def readZPositions(stk_files): # the only entry parameter for this function is a list with # the stk files print('\n\t\treading z-values... ') javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) zs = [] # array with z-positions ts = [] # array with time point (got from data files) print('starting loop...') for file_path in stk_files: print('reading file: {}'.format(file_path)) md = bioformats.get_omexml_metadata(file_path) ome = bioformats.OMEXML(md) # create an instance of an image to read z-position zp = ome.image().Pixels.Plane().get_PositionZ() time = int(file_path[:-4].split('t')[-1]) zs.append(zp) ts.append(time) z_offsets = np.array([item - min(np.array(zs)) for item in zs]) javabridge.kill_vm() return np.array(zs), np.array(ts), z_offsets
def close(self): if self.use_bioformats: self.filehandle.close() import javabridge javabridge.kill_vm() elif self.filetype == 'tif': # Nothing to do if sequence directory self.filehandle.close()
def close(self, is_last=False): self.reader.close() if is_last: try: javabridge.kill_vm() except AttributeError: # java_vm was already killed pass
def uninit_javabridge(): try: javabridge if vm_is_active() and vm_is_thread_alive(): javabridge.kill_vm() except NameError: return
def extract_merged_images(lif_file, out_dir): """ Extract merged images, in lif, into output directory :param lif: path to lif file :param out_dir: path to directory to store images :return: {path: (physical_size)} - metadata of images written. """ jv.start_vm(class_path=bf.JARS, max_heap_size='8G') merged_images = get_merged_image_ids(lif_file) image_data = {} for series in merged_images: image_ids, max_z, physical_size = merged_images[series] image_data[series] = (read_images(image_ids, max_z, lif_file), physical_size[0]) # Only read first merged image break # Finished reading data from the lif file jv.kill_vm() image_metadata = {} # Write images to out_dir for series in image_data: image_data, physical_size = image_data[series] # Write data in image_data for i, data in enumerate(image_data): out_path = out_dir + "/" + series + "_Z" + str(i) + ".tif" cv2.imwrite(out_path, data) image_metadata[out_path] = (physical_size) return image_metadata
def main(): javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) app = QApplication(sys.argv) form = AppForm() sys.exit(app.exec_()) javabridge.kill_vm()
def cp_stop_vm(kill=True): '''Shut down the Java VM Check for headlessness and the state of ImageJ and take whatever action is needed to stop AWT and the JVM. ''' from imagej.imagej2 import allow_quit, the_imagej_context try: ij1 = javabridge.JClassWrapper("ij.IJ").getInstance() except javabridge.JavaException as e: logger.debug("No available instance: %s" % str(e)) ij1 = None if the_imagej_context is not None: # # Tell the app service that it's OK to quit without prompt # allow_quit(), "dispose", "()V") if ij1 is not None: # # Yes, the proper way to get ImageJ to quit is # to start it. # if kill: javabridge.kill_vm()
def tearDownModule(): try: os.environ['PYJNIUS_ACTIVATE'] except KeyError: import javabridge javabridge.detach() javabridge.kill_vm()
def main(args): if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): jar_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "jars") jars = [os.path.join(jar_path, os.path.split(jar)[1]) for jar in bioformats.JARS] else: jars = bioformats.JARS javabridge.start_vm(class_path=jars) try: filenames = sum(map(glob.glob, sys.argv[1:]), []) app = wx.PySimpleApp() if len(filenames) == 0: with wx.FileDialog( None, "Pick files for z-stack", wildcard="Tiff files (*.tif)|*.tif|All files (*.*)|*.*", style = wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wx.FD_MULTIPLE | wx.FD_OPEN) as dlg: assert isinstance(dlg, wx.FileDialog) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return filenames = dlg.Paths planes = [bioformats.load_image(filename) for filename in filenames] img_red, img_green, img_blue = [ np.dstack([plane[:, :, i] for plane in planes]) *255 for i in range(3)] frame = Q3DFrame(img_red, img_green, img_blue, None, size=(1024, 768)) frame.SetTitle("Q3DStack: %s" %filenames[0]) app.MainLoop() finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def on_close(self, evt=None): # Classifier needs to be told to close so it can clean up it's threads classifier = wx.FindWindowById(ID_CLASSIFIER) or wx.FindWindowByName("Classifier") if classifier and classifier.Close() == False: return if any(wx.GetApp().get_plots()): dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, "Some tools are open, are you sure you want to quit CPA?", "Quit CellProfiler Analyst?", wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION, ) response = dlg.ShowModal() if response != wx.ID_YES: return try: import javabridge javabridge.kill_vm() except: print "Failed to kill the Java VM" # Blow up EVVVVERYTHIIINGGG!!! Muahahahahhahahah! for win in wx.GetTopLevelWindows(): logging.debug("Destroying: %s" % (win)) win.Destroy() if self.tbicon is not None: self.tbicon.Destroy() self.Destroy()
