def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
    tmp_profs = Profiles(gp.pops, gp.nipol)
    off = 0

    rho_param = np.array(cube[off:off+gp.nepol])
    if gprio.check_nr(rho_param[2:-1]):
        print('dn/dr too big!')
        return gh.err(0.7)

    tmp_rho = phys.rho(gp.xepol, rho_param)
        print('rho slope error')
        return gh.err(1.)
    tmp_profs.set_M(rho_SUM_Mr(gp.xepol, tmp_rho)[:gp.nipol]) # [munit,3D]
    # TODO: mass is set at binmax, not rbin!
    # implement integration routine working with density function
    # based on density parametrization
    # to give mass below rbin
    # TODO: implement above function as gl_project.rho_INT_Mr()
    off += gp.nepol

    nuparstore = []
    for pop in np.arange(gp.pops)+1:
        nu_param = cube[off:off+gp.nepol]
        tmp_nu = phys.rho(gp.xepol, nu_param) #  [1], [pc]
        # if gprio.check_nu(tmp_nu):
        #     print('nu error')
        #     return err/2.
        if gp.bprior and gprio.check_bprior(tmp_rho, tmp_nu):
             print('bprior error')
             return gh.err(1.5)
        tmp_profs.set_nu(pop, tmp_nu[:gp.nipol]) # [munit/pc^3]
        off += gp.nepol

        beta_param = np.array(cube[off:off+gp.nbeta])
        tmp_beta = phys.beta(gp.xipol, beta_param)
        if gprio.check_beta(tmp_beta):
            print('beta error')
            return gh.err(2.)
        tmp_profs.set_beta(pop, tmp_beta)
        off += gp.nbeta

            # beta_param = np.array([0.,0.])
            sig, kap = phys.sig_kap_los(gp.xepol, pop, rho_param, nu_param, beta_param)
            # sig and kap already are on data radii only, so no extension by 3 bins here
        except Exception as detail:
            return gh.err(3.)

        tmp_profs.set_sig_kap(pop, sig, kap)

    # determine log likelihood (*not* reduced chi2)
    chi2 = gc.calc_chi2(tmp_profs, nuparstore)
    # print('found log likelihood = ', -chi2/2.)
    return -chi2/2.   # from   likelihood L = exp(-\chi^2/2), want log of that
def physical(r0, prof, pop, tmp_rho, tmp_nu, tmp_beta):
    if prof == "rho":
        tmp_prof = phys.rho(r0, tmp_rho)
    elif prof == 'nr':
        tmp_prof = tmp_rho[1:]
    elif prof == "nu":
        tmp_prof = rho_INT_Rho(r0, phys.rho(r0, tmp_nu))
    elif prof == "betastar":
        tmp_prof = phys.mapping_beta_star_poly(r0, tmp_beta)
    elif prof == "beta":
        tmp_prof = phys.beta(r0, tmp_beta)
    elif prof == "sig":
        tmp_sig, tmp_kap = phys.sig_kap_los(r0, pop, tmp_rho, tmp_nu, tmp_beta)
        tmp_prof = tmp_sig
    elif prof == "kap":
        tmp_sig, tmp_kap = phys.sig_kap_los(r0, pop, tmp_rho, tmp_nu, tmp_beta)
        tmp_prof = tmp_kap
    return tmp_prof
文件: gl_int.py 项目: sofiasi/darcoda
def ant_intbeta(r0, betaparam):
    # extend beta by interpolating
    r0ext = [r0[0]/5.,r0[0]/4., r0[0]/3., r0[0]/2.]
    r0nu = np.hstack([r0ext, r0, r0[:-1]+(r0[1:]-r0[:-1])/2.])
    betanu = phys.beta(r0nu, betaparam)
    # TODO: include beta parameter directly in integral!
    # TODO: or use more Stuetzpunkte
    tmp = np.zeros(len(betanu))
    for i in range(5,len(betanu)):
        xint = r0nu[:i]                                    # [lunit]
        yint = betanu[:i]/r0nu[:i]                         # [1/lunit]
        yint[0] = correct_first_bin(xint, yint, k=3, s=0, log=False)
        tmp[i] = 2.*simps(yint, xint, even=gp.even)              # [1]
    tckout = splrep(r0nu[5:], tmp[5:], k=2) # TODO: safe?
    intbet = splev(r0, tckout)
    gh.checknan(intbet, 'intbet in ant_intbeta')
    return intbet                                                # [1]
文件: gl_int.py 项目: sofiasi/darcoda
def ant_sigkaplos2surf(r0, beta_param, rho_param, nu_param):
    # TODO: check all values in ()^2 and ()^4 are >=0
    minval = 1.e-30
    r0nu   = introduce_points_in_between(r0)

