def __init__(self, stdevUseApriori=True, confProb=0.95, reliabProb=0.95, #config=None,, textTable=None): """ stdevUseApriori: use apriori/aposteriori standard deviation confProb: confidence probability reliabProb: reliability probability config: project configuration file duplicateFixId: what to do with duplicate fixed points in epoch textTable: text table instance for epochPointList """ self.numEpoch = 0 # the number of epoch added #self.epochList = [] self.dateTimeList = [] # list of dates of epochs, datetime instances self.epochPointList = EpochPointList() # list of coordinates, displacements and test results # PointLocalGamaDisplTest instances self.pointListFix = PointList(textTable=gama_coor_table(), duplicateId=duplicateFixId) # list of fixed points for all epochs self.coordSystemLocal = CoordSystemLocal2D() # definition of local geodetic system self.stdevList = [] # list of StandardDeviation instances # handles degrees of freedom from GamaLocalData instance self._stdevUseApriori = stdevUseApriori self._confProb = confProb self.reliabProb = reliabProb self.testType = None if textTable is None: from gizela.stat.displ_test_text_table import displ_test_text_table self.textTable = displ_test_text_table() else: self.textTable = textTable
class EpochList(object): """ list of Epoch instances like project """ def __init__(self, stdevUseApriori=True, confProb=0.95, reliabProb=0.95, #config=None,, textTable=None): """ stdevUseApriori: use apriori/aposteriori standard deviation confProb: confidence probability reliabProb: reliability probability config: project configuration file duplicateFixId: what to do with duplicate fixed points in epoch textTable: text table instance for epochPointList """ self.numEpoch = 0 # the number of epoch added #self.epochList = [] self.dateTimeList = [] # list of dates of epochs, datetime instances self.epochPointList = EpochPointList() # list of coordinates, displacements and test results # PointLocalGamaDisplTest instances self.pointListFix = PointList(textTable=gama_coor_table(), duplicateId=duplicateFixId) # list of fixed points for all epochs self.coordSystemLocal = CoordSystemLocal2D() # definition of local geodetic system self.stdevList = [] # list of StandardDeviation instances # handles degrees of freedom from GamaLocalData instance self._stdevUseApriori = stdevUseApriori self._confProb = confProb self.reliabProb = reliabProb self.testType = None if textTable is None: from gizela.stat.displ_test_text_table import displ_test_text_table self.textTable = displ_test_text_table() else: self.textTable = textTable #print self.textTable = self.epochPointList.index # just shorter name #self.axesOri = None # orientation of axes #self.coordSystem = None # system of coordinates #self.ellipsoid = None # ellipsoid instance #self.numPoint = 0 # the number of points in x, y and z lists = {} # dictionary of point ids and indexes in x, y, z lists #self.x = [] # list of lists of x coordinates #self.y = [] # list of lists of y coordinates #self.z = [] # list of lists of z coordinates #self.covmat = [] # list of covariance matrices of points # plots #self.displacementScale = 10.0 # scale factor for displacements #self.confScale1d = 1.0 # scale factor for confidence interval #self.confScale2d = 1.0 # scale factor for confidence ellipse #self.cmap = 'hsv' #self.pointStyleList = [] # properties for points in each epoch # PointStyleGama instances #self.errEllStyle = ErrEllStyle # properties for error ellipses #self.vecStyle = VecStyle # properties for vectors of displacements #self.dateStyle = DateStyle # properties for date plots #self.stdevStyle = StdevStyle # properties for standard deviation interval #if config is not None: # parsing configuration file #self.parse_config_file(config) def add_epoch(self, epoch, addCoordSystem=True): """adds GamaLocalData instance to list of epochs""" if not isinstance(epoch, Epoch): raise EpochListError, "Epoch instance expected" # add epoch self.numEpoch += 1 #self.epochList.append(epoch) # stdev epoch.pointListAdj.covmat.useApriori = self._stdevUseApriori epoch.stdev.set_conf_prob(self._confProb) epoch.stdev.set_use(self._stdevUseApriori and "apriori" or "aposteriori") self.stdevList.append(epoch.stdev) # add epoch time and date self.dateTimeList.append(datetime.datetime(,,, epoch.time.hour, epoch.time.minute, epoch.time.second, epoch.time.microsecond, epoch.time.tzinfo)) # change type of point pl = PointListCovMat(covmat=epoch.pointListAdj.covmat, textTable=self.textTable) for p in epoch.pointListAdj: pp = PointLocalGamaDisplTest(p) pp.epochIndex = self.numEpoch - 1 pl.add_point(pp) # compute differences - previous epoch #if self.numEpoch > 1: # lastEpoch = self.epochPointList.get_epoch(-1) # for p in pl: # if in lastEpoch: # # compute displacement # pd = p - lastEpoch.get_point( # #print, # # add displacement # p.set_displacement(pd) #from gizela.stat.displ_test_text_table import point_displ_text_table #pl.textTable = point_displ_text_table() #print pl for p in pl: # find point in "zero" epoch p0 = None if in self.epochPointList.iter_id(): for pp in self.epochPointList.iter_point( if p.is_set_xyz() and pp.is_set_xyz(): p0 = pp break elif p.is_set_xy() and pp.is_set_xy(): p0 = pp break elif p.is_set_z() and pp.is_set_z(): p0 = pp break if p0 is None: # no point found continue #print "type p", type(p) #print "minus", type((p - p0).covmat) #from import gama_coor_var_table #print (p-p0).with_text_table(gama_coor_var_table()) p.set_displacement(p - p0) # add adjusted points self.epochPointList.add_epoch(pl) #for p in self.epochPointList.get_epoch(-1): # print,"covmat", p.covmat.make_gama_xml() # print,"var", p.var # add fixed points self.pointListFix.extend(epoch.pointListFix) def get_epoch_point_list(self, index): return self.epochPointList.get_epoch(index) def plot_xy(self, figure, idAdj=None, idFix=None, plotTest=False): """ plots figure with points and error ellipses and displacements figure: FigureLayoutBase instance or descendant idAdj: list of ids of adjusted points to be drawn for no adjusted points set idAdj = [] idFix: plot fixed points for no fixed points set idFix = [] """ # id of points if idAdj is None: idAdj = [id for id in self.epochPointList.iter_id()] if idFix is None: idFix = [id for id in self.pointListFix.iter_id()] # plot adjusted if len(idAdj) > 0: self.plot_adj(figure, idAdj, plotErrorZ=False, plotTest=plotTest) # plot fixed if len(idFix) > 0: self.plot_fix(figure, idFix) def plot_xyz(self, figure, idAdj=None, idFix=None, plotTest=False): """ plots figure with points, error ellipses, displacements and confidence interval of z along y axis figure: FigureLayoutBase instance or descendant idAdj: list of ids of adjusted points to be drawn for no adjusted points set idAdj = [] idFix: plot fixed points for no fixed points set idFix = [] """ # id of points if idAdj is None: idAdj = [id for id in self.epochPointList.iter_id()] if idFix is None: idFix = [id for id in self.pointListFix.iter_id()] # plot adjusted if len(idAdj) > 0: self.plot_adj(figure, idAdj, plotErrorZ=True, plotTest=plotTest) # plot fixed if len(idFix) > 0: self.plot_fix(figure, idFix) def plot_z(self, figure, id, plotTest=False): """plot x coordinates of point id for all epochs with stdev self: EpochList isntance id: id or ids of point """ if type(id) is not tuple and type(id) is not list: id = (id,) # set figure figure.set_color_style(self) figure.gca().xaxis_date() # plot points for idi in id: self._plot_epoch_list_displacement_z(figure, idi, plotTest) figure.reset_epoch_counter() # set free space around draw figure.set_free_space() #update figure.update_(self) def _plot_epoch_list_displacement_z(self, figure, id, plotTest): """ plot 2D graph of point z coordinates, confidence intervals of z coordinates and displacements for all epochs id: point id plotTest: plot results of test? """ # point iterator pointIter = self.epochPointList.iter_point(id) # plot points and stdev z = [] # z coordinates of points for point, date in zip(pointIter, self.dateTimeList): point.plot_z(figure, date) if plotTest: if point.testPassed is not None: # point is tested point.plot_z_stdev(figure, date) else: point.plot_z_stdev(figure, date) figure.next_point_dot_style() z.append(point.z) point0 = None for p, i in zip(self.epochPointList.iter_point(id), xrange(self.numEpoch)): if p.is_set_z(): point0 = p i_epoch = i break # label point0 if point0 is not None: point0.x = self.dateTimeList[i_epoch] point0.y = point.z point0.plot_label(figure) # plot vector figure.plot_vector_z(self.dateTimeList, z) # plot zero line if point0 is not None: z0 = [point0.z for t in self.dateTimeList] figure.plot_vector_z0(self.dateTimeList, z0) def plot_fix(self, figure, id): """ plots 2D graph of fixed points """ figure.set_aspect_equal() figure.update_(self) for idi in id: self.pointListFix.plot_(figure) # set free space around draw figure.set_free_space() def plot_adj(self, figure, id, plotErrorZ, plotTest): """ plots 2D graph of adjusted points, displacements and error ellipses figure: FigureLayoutBase instance id: id or ids of point plotErrorZ: plot confidence interval of z coordinate? plotTest: plot results of test? """ if type(id) is not tuple and type(id) is not list: id = [id] # update figure figure.set_aspect_equal() figure.update_(self) # plot points for idi in id: self._plot_epoch_list_displacement_xy(figure, idi, plotErrorZ, plotTest) figure.reset_epoch_counter() # set free space around draw figure.set_free_space() def _plot_epoch_list_displacement_xy(self, figure, id, plotErrorZ, plotTest): """ plot 2D graph of point , error ellipses and displacements for all epochs and optionally confidence interval of z coordinate along y axis id: point id plotErrorZ: plot confidence interval of z coordinate? plotTest: plot results of test? """ # point iterator pointIter = self.epochPointList.iter_point(id) # find zero epoch for point # the first point with x!