def test(): data = { 'project_file': it.PROJECT_FILE, 'path': p.join(VIM_HDL_EXAMPLES, 'another_library', 'foo.vhd'), 'content': '-- TODO: Nothing to see here' } ui_reply ='/get_ui_messages', data) reply ='/get_messages_by_path', data)"UI reply: %s", ui_reply)"Reply: %s", reply) messages = reply.json['messages'] for message in messages: it.assertTrue(utils.samefile(message.pop('filename'), data['path'])) it.assertIn( { "error_type": "W", "checker": "HDL Code Checker/static", "line_number": 1, "column": 4, "error_subtype": "", "error_number": "0", "error_message": "TODO: Nothing to see here" }, messages)
def test(): if it.BUILDER_NAME not in ('msim', 'ghdl', 'xvhdl'):"Test requires a builder") return source = VhdlParser( p.join(it.SOURCES_PATH, 'source_with_error.vhd')) records, rebuilds =, forced=True) for record in records: if it.BUILDER_NAME == 'msim': expected = [{ 'line_number': '4', 'error_number': '1136', 'error_message': 'Unknown identifier "some_lib".', 'column': None, 'error_type': 'E', 'checker': 'msim' }] elif it.BUILDER_NAME == 'ghdl': expected = [{ 'line_number': '4', 'error_number': None, 'error_message': 'no declaration for "some_lib"', 'column': '5', 'error_type': 'E', 'checker': 'ghdl' }] elif it.BUILDER_NAME == 'xvhdl': expected = [{ 'line_number': '4', 'error_number': 'VRFC 10-91', 'error_message': 'some_lib is not declared', 'column': None, 'error_type': 'E', 'checker': 'xvhdl' }] it.assertEqual(len(records), 1) it.assertTrue( utils.samefile(records[0].pop('filename'), source.filename)) it.assertEquals(records, expected) it.assertEqual(rebuilds, [])
def test005b(): filename = p.join(VIM_HDL_EXAMPLES, 'another_library', 'foo.vhd') original_content = open(filename, 'r').read().split('\n') content = '\n'.join(original_content[:43] + ['signal another_signal : std_logic;'] + original_content[43:]) it.assertTrue(it.project._msg_queue.empty()) records = it.project.getMessagesWithText(filename, content) _logger.debug("Records received:") for record in records: _logger.debug("- %s", record) else: _logger.warning("No records found") # Check that all records point to the original filename and # remove them from the records so it's easier to compare # the remaining fields for record in records: record_filename = record.pop('filename') if record_filename: it.assertTrue(samefile(filename, record_filename)) it.assertItemsEqual([{ 'error_subtype': 'Style', 'line_number': 43, 'checker': 'HDL Code Checker/static', 'error_message': "signal 'neat_signal' is never used", 'column': 12, 'error_type': 'W', 'error_number': '0' }, { 'error_subtype': 'Style', 'line_number': 44, 'checker': 'HDL Code Checker/static', 'error_message': "signal 'another_signal' is never used", 'column': 8, 'error_type': 'W', 'error_number': '0' }], records) it.assertTrue(it.project._msg_queue.empty())
def test(): if it.BUILDER_NAME not in ('msim', 'ghdl', 'xvhdl'):"Test requires a builder") return source = VhdlParser(p.join(it.SOURCES_PATH, 'source_with_error.vhd')) records, rebuilds =, forced=True) for record in records: if it.BUILDER_NAME == 'msim': expected = [{ 'line_number': '4', 'error_number': '1136', 'error_message': 'Unknown identifier "some_lib".', 'column': None, 'error_type': 'E', 'checker': 'msim'}] elif it.BUILDER_NAME == 'ghdl': expected = [{ 'line_number': '4', 'error_number': None, 'error_message': 'no declaration for "some_lib"', 'column': '5', 'error_type': 'E', 'checker': 'ghdl'}] elif it.BUILDER_NAME == 'xvhdl': expected = [{ 'line_number': '4', 'error_number': 'VRFC 10-91', 'error_message': 'some_lib is not declared', 'column': None, 'error_type': 'E', 'checker': 'xvhdl'}] it.assertEqual(len(records), 1) it.assertTrue(utils.samefile(records[0].pop('filename'), source.filename)) it.assertEquals(records, expected) it.assertEqual(rebuilds, [])
def test007(): if not it.PROJECT_FILE:"Requires a valid project file") return filename = p.join(VIM_HDL_EXAMPLES, 'basic_library', 'clock_divider.vhd') it.assertTrue(it.project._msg_queue.empty()) records = [] for record in it.project.getMessagesByPath(filename): it.assertTrue(samefile(filename, record.pop('filename'))) records += [record] if it.BUILDER_NAME == 'msim': expected_records = [{ 'checker': 'msim', 'column': None, 'error_message': "Synthesis Warning: Reset signal 'reset' " "is not in the sensitivity list of process " "'line__58'.", 'error_number': None, 'error_type': 'W', 'line_number': '58' }] elif it.BUILDER_NAME == 'ghdl': expected_records = [] elif it.BUILDER_NAME == 'xvhdl': expected_records = [] it.assertEquals(records, expected_records) it.assertTrue(it.project._msg_queue.empty())
def test005c(): filename = 'some_file.vhd' writeListToFile(filename, [ "entity some_entity is end;", ]) content = "\n".join([ "library work;", "use work.all;", "entity some_entity is end;" ]) it.assertTrue(it.project._msg_queue.empty()) records = it.project.getMessagesWithText(filename, content) _logger.debug("Records received:") for record in records: _logger.debug("- %s", record) # Check that all records point to the original filename and # remove them from the records so it's easier to compare # the remaining fields for record in records: record_filename = record.pop('filename') if record_filename: it.assertTrue(samefile(filename, record_filename)) if it.project.builder.builder_name in ('msim', 'ghdl', 'xvhdl'): it.assertItemsEqual([{ 'error_type': 'W', 'checker': 'HDL Code Checker/static', 'error_message': "Declaration of library 'work' can be omitted", 'column': 9, 'error_subtype': 'Style', 'error_number': '0', 'line_number': 1 }, { 'error_type': 'W', 'checker': 'hdlcc', 'error_message': 'Path "%s" not found in project file' % p.abspath(filename), 'column': '', 'error_number': '', 'line_number': '' }], records) else: it.assertItemsEqual([{ 'error_type': 'W', 'checker': 'HDL Code Checker/static', 'error_message': "Declaration of library 'work' can be omitted", 'column': 9, 'error_subtype': 'Style', 'error_number': '0', 'line_number': 1 }], records) it.assertTrue(it.project._msg_queue.empty())