def load_run(self, ui_info=None): '''Read the run from the current data file into the model. ''' self.model = ExRun(self.data_file) self.listen_to_unsaved()
class ExRunView(ModelView): #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization #------------------------------------------------------------------------- filter = List() def _filter_default(self): return ['*.DAT;*.raw'] # Overload the constructor to load the initial experiment. # The model of a ModelView cannot be None. # def __init__(self, **kw): super(ExRunView, self).__init__(**kw) self.load_run() self._reset_plot_template_list() self.redraw() # Register the ui window in order to be able to change its state # def init(self, ui_info): self._ui_info = ui_info #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Model manipulation #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Current experiment run # data_file = File def _data_file_default(self): # get the default form of the model # ex_path = os.path.join( simdb.exdata_dir, # 'tensile_tests', # 'TT-9a', # 'TT09-9a-V1.DAT' ) ex_path = os.path.join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'plate_tests', 'PT-10a', 'PT11-10a.DAT') return ex_path # Reset the ex_run instance when the file was changed # @on_trait_change('data_file') def _reset_model(self, obj, name, old, new): print 'RESET MODEL' model = self.model if model: # check if the model was changed and ask if it is to be saved # if model.unsaved: answer = confirm(self._ui_info.ui.control, 'Run changed, save it?', title='Save confirmation', cancel=False, default=YES) if answer == YES: # ask whether the modified run should be saved # self.save_run() self.model.unsaved = False self.load_run() self._reset_plot_template_list() self.redraw() # The ex_run instance itself # model = Instance(ExRun) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Drawing #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The variable controlling the redraw button. It is set True whenever # an input value of the experiment run was changed. # def set_changed(self): '''Callback to be registered with the model. It gets called whenever the change_event event of the ex_run has been triggered. ''' self.redraw() unsaved = Bool(False) def listen_to_unsaved(self): self.unsaved = self.model.unsaved @on_trait_change('model') def _reset_model_listeners(self, obj, name, old_model, new_model): '''Delete the listeners of the old object reacting to the redraw tag of the experiment run. Bind the redraw listener to the newly attached model. ''' if old_model: old_model.on_trait_change( self.set_changed, 'change_event', remove=True) old_model.on_trait_change( self.listen_to_unsaved, 'unsaved', remove=True) if new_model: new_model.on_trait_change(self.set_changed, 'change_event') new_model.on_trait_change(self.listen_to_unsaved, 'unsaved') @on_trait_change('plot_template') def redraw(self, ui_info=None): ''' Use the currently selected plot template to plot it in the Figure. ''' print '*** replotting ***' # map the array dimensions to the plot axes # figure = self.figure axes = figure.gca() axes.clear() proc_name = self.model.ex_type.plot_templates[self.plot_template] plot_processor = getattr(self.model.ex_type, proc_name) plot_processor(axes) self.data_changed = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Persistence management # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_run(self, ui_info=None): '''Read the run from the current data file into the model. ''' self.model = ExRun(self.data_file) self.listen_to_unsaved() def save_run(self, ui_info=None): '''Save the model into associated pickle file. The source DAT file is unaffected. ''' self.model.save_pickle() self.model.unsaved = False def reset_run(self, ui_info=None): '''Save the model into associated pickle file. The source DAT file is unaffected. ''' answer = confirm(self._ui_info.ui.control, 'Really reset? Changes will be lost!', title='Reset confirmation', cancel=False, default=YES) if answer == YES: # ask whether the modified run should be saved # self.load_run(ui_info) self.redraw() self.model.unsaved = False #------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure # event to trigger the replotting - used by the figure editor # data_changed = Event # selected plot template # plot_template = Enum(values='plot_template_list') def _plot_template_default(self): return self.model.ex_type.default_plot_template # list of availble plot templates # (gets extracted from the model whenever it's been changed) # plot_template_list = List def _reset_plot_template_list(self): '''Change the selection list of plot templates. This method is called upon every change of the model. This makes the viewing of different experiment types possible. ''' self.plot_template_list = self.model.ex_type.plot_templates.keys() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UI specification #------------------------------------------------------------------------- key_bindings = Instance(KeyBindings) def _key_bindings_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ key_bindings = KeyBindings( KeyBinding( binding1='Ctrl-s', description='Save the run', method_name='save_run' ), KeyBinding( binding1='Ctrl-r', description='Plot the response', method_name='reset_run' ) ) return key_bindings def default_toolbar(self): return ToolBar( Action(name="Save", tooltip='Save run', enabled_when='unsaved', image=ImageResource('save'), action="save_run"), Action(name="Reset", tooltip='Reset run', enabled_when='unsaved', image=ImageResource('reset'), action="reset_run"), image_size=(22, 22), show_tool_names=False, show_divider=True, name='exrun_toolbar') def default_menubar(self): return MenuBar(Menu(Action(name="&Open", action="load_run"), Action(name="&Save", action="save_run"), Action(name="&Exit", action="exit"), name="&File"), Menu(Action(name="About PStudy", action="about_pstudy"), HelpAction, name="Help") ) def default_traits_view(self): return View( HSplit( VSplit( Item('data_file@', editor=FileEditor(filter_name='filter'), show_label=False), Group( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), id='simexdb.plot_sheet', label='plot sheet', dock='tab', ), Group( Item('plot_template'), columns=1, label='plot parameters', id='simexdb.plot_params', dock='tab', ), id='simexdb.plot.vsplit', dock='tab', ), VSplit( Item('model@', id='', dock='tab', resizable=True, label='experiment run', show_label=False), id='simexdb.mode_plot_data.vsplit', dock='tab', scrollable=True ), id='simexdb.hsplit', dock='tab', ), key_bindings=self.key_bindings, menubar=self.default_menubar(), toolbar=self.default_toolbar(), resizable=True, title='Simvisage: experiment database browser', id='simexdb', dock='tab', buttons=['Ok'], height=1.0, width=1.0 )
def _ex_run_list_default(self): print 'file_list', self._get_file_list() return [ExRun(ex_run_file) for ex_run_file in self._get_file_list()]