=None and y!=None point0 = None for p in pointIter: if p.x != None and p.y != None: point0 = p #x0, y0 = point0.x, point0.y break if point0 == None: return # no xy point available # point iterator pointIter = self.epochPointList.iter_point(id) # save coordinates of vector with scale pointScaled = [] # point list as normal list for p in pointIter: if plotTest: covmat = p.displ.get_point_cov_mat() else: covmat = p.get_point_cov_mat() ps = (p - point0)*figure.errScale + point0 ps.covmat = covmat #print "epl:", type(ps) pointScaled.append(ps) # plot points and error ellipses for p in pointScaled: p.plot_(figure, plotLabel=False) figure.set_stdev(self) # sets StandardDeviation instance for epoch if plotTest: if p.testPassed is not None: # point is tested p.plot_error_ellipse(figure) else: p.plot_error_ellipse(figure) figure.next_point_dot_style() # label point0 point0.plot_label(figure) # plot vector figure.plot_vector_xy(pointScaled) def __str__(self): tt = TextTable([("epoch", "%5i"), ("date","%10s"), ("time","%8s")]) str = [tt.make_table_head()] str.extend([tt.make_table_row(i,, dt.time())\ for dt,i in zip(self.dateTimeList, xrange(len(self.dateTimeList)))]) str.append(tt.make_table_foot()) str.append("\n") str.append(self.epochPointList.__str__()) return "".join(str) def get_epoch_table(self, index=None): "returns text table of displacements" str = [] if index is None: for i, e in zip(xrange(self.epochPointList.get_num_epoch()), self.epochPointList.iter_epoch()): str.append("Epoch %i:" % i) str.append(e.__str__()) else: str.append("Epoch %i:" % index) str.append(self.epochPointList.get_epoch(index).__str__()) return "\n".join(str) def set_stdev_use(self, use): """ set which standart deviation to use """ if use is "apriori": self._stdevUseApriori = True for pl in self.pointListAdj.iter_epoch(): pl.covmat.useApriori = True for s in self.stdevList: s.set_stdev_use_apriori() elif use is "aposteriori": self._stdevUseApriori = False for pl in self.pointListAdj.iter_epoch(): pl.covmat.useApriori = False for s in self.stdevList: s.set_stdev_use_aposteriori() else: raise EpochListError, "Unknown value of parameter use: %s" % use def set_stdev_use_apriori(self): self.set_stdev_use("apriori") def set_stdev_use_aposteriori(self): self.set_stdev_use("aposteriori") def get_stdev_use(self): return self._stdevUseApriori and "apriori" or "aposteriori" #def parse_config_file(self, fileName): # import ConfigParser # configParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # configParser.optionxform = str # to make options case sensitive # readed = # # print "Fonfiguration file(s) readed: %s" % ", ".join(readed) # # self.config = {} # for sec in configParser.sections(): # self.config[sec] = {} # for p,v in configParser.items(sec): # print p, v # try: # v=float(v) # except: # pass # self.config[sec][p]=v # #print self.config # # from gizela.util.Converter import Converter as con # # local system # try: # self.coordSystemLocal = CoordSystemLocal(\ # ellipsoidCode = self.config["localSystem"]["ellipsoid"], # lat = con.deg2rad_(self.config["localSystem"]["latitude"]), # lon = con.deg2rad_(self.config["localSystem"]["longitude"]), # height = self.config["localSystem"]["height"], # x = self.config["localSystem"]["x"], # y = self.config["localSystem"]["y"], # z = self.config["localSystem"]["z"], # axesOri = self.config["localSystem"]["axesOri"], # bearingOri = self.config["localSystem"]["bearingOri"], # name = self.config["localSystem"]["name"], # description = self.config["localSystem"]["description"] # ) # except: # import sys # print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Local system not set." # # standard deviation # try: # if self.config["stdev"]["use"] is "apriori": # self.set_stdev_use("apriori") # elif self.config["stdev"]["use"] is "aposteriori": # self.set_stdev_use("aposteriori") # except: # import sys # print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Use of standard deviation not set" def compute_displacement_test(self, pointId=None, testType=None): """ computes test statistic for displacements of points pointId: ids of point to be tested testType: type of test see DisplacementTestType class or None for testing according to point dimension """ self.testType = testType from gizela.stat.DisplacementTest import DisplacementTest dtest = DisplacementTest(apriori=self._stdevUseApriori, confProb=self._confProb, reliabProb=self.reliabProb) dtest.compute_test(self.epochPointList, pointId, testType) def get_conf_prob(self): return self._confProb def set_conf_prob(sefl, confProb): self._confProb = confProb for s in self.stdevList: s.set_conf_prob(confProb)