def lookup_emulator(console): try: emulator_name = settings.consoles()[console.fullname]['emulator'] except KeyError as e: log_file("No emulator supplied for %s" % (console.shortname)) return None if emulator_name not in custom_emulators(): log_file("Emulator '%s' not found for %s. Ignoring" % (emulator_name, console.fullname)) return None return custom_emulators()[emulator_name]
def lookup_emulator(platform,console): emulators_key = platform + ' Emulators' # ex: "Windows Emulators" console_key = console.shortname.lower() try: user_supplied_name = settings.config()[emulators_key][console_key] except KeyError as e: log_file("Configuration missing key for %s on %s" % (console.shortname, platform)) return None if not user_supplied_name: log_file("No user supplied name for %s" % console.shortname) return None name = emulator_platform_prefix(platform) + user_supplied_name try: return emulator_from_name(name)(console.shortname) except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e: message = "Could not load emulator. Check your spelling, and make sure the emulator is supported for your console" raise ConfigError(emulators_key, console.shortname, message)
def update_user_images(self, user_id, roms): """ Sets a suitable grid image for every rom in 'roms' for the user defined by 'user_id' """ grid = steam_grid.SteamGrid( steam_user_manager.userdata_directory_for_user_id(user_id)) for rom in roms: shortcut = rom.to_shortcut() if not grid.existing_image_for_filename( grid.filename_for_shortcut(shortcut.appname, shortcut.exe)): image = self.find_image_for_rom(rom) # Game not found if image is None: log_file("No game found for %s on %s" % (, rom.console.fullname)) log_user( "The image provider has no game called %s for %s. Try going to the provider and submittng the game yourself" % (, rom.console.fullname)) # Game found, but there is no picture elif image == "": log_file( "No image found for %s. The URL checked was '%s'" % (, self.url_for_rom(rom))) log_user( "We couldn't find an image for %s. If you find one you like, upload it to %s, and next time Ice runs it will use it" % (, self.host_for_image_source())) # Game found, AND there is a picture there else: log_file("Setting custom image for %s" % image_path = self.download_image(image) grid.set_image_for_shortcut(image_path, shortcut.appname, shortcut.exe)
def startIce(self): # very similar to the one in try: if steam_is_running(): log_both("Ice cannot be run while Steam is open. Please close Steam and try again") return log_both("=========================Starting Ice") fs.create_directory_if_needed(fs.roms_directory(), log="Creating ROMs directory at %s" % fs.roms_directory()) # Find all of the ROMs that are currently in the designated folders roms = console.find_all_roms() # Find the Steam Account that the user would like to add ROMs for user_ids = steam_user_manager.user_ids_on_this_machine() grid_manager = IceGridImageManager() for user_id in user_ids: log_both("---------------Running for user %s" % str(user_id)) # Load their shortcuts into a SteamShortcutManager object shortcuts_path = steam_user_manager.shortcuts_file_for_user_id(user_id) shortcuts_manager = SteamShortcutManager(shortcuts_path) rom_manager = IceROMManager(shortcuts_manager) # Add the new ROMs in each folder to our Shortcut Manager rom_manager.sync_roms(roms) # Generate a new shortcuts.vdf file with all of the new additions if IceGridImageManager.should_download_images(): log_both("---Downloading grid images") grid_manager.update_user_images(user_id,roms) else: log_both("Skipping 'Download Image' step") log_both("=========================Finished") except ConfigError as error: log_user("=========================Stopping\n") log_config_error(error) log_exception() log_file("!!!") except StandardError as error: log_both("####################################") log_both("An Error has occurred:") log_both(error) log_exception() log_both("####################################")