def imread_bioformats(path): """Thin wrapper around bioformats, slow and shitty, but works in a pinch, only reads z stack -- no time""" # import modules tp ise import javabridge import bioformats import gc import itertools # start the jave VM with the appropriate classes loaded javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) # init the reader with bioformats.ImageReader(path) as reader: # init container data = [] for i in itertool.count(): try: data.append(, rescale=False)) except javabridge.JavaException: # reached end of file, break break # clean up a little javabridge.kill_vm() gc.collect() # return ndarray return np.asarray(data)
def convert_and_resample_from_tif(file_name, output_file='image_cropped_ana.h5', z_factor=2.35, path_to_image='data'): import javabridge import bioformats javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) r = bioformats.ImageReader(file_name) shape = (r.rdr.getSizeT(), r.rdr.getSizeC(), r.rdr.getSizeZ(), r.rdr.getSizeY(), r.rdr.getSizeX()) shape_r = (r.rdr.getSizeT(), r.rdr.getSizeC(), int(z_factor * r.rdr.getSizeZ()), r.rdr.getSizeY(), r.rdr.getSizeX()) img = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.float32) img_r = numpy.zeros(shape_r, dtype=numpy.float32) img_r_prefilter = numpy.zeros(shape_r, dtype=numpy.float32) for t in range(shape[0]): print "T:", t, for c in range(shape[1]): for z in range(shape[2]): img[t, c, z, :, :,] =, t=t, z=z) img_r[t,c,:,:,:] = vigra.sampling.resizeVolumeSplineInterpolation(img[t,c,:,:,:], shape_r[2:]) img_r_prefilter[t, c, :, :, :] = ndimage.spline_filter(img_r[t,c,:,:,:]) f = h5py.File(output_file, 'w') f["/"].create_dataset(path_to_image, data=img) f["/"].create_dataset(path_to_image + "_resampled", data=img_r) f["/"].create_dataset(path_to_image + "_resampled_prefiltered", data=img_r_prefilter) f.close() javabridge.kill_vm()
def convert_nd2_all_samples(config, parallelize=0): """ """ # TODO: Fill in docstring workspace_directory = config["workspace_directory"] input_directory = Path(config["data_directory"]) output_directory = Path(workspace_directory, "unstitched") output_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True) samples = config["samples"] # TODO: Figure out if it's possible to parallelize by sample here. # TODO: Figure out better error handling here (e.g. catch error and # kill JVM if error occurs) javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) processes = [] for sample in samples: if parallelize > 0: process = mp.Process(target=convert_nd2_single_sample, args=(sample, input_directory, output_directory, parallelize - 1)) process.start() processes.append(process) else: convert_nd2_single_sample(sample, input_directory, output_directory) for process in processes: process.join() javabridge.kill_vm()
def read_file(input_directory, pixelsize, output_directory): img_pixelsize_x = pixelsize img_pixelsize_y = pixelsize modelfile_path = "2d_cell_net_v0-cytoplasm.modeldef.h5" weightfile_path = "snapshot_cytoplasm_iter_1000.caffemodel.h5" iofile_path = "output.h5" out_path = Path(output_directory) rootdir1 = Path(input_directory) """ Convert the tif to tiled tiff """ javabridge.start_vm(args=["-Dlog4j.configuration=file:{}".format(LOG4J)], class_path=JARS, run_headless=True) i = 0 try: for PATH in rootdir1.glob('**/*'): tile_grid_size = 1 tile_size = tile_grid_size * 1024 # Set up the BioReader with BioReader(PATH, backend='java', max_workers=cpu_count()) as br: # Loop through timepoints for t in range(br.T): # Loop through channels for c in range(br.C): with BioWriter(out_path.joinpath(f"final{i}.ome.tif"), metadata=br.metadata, backend='java') as bw: # Loop through z-slices for z in range(br.Z): # Loop across the length of the image for y in range(0, br.Y, tile_size): y_max = min([br.Y, y + tile_size]) # Loop across the depth of the image for x in range(0, br.X, tile_size): x_max = min([br.X, x + tile_size]) input_img = np.squeeze(br[y:y_max, x:x_max, z:z + 1, c, t]) img = unet_segmentation( input_img, img_pixelsize_x, img_pixelsize_y, modelfile_path, weightfile_path, iofile_path) bw[y:y_max, x:x_max, ...] = img os.remove("output.h5") i += 1 finally: # Close the javabridge. Since this is in the finally block, it is always run javabridge.kill_vm()
def kill_jvm(): """ Kill the JVM. Once killed, it cannot be restarted. See the python-javabridge documentation for more information. """ jv.kill_vm() VM_KILLED = True