    rhonu  = phys.rho(r0nu,  rho_param)
    nunu   = phys.rho(r0nu,  nu_param)
    betanu = phys.beta(r0nu, beta_param)

    # calculate intbeta from beta approx directly
    idnu   = ant_intbeta(r0nu, beta_param)

    # integrate enclosed 3D mass from 3D density
    r0tmp = np.hstack([0.,r0nu])
    rhoint = 4.*np.pi*r0nu**2*rhonu
    # add point to avoid 0.0 in Mrnu(r0nu[0])
    rhotmp = np.hstack([0.,rhoint])
    tck1 = splrep(r0tmp, rhotmp, k=3, s=0.) # not necessarily monotonic
    Mrnu = np.zeros(len(r0nu))              # work in refined model
    for i in range(len(r0nu)):              # get Mrnu
        Mrnu[i] = splint(0., r0nu[i], tck1)
    gh.checkpositive(Mrnu, 'Mrnu')

    # (sigr2, 3D) * nu/exp(-idnu)
    xint = r0nu                           # [pc]
    yint = gp.G1 * Mrnu / r0nu**2         # [1/pc (km/s)^2]
    yint *= nunu                          # [munit/pc^4 (km/s)^2]
    yint *= np.exp(idnu)                  # [munit/pc^4 (km/s)^2]
    gh.checkpositive(yint, 'yint sigr2')

    # use quadinflog or quadinfloglog here
    sigr2nu = np.zeros(len(r0nu))
    for i in range(len(r0nu)):
        sigr2nu[i] = np.exp(-idnu[i])/nunu[i]*gh.quadinflog(xint, yint, r0nu[i], np.inf)

    # project back to LOS values
    # sigl2sold = np.zeros(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp)
    sigl2s = np.zeros(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp)
    dropoffintold = 1.e30
    for i in range(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp): # get sig_los^2
        xnew = np.sqrt(r0nu[i:]**2-r0nu[i]**2)                # [pc]
        ynew = 2.*(1-betanu[i]*(r0nu[i]**2)/(r0nu[i:]**2))
        ynew *= nunu[i:] * sigr2nu[i:]
        gh.checkpositive(ynew, 'ynew in sigl2s') # is hit several times..
        # yscale = 10.**(1.-min(np.log10(ynew[1:])))
        # ynew *= yscale
        # gh.checkpositive(ynew, 'ynew sigl2s')

        tcknu = splrep(xnew, ynew, k=1)
        # interpolation in real space for int

        # power-law approximation from last three bins to infinity
        # tckex = splrep(xnew[-3:], np.log(ynew[-3:]),k=1,s=1.0) # fine
        # invexp = lambda x: np.exp(splev(x,tckex,der=0))
        # C = quad(invexp,xnew[-1],np.inf)[0]
        # C = max(0.,gh.quadinflog(xnew[-2:],ynew[-2:],xnew[-1],np.inf))
        # sigl2sold[i] = splint(xnew[0], xnew[-1], tcknu) + C
        sigl2s[i] = gh.quadinflog(xnew[1:], ynew[1:], xnew[0], np.inf)
        # sigl2s[i] /= yscale
    # TODO: for last 3 bins, up to factor 2 off
    # if min(sigl2s)<0.:
    #     pdb.set_trace()
    gh.checkpositive(sigl2s, 'sigl2s')
    # derefine on radii of the input vector
    tck = splrep(r0nu[:-gp.nexp], np.log(sigl2s), k=3, s=0.)
    sigl2s_out = np.exp(splev(r0, tck))
    gh.checkpositive(sigl2s_out, 'sigl2s_out')
    if not gp.usekappa:
        # print('not using kappa')
        return sigl2s_out, np.ones(len(sigl2s_out))