def find_all_roms(self): """ Reads a list of all the ROMs from the appropriate directory for the console """ roms = [] # If the emulator is not functional, we pretend it doesn't have any # ROMs if not self.emulator.is_functional(): return roms for filename in os.listdir(self.roms_directory()): file_path = os.path.join(self.roms_directory(),filename) if not os.path.isdir(file_path): # On Linux/OSX, we want to make sure hidden files don't get # accidently added as well if settings.platform_string() != "Windows" and filename.startswith('.'): continue if self.emulator is not None and not self.emulator.valid_rom(file_path): log_file("Ignoring Non-ROM file: %s" % file_path) continue roms.append(ROM(file_path,self)) return roms
def find_all_roms(self): """ Reads a list of all the ROMs from the appropriate directory for the console """ roms = [] # If the emulator is not functional, we pretend it doesn't have any # ROMs if not self.emulator.is_functional(): return roms for filename in os.listdir(self.roms_directory()): file_path = os.path.join(self.roms_directory(), filename) if not os.path.isdir(file_path): # On Linux/OSX, we want to make sure hidden files don't get # accidently added as well if settings.platform_string( ) != "Windows" and filename.startswith('.'): continue if self.emulator is not None and not self.emulator.valid_rom( file_path): log_file("Ignoring Non-ROM file: %s" % file_path) continue roms.append(ROM(file_path, self)) return roms
def lookup_emulator(platform,console): emulators_key = platform + ' Emulators' # ex: "Windows Emulators" console_key = console.shortname.lower() try: user_supplied_name = settings.config()[emulators_key][console_key] if not user_supplied_name: log_file("No user supplied name for %s" % console.shortname) return None name = emulator_platform_prefix(platform) + user_supplied_name return emulator_from_name(name)(console.shortname) except KeyError as e: # TODO(#28) Throw a ConfigError once it will be caught... log_file("Configuration missing key for %s on %s" % (console.shortname, platform)) return None except AttributeError as e: # TODO(#28) Throw a ConfigError once it will be caught... log_user("Cannot load emulator for %s. Check that your spelling is correct, and that the emulator you request is supported" % console.shortname) log_file("Error loading [%s] %s" % (emulator_key, console_key)) return None
def lookup_emulator(platform, console): emulators_key = platform + ' Emulators' # ex: "Windows Emulators" console_key = console.shortname.lower() try: user_supplied_name = settings.config()[emulators_key][console_key] if not user_supplied_name: log_file("No user supplied name for %s" % console.shortname) return None name = emulator_platform_prefix(platform) + user_supplied_name return emulator_from_name(name)(console.shortname) except KeyError as e: # TODO(#28) Throw a ConfigError once it will be caught... log_file("Configuration missing key for %s on %s" % (console.shortname, platform)) return None except AttributeError as e: # TODO(#28) Throw a ConfigError once it will be caught... log_user( "Cannot load emulator for %s. Check that your spelling is correct, and that the emulator you request is supported" % console.shortname) log_file("Error loading [%s] %s" % (emulator_key, console_key)) return None
def update_user_images(self,user_id,roms): """ Sets a suitable grid image for every rom in 'roms' for the user defined by 'user_id' """ grid = steam_grid.SteamGrid(steam_user_manager.userdata_directory_for_user_id(user_id)) for rom in roms: shortcut = rom.to_shortcut() if not grid.existing_image_for_filename(grid.filename_for_shortcut(shortcut.appname,shortcut.exe)): image = self.find_image_for_rom(rom) # Game not found if image is None: log_file("No game found for %s on %s" % (,rom.console.fullname)) log_user("The image provider has no game called %s for %s. Try going to %s and submittng the game yourself" % (,rom.console.fullname, self.host_for_image_source())) # Game found, but there is no picture elif image == "": log_file("No image found for %s. The URL checked was '%s'" % (,self.url_for_rom(rom))) log_user("We couldn't find an image for %s. If you find one you like, upload it to %s, and next time Ice runs it will use it" % (,self.host_for_image_source())) # Game found, AND there is a picture there else: log_file("Setting custom image for %s" % image_path = self.download_image(image) grid.set_image_for_shortcut(image_path,shortcut.appname,shortcut.exe)