def SubmitAction(self): roi_buff = [ int(self.roi_xbuff_line.text()), int(self.roi_ybuff_line.text()) ] analyzer = RecruitmentMovieAnalyzer() analyzer.SetParameters(protein_channel=self.prot_channel_line.text(), nuclear_channel=self.nuc_channel_line.text(), additional_rois=int(self.roi_spinbox.value()), irrad_frame=int(self.irrad_frame_line.text()), bleach_frames=int(self.irrad_frame_line.text()), save_direct=self.out_direct_line.text(), roi_buffer=roi_buff) if self.single_file_button.isChecked(): analyzer.LoadFile(video_file=self.movie_file_line.text(), roi_file=self.roi_file_line.text()) else: analyzer.LoadDirectory(video_direct=self.batch_direct_line.text(), extension=self.movie_file_line.text(), roi_extension=self.roi_file_line.text()) javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) t0 = time.time() #try: if 1: analyzer.ProcessFileList() #except: # print("Error processing the filelist!!!") tf = time.time() print("Processed file(s) in "\ +str(np.around((tf-t0)/60,decimals=3))\ +" minutes.") javabridge.kill_vm() pass
def on_close(self, evt=None): # Classifier needs to be told to close so it can clean up it's threads classifier = wx.FindWindowById(ID_CLASSIFIER) or wx.FindWindowByName( 'Classifier') if classifier and classifier.Close() == False: return if any(wx.GetApp().get_plots()): dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, 'Some tools are open, are you sure you want to quit CPA?', 'Quit CellProfiler Analyst?', wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION) response = dlg.ShowModal() if response != wx.ID_YES: return try: logging.debug("Shutting of Java VM") import javabridge if javabridge.get_env() is not None: javabridge.kill_vm() except: logging.debug("Failed to kill the Java VM") # Blow up EVVVVERYTHIIINGGG!!! Muahahahahhahahah! for win in wx.GetTopLevelWindows(): logging.debug('Destroying: %s' % (win)) win.Destroy() if self.tbicon is not None: self.tbicon.Destroy() self.Destroy()
def save_images(self): """Saves the individual images as a npy file 2D might have more acquisitions +/- focal plane, (usually 3 images). focal_plane_idx corresponds to the plane to consider. Mid-plane is the one in focus and the +/- on either side would be blurred. For 2D acquisitions, this is stored along the Z dimension. How is this handled for 3D acquisitions? """ if not os.path.exists(self.lif_fname): raise FileNotFoundError("LIF file doesn't exist at:", self.lif_fname) os.makedirs(self.split_dir, exist_ok=True) jv.start_vm(class_path=bf.JARS, max_heap_size='8G') metadata = bf.get_omexml_metadata(self.lif_fname) omexml_object = bf.OMEXML(metadata) num_channels = omexml_object.image().Pixels.channel_count num_samples = omexml_object.get_image_count() num_timepoints = omexml_object.image().Pixels.SizeT num_pix_z = omexml_object.image().Pixels.SizeZ size_x_um = omexml_object.image().Pixels.PhysicalSizeX size_y_um = omexml_object.image().Pixels.PhysicalSizeY size_z_um = omexml_object.image().Pixels.PhysicalSizeZ reader = bf.ImageReader(self.lif_fname, perform_init=True) records = [] for timepoint_idx in range(num_timepoints): timepoint_dir = os.path.join(self.split_dir, 'timepoint_{}'.format(timepoint_idx)) os.makedirs(timepoint_dir, exist_ok=True) for channel_idx in range(num_channels): channel_dir = os.path.join(timepoint_dir, 'channel_{}'.format(channel_idx)) os.makedirs(channel_dir, exist_ok=True) for sample_idx in range(15, 412): # num_samples cur_records = self.save_each_image(reader, num_pix_z, channel_dir, timepoint_idx, channel_idx, sample_idx, size_x_um, size_y_um, size_z_um) records.extend(cur_records) msg = 'Wrote files for tp:{}, channel:{}'.format( timepoint_idx, channel_idx) self._log_info(msg) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records, columns=[ 'timepoint', 'channel_num', 'sample_num', 'slice_num', 'fname', 'size_x_microns', 'size_y_microns', 'size_z_microns' ]) metadata_fname = os.path.join(self.split_dir, 'split_images_info.csv') df.to_csv(metadata_fname, sep=',') jv.kill_vm()
def readBioFormats(fn,debug=True): """Reads bioformats image file. Args: fn (str): Path to file. Keyword Args: debug (bool): Show debugging output. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing: * images (list): List of datasets * meta (OMEXML): meta data of all data. """ javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) meta=readBioFormatsMeta(fn) #Empty list to put datasets in images=[] #Open with reader class with bioformats.ImageReader(fn) as reader: #Loop through all images for i in range(meta.image_count): channels=[] #Check if there is a corrupt zstack for this particular dataset problematicStacks=checkProblematicStacks(reader,meta,i,debug=debug) #Loop through all channels for j in range(meta.image(i).Pixels.SizeC): zStacks=[] #Loop through all zStacks for k in range(meta.image(i).Pixels.SizeZ): #Check if corrupted if k not in problematicStacks:, c=j, z=k, rescale=False) zStacks.append(img) #Append to channels channels.append(zStacks) #Append to list of datasets and converts it to numpy array images.append(np.asarray(channels)) #Kill java VM javabridge.kill_vm() return images,meta
