setup Evernote client client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=sandbox ) try: # Set callback URL callback_url = "http://localhost:%d/auth" % port request_token = client.get_request_token() # Set OAuth token in the broswer session session['oauth_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] # Set OAuth secret in the broswer session session['oauth_token_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] # Get redirect URL authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) except KeyError: # If there is an error alert the user # and prompt them to reauthenticate error_message = "Invalid API key and/or secret. \ Please verify that the values of CONSUMER_KEY \ and CONSUMER_SECRET in lines 18 an 19 of \ are valid and then <a href=\'/clear'>click here</a> to reset." return render_template("error.html", error_message=error_message) else:
def authenticate( self): """ *authenticate* **Key Arguments:** # - **Return:** - None .. todo:: - @review: when complete, clean authenticate method - @review: when complete add logging """'starting the ``authenticate`` method') # Python OAuth example import evernote.edam.userstore.constants as UserStoreConstants import evernote.edam.type.ttypes as Types ## # Helper function to turn query string parameters into a # Python dictionary ## def parse_query_string(authorize_url): uargs = authorize_url.split('?') vals = {} if len(uargs) == 1: raise Exception('Invalid Authorization URL') for pair in uargs[1].split('&'): key, value = pair.split('=', 1) vals[key] = value return vals ## # Create an instance of EvernoteClient using your API # key (consumer key and consumer secret) ## client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=self.settings["evernote"]["consumer_key"], consumer_secret=self.settings["evernote"]["consumer_secret"], sandbox=False ) ## # Provide the URL where the Evernote Cloud API should # redirect the user after the request token has been # generated. In this example, localhost is used; note # that in this example, we're copying the URLs manually # and that, in production, this URL will need to # automatically parse the response and send the user # to the next step in the flow. ## request_token = client.get_request_token('http://localhost') print request_token ## # Prompt the user to open the request URL in their browser ## print "Paste this URL in your browser and login" print print '\t' + client.get_authorize_url(request_token) print print '-------' ## # Have the user paste the resulting URL so we can pull it # apart ## print "Paste the URL after login here:" authurl = raw_input() ## # Parse the URL to get the OAuth verifier ## vals = parse_query_string(authurl) ## # Use the OAuth verifier and the values from request_token # to built the request for our authentication token, then # ask for it. ## print request_token['oauth_token'] print request_token['oauth_token_secret'] print vals['oauth_verifier'] auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier'] ) print auth_token ## # Create a new EvernoteClient instance with our auth # token. ## client = EvernoteClient( token=auth_token, sandbox=False ) ## # Test the auth token... ## userStore = client.get_user_store() user = userStore.getUser() ## # If our username prints, it worked. ## print "Authorised under " + user.username print "Please add these to the evernote section in your settings file ..." print "auth_token: " + auth_token'completed the ``authenticate`` method') return None
elif auth_token != "your devleoper token": client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=sandbox) # When a API key and secret is provided (and not a developer token) # use the key and secret to generate a Evernote client object elif CONSUMER_KEY != "INPUT CONSUMER KEY HERE" and CONSUMER_SECRET != "INPUT CONSUMER SECRET HERE": # Setup client client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox=sandbox ) # Set callback URL request_token = client.get_request_token("http://evernote") try: # Set temporary oauth token temp_token = request_token['oauth_token'] # Set temporary OAuth secret temp_secret = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] # Get redirect URL auth_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) except KeyError: print "Incorrect consumer key or secret." print "Please enter a valid consumer key and secret and try again." print "" print "All new keys are active by default on" print "Keys must be approved to be used on" print "" sys.exit(1)