    # for the following: enabled calculation of kappa
    # TODO: include another set of anisotropy parameters beta_'

    # kappa_r^4
    kapr4nu = np.ones(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp)
    xint  = r0nu                  # [pc]
    yint  = gp.G1 * Mrnu/r0nu**2  # [1/pc (km/s)^2]
    yint *= nunu                  # [munit/pc^4 (km/s)^2]
    yint *= sigr2nu               # [munit/pc^4 (km/s)^4
    yint *= np.exp(idnu)          # [munit/pc^4 (km/s)^4]
    gh.checkpositive(yint, 'yint in kappa_r^4')
    yscale = 10.**(1.-min(np.log10(yint[1:])))
    yint *= yscale
    # power-law extrapolation to infinity
    C = max(0., gh.quadinflog(xint[-3:], yint[-3:], r0nu[-1], np.inf))
    # tckexp = splrep(xint[-3:],np.log(yint[-3:]),k=1,s=0.) # fine, exact interpolation
    # invexp = lambda x: np.exp(splev(x,tckexp,der=0))
    # C = quad(invexp,r0nu[-1],np.inf)[0]
    tcknu = splrep(xint, yint, k=3) # interpolation in real space # TODO:
    for i in range(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp):
        # integrate from minimal radius to infinity
        kapr4nu[i] = 3.*(np.exp(-idnu[i])/nunu[i]) * \
            (splint(r0nu[i], r0nu[-1], tcknu) + C) # [(km/s)^4]

    kapr4nu /= yscale
    gh.checkpositive(kapr4nu, 'kapr4nu in kappa_r^4')

    tcke = splrep(r0nu[:-gp.nexp], np.log(kapr4nu), k=3)
    kapr4ext = np.exp(splev(r0ext, tcke))
    kapr4nu = np.hstack([kapr4nu, kapr4ext])
    gh.checkpositive(kapr4nu, 'kapr4nu in extended kappa_r^4')
    tckbet = splrep(r0nu, betanu)
    dbetanudr = splev(r0nu, tckbet, der=1)
    gh.checknan(dbetanudr, 'dbetanudr in kappa_r^4')
    # kappa^4_los*surfdensity
    kapl4s = np.zeros(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp)
    #    gpl.start(); gpl.yscale('linear')
    for i in range(len(r0nu)-gp.nexp):
        xnew = np.sqrt(r0nu[i:]**2-r0nu[i]**2)      # [pc]
        ynew = g(r0nu[i:], r0nu[i], betanu[i:], dbetanudr[i:]) # [1]
        ynew *= nunu[i:] * kapr4nu[i:] # [TODO]
        # TODO: ynew could go negative here.. fine?
        #gpl.plot(xnew, ynew)
        #gh.checkpositive(ynew, 'ynew in kapl4s')
        #yscale = 10.**(1.-min(np.log10(ynew[1:])))
        #ynew *= yscale
        # gpl.plot(xnew,ynew)
        C = max(0., gh.quadinflog(xnew[-3:], ynew[-3:], xnew[-1], np.inf))
        tcknu = splrep(xnew,ynew) # not s=0.1, this sometimes gives negative entries after int
        kapl4s[i] = 2. * (splint(0., xnew[-1], tcknu) + C)
        #kapl4s[i] /= yscale
        # print('ynew = ',ynew,', kapl4s =', kapl4s[i])

    # TODO: sometimes the last value of kapl4s is nan: why?
    gh.checkpositive(kapl4s, 'kapl4s in kappa_r^4')

    # project kappa4_los as well
    # only use middle values to approximate, without errors in center and far
    tck = splrep(r0nu[4:-gp.nexp], kapl4s[4:], k=3) # s=0.
    kapl4s_out = np.exp(splev(r0, tck))
    gh.checkpositive(kapl4s_out, 'kapl4s_out in kappa_r^4')
    return sigl2s_out, kapl4s_out
 def get_beta(self, pop):
     off = beta_offset(pop)
     return phys.beta(gp.xipol, self.cube[off:off+gp.nbeta])