def stop(): """ Kills the JVM. """ global started if started is not None: started = None javabridge.kill_vm()
def loadSeriesFromFile(filepath, series) -> (BioMeta, np.ndarray): meta = loadBioMetaSeriesFromFile(filepath, series) image = loadBioImageSeriesFromFile(filepath, meta) javabridge.kill_vm() return meta, image
def tearDownModule(): try: os.environ["PYJNIUS_ACTIVATE"] except KeyError: import javabridge javabridge.detach() javabridge.kill_vm()
def __init__(self): try: jb.start_vm( class_path=jb.JARS + [resource_filename('noesis', Noesis.__DEFAULT_JAR_FILE__)], run_headless=False) except: jb.kill_vm()
def __call__(self, id, filename, uri, **kwargs): """ Extract metadata from a Datafile using the get_meta function and save the outputs as DatafileParameters. This function differs from process_meta in that it generates an output directory in the metadata store and passes it to the metadata processing func so that outputs e.g., preview images or metadata files) can be saved. param id: Datafile ID type id: integer param filename: Absolute path to a file for processing type filename: string param uri: Dataset URI type uri: string param kwargs: Extra arguments type kwargs: object return Extracted metadata rtype dict """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension[1:] not in bioformats.READABLE_FORMATS: return None"Applying Bioformats filter to {}...".format(filename)) # Need to start a JVM in each thread check_and_start_jvm() try: javabridge.attach() shush_logger() thumb_rel_path, thumb_abs_path = get_thumbnail_paths( id, filename, uri) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(thumb_abs_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(thumb_abs_path)) rsp = get_meta(filename, os.path.dirname(thumb_abs_path), **kwargs) if rsp is not None: metadata = [] for i in rsp: metadata.append(self.filter_metadata(i)) return metadata[0] except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) finally: javabridge.detach() javabridge.kill_vm() return None
def command(input, output, channels, image_size, verbose): input_directory = os.path.realpath(input) output_directory = os.path.realpath(output) if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.mkdir(output_directory) # Collect subdirectories. subdirectories = [ directory for directory in glob.glob(os.path.join(input_directory, "*")) if os.path.isdir(directory) ] # Collect channels to parse. if channels: channels = _parse_channels(channels) jvm_started = False for subdirectory in subdirectories: # Collect images in subdirectory, filtering out unsupported image formats. paths = _collect(subdirectory) ext = os.path.splitext(paths[0])[-1].lower() if ext == ".cif" and not jvm_started: import javabridge log_config = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "deepometry", "resources/logback.xml") javabridge.start_vm(args=[ "-Dlogback.configurationFile={}".format(log_config), "-Dloglevel={}".format("DEBUG" if verbose else "OFF") ], class_path=bioformats.JARS, max_heap_size="8G", run_headless=True) jvm_started = True label = os.path.split(subdirectory)[-1] label_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, label) try: deepometry.parse.parse(paths, output_directory=label_directory, size=image_size, channels=channels) except Exception as exception: if jvm_started: javabridge.kill_vm() raise exception if jvm_started: javabridge.kill_vm()
def test_java_bridge(): javabridge.start_vm(run_headless=True) try: print( javabridge.run_script( 'java.lang.String.format("Hello, %s!", name);', dict(name='world'))) finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def __main__(image, output, image_size, montage_size): try: javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS, max_heap_size='8G') os.mkdir(output) __stitch(image, output, image_size, montage_size) finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def load_file(tiffile, pixel_per_nm=None, _init_vm=True, _kill_vm_on_end=True): # get metadata metadata = os.popen( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/showinf ' + tiffile +\ ' -nopix' ).read() #Acquisition if pixel_per_nm is None: if "Nanometers per pixel (X)" in metadata: pixel_size_x = float(metadata.split("Nanometers per pixel (X)",1)[-1]\ .split('\n')[0]\ .split(':')[-1].strip()) pixel_size_y = float(metadata.split("Nanometers per pixel (Y)",1)[-1]\ .split('\n')[0]\ .split(':')[-1].strip()) else: print( 'Unknown TEM file format. Could not read nm per pixel. Set to 1' ) pixel_size_x = 1 pixel_size_y = 1 if (pixel_size_x != pixel_size_y): print("WARNING. PIXEL SIXE X != PIXEL SIZE Y. UNEXPECTED") print(f'Pixel Size X: {pixel_size_x}') print(f'Pixel Size Y: {pixel_size_y}') print('Continuing with pixel size X only') nm_per_pixel = float(pixel_size_x) else: nm_per_pixel = 1 / pixel_per_nm # get image if _init_vm: init_vm() #properly select image reader to load data #see: image_reader = bioformats.formatreader.make_image_reader_class()() image_reader.allowOpenToCheckType(True) image_reader.setId(tiffile) wrapper = bioformats.formatreader.ImageReader(path=tiffile, perform_init=False) wrapper.rdr = image_reader data =[::-1, :].T if _kill_vm_on_end: javabridge.kill_vm() Nx, Ny = data.shape x = [x * nm_per_pixel for x in range(Nx)] y = [x * nm_per_pixel for x in range(Ny)] return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'data': data, 'nm_per_pixel': nm_per_pixel}