def main(): """ GET: gets random gif from giphy and displays it along with the option to see another gif and to save the gif to their evernote account""" if request.method == "GET": if "access_token" in session.keys(): #get random gif from giphy api response=requests.get(""+giphy_api_key).json() if not response: return render_template("error.html", error_message="error with connection to giphy") #get random image url and id from giphy api response giphy_url=response['data']['image_url'] giphy_id=response['data']['id'] #get tags and pass them to the page because the giphy api only show tags for random images giphy_tags='' try: response['data']['tags'] for tag in response['data']['tags']: giphy_tags+=tag+', ' giphy_tags=giphy_tags[:-2] except KeyError: pass return render_template("index.html", giphy_url=giphy_url, giphy_id=giphy_id, giphy_tags=giphy_tags) session["access_token"] #if their Evernote access_token session varible is not set redirect them to Evernote to authoirze the applicaiton else: client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox= True ) try: request_token = client.get_request_token("http://localhost:8080/auth") session['oauth_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] session['oauth_token_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) except KeyError: return render_template("error.html", error_message="invalid API key and/or secret. Please check the values of cosumer_key and sonsumer_secret in the file are valid and <a href=\'/clear'>click here</a> to reset.") else: print authorize_url return redirect(authorize_url+"&suggestedNotebookName=Giphy") #suggest notebook name of giphy to user #if we do have the access token proceed to show them a gif they can save to Evernote """POST: shows confomation of evernote gif save and presents option to return to main page or see the note in evernote""" if request.method == 'POST': if request.form['giphy_id']: #get giphy_id from post request that was to be saved giphy_id=request.form['giphy_id'] giphy_tags=request.form['giphy_tags'] response=requests.get(""+giphy_id+"?api_key="+giphy_api_key).json() giphy_url=response['data']['images']['original']['url'] #generate Evernote client client = EvernoteClient(token=session["access_token"], sandbox=True) user_store = client.get_user_store() note_store = client.get_note_store() notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks() notebooks_dict=dict() for notebook in notebooks: notebooks_dict[]=notebook.guid #if app notebook key use that notebok to save notes into if len(notebooks)==1 and notebooks[0].defaultNotebook==False: #assume app notebok key giphyNotebookGuid=notebooks[0].guid elif "Giphy" in notebooks_dict.keys(): #if notebook named Giphy exists use that notebook giphyNotebookGuid=notebooks_dict['Giphy'] else: #make new notebook try: notebook=Types.Notebook()"Giphy" notebook=note_store.createNotebook(notebook) giphyNotebookGuid=notebook.guid except EDAMUserException: #single app notebok key giphyNotebookGuid=notebooks[0].guid #create note title with user name + giphy id for unique identifier note_title=response['data']['username']+"-"+response['data']['id'] #check to see if note exists already notebook_filter=NoteStoreTypes.NoteFilter() notebook_filter.guid=giphyNotebookGuid result_spec = NotesMetadataResultSpec(includeTitle=True) try: noteList = note_store.findNotesMetadata(session["access_token"], notebook_filter,0 , 40000, result_spec) for note in noteList.notes: if note.title==note_title: shardId=user_store.getUser(session["access_token"]).shardId shareKey=note_store.shareNote(session["access_token"], note.guid) evernote_url="%s/shard/%s/sh/%s/%s" % (EN_URL,shardId,note.guid,shareKey) return render_template("already_there.html", giphy_url=giphy_url, evernote_url=evernote_url) except EDAMUserException: #if the key doesn't have read permissions just move on pass #get image image= requests.get(giphy_url, stream=True).content md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(image) gif_hash = md5.digest() data = Types.Data() data.size = len(image) data.bodyHash = gif_hash data.body = image resource = Types.Resource() resource.mime = 'image/gif' = data hash_hex = binascii.hexlify(gif_hash) note = Types.Note() note.notebookGuid=giphyNotebookGuid #create note for our Giphy notebook note.title=note_title #name based on Giphy username and id note.content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' note.content += '<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM ' \ '"">' note.content += '<en-note><br/>' note.content += '<en-media type="image/gif" hash="' + hash_hex + '"/>' note.content += '</en-note>' #add tags to the note enTagList=note_store.listTags() enTagListNames= [ for tag in enTagList] giphyTagList=giphy_tags.split(", ") if not note.tagGuids: note.tagGuids=[] for giphyTag in giphyTagList: if giphyTag in enTagListNames: for tag in enTagList: if == giphyTag: note.tagGuids.append(tag.guid) elif giphyTag=='': continue else: tag=Types.Tag() tag=note_store.createTag(tag) note.tagGuids.append(tag.guid) note.resources = [resource] # Now, add the new Resource to the note's list of resources note=note_store.createNote(note) # create the note user=user_store.getUser(session["access_token"]) shardId=user.shardId try: shareKey=note_store.shareNote(session["access_token"], note.guid) evernote_url="%s/shard/%s/sh/%s/%s" % (EN_URL,shardId,note.guid,shareKey) except EDAMUserException: evernote_url=EN_URL + "/Home.action" return render_template("saved.html", giphy_url=giphy_url, evernote_url=evernote_url) else: return render_template("error.html", error_message="Error finding the GIF") else: return render_template("error.html", error_message="Unsuported HTTP method. Please use GET or POST.")
try: import flask from flask import Flask, request, session except Exception, e: print e pass from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient app = Flask(__name__) client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key='sublime2note', consumer_secret='8e59d5af450233cf', sandbox=False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('' % args.port_number) @app.route("/") def hello(): authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) return flask.redirect(authorize_url) @app.route("/token") def token(): access_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], str(request.args.get('oauth_verifier')) ) with open(ACCESS_TOKEN_PATH, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(access_token,f)
vals[key] = value return vals if DEV_MODE: sdb = True else: sdb = False # Create the Evernote Client client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key = CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret = CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox = sdb) request_token = client.get_request_token(NOTE_URL) authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) token_url = get_token(authorize_url) vals = parse_query_string(token_url) access_token = client.get_access_token( request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'], vals['oauth_verifier']) client = EvernoteClient(token=access_token) client = EvernoteClient(token=access_token) userStore = client.get_user_store() user = userStore.getUser() limit = user.accounting.uploadLimit
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key='1000-ch', consumer_secret='64f4a5313d5dac51', sandbox=True ) request_token = client.get_request_token('YOUR CALLBACK URL') client.get_authorize_url(request_token)
html_body = { 'message': '', 'control_div': '', } HOST_URL = app_data['HOST_URL'] host = urlparse(HOST_URL).netloc.split(':')[0] port = int(urlparse(HOST_URL).netloc.split(':')[1]) callback_url = HOST_URL + '/callback' makecontents_url = HOST_URL + '/makecontents' # Set my API key temp_client = EvernoteClient(consumer_key=app_data['consumer_key'], consumer_secret=app_data['consumer_secret'], sandbox=app_data['sandbox']) temp_token = temp_client.get_request_token(callback_url) if 'oauth_callback_confirmed' in temp_token: if not temp_token['oauth_callback_confirmed']: raise Exception('Error: oauth_callback_confirmed = False') else: raise Exception('Error: No oauth_callback_confirmed') auth_url = temp_client.get_authorize_url(temp_token) oauth_info = { 'oauth_token': temp_token['oauth_token'], 'oauth_token_secret': temp_token['oauth_token_secret'], 'oauth_verifier': '', } def connect_div(url): '''Return auth div'''
def main(): """ GET: gets random gif from giphy and displays it along with the option to see another gif and to save the gif to their evernote account""" if request.method == "GET": #if we do have the access token proceed to show them a gif they can save to Evernote if "access_token" in session.keys(): #get random gif from giphy api response=requests.get(""+giphy_api_key).json() if not response: return render_template("error.html", error_message="error with connection to giphy") #get random image url and id from giphy api response giphy_url=response['data']['image_url'] giphy_id=response['data']['id'] #get tags and pass them to the page because the giphy api only shows tags for random images giphy_tags='' try: response['data']['tags'] for tag in response['data']['tags']: giphy_tags+=tag+', ' giphy_tags=giphy_tags[:-2] except KeyError: pass #present the page with the GIF on it to the user with the GIF metadata (tags, id, url) return render_template("index.html", giphy_url=giphy_url, giphy_id=giphy_id, giphy_tags=giphy_tags) session["access_token"] #if their Evernote access_token session varible is not set redirect them to Evernote to authoirze the applicaiton else: client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=CONSUMER_SECRET, sandbox= sandbox ) try: request_token = client.get_request_token("http://localhost:"+str(port)+"/auth") session['oauth_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] session['oauth_token_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] authorize_url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) except KeyError: return render_template("error.html", error_message="Invalid API key and/or secret. Please check the values of consumer_key and consumer_secret in the file are valid and refresh to reset.") else: return redirect(authorize_url+"&suggestedNotebookName=Giphy") #suggest