def finish_tree(self, tree, filename): if self.found_future_import: return if not isinstance(tree, pytree.Node): # Empty files (usually show up as a single Leaf # instead of a Node, so leave them alone return first_stmt = tree.children[0] if is_docstring(first_stmt): # Skip a line and add the import after the docstring tree.insert_child(1, Newline()) pos = 2 elif first_stmt.prefix: # No docstring, but an initial comment (perhaps a #! line). # Transfer the initial comment to a new blank line. newline = Newline() newline.prefix = first_stmt.prefix first_stmt.prefix = "" tree.insert_child(0, newline) pos = 1 else: # No comments or docstring, just insert at the start pos = 0 tree.insert_child(pos, self.new_future_import(None)) tree.insert_child(pos + 1, Newline()) # terminates the import stmt
def RaisesRegexOp(context, designator, exceptionClass, expected_regex, indent, kws, arglist, node): expected_regex.prefix = "" arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children] del arglist[2:4] # remove pattern and comma arglist = Node(syms.arglist, arglist) with_stmt = RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist, node) with_stmt.insert_child(2, Name('as', prefix=" ")) with_stmt.insert_child(3, Name(designator, prefix=" ")) # if this is already part of a with statement we need to insert # after the last leaf with content if node.parent.type == syms.with_stmt: parent_with = node.parent for leaf in reversed(list(parent_with.leaves())): if leaf.value.strip(): break i = leaf.parent.children.index(leaf) leaf.parent.insert_child(i + 1, Newline()) leaf.parent.insert_child( i + 2, Name('assert %s.match(%s)' % (designator, expected_regex), prefix=indent)) return with_stmt else: return Node(syms.suite, [ with_stmt, Newline(), Name('assert %s.match(%s)' % (designator, expected_regex), prefix=indent) ])
def transform(self, node, results): singleton = results.get("one_dec") classdef = results["cls"] decs = [results["one_dec"] ] if results.get("one_dec") is not None else results["decs"] dec_strings = [str(dec).strip()[1:] for dec in decs] assign = "" for dec in dec_strings: assign += dec assign += "(" assign += results["name"].value for dec in dec_strings: assign += ")" assign = String(results["name"].value + " = " + assign) assign_statement = Node( syms.simple_stmt, [assign, Newline(), Newline()]) prefix = None for dec in decs: if prefix is None: prefix = dec.prefix dec.remove() classdef.prefix = prefix i = indentation(node) pos = node.children.index(classdef) + 1 if classdef.children[-1].children[-1].type == token.DEDENT: del classdef.children[-1].children[-1] node.insert_child(pos, Leaf(token.INDENT, i)) node.insert_child(pos, assign_statement) node.insert_child(pos, Leaf(token.INDENT, i))
def finish_tree(self, tree, filename): if self.found_future_import: return if not isinstance(tree, pytree.Node): # Empty files (usually show up as a single Leaf # instead of a Node, so leave them alone return first_stmt = tree.children[0] if is_docstring(first_stmt): # Skip a line and add the import after the docstring tree.insert_child(1, Newline()) pos = 2 elif first_stmt.prefix: # No docstring, but an initial comment (perhaps a #! line). # Transfer the initial comment to a new blank line. newline = Newline() newline.prefix = first_stmt.prefix first_stmt.prefix = "" tree.insert_child(0, newline) pos = 1 else: # No comments or docstring, just insert at the start pos = 0 tree.insert_child(pos, self.new_future_import(None)) tree.insert_child(pos+1, Newline()) # terminates the import stmt
def _CreateCode(indent, package, symbols, comment): """ Create code: from <package> import <symbols> # <comment> """ # children: the children nodes for the final from-import statement children = [ Name('from', prefix=' ' * indent), Name(package, prefix=' '), Name('import', prefix=' '), ] # name_leaf: list of leaf nodes with the symbols to import name_leafs = [] symbols = sorted(symbols) for i, i_symbol in enumerate(symbols): prefix = ' ' if i == 0 else ', ' name_leafs.append(i_symbol.CreateNameNode(prefix)) # nodes_wrap: if true, we need to wrap the import statement nodes_wrap = False line_len = 0 line_len += six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(len, map(str, children)), 0) line_len += six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(len, map(str, name_leafs)), 0) if line_len > page_width: # Add parenthesis around the "from" names name_leafs[0].prefix = '' name_leafs.insert(0, Name('(', prefix=' ')) name_leafs.append(Name(')')) nodes_wrap = True # Adds the name_leafs to the children list children += [ Node(pygram.python_symbols.import_as_names, name_leafs) ] # from_import: the final node for the import statement from_import = Node(pygram.python_symbols.import_from, children) # result: a simple-statement node with the import statement and # EOL. new_line = Newline() new_line.prefix = comment result = Node( pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, children=[ from_import, new_line, ], ) # Wrap nodes if necessary (see nodes_wrap above) if nodes_wrap: ImportBlock.TextWrapForNode(result, page_width, indent) return result
