def kill(): dhnio.Dprint(0, 'kill') total_count = 0 found = False while True: appList = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnmain.exe', '', '', 'regexp:^/usr/bin/python\ +/usr/bin/datahaven.*$', 'dhnview.exe', '', 'dhnbackup.exe', '', 'dhntester.exe', '', 'dhnstarter.exe', ]) if len(appList) > 0: found = True for pid in appList: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'trying to stop pid %d' % pid) dhnio.kill_process(pid) if len(appList) == 0: if found: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'DataHaven.NET stopped\n') else: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'DataHaven.NET was not started\n') return 0 total_count += 1 if total_count > 10: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'some DataHaven.NET process found, but can not stop it\n') return 1 time.sleep(1)
def main(): """ THIS IS THE ENTRY POINT OF THE PROGRAM! """ try: import lib.dhnio as dhnio except: dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('datahaven')) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, '..'))) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, '..', '..'))) try: import lib.dhnio as dhnio except: return 1 # init IO module, update locale dhnio.init() # TODO # sys.excepthook = dhnio.ExceptionHook if not dhnio.isFrozen(): from twisted.internet.defer import setDebugging setDebugging(True) # ask dhnio to count time for each line from that moment, not absolute time dhnio.LifeBegins() pars = parser() (opts, args) = pars.parse_args() if opts.no_logs: dhnio.DisableLogs() #---logpath--- logpath = '' if dhnio.Windows(): logpath = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'DataHaven.NET', 'logs', 'dhnmainstart.log') elif dhnio.Linux(): old_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'datahavennet') if os.path.isdir(old_path): logpath = os.path.join(old_path, 'logs', 'dhnmainstart.log') else: logpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.datahaven', 'logs', 'dhnmainstart.log') if opts.output: logpath = opts.output if logpath != '': dhnio.OpenLogFile(logpath) dhnio.Dprint(2, 'dhnmain.main log file opened ' + logpath) if dhnio.Windows() and dhnio.isFrozen(): dhnio.StdOutRedirectingStart() dhnio.Dprint(2, 'dhnmain.main redirecting started') if opts.debug or str(opts.debug) == '0': dhnio.SetDebug(opts.debug) if opts.quite and not opts.verbose: dhnio.DisableOutput() if opts.verbose: copyright() dhnio.Dprint(2, 'dhnmain.main started ' + time.asctime()) overDict = override_options(opts, args) cmd = '' if len(args) > 0: cmd = args[0].lower() dhnio.Dprint(2, 'dhnmain.main args=%s' % str(args)) #---start--- if cmd == '' or cmd == 'start' or cmd == 'go': appList = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnmain.exe', '', '', 'regexp:^/usr/bin/python\ +/usr/bin/datahaven.*$', ]) # pid = -1 # try: # if dhnio.Windows(): # dhn_data_path = os.path.join(os.environ.get('APPDATA', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Application Data')), 'DataHaven.NET') # pid_path = os.path.join(dhn_data_path, 'metadata', 'processid') # else: # pid_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.datahaven', 'metadata', 'processid') # if os.path.isfile(pid_path): # pid = int(dhnio.ReadBinaryFile(pid_path).strip()) # except: # dhnio.DprintException() # this is extra protection for Debian release # I am nut sure how process name can looks on different systems # check the process ID from previous start # it file exists and we found this PID in the currently running apps - DHN is working # if file not exists we don't want to start if found some other jobs with same name # PREPRO probably in future we can switch to this line: # if len(appList) > 0 and pid != -1 and pid in appList # because if we do not have pid - the process is not working # but old versions do not have pid file so we need to wait till # all users be updated to this version - revision 7520+ # if len(appList) > 0 and ( ( pid != -1 and pid in appList ) or ( pid == -1 ) ): if len(appList) > 0: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'DataHaven.NET already started, found another process: %s' % str(appList)) dhnio.shutdown() return 0 ret = run('', opts, args, overDict) dhnio.shutdown() return ret #---restart--- elif cmd == 'restart': appList = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnmain.exe', '', '', 'regexp:^/usr/bin/python\ +/usr/bin/datahaven.