def update_area(self,tweets,area,name,motherstate=None):
		if (area == 'state'):
                        # Query the database for the state with id its name.
			AreaEntry = self.CollState.find_one({'_id':name})
		elif (area == 'county'):
                        # Query the database for the state with id the motherstate
                        # By taking the name field the proper collection for the
			# the county leaderboard is selected.
			state = self.CollState.find_one({'_id':,motherstate})
			CollCounty = db[state['name']]
			AreaEntry = collCounty.find_one('name':name)

		#Grad the date of the last update, create an object of the Game
		#class and call the method for the new points
		lastdate = date(AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][0],AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][1],AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][2]) #extract last update date
		GamingArea = Game(area,AreaEntry['name'],AreaEntry['points'],tweets,AreaEntry['lastTweettVal'],lastdate,AreaEntry['totalTweets'])

		#Change the values of the database entry based on the decisions
		#made by the Game class object
		AreaEntry['lastTweetVal'] = GamingArea.__get__('lastTweetVal')
		AreaEntry['lastUpdate'] = GamingArea.__get__('lastUpdate')
		AreaEntry['totalTweets'] = GamingArea.__get__('totalTweets')

		#Update the entry in the correct collection for the state or the county.
		if area == 'state':
		elif area == 'county':
    def update_areas(self):
        This method is responsible to go through the two area dictionaries,
        create a Game object of the Game Class for a given area and run the

        At the end it should update the database for that area.

        #First update States
        for state in self.TweetedStates:
            print state
            # Query the database for the state with id its name.
            AreaEntry = self.CollState.find_one({'_id':state})
            #Grad the date of the last update, create an object of the Game
            #class and call the method for the new points
            lastdate = date(AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][0],AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][1],AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][2]) #extract last update date
            GamingArea = Game('state',AreaEntry['name'],AreaEntry['points'],self.TweetedStates[state],AreaEntry['lastTweetVal'],
            #Change the values of the database entry based on the decisions
            #made by the Game class object
            AreaEntry['lastTweetVal'] = GamingArea.__get__('lastTweetVal')
            AreaEntry['lastUpdate'] = GamingArea.__get__('lastUpdate')
            AreaEntry['totalTweets'] = GamingArea.__get__('totalTweets')

        for city in self.TweetedCities:
            motherstate = city[-2:]
            name = city[0:-4]
            # Query the database for the state with id the motherstate
            # By taking the name field the proper collection for the
            # the City leaderboard is selected.
            state = self.CollState.find_one({'_id':motherstate})
            CollCity = self.mongoclient.search_results[motherstate]
            AreaEntry = CollCity.find_one({'name':name})
            adding_entry = 0
            # If the city does not exist create a new entry with the necessary starting data
            if not AreaEntry:
                AreaEntry = dict()
                AreaEntry['area'] = 'city'
                AreaEntry['name'] = name
                AreaEntry['points'] = 0
                AreaEntry['lastTweetVal'] = 0
                AreaEntry['lastUpdate'] = [,,]
                AreaEntry['totalTweets'] = 0
                AreaEntry['motherState'] = motherstate
                adding_entry = 1
            #Grad the date of the last update, create an object of the Game
            #class and call the method for the new points
            lastdate = date(AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][0],AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][1],AreaEntry['lastUpdate'][2]) #extract last update date
            GamingArea = Game('city',AreaEntry['name'],AreaEntry['points'],self.TweetedCities[city],AreaEntry['lastTweetVal'],lastdate,AreaEntry['totalTweets'],motherstate)

            #Change the values of the database entry based on the decisions
            #made by the Game class object
            AreaEntry['lastTweetVal'] = GamingArea.__get__('lastTweetVal')
            AreaEntry['lastUpdate'] = GamingArea.__get__('lastUpdate')
            AreaEntry['totalTweets'] = GamingArea.__get__('totalTweets')

            #If the entry is new insert it to MongoDB, else update it
            if adding_entry: