def __init__(self, loaded_songs_list): """Show and modify the list of all loaded songs :type loaded_songs_list: LoadedSongs :param loaded_songs_list: All currently loaded songs""" super().__init__() # Main layout self.resize(900, 600) self.setWindowTitle("Loaded Songs") self._list_widget = OrderableListWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self._list_widget) # Setup parameters self._song_list: LoadedSongs = loaded_songs_list self._song_list.subscribe(LoadedSongs.ADDED, self._song_added) self._song_list.subscribe(LoadedSongs.DELETED, self._song_deleted) self._song_gui_list: dict[Song:QWidget] = {} self._progress_bar = ProgressBar() self._load_songs_dialog = LoadSongsDialog(self, self._progress_bar) self._signal_song_added.connect(self._song_added_function) # Setup gui self._create_menu_bar() self._status_bar.addPermanentWidget(self._progress_bar)
def run(self): if odeconfig.c_num == 0: if odeconfig.ntraj != 1: #check if ntraj!=1 which is pointless for no collapse operators odeconfig.ntraj = 1 print( 'No collapse operators specified.\nRunning a single trajectory only.\n' ) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: # return psi Qobj at each requested time self.psi_out = no_collapse_psi_out(self.num_times, self.psi_out) else: # return expectation values of requested operators self.expect_out = no_collapse_expect_out( self.num_times, self.expect_out) elif odeconfig.c_num != 0: self.seed = array([ int(ceil(random.rand() * 1e4)) for ll in range(odeconfig.ntraj) ]) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: mc_alg_out = zeros((self.num_times), dtype=ndarray) mc_alg_out[0] = odeconfig.psi0 else: #PRE-GENERATE LIST OF EXPECTATION VALUES mc_alg_out = [] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[ i]: #preallocate real array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else: #preallocate complex array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times, dtype=complex)) mc_alg_out[i][0] = mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i], odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i], odeconfig.psi0) #set arguments for input to monte-carlo args = (mc_alg_out, odeconfig.options, odeconfig.tlist, self.num_times, self.seed) if not odeconfig.options.gui: self.parallel(args, self) else: if qutip.settings.qutip_gui == "PYSIDE": from PySide import QtGui, QtCore elif qutip.settings.qutip_gui == "PYQT4": from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from gui.ProgressBar import ProgressBar, Pthread app = QtGui.QApplication.instance( ) #checks if QApplication already exists (needed for iPython) if not app: #create QApplication if it doesnt exist app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) thread = Pthread(target=self.parallel, args=args, top=self) = ProgressBar(self, thread, odeconfig.ntraj, self.cpus) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, app.exec_() return
def _do_find_similarities_gui_action(self): """Calculate the similarities between all currently loaded songs and display them""" progress_bar = ProgressBar() self.setCentralWidget(progress_bar) self._similarity_finder = SimilarityFinder( self._loaded_song_list, progress_bar, self._calculating_similarities_done)
def run(self): if odeconfig.c_num==0: if odeconfig.ntraj!=1:#check if ntraj!=1 which is pointless for no collapse operators odeconfig.ntraj=1 print('No collapse operators specified.\nRunning a single trajectory only.\n') if odeconfig.e_num==0:# return psi Qobj at each requested time self.psi_out=_no_collapse_psi_out(self.num_times,self.psi_out) else:# return expectation values of requested operators self.expect_out=_no_collapse_expect_out(self.num_times,self.expect_out) elif odeconfig.c_num!=0: self.seed=random_integers(1e8,size=odeconfig.ntraj) if odeconfig.e_num==0: mc_alg_out=zeros((self.num_times),dtype=ndarray) if odeconfig.options.mc_avg: #output is averaged states, so use dm mc_alg_out[0]=odeconfig.psi0*odeconfig.psi0.conj().T else: #output is not averaged, so write state vectors mc_alg_out[0]=odeconfig.psi0 else: #PRE-GENERATE LIST OF EXPECTATION VALUES mc_alg_out=[] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i]:#preallocate real array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else:#preallocate complex array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times,dtype=complex)) mc_alg_out[i][0]=mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[i],odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i],odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i],odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i],odeconfig.psi0) #set arguments for input to monte-carlo args=(mc_alg_out,odeconfig.options,odeconfig.tlist,self.num_times,self.seed) if not odeconfig.options.gui: self.parallel(args,self) else: if qutip.settings.qutip_gui=="PYSIDE": from PySide import QtGui,QtCore elif qutip.settings.qutip_gui=="PYQT4": from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore from gui.ProgressBar import ProgressBar,Pthread app=QtGui.QApplication.instance()#checks if QApplication already exists (needed for iPython) if not app:#create QApplication if it doesnt exist app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) thread=Pthread(target=self.parallel,args=args,top=self),thread,odeconfig.ntraj,self.cpus) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, app.exec_() return
class MC_class(): """ Private class for solving Monte-Carlo evolution from mcsolve """ def __init__(self): #-----------------------------------# # INIT MC CLASS #-----------------------------------# #----MAIN OBJECT PROPERTIES--------------------# ##holds instance of the ProgressBar class ##holds instance of the Pthread class self.thread=None #Number of completed trajectories self.count=0 ##step-size for count attribute self.step=1 ##Percent of trajectories completed self.percent=0.0 ##used in implimenting the command line progress ouput self.level=0.1 ##times at which to output state vectors or expectation values ##number of time steps in tlist self.num_times=len(odeconfig.tlist) #holds seed for random number generator self.seed=None #holds expected time to completion #number of cpus to be used self.cpus=odeconfig.options.num_cpus #set output variables, even if they are not used to simplify output code. self.psi_out=None self.expect_out=None self.collapse_times_out=None self.which_op_out=None #FOR EVOLUTION FOR NO COLLAPSE OPERATORS if odeconfig.c_num==0: if odeconfig.e_num==0: ##Output array of state vectors calculated at times in tlist self.psi_out=array([Qobj()]*self.num_times)#preallocate array of Qobjs elif odeconfig.e_num!=0:#no collpase expectation values ##List of output expectation values calculated at times in tlist self.expect_out=[] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i]:#preallocate real array of zeros self.expect_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else:#preallocate complex array of zeros self.expect_out.append(zeros(self.num_times,dtype=complex)) self.expect_out[i][0]=mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[i],odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i],odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i],odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i],odeconfig.psi0) #FOR EVOLUTION WITH COLLAPSE OPERATORS elif odeconfig.c_num!=0: #preallocate #ntraj arrays for state vectors, collapse times, and which operator self.collapse_times_out=zeros((odeconfig.ntraj),dtype=ndarray) self.which_op_out=zeros((odeconfig.ntraj),dtype=ndarray) if odeconfig.e_num==0:# if no expectation operators, preallocate #ntraj arrays for state vectors self.psi_out=array([zeros((self.num_times),dtype=object) for q in range(odeconfig.ntraj)])#preallocate array of Qobjs else: #preallocate array of lists for expectation values self.expect_out=[[] for x in range(odeconfig.ntraj)] #-------------------------------------------------# # CLASS METHODS #-------------------------------------------------# def callback(self,results): r=results[0] if odeconfig.e_num==0:#output state-vector self.psi_out[r]=results[1] else:#output expectation values self.expect_out[r]=results[1] self.collapse_times_out[r]=results[2] self.which_op_out[r]=results[3] self.count+=self.step if (not odeconfig.options.gui): #do not use GUI self.percent=self.count/(1.0*odeconfig.ntraj) if self.count/float(odeconfig.ntraj)>=self.level: #calls function to determine simulation time remaining self.level=_time_remaining(,odeconfig.ntraj,self.count,self.level) #----- def parallel(self,args,top=None): #set simulation starting time pl=Pool(processes=self.cpus) [pl.apply_async(mc_alg_evolve,args=(nt,args),callback=top.callback) for nt in range(0,odeconfig.ntraj)] pl.close() try: pl.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Cancel all MC threads on keyboard interrupt") pl.terminate() pl.join() return #----- def run(self): if odeconfig.c_num==0: if odeconfig.ntraj!=1:#check if ntraj!=1 which is pointless for no collapse operators odeconfig.ntraj=1 print('No collapse operators specified.\nRunning a single trajectory only.\n') if odeconfig.e_num==0:# return psi Qobj at each requested time self.psi_out=no_collapse_psi_out(self.num_times,self.psi_out) else:# return expectation values of requested operators self.expect_out=no_collapse_expect_out(self.num_times,self.expect_out) elif odeconfig.c_num!=0: self.seed=array([int(ceil(random.rand()*1e4)) for ll in range(odeconfig.ntraj)]) if odeconfig.e_num==0: mc_alg_out=zeros((self.num_times),dtype=ndarray) mc_alg_out[0]=odeconfig.psi0 else: #PRE-GENERATE LIST OF EXPECTATION VALUES mc_alg_out=[] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i]:#preallocate real array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else:#preallocate complex array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times,dtype=complex)) mc_alg_out[i][0]=mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[i],odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i],odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i],odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i],odeconfig.psi0) #set arguments for input to monte-carlo args=(mc_alg_out,odeconfig.options,odeconfig.tlist,self.num_times,self.seed) if not odeconfig.options.gui: self.parallel(args,self) else: if qutip.settings.qutip_gui=="PYSIDE": from PySide import QtGui,QtCore elif qutip.settings.qutip_gui=="PYQT4": from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore from gui.ProgressBar import ProgressBar,Pthread app=QtGui.QApplication.instance()#checks if QApplication already exists (needed for iPython) if not app:#create QApplication if it doesnt exist app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) thread=Pthread(target=self.parallel,args=args,top=self),thread,odeconfig.ntraj,self.cpus) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, app.exec_() return
class MC_class(): """ Private class for solving Monte-Carlo evolution from mcsolve """ def __init__(self): #-----------------------------------# # INIT MC CLASS #-----------------------------------# #----MAIN OBJECT PROPERTIES--------------------# ##holds instance of the ProgressBar class = None ##holds instance of the Pthread class self.thread = None #Number of completed trajectories self.count = 0 ##step-size for count attribute self.step = 1 ##Percent of trajectories completed self.percent = 0.0 ##used in implimenting the command line progress ouput self.level = 0.1 ##times at which to output state vectors or expectation values ##number of time steps in tlist self.num_times = len(odeconfig.tlist) #holds seed for random number generator self.seed = None #holds expected time to completion = None #number of cpus to be used self.cpus = odeconfig.options.num_cpus #set output variables, even if they are not used to simplify output code. self.psi_out = None self.expect_out = None self.collapse_times_out = None self.which_op_out = None #FOR EVOLUTION FOR NO COLLAPSE OPERATORS if odeconfig.c_num == 0: if odeconfig.e_num == 0: ##Output array of state vectors calculated at times in tlist self.psi_out = array( [Qobj()] * self.num_times) #preallocate array of Qobjs elif odeconfig.e_num != 0: #no collpase expectation values ##List of output expectation values calculated at times in tlist self.expect_out = [] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[ i]: #preallocate real array of zeros self.expect_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else: #preallocate complex array of zeros self.expect_out.append( zeros(self.num_times, dtype=complex)) self.expect_out[i][0] = mc_expect( odeconfig.e_ops_data[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i], odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i], odeconfig.psi0) #FOR EVOLUTION WITH COLLAPSE OPERATORS elif odeconfig.c_num != 0: #preallocate #ntraj arrays for state vectors, collapse times, and which operator self.collapse_times_out = zeros((odeconfig.ntraj), dtype=ndarray) self.which_op_out = zeros((odeconfig.ntraj), dtype=ndarray) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: # if no expectation operators, preallocate #ntraj arrays for state vectors self.psi_out = array([ zeros((self.num_times), dtype=object) for q in range(odeconfig.ntraj) ]) #preallocate array of Qobjs else: #preallocate array of lists for expectation values self.expect_out = [[] for x in range(odeconfig.ntraj)] #-------------------------------------------------# # CLASS METHODS #-------------------------------------------------# def callback(self, results): r = results[0] if odeconfig.e_num == 0: #output state-vector self.psi_out[r] = results[1] else: #output expectation values self.expect_out[r] = results[1] self.collapse_times_out[r] = results[2] self.which_op_out[r] = results[3] self.count += self.step if (not odeconfig.options.gui): #do not use GUI self.percent = self.count / (1.0 * odeconfig.ntraj) if self.count / float(odeconfig.ntraj) >= self.level: #calls function to determine simulation time remaining self.level = _time_remaining(, odeconfig.ntraj, self.count, self.level) #----- def parallel(self, args, top=None): = #set simulation starting time pl = Pool(processes=self.cpus) [ pl.apply_async(mc_alg_evolve, args=(nt, args), callback=top.callback) for nt in range(0, odeconfig.ntraj) ] pl.close() try: pl.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Cancel all MC threads on keyboard interrupt") pl.terminate() pl.join() return #----- def run(self): if odeconfig.c_num == 0: if odeconfig.ntraj != 1: #check if ntraj!=1 which is pointless for no collapse operators odeconfig.ntraj = 1 print( 'No collapse operators specified.\nRunning a single trajectory only.