 def testGetKeyFromPEM(self):
     expected_key_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "sample_cert.key")
     test_pem_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "sample_cert.pem")
     expected_key = open(expected_key_file).read().rstrip()
     test_pem = open(test_pem_file).read()
     key = GrinderUtils.getKeyFromPEM(test_pem)
     print "Found key = <%s>" % (key)
     print "Expected key = <%s>" % (expected_key)
     #print "key == expected key, <%s>" % (key == expected_key)
     self.assertEqual(key, expected_key)
 def testGetCertFromPEM(self):
     expected_cert_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "sample_cert.cert")
     test_pem_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "sample_cert.pem")
     expected_cert = open(expected_cert_file).read().rstrip()
     test_pem = open(test_pem_file).read()
     cert = GrinderUtils.getCertFromPEM(test_pem)
     #print "Found cert = <%s>" % (cert)
     #print "Expected cert = <%s>" % (expected_cert)
     #print "cert == expected cert, <%s>" % (cert == expected_cert)
     self.assertEqual(cert, expected_cert)
    def fetch(self, fileName, fetchURL, savePath, itemSize=None, hashtype=None, checksum=None, 
             headers=None, retryTimes=None, packages_location=None, verify_options=None, probing=None, force=False):
        @param fileName file name
        @type fileName str

        @param fetchURL url
        @type fetchURL str

        @param savePath path to save file
        @type savePath str

        @param itemSize expected size of file
        @type itemSize str (will be cast to int)

        @param hashtype type of checksum
        @type hashtype str

        @param checksum value of file
        @type checksum str

        @param headers optional data to include in headers
        @type headers dict{str, str}

        @param retryTimes number of times to retry if a problem occurs
        @type retryTimes int

        @param packages_location path where packages get stored
        @type packages_location str

        @param verify_options optional parameter to limit the verify operations run on existing files
        @type verify_options dict{option=value}, where option is one of "size", "checksum" and value is True/False

        @param probing if True will be silent and not log warnings/errors, useful when we are probing to see if a file exists
        @type probing bool

        @param force if True will force fetch the download file; use this for downloads that dont have checksum and size info for verification
        @type force bool

        @return true/false if item was fetched successfully
        @rtype bool

        if retryTimes is None:
            retryTimes = self.num_retries

        if packages_location is not None:
            # this option is to store packages in a central location
            # and symlink pkgs to individual repo directories
            filePath = os.path.join(packages_location, fileName)
            repofilepath = os.path.join(savePath, fileName)
            basedir = os.path.dirname(repofilepath)
            if basedir and not os.path.exists(basedir):
            repofilepath = None
            filePath = os.path.join(savePath, fileName)
        tempDirPath = os.path.dirname(filePath)
        if not os.path.isdir(tempDirPath):
            LOG.info("Creating directory: %s" % tempDirPath)

        if os.path.exists(filePath) and \
            verifyExisting(filePath, itemSize, hashtype, checksum, verify_options) and not force:
            LOG.debug("%s exists with expected information, no need to fetch." % (filePath))
            if repofilepath is not None and not os.path.exists(repofilepath):
                relFilePath = GrinderUtils.get_relative_path(filePath, repofilepath)
                LOG.info("Symlink missing in repo directory. Creating link %s to %s" % (repofilepath, relFilePath))
                if not os.path.islink(repofilepath):
                    self.makeSafeSymlink(relFilePath, repofilepath)
            return (BaseFetch.STATUS_NOOP,None)