def extract_metadata(filepath,cycle_vm=True,meta_number=None,stage_loop=True,z_stack=False): if cycle_vm: javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) biof=extract_meta_bioformats(filepath) if meta_number is not None: filepath=change_file_num(filepath,meta_number) metadata=extract_meta_manual(filepath,metadata=biof,stage_loop=stage_loop,z_stack=z_stack) if cycle_vm: javabridge.kill_vm() return metadata
def stop(self): if javabridge is None: return if self.isRunning: javabridge.kill_vm() self.isRunning = False print('bJavaBridge.stop()') else: print('bJavaBridge.stop() javabridge is not running')
def done(): """Kill the JVM. Once killed, it cannot be restarted. Notes ----- See the python-javabridge documentation for more information. """ jv.kill_vm() global VM_KILLED VM_KILLED = True
def process(self, i, o): javabridge.start_vm( class_path=javabridge.JARS + ["/apps/whyis/jars/whyis-java-jar-with-dependencies.jar"], run_headless=True) try: javabridge.run_script(';', dict(greetee='world')) finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def jvm(): print() print('Starting javabridge...') log_config = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("") jutil.start_vm(args=["-Dlog4j.configuration=file:{}".format(bfio.LOG4J)], class_path=bfio.JARS) yield print() print('Closing javabridge...') jutil.kill_vm()
def run_javabridge(java_code_to_run): javabridge.start_vm(run_headless=True) try: output = javabridge.run_script(java_code_to_run) print(output) # need to process and return some stuff here finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def write_ome_tiff(path, img, name, fluor_names, channel_names=None, pixel_type=bioformats.omexml.PT_UINT16): FIELD_FLUOR = 'Fluor' omexml = bioformats.omexml.OMEXML() omexml.image(0).Name = name omexml.image(0).Pixels.PixelType = pixel_type omexml.image(0).Pixels.DimensionOrder = bioformats.omexml.DO_XYCZT omexml.image(0).Pixels.SizeX = img.shape[2] omexml.image(0).Pixels.SizeY = img.shape[1] omexml.image(0).Pixels.SizeC = img.shape[0] omexml.image(0).Pixels.SizeZ = 1 omexml.image(0).Pixels.SizeT = 1 assert len(fluor_names) == img.shape[0] if channel_names is None: channel_names = fluor_names assert (len(fluor_names) == len(channel_names)) omexml.image(0).Pixels.channel_count = len(fluor_names) for i, (fluor_name, channel_name) in enumerate(zip(fluor_names, channel_names)): omexml.image(0).Pixels.Channel(i).Name = channel_name omexml.image(0).Pixels.Channel(i).SamplesPerPixel = 1 omexml.image(0).Pixels.Channel(i).node.set(FIELD_FLUOR, fluor_name) javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) try: env = javabridge.get_env() buffer = env.make_object_array(img.shape[0], env.find_class('[B')) for i, channel_img in enumerate(img): channel_data = np.frombuffer( np.ascontiguousarray(channel_img).data, np.uint8) env.set_object_array_element(buffer, i, env.make_byte_array(channel_data)) javabridge.run_script( """ importClass(Packages.loci.common.DebugTools); importClass(; importClass(; importClass(Packages.loci.formats.ImageWriter); DebugTools.enableLogging("INFO"); var service = new ServiceFactory().getInstance(OMEXMLService); var metadata = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(xml); var writer = new ImageWriter(); writer.setMetadataRetrieve(metadata); writer.setWriteSequentially(true); writer.setId(path); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { writer.saveBytes(i, buffer[i]); } writer.close(); """, dict(path=path, xml=omexml.to_xml(), buffer=buffer)) finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def readVWS(path): javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bf.JARS) try:'Data path: {}'.format(path)) md = bf.get_omexml_metadata(path) # img = bf.ImageReader(path, perform_init=True) finally: javabridge.kill_vm() return md
def shutdown_cellprofiler(): '''Oh sadness and so many threads that won't die... ''' try: import javabridge javabridge.kill_vm() except: pass try: from ilastik.core.jobMachine import GLOBAL_WM GLOBAL_WM.stopWorkers() except: pass
def setup_and_teardown(): log_config = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "resources", "") javabridge.start_vm( args=[ "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:{}".format(log_config), ], class_path=bioformats.JARS, run_headless=True ) yield javabridge.kill_vm()