\n' ) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: # return psi Qobj at each requested time self.psi_out = no_collapse_psi_out(self.num_times, self.psi_out) else: # return expectation values of requested operators self.expect_out = no_collapse_expect_out( self.num_times, self.expect_out) elif odeconfig.c_num != 0: self.seed = array([ int(ceil(random.rand() * 1e4)) for ll in range(odeconfig.ntraj) ]) if odeconfig.e_num == 0: mc_alg_out = zeros((self.num_times), dtype=ndarray) mc_alg_out[0] = odeconfig.psi0 else: #PRE-GENERATE LIST OF EXPECTATION VALUES mc_alg_out = [] for i in range(odeconfig.e_num): if odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[ i]: #preallocate real array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times)) else: #preallocate complex array of zeros mc_alg_out.append(zeros(self.num_times, dtype=complex)) mc_alg_out[i][0] = mc_expect(odeconfig.e_ops_data[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ind[i], odeconfig.e_ops_ptr[i], odeconfig.e_ops_isherm[i], odeconfig.psi0) #set arguments for input to monte-carlo args = (mc_alg_out, odeconfig.options, odeconfig.tlist, self.num_times, self.seed) if not odeconfig.options.gui: self.parallel(args, self) else: if qutip.settings.qutip_gui == "PYSIDE": from PySide import QtGui, QtCore elif qutip.settings.qutip_gui == "PYQT4": from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from gui.ProgressBar import ProgressBar, Pthread app = QtGui.QApplication.instance( ) #checks if QApplication already exists (needed for iPython) if not app: #create QApplication if it doesnt exist app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) thread = Pthread(target=self.parallel, args=args, top=self) = ProgressBar(self, thread, odeconfig.ntraj, self.cpus) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, app.exec_() return
class LoadedSongsWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, loaded_songs_list): """Show and modify the list of all loaded songs :type loaded_songs_list: LoadedSongs :param loaded_songs_list: All currently loaded songs""" super().__init__() # Main layout self.resize(900, 600) self.setWindowTitle("Loaded Songs") self._list_widget = OrderableListWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self._list_widget) # Setup parameters self._song_list: LoadedSongs = loaded_songs_list self._song_list.subscribe(LoadedSongs.ADDED, self._song_added) self._song_list.subscribe(LoadedSongs.DELETED, self._song_deleted) self._song_gui_list: dict[Song:QWidget] = {} self._progress_bar = ProgressBar() self._load_songs_dialog = LoadSongsDialog(self, self._progress_bar) self._signal_song_added.connect(self._song_added_function) # Setup gui self._create_menu_bar() self._status_bar.addPermanentWidget(self._progress_bar) def _create_menu_bar(self): """Build the windows menu bar""" menu_bar = self.menuBar() # Load songs action self._load_songs_action: QAction = QAction("&Load Files", self) self._load_songs_action.triggered.connect( self._do_load_songs_gui_action) self._load_song_dir_action: QAction = QAction("Load &Directory", self) self._load_song_dir_action.triggered.connect( self._do_load_song_dir_gui_action) # Song menu songs_menu = menu_bar.addMenu("&Songs") songs_menu.addActions([ self._load_songs_action, self._load_song_dir_action, ]) # Status bar self._status_bar = self.statusBar() def _do_load_songs_gui_action(self): """Show a popup dialog to select songs to load""" song_list = self._load_songs_dialog.get_songs_by_file() thread: Thread = Thread(target=self._add_song_list, args=(song_list, )) thread.start() def _do_load_song_dir_gui_action(self): """Show a popup dialog to select songs to load""" song_list = self._load_songs_dialog.get_songs_by_dir() thread: Thread = Thread(target=self._add_song_list, args=(song_list, )) thread.start() def _add_song_list(self, song_list): """Add a list of new songs to the list :type song_list: list[Song] :param song_list: The list of songs to add""" # Setup parameters song: Song total_song_count: int = len(song_list) song_num: int = 0 prev_percentage_done: float = 0 self._progress_bar.startTimer() self._progress_bar.set_progress.emit(prev_percentage_done) # Load songs for song in song_list: self._song_list.add(song) song_num += 1 percentage_done = floor(song_num / total_song_count * 100) if prev_percentage_done != percentage_done: prev_percentage_done = percentage_done self._progress_bar.set_progress.emit(percentage_done) # Take a break here and there to let the gui catch up if 0 == song_num % 100: sleep(1) self._progress_bar.set_progress.emit(100) def _song_added(self, song): self._signal_song_added.emit(song) _signal_song_added: Signal = Signal(Song) def _song_added_function(self, song): """Add a new song was added to the list :type song: Song :param song: The song that was added""" # Add to gui list_item: LoadedSongListItem = LoadedSongListItem(song) self._list_widget.add(list_item) self._song_gui_list[song] = list_item def _song_deleted(self, song): """A song was deleted from the list :type song: Song :param song: The song that was deleted""" # Remove from gui list_item: LoadedSongListItem = self._song_gui_list[song] self._song_gui_list.pop(song) self._list_widget.delete_item(list_item)