def _CreateCode(indent, package, symbols, comment): ''' Create code: from <package> import <symbols> # <comment> ''' # children: the children nodes for the final from-import statement children = [ Name('from', prefix=' ' * indent), Name(package, prefix=' '), Name('import', prefix=' '), ] # name_leaf: list of leaf nodes with the symbols to import name_leafs = [] symbols = sorted(symbols) for i, i_symbol in enumerate(symbols): prefix = ' ' if i == 0 else ', ' name_leafs.append(i_symbol.CreateNameNode(prefix)) # nodes_wrap: if true, we need to wrap the import statement nodes_wrap = False line_len = 0 line_len += reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, map(len, map(str, children)), 0) line_len += reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, map(len, map(str, name_leafs)), 0) if line_len > page_width: # Add parenthesis around the "from" names name_leafs[0].prefix = '' name_leafs.insert(0, Name('(', prefix=' ')) name_leafs.append(Name(')')) nodes_wrap = True # Adds the name_leafs to the children list children += [Node(pygram.python_symbols.import_as_names, name_leafs)] # from_import: the final node for the import statement from_import = Node(pygram.python_symbols.import_from, children) # result: a simple-statement node with the import statement and EOL. new_line = Newline() new_line.prefix = comment result = Node( pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, children=[ from_import, new_line, ], ) # Wrap nodes if necessary (see nodes_wrap above) if nodes_wrap: ImportBlock.TextWrapForNode(result, page_width, indent) return result
def transform(self, node, results): params_rawlist = results[u"params"] for i, item in enumerate(params_rawlist): if item.type == token.STAR: params_rawlist = params_rawlist[i:] break else: return # params is guaranteed to be a list starting with *. # if fixing is needed, there will be at least 3 items in this list: # [STAR, COMMA, NAME] is the minimum that we need to worry about. new_kwargs = needs_fixing(params_rawlist) # new_kwargs is the name of the kwargs dictionary. if not new_kwargs: return suitify(node) # At this point, params_rawlist is guaranteed to be a list # beginning with a star that includes at least one keyword-only param # e.g., [STAR, NAME, COMMA, NAME, COMMA, DOUBLESTAR, NAME] or # [STAR, COMMA, NAME], or [STAR, COMMA, NAME, COMMA, DOUBLESTAR, NAME] # Anatomy of a funcdef: ['def', 'name', parameters, ':', suite] # Anatomy of that suite: [NEWLINE, INDENT, first_stmt, all_other_stmts] # We need to insert our new stuff before the first_stmt and change the # first_stmt's prefix. suite = node.children[4] first_stmt = suite.children[2] ident = indentation(first_stmt) for name, default_value in gen_params(params_rawlist): if default_value is None: suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, String(_assign_template %{u'name':name, u'kwargs':new_kwargs}, prefix=ident)) else: suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, String(_else_template %{u'name':name, u'default':default_value}, prefix=ident)) suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, String(_if_template %{u'assign':_assign_template %{u'name':name, u'kwargs':new_kwargs}, u'name':name, u'kwargs':new_kwargs}, prefix=ident)) first_stmt.prefix = ident suite.children[2].prefix = u"" # Now, we need to fix up the list of params. must_add_kwargs = remove_params(params_rawlist) if must_add_kwargs: arglist = results[u'arglist'] if len(arglist.children) > 0 and arglist.children[-1].type != token.COMMA: arglist.append_child(Comma()) arglist.append_child(DoubleStar(prefix=u" ")) arglist.append_child(Name(new_kwargs))
def CreateCode(self, indent, page_width): from lib2to3 import pygram from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, Newline from lib2to3.pytree import Node assert self.kind == self.KIND_IMPORT_NAME name_node = self.CreateNameNode() new_line = Newline() new_line.prefix = self.comment result = Node(pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, prefix=' ' * indent, children=[Name('import'), name_node, new_line]) return [result]
