def update(self, secs, app): if self.keepMovieTimeLocally: self.localMovieTime += self.localMovieFrameTime #self.localCurrentFrame += 1 if self.localMovieTime > self.localMovieDuration + self.localMovieFrameTime: self.localMovieTime = 0.0 #self.localCurrentFrame = 0 # set positions, etc. GroupObject.update(self, secs, app)
def __init__(self, name, objectsToGroup=None, duration = None, fps=None): GroupObject.__init__(self, name, objectsToGroup) if self.getFirstNonNullChild() == None: self.keepMovieTimeLocally = True if duration == None: raise Exception("Tiled Movie duration is unknown, please ensure there is a duration entry in the description.txt") if fps == None: raise Exception("Tiled Movie FPS is unknown, please ensure there is a FPS entry in the description.txt") self.localMovieDuration = duration self.localMovieFps = fps self.localMovieFrameTime = 1.0 / fps self.localMovieTime = 0.0 #self.localMovieNumFrames = 0 #self.localCurrentFrame = 0 print "NOTE: TiledMovieGroupObject:keeping time locally (no movie tile to decode on this node)" else: self.keepMovieTimeLocally = False
def __init__(self, name, objectsToGroup=None, duration=None, fps=None): GroupObject.__init__(self, name, objectsToGroup) if self.getFirstNonNullChild() == None: self.keepMovieTimeLocally = True if duration == None: raise Exception( "Tiled Movie duration is unknown, please ensure there is a duration entry in the description.txt" ) if fps == None: raise Exception( "Tiled Movie FPS is unknown, please ensure there is a FPS entry in the description.txt" ) self.localMovieDuration = duration self.localMovieFps = fps self.localMovieFrameTime = 1.0 / fps self.localMovieTime = 0.0 #self.localMovieNumFrames = 0 #self.localCurrentFrame = 0 print "NOTE: TiledMovieGroupObject:keeping time locally (no movie tile to decode on this node)" else: self.keepMovieTimeLocally = False
def CreateMultiNetGroupTileDisplayStreamObject(addresses, objDesc, screenRect, pos, absRect, fullRect, gridColsRows, netGridColsRows, blend=True, scale=None, doCenter=True, plant=False): #from streamView import StreamView objectsToGroup = [] if len(addresses) != netGridColsRows[0] * netGridColsRows[1]: raise Exception( "Number of addresses should match number of net grid tiles (e.g. use: --streamGroupsColsRows=3x2). currently: %d, %s" % (len(addresses), netGridColsRows)) #for address in addresses: gridCols = gridColsRows[0] gridRows = gridColsRows[1] bigTileWidth = gridCols * objDesc.streamWidth # 352 bigTileHeight = gridRows * objDesc.streamHeight # 288 if scale != None: bigTileWidth *= scale[0] bigTileHeight *= scale[1] netGridCols = netGridColsRows[0] netGridRows = netGridColsRows[1] print "BIGTILESIZE:", bigTileWidth, bigTileHeight basePos = pos if doCenter: centeredPos = Vec2(pos[0], pos[1]) - Vec2( netGridCols * bigTileWidth / 2, netGridRows * bigTileHeight / 2) basePos = centeredPos # for xcol in range(1,2): print "grid within network stream:", gridCols, gridRows print "bigTile width,height:", bigTileWidth, bigTileHeight for xcol in range(netGridCols): for yrow in range(netGridRows): streamAddressIndex = netGridCols * yrow + xcol # btm left to right, to top address = addresses[streamAddressIndex] yOffset = yrow * bigTileHeight xOffset = xcol * bigTileWidth singlePos = Vec2(xOffset + basePos[0], yOffset + basePos[1]) loadTile = True if plant: # only load if it's on this machine streamTileRenderRect = Rect(singlePos[0], singlePos[1], bigTileWidth, bigTileHeight) # print "Checking colliderects to see if stream tile is on this display tile:", movieRenderRect.colliderect(absRect), movieRenderRect, absRect, movieRenderRect.colliderect(absRect), "indexes:", xIndex, yIndex, "flipped indexes:", xIndex,yIndexBZ if streamTileRenderRect.colliderect(absRect): loadTile = True # Debug import mpi print mpi.rank, " Loading stream with rect: ", streamTileRenderRect, "me:", ( absRect.x, absRect.y, absRect.width, absRect.height), address else: import mpi print mpi.rank, " Not loading stream with rect: ", streamTileRenderRect, "me:", ( absRect.x, absRect.y, absRect.width, absRect.height), address loadTile = False if loadTile: groupStreamObj = GroupTiledStreamObject( address, objDesc, screenRect=screenRect, pos=singlePos, absRect=absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=blend, scale=scale, gridColsRows=gridColsRows, doCenter=False) objectsToGroup.append(groupStreamObj) else: groupStreamObj = NullTileDisplayObject( pos=singlePos, size=(bigTileWidth, bigTileHeight) ) # Empty object to represent objects on other nodes and help describe large object on this node . objectsToGroup.append(groupStreamObj) shortName = "_".join(addresses) largeGroupObject = GroupObject(shortName, objectsToGroup, doChildUpdates=True) return largeGroupObject
def CreateTileImageObject(imageFilename, screenRect, pos, absRect, fullRect, blend=True, scale=None): print "CreateTileImageObject", imageFilename, "at", pos imageSize = maxTextureSize = GetMaxTextureSize() numTiles = (int(math.ceil(float(imageSize[0]) / maxTextureSize)), int(math.ceil(float(imageSize[1]) / maxTextureSize))) print "NUMTILES:", numTiles if numTiles[0] == 1 and numTiles[1] == 1: returnObj = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=screenRect, imagePos=pos, absRect=absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=blend, scale=scale) else: objectsToGroup = [] # Create a group object xSrcOffset = 0 xRenderOffset = 0 subImageWidth = imageSize[0] / numTiles[0] subImageHeight = imageSize[1] / numTiles[1] for xIndex in range(numTiles[0]): ySrcOffset = 0 yRenderOffset = 0 if xIndex == numTiles[0] - 1: # make sure we don't cut off any # pixels if it's not evenly divisible. width = imageSize[0] - xSrcOffset else: width = subImageWidth for yIndex in range(numTiles[1]): if yIndex == numTiles[1] - 1: # make sure we don't cut off any # pixels if it's not evenly divisible. height = imageSize[1] - ySrcOffset else: height = subImageHeight pos = Vec2(xRenderOffset, -yRenderOffset) # flip y coord # cropRect is for cropping a subsection out of the source image cropRect = Rect(xSrcOffset, ySrcOffset, width, height) print "Loading with crop rect:", cropRect obj = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=screenRect, imagePos=pos, absRect=absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=blend, cropRect=cropRect, scale=scale) objectsToGroup.append(obj) ySrcOffset += obj.getSrcSize()[1] yRenderOffset += obj.getRenderSize()[1] xSrcOffset += obj.getSrcSize()[0] xRenderOffset += obj.getRenderSize()[0] shortName = os.path.basename(imageFilename.strip(os.path.sep)) groupObject = GroupObject(shortName, objectsToGroup) returnObj = groupObject print "************* CreateTileDisplayObject finished", returnObj return returnObj