def end_javabridge(): ''' End the java virtual machine. Notes ----- When killed, it cannot be restarted. ''' global JVM_END javabridge.kill_vm() JVM_END = True
def main(): parser = configure_parser() args = parser.parse_args() metadata_path = path.join(args.experiment_path, '.registrationData', 'metadata.json') metadata = json.load(open(metadata_path)) javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) log4j.basic_config() image_descriptors = ifilter( lambda d: d is not None, (get_image_descriptor(label_path, metadata, args) for label_path in args.image_paths) ) df = dataframes.get_dataframe_from_image_sequence(image_descriptors) df.to_csv(args.output_path) javabridge.kill_vm()
def main(): parser = configure_parser() args = parser.parse_args() meta_man = io.MetadataManager(experiment_path=args.experiment_path) number_of_vsi_samples = numpy.ceil(len(meta_man.metadata) * args.vsi_fraction) metadata_sample = list(numpy.random.choice(meta_man.metadata, number_of_vsi_samples, replace=False)) output_file = open(args.output_file, "w") javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) log4j.basic_config() (histogram, bins) = numpy.histogram([], bins=args.number_of_bins, range=(0.0, 2 ** 16 - 1), density=True) n = 0.0 for entry in metadata_sample: image = load_vsi(os.path.join(args.experiment_path, entry["vsiPath"])) number_of_samples = numpy.ceil(image.size * args.pixel_fraction) samples = numpy.random.choice(image.flatten(), number_of_samples, replace=False) sample_hist, sample_bins = numpy.histogram(samples, bins=args.number_of_bins, range=(0.0, 2 ** 16 - 1)) sample_hist = sample_hist.astype(numpy.float64) / number_of_samples if n > 0: gamma = number_of_samples / n histogram = update_histogram(histogram, sample_hist, gamma) else: histogram = sample_hist n += samples.size javabridge.kill_vm() output_obj = {"bins": list(bins), "histogram": list(histogram), "n": n} json.dump(output_obj, output_file) output_file.close()
def upload_3d_hela_collection(data_path, is_test=False): """ The HeLa images are all in the same directory with the dataset, channel, and cell indicated by the filename. We combine each cell's channel files into a single image and upload it to OMERO, organizing the datasets together under the HeLa project, which is created it if it doesn't exist. If is_test is true, only upload one image. """ check_structure(data_path) conn = get_omero_connection() dataset_to_ids = dict() javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) bioformats.log4j.basic_config() for dataset in DATASETS: im_ids = upload_dataset(conn, data_path, dataset, is_test) dataset_to_ids[dataset['name']] = im_ids if is_test: break organize_uploaded_images(conn, dataset_to_ids) javabridge.kill_vm() conn._closeSession()
def main(): parser = configure_parser() args = parser.parse_args() meta_man = io.MetadataManager(experiment_path=args.experiment_path) output_file = open(args.output_file, 'w') entry = meta_man.get_entry_from_name(os.path.basename(args.vsi_filename)) javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) log4j.basic_config() if entry is not None: image = load_vsi(os.path.join(args.experiment_path, entry['vsiPath'])) number_of_samples = numpy.ceil(image.size * args.pixel_fraction) samples = numpy.random.choice(image.flatten(), number_of_samples, replace=False) histogram, bins = numpy.histogram(samples, bins=args.number_of_bins, range=(0.0, 2**16 - 1)) percentiles = map(float, range(0, 101)) percentile_values = numpy.percentile(image, percentiles) else: print "Could not locate %s in metadata!" %s args.vsi_filename javabridge.kill_vm() return javabridge.kill_vm() output_obj = { 'bins': list(bins), 'histogram': list(histogram), 'n': number_of_samples, 'percentiles': percentiles, 'percentile_values': list(percentile_values) } json.dump(output_obj, output_file) output_file.close()
def upload_3d_synthetic_hela_collection(data_path, is_test=False): """ Given the path to the 3d synthetic hela images, they are in a one-image-per-channel format. For each dataset, merge corresponding channels of the same image into one and upload them to an OMERO instance. Look for a HeLa project and create it if it doesn't exist. Otherwise, upload the datasets to the existing HeLa project. If is_test is true, only upload one image. """ check_structure(data_path) conn = get_omero_connection() dataset_to_ids = dict() javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) bioformats.log4j.basic_config() for dataset in DATASETS: name, infix = dataset['name'], dataset['infix'] im_ids = upload_dataset(conn, dataset, data_path, is_test) dataset_to_ids[name] = im_ids if is_test: break organize_uploaded_images(conn, dataset_to_ids) javabridge.kill_vm() conn._closeSession()