        # Acquire a write lock so no other process duplicates the effort
        grinder_write_locker = GrinderLock(filePath + '.lock')
        existing_lock_pid = grinder_write_locker.readlock()
        new_pid = os.getpid()
        if existing_lock_pid and int(existing_lock_pid) != new_pid and grinder_write_locker.isvalid(existing_lock_pid):
            # If there is an existing write pid
            # and if the pid is not same as the current pid
            # and pid is valid there is another process alive
            # and handling this, exit here.
            LOG.debug("another process is already handling this path [%s] and is alive; no need to process this again " % filePath)
            return (BaseFetch.STATUS_REQUEUE,None)
        # this means either there is no pid or a pid matching current pid exists(retry case),
        # verify lock and either skip or re-acquire it
            existing_lock_pid = grinder_write_locker.readlock()
            LOG.debug("Unable to acquire lock.")
            return (BaseFetch.STATUS_REQUEUE,None)
        if not existing_lock_pid or existing_lock_pid != str(os.getpid()):
            # This means, either we still dont have a lock and hence not safe to proceed or
            # the acquired lock doesnt match current pid, return and let the next process handle it
            return (BaseFetch.STATUS_NOOP,None)
            #f = open(filePath, "wb")
            curl = pycurl.Curl()
            def item_progress_callback(download_total, downloaded, upload_total, uploaded):
                #LOG.debug("%s status %s/%s bytes" % (fileName, downloaded, download_total))
                self.update_bytes_transferred(fetchURL, download_total, downloaded)
            curl.setopt(curl.NOPROGRESS, False)
            curl.setopt(curl.PROGRESSFUNCTION, item_progress_callback)
            if self.max_speed:
                #Convert KB/sec to Bytes/sec for MAC_RECV_SPEED_LARGE
                limit = self.max_speed*1024
                curl.setopt(curl.MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE, limit)
            # We have seen rare and intermittent problems with grinder syncing against a remote server
            #  the remote server leaves a socket open but does not send back data.  Grinder has been stuck
            #  for several days looping over a poll of the socket with no data being sent.
            #   Slower than 1000 byes over 5 minutes will mark the connection as too slow and abort
            # When using multiple threads you should set the CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL option to 1 for all handles
            # May impact DNS timeouts
            curl.setopt(curl.NOSIGNAL, 1)
            if type(fetchURL) == types.UnicodeType:
                #pycurl does not accept unicode strings for a URL, so we need to convert
                fetchURL = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', fetchURL).encode('ascii','ignore')
            curl.setopt(curl.URL, fetchURL)
            if self.sslcacert:
                curl.setopt(curl.CAINFO, self.sslcacert)
            if self.sslclientcert:
                curl.setopt(curl.SSLCERT, self.sslclientcert)
            if self.sslclientkey:
                curl.setopt(curl.SSLKEY, self.sslclientkey)
            if not self.sslverify:
                curl.setopt(curl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
            if headers:
                curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, curlifyHeaders(headers))
            if self.proxy_url:
                if not self.proxy_port:
                    raise GrinderException("Proxy url defined, but no port specified")
                curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, self.proxy_url)
                curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYPORT, int(self.proxy_port))
                curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYTYPE, pycurl.PROXYTYPE_HTTP)
                if self.proxy_user:
                    if not self.proxy_pass:
                        raise GrinderException("Proxy username is defined, but no password was specified")
                    curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
                    curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYUSERPWD, "%s:%s" % (self.proxy_user, self.proxy_pass))
            # callback logic to save and resume bits
            tmp_write_file = get_temp_file_name(filePath)
            if itemSize is not None:
                itemSize = int(itemSize)
            wf = WriteFunction(tmp_write_file, itemSize)
            if wf.offset > 0:
                # setup file resume
                LOG.info("A partial download file already exists; prepare to resume download.")
                curl.setopt(pycurl.RESUME_FROM, wf.offset)
            curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, wf.callback)
            curl.setopt(curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
            if not probing:
                LOG.info("Fetching %s bytes: %s from %s" % (itemSize or "Unknown", fileName, fetchURL))
            status = curl.getinfo(curl.HTTP_CODE)
            # this tmp file could be closed by other concurrent processes
            if os.path.exists(tmp_write_file):
                # download complete rename the .part file
                os.rename(tmp_write_file, filePath)
            # validate the fetched bits
            if itemSize is not None and hashtype is not None and checksum is not None:
                vstatus = self.validateDownload(filePath, int(itemSize), hashtype, checksum)
                vstatus = BaseFetch.STATUS_SKIP_VALIDATE
            if status == 401:
                LOG.error("Unauthorized request from: %s" % (fetchURL))
                return (BaseFetch.STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, "HTTP status code of %s received for %s" % (status, fetchURL))
            if status not in (0, 200, 206, 226):
                # 0 - for local syncs
                # 200 - is typical http return code, yet 206 and 226 have also been seen to be returned and valid
                if retryTimes > 0 and not fetchURL.startswith("file:"):
                    retryTimes -= 1
                    LOG.warn("Retrying fetch of: %s with %s retry attempts left. HTTP status was %s" % (fileName, retryTimes, status))
                    return self.fetch(fileName, fetchURL, savePath, itemSize, hashtype,
                                      checksum , headers, retryTimes, packages_location)
                LOG.warn("ERROR: Response = %s fetching %s." % (status, fetchURL))
                return (BaseFetch.STATUS_ERROR, "HTTP status code of %s received for %s" % (status, fetchURL))
            if vstatus in [BaseFetch.STATUS_ERROR, BaseFetch.STATUS_SIZE_MISSMATCH, 
                BaseFetch.STATUS_MD5_MISSMATCH] and retryTimes > 0:
                # Incase of a network glitch or issue with RHN, retry the rpm fetch
                retryTimes -= 1
                LOG.error("Retrying fetch of: %s with %s retry attempts left.  VerifyStatus was %s" % (fileName, retryTimes, vstatus))
                return self.fetch(fileName, fetchURL, savePath, itemSize, hashtype, 
                                  checksum, headers, retryTimes, packages_location)
            if packages_location and os.path.exists(filePath):
                relFilePath = GrinderUtils.get_relative_path(filePath, repofilepath)
                LOG.info("Create a link in repo directory for the package at %s to %s" % (repofilepath, relFilePath))
                self.makeSafeSymlink(relFilePath, repofilepath)
            LOG.debug("Successfully Fetched Package - [%s]" % filePath)
            return (vstatus, None)
        except Exception, e:
            if probing:
                LOG.info("Probed for %s and determined it is missing." % (fetchURL))
                return BaseFetch.STATUS_ERROR, None
            tb_info = traceback.format_exc()
            LOG.error("Caught exception<%s> in fetch(%s, %s)" % (e, fileName, fetchURL))
            LOG.error("%s" % (tb_info))
            if retryTimes > 0 and not fetchURL.startswith("file:"):
                retryTimes -= 1
                LOG.error("Retrying fetch of: %s with %s retry attempts left." % (fileName, retryTimes))
                return self.fetch(fileName, fetchURL, savePath, itemSize, hashtype, 
                                  checksum, headers, retryTimes, packages_location)