notebook name of giphy to use """POST: shows confomation of evernote gif save and presents option to return to main page or see the note in evernote""" if request.method == 'POST': if request.form['giphy_id']: #get giphy_id from post request that was to be saved giphy_id=request.form['giphy_id'] giphy_tags=request.form['giphy_tags'] response=requests.get(""+giphy_id+"?api_key="+giphy_api_key).json() giphy_url=response['data']['images']['original']['url'] #generate Evernote client client = EvernoteClient(token=session["access_token"], sandbox=sandbox) user_store = client.get_user_store() note_store = client.get_note_store() notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks() #makes a dictionary with the names for keys and the guids as values notebooks_dict=dict() for notebook in notebooks: notebooks_dict[]=notebook.guid #if app notebook key use that notebok to save notes into if len(notebooks)==1 and notebooks[0].defaultNotebook==False: #assume app notebok key giphyNotebookGuid=notebooks[0].guid elif "Giphy" in notebooks_dict.keys(): #if notebook named Giphy exists use that notebook giphyNotebookGuid=notebooks_dict['Giphy'] else: #make new notebook try: notebook=Types.Notebook()"Giphy" notebook=note_store.createNotebook(notebook) giphyNotebookGuid=notebook.guid except Errors.EDAMUserException: #single app notebok key giphyNotebookGuid=notebooks[0].guid #create note title with user name + giphy id for unique identifier note_title=response['data']['username']+"-"+response['data']['id'] #check to see if note exists already notebook_filter=NoteStoreTypes.NoteFilter() notebook_filter.guid=giphyNotebookGuid result_spec = NoteStoreTypes.NotesMetadataResultSpec(includeTitle=True) try: noteList = note_store.findNotesMetadata(session["access_token"], notebook_filter,0 , 40000, result_spec) for note in noteList.notes: if note.title==note_title: shardId=user_store.getUser(session["access_token"]).shardId shareKey=note_store.shareNote(session["access_token"], note.guid) evernote_url="%s/shard/%s/sh/%s/%s" % (EN_URL,shardId,note.guid,shareKey) return render_template("already_there.html", giphy_url=giphy_url, evernote_url=evernote_url) except Errors.EDAMUserException: #if the key doesn't have read permissions just move on pass #get image image= requests.get(giphy_url, stream=True).content md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(image) gif_hash = md5.digest() #Move the data into the Evernote Data datatype data = Types.Data() data.size = len(image) data.bodyHash = gif_hash data.body = image #Put the data in the Evernote Resource datatype and add the metadata resource = Types.Resource() resource.mime = 'image/gif' = data hash_hex = binascii.hexlify(gif_hash) #Create a new note note = Types.Note() note.notebookGuid=giphyNotebookGuid #create note for our Giphy notebook #Set Note title and contents note.title=note_title #name based on Giphy username and id note.content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' note.content += '<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM ' \ '"">' note.content += '<en-note><br/>' note.content += '<en-media type="image/gif" hash="' + hash_hex + '"/>' note.content += '</en-note>' #add tags to the note enTagList=note_store.listTags() enTagListNames= [ for tag in enTagList] giphyTagList=giphy_tags.split(", ") #If there are no tags make it an empty list if not note.tagGuids: note.tagGuids=[] # for giphyTag in giphyTagList: if giphyTag in enTagListNames: for tag in enTagList: if == giphyTag: note.tagGuids.append(tag.guid) elif giphyTag=='': continue else: tag=Types.Tag() tag=note_store.createTag(tag) note.tagGuids.append(tag.guid) note.resources = [resource] # Now, add the new Resource to the note's list of resources note=note_store.createNote(note) # create the note user=user_store.getUser(session["access_token"]) shardId=user.shardId #Share the note to present it to the user in-browser try: shareKey=note_store.shareNote(session["access_token"], note.guid) evernote_url="%s/shard/%s/sh/%s/%s" % (EN_URL,shardId,note.guid,shareKey) except Errors.EDAMUserException: evernote_url=EN_URL + "/Home.action" #If the note cannot be shared redirect them to the Evernote web app return render_template("saved.html", giphy_url=giphy_url, evernote_url=evernote_url) else: #If the GIF displayed is no loger avalible present the user with an error return render_template("error.html", error_message="Error finding the GIF") else: return render_template("error.html", error_message="Unsuported HTTP method. Please use GET or POST.")