*$', ]) if len(appList) > 0: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'found main DataHaven.NET process: %s, sending "restart" command ... ' % str(appList), '') def done(x): dhnio.Dprint(0, 'DONE\n', '') from twisted.internet import reactor if reactor.running and not reactor._stopped: reactor.stop() def failed(x): dhnio.Dprint(0, 'FAILED, killing previous process and do restart\n', '') try: kill() except: dhnio.DprintException() from twisted.internet import reactor import lib.misc as misc reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after','shutdown', misc.DoRestart) reactor.stop() try: from twisted.internet import reactor from command_line import run_url_command d = run_url_command('?action=restart', False) d.addCallback(done) d.addErrback(failed) dhnio.shutdown() return 0 except: dhnio.DprintException() dhnio.shutdown() return 1 else: ret = run('', opts, args, overDict) dhnio.shutdown() return ret #---show--- elif cmd == 'show' or cmd == 'open': appList_dhnview = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnview.exe', '', ]) appList = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnmain.exe', '', '', 'regexp:^/usr/bin/python\ +/usr/bin/datahaven.*$', ]) if len(appList_dhnview) > 0: if len(appList) == 0: for pid in appList_dhnview: dhnio.kill_process(pid) else: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'DataHaven.NET GUI already opened, found another process: %s' % str(appList)) dhnio.shutdown() return 0 if len(appList) == 0: ret = run('show', opts, args, overDict) dhnio.shutdown() return ret dhnio.Dprint(0, 'found main DataHaven.NET process: %s, start the GUI\n' % str(appList)) ret = show() dhnio.shutdown() return ret #---stop--- elif cmd == 'stop' or cmd == 'kill' or cmd == 'shutdown': appList = dhnio.find_process([ 'dhnmain.exe', '', '', 'regexp:^/usr/bin/python\ +/usr/bin/datahaven.*$', ]) if len(appList) > 0: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'found main DataHaven.NET process: %s, sending command "exit" ... ' % str(appList), '') try: from twisted.internet import reactor from command_line import run_url_command url = '?action=exit' run_url_command(url, False).addBoth(wait_then_kill) dhnio.shutdown() return 0 except: dhnio.DprintException() ret = kill() dhnio.shutdown() return ret else: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'DataHaven.NET is not running at the moment') dhnio.shutdown() return 0 #---uninstall--- elif cmd == 'uninstall': def do_spawn(x=None): from lib.settings import WindowsStarterFileName starter_filepath = os.path.join(dhnio.getExecutableDir(), WindowsStarterFileName()) dhnio.Dprint(0, "dhnmain.main dhnstarter.exe path: %s " % starter_filepath) if not os.path.isfile(starter_filepath): dhnio.Dprint(0, "dhnmain.main ERROR %s not found" % starter_filepath) dhnio.shutdown() return 1 cmdargs = [os.path.basename(starter_filepath), 'uninstall'] dhnio.Dprint(0, "dhnmain.main os.spawnve cmdargs="+str(cmdargs)) ret = os.spawnve(os.P_DETACH, starter_filepath, cmdargs, os.environ) dhnio.shutdown() return ret def do_reactor_stop_and_spawn(x=None): reactor.stop() ret = do_spawn() dhnio.shutdown() return ret dhnio.Dprint(0, 'dhnmain.main UNINSTALL!') if not dhnio.Windows(): dhnio.Dprint(0, 'This command can be used only under OS Windows.') dhnio.shutdown() return 0 if not dhnio.isFrozen(): dhnio.Dprint(0, 'You are running DataHaven.NET from sources, uninstall command is available only for binary version.') dhnio.shutdown() return 0 appList = dhnio.find_process(['dhnmain.exe',]) if len(appList) > 0: dhnio.Dprint(0, 'found main DataHaven.NET process... ', '') try: from twisted.internet import reactor from command_line import run_url_command url = '?action=exit' run_url_command(url).addBoth(do_reactor_stop_and_spawn) dhnio.shutdown() return 0 except: dhnio.DprintException() ret = do_spawn() dhnio.shutdown() return ret #---command_line--- import command_line ret =, args, overDict, pars) if ret == 2: print usage() dhnio.shutdown() return ret