def is_all_peers_stopped(responses):
    """Establish whether all peers have stopped their proxy services.

    Each peer unit will set stop-proxy-service-ack to rq value to indicate that
    it has stopped its proxy service. We wait for all units to be stopped
    before triggering a sync. Peer services will be  restarted once their rings
    are synced with the leader.

    To be safe, default expectation is that api is still running.
    rq_key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC
    ack_key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC_ACK
    token = relation_get(attribute=rq_key, unit=local_unit())
    if not token or token != responses[0].get(ack_key):
        log("Token mismatch, rq and ack tokens differ (expected ack={}, "
            "got={})".format(token, responses[0].get(ack_key)),
        return False

    if not all_responses_equal(responses, ack_key):
            "Not all ack responses are equal. Either we are still waiting "
            "for responses or we were not the request originator.",
        return False

    return True
def cluster_leader_actions():
    """Cluster relation hook actions to be performed by leader units.

    NOTE: must be called by leader from cluster relation hook.
    log("Cluster changed by unit=%s (local is leader)" % (remote_unit()),

    # If we have received an ack, check other units
    settings = relation_get() or {}
    ack_key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC_ACK

    # Protect against leader changing mid-sync
    if settings.get(SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC):
        log("Sync request received yet this is leader unit. This would "
            "indicate that the leader has changed mid-sync - stopping proxy "
            "and notifying peers", level=ERROR)
    elif ack_key in settings:
        token = settings[ack_key]
        # Find out if all peer units have been stopped.
        responses = []
        for rid in relation_ids('cluster'):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                responses.append(relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit))

        # Ensure all peers stopped before starting sync
        if all_peers_stopped(responses):
            key = 'peers-only'
            if not all_responses_equal(responses, key, must_exist=False):
                msg = ("Did not get equal response from every peer unit for "
                       "'%s'" % (key))
                raise SwiftProxyCharmException(msg)

            peers_only = int(get_first_available_value(responses, key,
            log("Syncing rings and builders (peers-only=%s)" % (peers_only),
            broadcast_rings_available(token, storage=not peers_only)
            log("Not all peer apis stopped - skipping sync until all peers "
                "ready (got %s)" % (responses), level=INFO)

def all_peers_stopped(responses):
    """Establish whether all peers have stopped their proxy services.

    Each peer unit will set stop-proxy-service-ack to rq value to indicate that
    it has stopped its proxy service. We wait for all units to be stopped
    before triggering a sync. Peer services will be  restarted once their rings
    are synced with the leader.

    To be safe, default expectation is that api is still running.
    rq_key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC
    ack_key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC_ACK
    token = relation_get(attribute=rq_key, unit=local_unit())
    if not token or token != responses[0].get(ack_key):
        log("Unmatched token in ack (expected=%s, got=%s)" %
            (token, responses[0].get(ack_key)), level=DEBUG)
        return False

    if not all_responses_equal(responses, ack_key):
        return False

    return True
    def test_all_responses_equal(self):
        responses = [{'a': 1, 'c': 3}]
            swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b', must_exist=False))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertFalse(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertFalse(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))
    def test_all_responses_equal(self):
        responses = [{'a': 1, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b',

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertFalse(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertTrue(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))

        responses = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 3}]
        self.assertFalse(swift_utils.all_responses_equal(responses, 'b'))
def cluster_leader_actions():
    """Cluster relation hook actions to be performed by leader units.

    NOTE: must be called by leader from cluster relation hook.
    log("Cluster changed by unit={} (local is leader)".format(remote_unit()),

    rx_settings = relation_get() or {}
    tx_settings = relation_get(unit=local_unit()) or {}

    rx_rq_token = rx_settings.get(SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC)
    rx_ack_token = rx_settings.get(SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC_ACK)

    tx_rq_token = tx_settings.get(SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC)
    tx_ack_token = tx_settings.get(SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC_ACK)

    rx_leader_changed = \
    if rx_leader_changed:
            "Leader change notification received and this is leader so "
            "retrying sync.",
        # FIXME: check that we were previously part of a successful sync to
        #        ensure we have good rings.
        cluster_sync_rings(peers_only=tx_settings.get('peers-only', False),

    rx_resync_request = \
    resync_request_ack_key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_REQUEST_RESYNC_ACK
    tx_resync_request_ack = tx_settings.get(resync_request_ack_key)
    if rx_resync_request and tx_resync_request_ack != rx_resync_request:
        log("Unit '{}' has requested a resync".format(remote_unit()),
        relation_set(**{resync_request_ack_key: rx_resync_request})

    # If we have received an ack token ensure it is not associated with a
    # request we received from another peer. If it is, this would indicate
    # a leadership change during a sync and this unit will abort the sync or
    # attempt to restore the original leader so to be able to complete the
    # sync.

    if rx_ack_token and rx_ack_token == tx_rq_token:
        # Find out if all peer units have been stopped.
        responses = []
        for rid in relation_ids('cluster'):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                responses.append(relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit))

        # Ensure all peers stopped before starting sync
        if is_all_peers_stopped(responses):
            key = 'peers-only'
            if not all_responses_equal(responses, key, must_exist=False):
                msg = ("Did not get equal response from every peer unit for "
                raise SwiftProxyCharmException(msg)

            peers_only = bool(
                get_first_available_value(responses, key, default=0))
            log("Syncing rings and builders (peers-only={})".format(
                                      storage=not peers_only)
            key = SwiftProxyClusterRPC.KEY_STOP_PROXY_SVC_ACK
            acks = ', '.join([rsp[key] for rsp in responses if key in rsp])
            log("Not all peer apis stopped - skipping sync until all peers "
                "ready (current='{}', token='{}')".format(acks, tx_ack_token),
    elif ((rx_ack_token and (rx_ack_token == tx_ack_token))
          or (rx_rq_token and (rx_rq_token == rx_ack_token))):
            "It appears that the cluster leader has changed mid-sync - "
            "stopping proxy service",
        broker = rx_settings.get('builder-broker')
        if broker:
            # If we get here, manual intervention will be required in order
            # to restore the cluster.
            raise SwiftProxyCharmException(
                "Failed to restore previous broker '{}' as leader".format(
            raise SwiftProxyCharmException(
                "No builder-broker on rx_settings relation from '{}' - "
                "unable to attempt leader restore".format(remote_unit()))
        log("Not taking any sync actions", level=DEBUG)