def main(): # # For Windows build with Ilastik, look for site-packages # in order to find Ilastik sources. # if hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and sys.platform == "win32": root = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0] if len(root) == 0: root = os.curdir root = os.path.abspath(root) site_packages = os.path.join(root, 'site-packages').encode('utf-8') if os.path.exists(site_packages) and os.path.isdir(site_packages): import site site.addsitedir(site_packages) # # For OS/X set up the UI elements that users expect from # an app. # if sys.platform == "darwin": from cellprofiler.icons import get_builtin_images_path icon_path = os.path.join(get_builtin_images_path(), "CellProfilerIcon.png") os.environ["APP_NAME_%d" % os.getpid()] = "CellProfilerWorker" os.environ["APP_ICON_%d" % os.getpid()] = icon_path # Start the JVM from cellprofiler.utilities.cpjvm import cp_start_vm cp_start_vm() deadman_start_socket = the_zmq_context.socket(zmq.PAIR) deadman_start_socket.bind(DEADMAN_START_ADDR) # Start the deadman switch thread. start_daemon_thread(target=exit_on_stdin_close, name="exit_on_stdin_close") deadman_start_socket.recv() deadman_start_socket.close() from cellprofiler.knime_bridge import KnimeBridgeServer with AnalysisWorker(work_announce_address) as worker: worker_thread = threading.Thread(target =, name="WorkerThread") worker_thread.setDaemon(True) worker_thread.start() with KnimeBridgeServer(the_zmq_context, knime_bridge_address, NOTIFY_ADDR, NOTIFY_STOP): enter_run_loop() worker_thread.join() # # Shutdown - need to handle some global cleanup here # try: from ilastik.core.jobMachine import GLOBAL_WM GLOBAL_WM.stopWorkers() except: logger.warn("Failed to stop Ilastik") try: from imagej.imagej2 import allow_quit allow_quit() except: logger.warn("Failed to signal ImageJ to stop") try: J.kill_vm() except: logger.warn("Failed to stop the Java VM")
def JVdone(): jv.kill_vm() global VM_KILLED VM_KILLED = True
def run(self): self.esteem = "through the roof" proxy = MyProxy() J.JWrapper(proxy.o).run() self.assertEqual(proxy.esteem, "through the roof") def test_01_04_args(self): my_observable = J.make_instance("java/util/Observable", "()V") def update(observable, obj): self.assertTrue(J.JWrapper(observable).equals(my_observable)) self.assertTrue(J.JWrapper(obj).equals("bar")) proxy = J.JProxy('java.util.Observer', dict(update=update)) J.JWrapper(proxy.o).update(my_observable, "bar") def test_01_05_return_value(self): def call(): return "foo" proxy = J.JProxy('java.util.concurrent.Callable', dict(call = call)) self.assertEquals(J.JWrapper(proxy.o).call(), "foo") if __name__=="__main__": import javabridge javabridge.start_vm() try: unittest.main() finally: javabridge.kill_vm()
def main(): # Parse command line input parser = configure_parser() args = parser.parse_args() metadata = json.loads(args.input_metadata) experiment_path = path.expanduser(args.experiment_path) vsi_path = path.join(experiment_path, metadata['vsiPath']) net_path = path.expanduser(args.net_path) model_path = path.expanduser(args.model_path) output_path = path.expanduser(args.output_path) # Configure fish_net. This will be done internally when CellDetectors are initialized at some point.... fish_net = caffe.Net(net_path, model_path, caffe.TEST) # Configure a cell detector # The cell_radius is important for processing the output of fish_net (ex. separating nearby cells) # The signal_channel specifies the channel in the input image that contains the relevant signal (i.e. the ISH stain) detector_chunker_params = { 'chunk_size': args.chunk_size, 'stride': 6, 'window_size': 49, 'num_classes': 2 } vsi_chunker_params = { 'chunk_size': args.chunk_size, 'stride': 6, 'window_size': 43, 'num_classes': 1 } cell_detector = detection.CellDetector(net=fish_net, cell_radius=11, signal_channel=0, chunker_params=detector_chunker_params) cell_detector.set_mode_cpu() # Configure and start the JVM for loading vsi images with bioformats javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) log4j.basic_config() # Creates an image descriptor from a metadata entry image_descriptor = data.ImageDescriptor.from_metadata( metadata, experiment_path=experiment_path, flip=args.flip, flop=args.flop ) vsi_image = load_vsi(vsi_path) javabridge.kill_vm() # Caffe will segfault if the jvm is running... vsi_chunker = detection.ImageChunkerWithOutput(vsi_image.transpose(2,0,1), **vsi_chunker_params) vsi_chunker.allocate_output() prev_end_row = prev_end_col = -1 for chunk, _ in vsi_chunker: cell_detector.set_image(chunk.transpose(1,2,0)) detected_cells = cell_detector.detect_cells() start_row, start_col = vsi_chunker.current_chunk_bounds[:2] detected_cells = shift_cells(detected_cells, start_row, start_col) detected_cells = filter_duplicates(detected_cells, prev_end_row, prev_end_col) physical_cells = map(lambda cell: data.PhysicalCell.from_cell(cell, VSI_PIXEL_SCALE), detected_cells) print "Adding %d cells to descriptor" % len(physical_cells) image_descriptor.cells += physical_cells prev_end_row, prev_end_col = vsi_chunker.current_chunk_bounds[2:] # Correct for borders. I just calculated these by hand. It's a script. Get over it. prev_end_row -= 21 prev_end_col -= 21 # Compute and set the offset of the region map vsi_resolution = numpy.asarray(vsi_image.shape[:2], dtype=numpy.int32) image_descriptor.vsi_resolution = vsi_resolution image_descriptor.region_map_offset = compute_offset( vsi_resolution, map_shape=image_descriptor.region_map.shape ) # pickle the image descriptor output_file = open(output_path, 'w') pickle.dump(image_descriptor, output_file) output_file.close()
dist = setup( console=[{'script':'', 'icon_resources':[(1,'CellProfilerIcon.ico')]}, {'script':'cellprofiler\\', 'icon_resources':[(1,'CellProfilerIcon.ico')]}], name='Cell Profiler', data_files = data_files, cmdclass={'msi':CellProfilerMSI, 'codesign':CellProfilerCodesign }, options=opts) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: for tempfile, relative_path in rofiles: # TODO: extra credit for finding where the distribution # is and changing the files back to read-only os.remove(tempfile) try: from javabridge import kill_vm kill_vm() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() os._exit(0) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print "Caught exception while killing VM"
def stop_vm(self): javabridge.detach() javabridge.kill_vm()
def finalize(self, result): javabridge.kill_vm()
def stop(): """ Kills the JVM """ javabridge.kill_vm()
## if (FilesNum == FilesNumOld): ## CtrlWhile += 1 ## saves all input files in single tif ##CntFull=0 ##DataSave = np.zeros((int(SeqSize),Data_temp.shape[0],Data_temp.shape[1])) ##for Files_fn in FilesOnFold: ## if FullData [CntFull][0]: ## DataSave[CntFull,:,:] = FullData [CntFull][1][:,:] ## CntFull+=1 ## ##OutPutSingleFile = '../'+WorkFolderName+'.tif' ##with tifffile.TiffWriter(OutPutSingleFile, bigtiff=True) as tif: ##, compress=0) jv.kill_vm() print "All Done!" ## saves all Bacground substracted files in single tif FileNamePattern = BckgSubs_fn + '*' FilesOnFold = sorted(glob.glob(FileNamePattern), key=os.path.getmtime) Char1 = 'bool' Data_temp = tifffile.imread(FilesOnFold) Char2 = '('+str(Data_temp.shape[0])+','+str(Data_temp.shape[1])+')float32' Char = Char1+', '+Char2 FullData = np.zeros(len(FilesOnFold),dtype = Char) CntFull = 0 for Files_fn in FilesOnFold: if ~FullData [CntFull][0]: Data_temp = tifffile.imread(Files_fn) FullData [CntFull][0] = 1
def kill_vm(): javabridge.detach() javabridge.kill_vm()
def main(args): javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bf.JARS) try: lifdir = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print "Usage: %s lif_directory [sdx] [sdy] [sdz]" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) try: sdx, sdy, sdz = int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4]) except IndexError: print "Using default values for standard deviation" sdx, sdy, sdz = 4, 4, 3 md = bf.get_omexml_metadata(lifdir) mdo = bf.OMEXML(md) rdr = bf.ImageReader(lifdir, perform_init=True) names, sizes, resolutions = parse_xml_metadata(md) print '%s contains:' % lifdir for i in range(mdo.image_count): print '%d, %s, %s' % (i,names[i],(sizes[i],)) for im_num in range(mdo.image_count): im_size = () im_size = [sizes[im_num][1],sizes[im_num][2],sizes[im_num][0],3] image3d = np.empty(im_size, np.uint8) print 'projecting: %d, %s, %s' % (im_num,names[im_num],(sizes[im_num],)) z_size = sizes[im_num][0] flush_message('Importing...') for z in range(z_size): image3d[:,:,z,:] =, series=im_num, rescale=False) print 'done' #ma = greyScale(image3d) ma = np.amax(image3d, 3) #sdx, sdy, sdz = 4, 4, 3 sds = 4 output_dir = "./proj_%s_%s" % (lifdir, im_num) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) max_proj = np.amax(ma, axis=2) mpfilename = os.path.join(output_dir, "max-proj.png") scipy.misc.imsave(mpfilename, max_proj) bl = nd.gaussian_filter(ma, [sdx, sdy, sdz]) #ps = find_projection_surface(bl) ps = proj.max_indices_z(bl) sps = nd.gaussian_filter(ps, sds) vis_factor = 255 / z_size sfilename = os.path.join(output_dir, "surface-g3d-%d-%d-%d-%d.png" % (sdx, sdy, sdz, sds)) scipy.misc.imsave(sfilename, sps * vis_factor) res = proj.projection_from_surface(ma, sps, dm=3, dp=0) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "proj-g3d-%d-%d-%d-%d.png" % (sdx, sdy, sdz, sds)) pmax = np.amax(res) vis_scale = 255 / pmax scipy.misc.imsave(filename, res * vis_scale) flush_message("Post processing...") pp = projpp.proj_filter(res * vis_scale, 3, 60, 15) print " done" filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'proj-pp-%d-%d-%d-%d.png' % (sdx, sdy, sdz, sds)) scipy.misc.imsave(filename, pp) javabridge.kill_vm() return 0