def main(): baseurl = '' class bcolors: # pragma: no cover HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' p = optparse.OptionParser( '%prog [(filename|url) [encoding]]', version='%prog ' + ".".join(map(str, __version__)) ) p.add_option( "--no-wrap-links", dest="wrap_links", action="store_false", default=config.WRAP_LINKS, help="wrap links during conversion" ) p.add_option( "--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis" ) p.add_option( "--reference-links", dest="inline_links", action="store_false", default=config.INLINE_LINKS, help="use reference style links instead of inline links" ) p.add_option( "--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links") p.add_option( "--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help=("protect links from line breaks surrounding them " + "with angle brackets")) p.add_option( "--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images" ) p.add_option( "--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text" ) p.add_option( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help="Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to " "retain dimensions" ) p.add_option( "-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document" ) p.add_option( "-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items" ) p.add_option( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text" ) p.add_option( "-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", action="store", type="int", default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap" ) p.add_option( "-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", action="store", type="int", default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists" ) p.add_option( "-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well" ) p.add_option( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help="Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but " "avoids corner case formatting issues." ) p.add_option( "--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax." ) p.add_option( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help=( "Use a single line break after a block element rather than two " "line breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0" ) ) p.add_option( "--unicode-snob", action="store_true", dest="unicode_snob", default=config.UNICODE_SNOB, help="Use unicode throughout document" ) p.add_option( "--no-automatic-links", action="store_false", dest="use_automatic_links", default=config.USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS, help="Do not use automatic links wherever applicable" ) p.add_option( "--no-skip-internal-links", action="store_false", dest="skip_internal_links", default=config.SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS, help="Do not skip internal links" ) p.add_option( "--links-after-para", action="store_true", dest="links_each_paragraph", default=config.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH, help="Put links after each paragraph instead of document" ) p.add_option( "--mark-code", action="store_true", dest="mark_code", default=config.MARK_CODE, help="Mark program code blocks with [code]...[/code]" ) p.add_option( "--decode-errors", dest="decode_errors", action="store", type="string", default=config.DECODE_ERRORS, help="What to do in case of decode errors.'ignore', 'strict' and 'replace' are acceptable values" ) (options, args) = p.parse_args() # process input encoding = "utf-8" if len(args) == 2: encoding = args[1] elif len(args) > 2: p.error('Too many arguments') if len(args) > 0 and args[0] != '-': # pragma: no cover file_ = args[0] if file_.startswith('http://') or file_.startswith('https://'): warnings.warn("Support for retrieving html over network is set for deprecation by version (2017, 1, x)", DeprecationWarning) baseurl = file_ j = urllib.urlopen(baseurl) data = if encoding is None: try: from feedparser import _getCharacterEncoding as enc except ImportError: enc = lambda x, y: ('utf-8', 1) encoding = enc(j.headers, data)[0] if encoding == 'us-ascii': encoding = 'utf-8' else: data = open(file_, 'rb').read() if encoding is None: try: from chardet import detect except ImportError: detect = lambda x: {'encoding': 'utf-8'} encoding = detect(data)['encoding'] else: data = wrap_read() if hasattr(data, 'decode'): try: try: data = data.decode(encoding, errors=options.decode_errors) except TypeError: # python 2.6.x does not have the errors option data = data.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError as err: warning = bcolors.WARNING + "Warning:" + bcolors.ENDC warning += ' Use the ' + bcolors.OKGREEN warning += '--decode-errors=ignore' + bcolors.ENDC + 'flag.' print(warning) raise err h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if options.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = '-' if options.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = '*' h.strong_mark = '__' h.body_width = options.body_width h.google_list_indent = options.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = options.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = options.ignore_links h.protect_links = options.protect_links h.ignore_images = options.ignore_images h.images_to_alt = options.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = options.images_with_size h.google_doc = options.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = options.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = options.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = options.bypass_tables h.single_line_break = options.single_line_break h.inline_links = options.inline_links h.unicode_snob = options.unicode_snob h.use_automatic_links = options.use_automatic_links h.skip_internal_links = options.skip_internal_links h.links_each_paragraph = options.links_each_paragraph h.mark_code = options.mark_code h.wrap_links = options.wrap_links wrapwrite(h.handle(data))
def main(): baseurl = "" class bcolors: HEADER = "\033[95m" OKBLUE = "\033[94m" OKGREEN = "\033[92m" WARNING = "\033[93m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" BOLD = "\033[1m" UNDERLINE = "\033[4m" p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument( "--default-image-alt", dest="default_image_alt", default=config.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT, help="The default alt string for images with missing ones", ) p.add_argument( "--pad-tables", dest="pad_tables", action="store_true", default=config.PAD_TABLES, help="pad the cells to equal column width in tables", ) p.add_argument( "--no-wrap-links", dest="wrap_links", action="store_false", default=config.WRAP_LINKS, help="don't wrap links during conversion", ) p.add_argument( "--wrap-list-items", dest="wrap_list_items", action="store_true", default=config.WRAP_LIST_ITEMS, help="wrap list items during conversion", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis", ) p.add_argument( "--reference-links", dest="inline_links", action="store_false", default=config.INLINE_LINKS, help="use reference style links instead of inline links", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links", ) p.add_argument( "--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help= "protect links from line breaks surrounding them with angle brackets", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images", ) p.add_argument( "--images-as-html", dest="images_as_html", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_AS_HTML, help= ("Always write image tags as raw html; preserves `height`, `width` and " "`alt` if possible."), ) p.add_argument( "--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text", ) p.add_argument( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help= ("Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to retain " "dimensions"), ) p.add_argument( "-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document", ) p.add_argument( "-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items", ) p.add_argument( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text", ) p.add_argument( "-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", type=int, default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap", ) p.add_argument( "-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", type=int, default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists", ) p.add_argument( "-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well", ) p.add_argument( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help= ("Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but avoids " "corner case formatting issues."), ) p.add_argument( "--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax.", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-tables", action="store_true", dest="ignore_tables", default=config.IGNORE_TABLES, help="Ignore table-related tags (table, th, td, tr) " "while keeping rows.", ) p.add_argument( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help= ("Use a single line break after a block element rather than two line " "breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0"), ) p.add_argument( "--unicode-snob", action="store_true", dest="unicode_snob", default=config.UNICODE_SNOB, help="Use unicode throughout document", ) p.add_argument( "--no-automatic-links", action="store_false", dest="use_automatic_links", default=config.USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS, help="Do not use automatic links wherever applicable", ) p.add_argument( "--no-skip-internal-links", action="store_false", dest="skip_internal_links", default=config.SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS, help="Do not skip internal links", ) p.add_argument( "--links-after-para", action="store_true", dest="links_each_paragraph", default=config.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH, help="Put links after each paragraph instead of document", ) p.add_argument( "--mark-code", action="store_true", dest="mark_code", default=config.MARK_CODE, help="Mark program code blocks with [code]...[/code]", ) p.add_argument( "--decode-errors", dest="decode_errors", default=config.DECODE_ERRORS, help= ("What to do in case of decode errors.'ignore', 'strict' and 'replace' are " "acceptable values"), ) p.add_argument( "--open-quote", dest="open_quote", default=config.OPEN_QUOTE, help="The character used to open quotes", ) p.add_argument( "--close-quote", dest="close_quote", default=config.CLOSE_QUOTE, help="The character used to close quotes", ) p.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=".".join(map(str, __version__))) p.add_argument("filename", nargs="?") p.add_argument("encoding", nargs="?", default="utf-8") args = p.parse_args() if args.filename and args.filename != "-": with open(args.filename, "rb") as fp: data = else: data = wrap_read() try: data = data.decode(args.encoding, args.decode_errors) except UnicodeDecodeError as err: warning = bcolors.WARNING + "Warning:" + bcolors.ENDC warning += " Use the " + bcolors.OKGREEN warning += "--decode-errors=ignore" + bcolors.ENDC + " flag." print(warning) raise err h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if args.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = "-" if args.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = "*" h.strong_mark = "__" h.body_width = args.body_width h.google_list_indent = args.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = args.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = args.ignore_links h.protect_links = args.protect_links h.ignore_images = args.ignore_images h.images_as_html = args.images_as_html h.images_to_alt = args.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = args.images_with_size h.google_doc = args.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = args.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = args.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = args.bypass_tables h.ignore_tables = args.ignore_tables h.single_line_break = args.single_line_break h.inline_links = args.inline_links h.unicode_snob = args.unicode_snob h.use_automatic_links = args.use_automatic_links h.skip_internal_links = args.skip_internal_links h.links_each_paragraph = args.links_each_paragraph h.mark_code = args.mark_code h.wrap_links = args.wrap_links h.wrap_list_items = args.wrap_list_items h.pad_tables = args.pad_tables h.default_image_alt = args.default_image_alt h.open_quote = args.open_quote h.close_quote = args.close_quote wrapwrite(h.handle(data))
def main(): baseurl = '' p = optparse.OptionParser('%prog [(filename|url) [encoding]]', version='%prog ' + __version__) p.add_option( "--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis" ) p.add_option( "--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links") p.add_option( "--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help=("protect links from line breaks surrounding them " + "with angle brackets")) p.add_option( "--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images" ) p.add_option( "--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text" ) p.add_option( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help="Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to " "retain dimensions" ) p.add_option( "-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document" ) p.add_option( "-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items" ) p.add_option( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text" ) p.add_option( "-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", action="store", type="int", default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap" ) p.add_option( "-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", action="store", type="int", default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists" ) p.add_option( "-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well" ) p.add_option( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help="Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but " "avoids corner case formatting issues." ) p.add_option( "--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax." ) p.add_option( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help=( "Use a single line break after a block element rather than two " "line breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0" ) ) (options, args) = p.parse_args() # process input encoding = "utf-8" if len(args) > 0 and args[0] != '-': file_ = args[0] if len(args) == 2: encoding = args[1] if len(args) > 2: p.error('Too many arguments') if file_.startswith('http://') or file_.startswith('https://'): baseurl = file_ j = urllib.urlopen(baseurl) data = if encoding is None: try: from feedparser import _getCharacterEncoding as enc except ImportError: enc = lambda x, y: ('utf-8', 1) encoding = enc(j.headers, data)[0] if encoding == 'us-ascii': encoding = 'utf-8' else: data = open(file_, 'rb').read() if encoding is None: try: from chardet import detect except ImportError: detect = lambda x: {'encoding': 'utf-8'} encoding = detect(data)['encoding'] else: data = wrap_read() if hasattr(data, 'decode'): data = data.decode(encoding) h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if options.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = '-' if options.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = '*' h.strong_mark = '__' h.body_width = options.body_width h.list_indent = options.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = options.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = options.ignore_links h.protect_links = options.protect_links h.ignore_images = options.ignore_images h.images_to_alt = options.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = options.images_with_size h.google_doc = options.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = options.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = options.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = options.bypass_tables h.single_line_break = options.single_line_break wrapwrite(h.handle(data))
def main(): baseurl = "" class bcolors: HEADER = "\033[95m" OKBLUE = "\033[94m" OKGREEN = "\033[92m" WARNING = "\033[93m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" BOLD = "\033[1m" UNDERLINE = "\033[4m" p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument( "--default-image-alt", dest="default_image_alt", default=config.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT, help="The default alt string for images with missing ones", ) p.add_argument( "--pad-tables", dest="pad_tables", action="store_true", default=config.PAD_TABLES, help="pad the cells to equal column width in tables", ) p.add_argument( "--no-wrap-links", dest="wrap_links", action="store_false", default=config.WRAP_LINKS, help="wrap links during conversion", ) p.add_argument( "--wrap-list-items", dest="wrap_list_items", action="store_true", default=config.WRAP_LIST_ITEMS, help="wrap list items during conversion", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis", ) p.add_argument( "--reference-links", dest="inline_links", action="store_false", default=config.INLINE_LINKS, help="use reference style links instead of inline links", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links", ) p.add_argument( "--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help="protect links from line breaks surrounding them with angle brackets", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images", ) p.add_argument( "--images-as-html", dest="images_as_html", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_AS_HTML, help=( "Always write image tags as raw html; preserves `height`, `width` and " "`alt` if possible." ), ) p.add_argument( "--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text", ) p.add_argument( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help=( "Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to retain " "dimensions" ), ) p.add_argument( "-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document", ) p.add_argument( "-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items", ) p.add_argument( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text", ) p.add_argument( "-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", type=int, default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap", ) p.add_argument( "-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", type=int, default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists", ) p.add_argument( "-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well", ) p.add_argument( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help=( "Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but avoids " "corner case formatting issues." ), ) p.add_argument( "--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax.", ) p.add_argument( "--ignore-tables", action="store_true", dest="ignore_tables", default=config.IGNORE_TABLES, help="Ignore table-related tags (table, th, td, tr) " "while keeping rows.", ) p.add_argument( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help=( "Use a single line break after a block element rather than two line " "breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0" ), ) p.add_argument( "--unicode-snob", action="store_true", dest="unicode_snob", default=config.UNICODE_SNOB, help="Use unicode throughout document", ) p.add_argument( "--no-automatic-links", action="store_false", dest="use_automatic_links", default=config.USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS, help="Do not use automatic links wherever applicable", ) p.add_argument( "--no-skip-internal-links", action="store_false", dest="skip_internal_links", default=config.SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS, help="Do not skip internal links", ) p.add_argument( "--links-after-para", action="store_true", dest="links_each_paragraph", default=config.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH, help="Put links after each paragraph instead of document", ) p.add_argument( "--mark-code", action="store_true", dest="mark_code", default=config.MARK_CODE, help="Mark program code blocks with [code]...[/code]", ) p.add_argument( "--decode-errors", dest="decode_errors", default=config.DECODE_ERRORS, help=( "What to do in case of decode errors.'ignore', 'strict' and 'replace' are " "acceptable values" ), ) p.add_argument( "--open-quote", dest="open_quote", default=config.OPEN_QUOTE, help="The character used to open quotes", ) p.add_argument( "--close-quote", dest="close_quote", default=config.CLOSE_QUOTE, help="The character used to close quotes", ) p.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=".".join(map(str, __version__)) ) p.add_argument("filename", nargs="?") p.add_argument("encoding", nargs="?", default="utf-8") args = p.parse_args() if args.filename and args.filename != "-": with open(args.filename, "rb") as fp: data = else: data = wrap_read() try: data = data.decode(args.encoding, args.decode_errors) except UnicodeDecodeError as err: warning = bcolors.WARNING + "Warning:" + bcolors.ENDC warning += " Use the " + bcolors.OKGREEN warning += "--decode-errors=ignore" + bcolors.ENDC + " flag." print(warning) raise err h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if args.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = "-" if args.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = "*" h.strong_mark = "__" h.body_width = args.body_width h.google_list_indent = args.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = args.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = args.ignore_links h.protect_links = args.protect_links h.ignore_images = args.ignore_images h.images_as_html = args.images_as_html h.images_to_alt = args.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = args.images_with_size h.google_doc = args.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = args.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = args.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = args.bypass_tables h.ignore_tables = args.ignore_tables h.single_line_break = args.single_line_break h.inline_links = args.inline_links h.unicode_snob = args.unicode_snob h.use_automatic_links = args.use_automatic_links h.skip_internal_links = args.skip_internal_links h.links_each_paragraph = args.links_each_paragraph h.mark_code = args.mark_code h.wrap_links = args.wrap_links h.wrap_list_items = args.wrap_list_items h.pad_tables = args.pad_tables h.default_image_alt = args.default_image_alt h.open_quote = args.open_quote h.close_quote = args.close_quote wrapwrite(h.handle(data))
def main(): baseurl = '' class bcolors: # pragma: no cover HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' p = optparse.OptionParser( '%prog [(filename|url) [encoding]]', version='%prog ' + ".".join(map(str, __version__)) ) p.add_option( "--no-wrap-links", dest="wrap_links", action="store_false", default=config.WRAP_LINKS, help="wrap links during conversion" ) p.add_option( "--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis" ) p.add_option( "--reference-links", dest="inline_links", action="store_false", default=config.INLINE_LINKS, help="use reference style links instead of inline links" ) p.add_option( "--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links") p.add_option( "--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help=("protect links from line breaks surrounding them " + "with angle brackets")) p.add_option( "--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images" ) p.add_option( "--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text" ) p.add_option( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help="Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to " "retain dimensions" ) p.add_option( "-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document" ) p.add_option( "-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items" ) p.add_option( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text" ) p.add_option( "-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", action="store", type="int", default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap" ) p.add_option( "-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", action="store", type="int", default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists" ) p.add_option( "-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well" ) p.add_option( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help="Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but " "avoids corner case formatting issues." ) p.add_option( "--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax." ) p.add_option( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help=( "Use a single line break after a block element rather than two " "line breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0" ) ) p.add_option( "--unicode-snob", action="store_true", dest="unicode_snob", default=config.UNICODE_SNOB, help="Use unicode throughout document" ) p.add_option( "--no-automatic-links", action="store_false", dest="use_automatic_links", default=config.USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS, help="Do not use automatic links wherever applicable" ) p.add_option( "--no-skip-internal-links", action="store_false", dest="skip_internal_links", default=config.SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS, help="Do not skip internal links" ) p.add_option( "--links-after-para", action="store_true", dest="links_each_paragraph", default=config.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH, help="Put links after each paragraph instead of document" ) p.add_option( "--mark-code", action="store_true", dest="mark_code", default=config.MARK_CODE, help="Mark program code blocks with [code]...[/code]" ) p.add_option( "--decode-errors", dest="decode_errors", action="store", type="string", default=config.DECODE_ERRORS, help="What to do in case of decode errors.'ignore', 'strict' and 'replace' are acceptable values" ) (options, args) = p.parse_args() # process input encoding = "utf-8" if len(args) > 0 and args[0] != '-': # pragma: no cover file_ = args[0] if len(args) == 2: encoding = args[1] if len(args) > 2: p.error('Too many arguments') if file_.startswith('http://') or file_.startswith('https://'): baseurl = file_ j = urllib.urlopen(baseurl) data = if encoding is None: try: from feedparser import _getCharacterEncoding as enc except ImportError: enc = lambda x, y: ('utf-8', 1) encoding = enc(j.headers, data)[0] if encoding == 'us-ascii': encoding = 'utf-8' else: data = open(file_, 'rb').read() if encoding is None: try: from chardet import detect except ImportError: detect = lambda x: {'encoding': 'utf-8'} encoding = detect(data)['encoding'] else: data = wrap_read() if hasattr(data, 'decode'): try: try: data = data.decode(encoding, errors=options.decode_errors) except TypeError: # python 2.6.x does not have the errors option data = data.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError as err: warning = bcolors.WARNING + "Warning:" + bcolors.ENDC warning += ' Use the ' + bcolors.OKGREEN warning += '--decode-errors=ignore' + bcolors.ENDC + 'flag.' print(warning) raise err h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if options.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = '-' if options.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = '*' h.strong_mark = '__' h.body_width = options.body_width h.google_list_indent = options.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = options.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = options.ignore_links h.protect_links = options.protect_links h.ignore_images = options.ignore_images h.images_to_alt = options.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = options.images_with_size h.google_doc = options.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = options.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = options.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = options.bypass_tables h.single_line_break = options.single_line_break h.inline_links = options.inline_links h.unicode_snob = options.unicode_snob h.use_automatic_links = options.use_automatic_links h.skip_internal_links = options.skip_internal_links h.links_each_paragraph = options.links_each_paragraph h.mark_code = options.mark_code h.wrap_links = options.wrap_links wrapwrite(h.handle(data))
def main(): baseurl = '' p = optparse.OptionParser('%prog [(filename|url) [encoding]]', version='%prog ' + __version__) p.add_option("--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis") p.add_option("--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links") p.add_option("--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help=("protect links from line breaks surrounding them " + "with angle brackets")) p.add_option("--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images") p.add_option("--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text") p.add_option( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help="Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to " "retain dimensions") p.add_option("-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document") p.add_option("-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items") p.add_option( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text") p.add_option("-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", action="store", type="int", default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap") p.add_option("-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", action="store", type="int", default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists") p.add_option("-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well") p.add_option( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help="Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but " "avoids corner case formatting issues.") p.add_option("--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax.") p.add_option( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help=("Use a single line break after a block element rather than two " "line breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0")) (options, args) = p.parse_args() # process input encoding = "utf-8" if len(args) > 0 and args[0] != '-': file_ = args[0] if len(args) == 2: encoding = args[1] if len(args) > 2: p.error('Too many arguments') if file_.startswith('http://') or file_.startswith('https://'): baseurl = file_ j = urllib.urlopen(baseurl) data = if encoding is None: try: from feedparser import _getCharacterEncoding as enc except ImportError: enc = lambda x, y: ('utf-8', 1) encoding = enc(j.headers, data)[0] if encoding == 'us-ascii': encoding = 'utf-8' else: data = open(file_, 'rb').read() if encoding is None: try: from chardet import detect except ImportError: detect = lambda x: {'encoding': 'utf-8'} encoding = detect(data)['encoding'] else: data = wrap_read() if hasattr(data, 'decode'): data = data.decode(encoding) h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if options.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = '-' if options.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = '*' h.strong_mark = '__' h.body_width = options.body_width h.list_indent = options.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = options.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = options.ignore_links h.protect_links = options.protect_links h.ignore_images = options.ignore_images h.images_to_alt = options.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = options.images_with_size h.google_doc = options.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = options.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = options.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = options.bypass_tables h.single_line_break = options.single_line_break wrapwrite(h.handle(data))
def main(): baseurl = "" p = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [(filename|url) [encoding]]", version="%prog " + ".".join(map(str, __version__))) p.add_option( "--ignore-emphasis", dest="ignore_emphasis", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS, help="don't include any formatting for emphasis", ) p.add_option( "--reference-links", dest="inline_links", action="store_false", default=config.INLINE_LINKS, help="use reference style links instead of inline links", ) p.add_option( "--ignore-links", dest="ignore_links", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_ANCHORS, help="don't include any formatting for links", ) p.add_option( "--protect-links", dest="protect_links", action="store_true", default=config.PROTECT_LINKS, help=("protect links from line breaks surrounding them " + "with angle brackets"), ) p.add_option( "--ignore-images", dest="ignore_images", action="store_true", default=config.IGNORE_IMAGES, help="don't include any formatting for images", ) p.add_option( "--images-to-alt", dest="images_to_alt", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_TO_ALT, help="Discard image data, only keep alt text", ) p.add_option( "--images-with-size", dest="images_with_size", action="store_true", default=config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE, help="Write image tags with height and width attrs as raw html to " "retain dimensions", ) p.add_option( "-g", "--google-doc", action="store_true", dest="google_doc", default=False, help="convert an html-exported Google Document", ) p.add_option( "-d", "--dash-unordered-list", action="store_true", dest="ul_style_dash", default=False, help="use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items", ) p.add_option( "-e", "--asterisk-emphasis", action="store_true", dest="em_style_asterisk", default=False, help="use an asterisk rather than an underscore for emphasized text", ) p.add_option( "-b", "--body-width", dest="body_width", action="store", type="int", default=config.BODY_WIDTH, help="number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap", ) p.add_option( "-i", "--google-list-indent", dest="list_indent", action="store", type="int", default=config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT, help="number of pixels Google indents nested lists", ) p.add_option( "-s", "--hide-strikethrough", action="store_true", dest="hide_strikethrough", default=False, help="hide strike-through text. only relevant when -g is " "specified as well", ) p.add_option( "--escape-all", action="store_true", dest="escape_snob", default=False, help="Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but " "avoids corner case formatting issues.", ) p.add_option( "--bypass-tables", action="store_true", dest="bypass_tables", default=config.BYPASS_TABLES, help="Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax.", ) p.add_option( "--single-line-break", action="store_true", dest="single_line_break", default=config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK, help=( "Use a single line break after a block element rather than two " "line breaks. NOTE: Requires --body-width=0" ), ) p.add_option( "--unicode-snob", action="store_true", dest="unicode_snob", default=config.UNICODE_SNOB, help="Use unicode throughout document", ) p.add_option( "--no-automatic-links", action="store_false", dest="use_automatic_links", default=config.USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS, help="Do not use automatic links wherever applicable", ) p.add_option( "--no-skip-internal-links", action="store_false", dest="skip_internal_links", default=config.SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS, help="Do not skip internal links", ) p.add_option( "--links-after-para", action="store_true", dest="links_each_paragraph", default=config.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH, help="Put links after each paragraph instead of document", ) p.add_option( "--mark-code", action="store_true", dest="mark_code", default=config.MARK_CODE, help="Mark program code blocks with [code]...[/code]", ) (options, args) = p.parse_args() # process input encoding = "utf-8" if len(args) > 0 and args[0] != "-": # pragma: no cover file_ = args[0] if len(args) == 2: encoding = args[1] if len(args) > 2: p.error("Too many arguments") if file_.startswith("http://") or file_.startswith("https://"): baseurl = file_ j = urllib.urlopen(baseurl) data = if encoding is None: try: from feedparser import _getCharacterEncoding as enc except ImportError: enc = lambda x, y: ("utf-8", 1) encoding = enc(j.headers, data)[0] if encoding == "us-ascii": encoding = "utf-8" else: data = open(file_, "rb").read() if encoding is None: try: from chardet import detect except ImportError: detect = lambda x: {"encoding": "utf-8"} encoding = detect(data)["encoding"] else: data = wrap_read() if hasattr(data, "decode"): data = data.decode(encoding) h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl) # handle options if options.ul_style_dash: h.ul_item_mark = "-" if options.em_style_asterisk: h.emphasis_mark = "*" h.strong_mark = "__" h.body_width = options.body_width h.google_list_indent = options.list_indent h.ignore_emphasis = options.ignore_emphasis h.ignore_links = options.ignore_links h.protect_links = options.protect_links h.ignore_images = options.ignore_images h.images_to_alt = options.images_to_alt h.images_with_size = options.images_with_size h.google_doc = options.google_doc h.hide_strikethrough = options.hide_strikethrough h.escape_snob = options.escape_snob h.bypass_tables = options.bypass_tables h.single_line_break = options.single_line_break h.inline_links = options.inline_links h.unicode_snob = options.unicode_snob h.use_automatic_links = options.use_automatic_links h.skip_internal_links = options.skip_internal_links h.links_each_paragraph = options.links_each_paragraph h.mark_code = options.mark_code wrapwrite(h.handle(data))