def CreateCode(self, indent, page_width): from lib2to3 import pygram from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, Newline from lib2to3.pytree import Node assert self.kind == self.KIND_IMPORT_NAME name_node = self.CreateNameNode() new_line = Newline() new_line.prefix = self.comment result = Node( pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, prefix=' ' * indent, children=[Name('import'), name_node, new_line] ) return [result]
def add_global_assignment_after_imports(_name, assignment, node): """ Big copy paste + modification from touch_import """ root = find_root(node) if find_binding(_name, root): return # figure out where to insert the assignment. # First try to find the first import and then skip to the last one. insert_pos = offset = 0 for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if not is_import_ish_stmt(node): continue for offset, node2 in enumerate(root.children[idx:]): if not is_import_ish_stmt(node2): break insert_pos = idx + offset break # if there are no imports where we can insert, find the docstring. # if that also fails, we stick to the beginning of the file if insert_pos == 0: for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and node.children[0].type == token.STRING): insert_pos = idx + 1 break children = [assignment, Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def _new_type_check_with_import(package, name, root, insert_pos): # type: (Optional[str], str, Node, int) -> None """ Inserts a new TYPE_CHECKING block containing a new import statement for package and name Parameters ----------- package : Optional[str] name : str root : Node insert_pos : int """ # [Grammar] # if_stmt: 'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite ('elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite] type_check_node = Node(syms.if_stmt, [Leaf(token.NAME, 'if'), Leaf(token.NAME, 'TYPE_CHECKING', prefix=" "), Leaf(token.COLON, ':'), # [Grammar] # suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT Node(syms.suite, [Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n'), Leaf(token.INDENT, ' '), Node(syms.simple_stmt, [_generate_import_node(package, name), Newline()]), Leaf(token.DEDENT, '')])]) # We can just hardcode the correct insert position since we just created the typing block root.insert_child(insert_pos, type_check_node) # Make sure to import TYPE_CHECKING just before using import_type_checking = [_generate_import_node('typing', 'TYPE_CHECKING'), Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, import_type_checking))
def RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist, node): with_item = Call(Name(context), [exceptionClass]) with_item.prefix = " " args = [] arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children[4:]] if arglist: arglist[0].prefix = "" func = None # :fixme: this uses hardcoded parameter names, which may change if 'callableObj' in kws: func = kws['callableObj'] elif 'callable_obj' in kws: func = kws['callable_obj'] elif kws['args']: # any arguments assigned to `*args` func = kws['args'][0] else: func = None if func is None: # Context manager return Node(syms.with_stmt, [with_item]) if func.type == syms.lambdef: suite = func.children[-1].clone() else: suite = Call(func, arglist) suite.prefix = indent + (4 * " ") return Node( syms.with_stmt, [Name('with'), with_item, Name(':'), Newline(), suite])
def transform(self, node, results): if 'sys_import' in results: if self.sys_import is None: self.sys_import = results['sys_import'] return else: func = results['func'].clone() func.prefix = u'' register = pytree.Node(syms.power, Attr(Name(u'atexit'), Name(u'register'))) call = Call(register, [func], node.prefix) node.replace(call) if self.sys_import is None: self.warning(node, "Can't find sys import; Please add an atexit import at the top of your file.") return names = self.sys_import.children[1] if names.type == syms.dotted_as_names: names.append_child(Comma()) names.append_child(Name(u'atexit', u' ')) else: containing_stmt = self.sys_import.parent position = containing_stmt.children.index(self.sys_import) stmt_container = containing_stmt.parent new_import = pytree.Node(syms.import_name, [Name(u'import'), Name(u'atexit', u' ')]) new = pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, [new_import]) containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 1, Newline()) containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 2, new) return
def future_import2(feature, node): """ An alternative to future_import() which might not work ... """ root = find_root(node) if does_tree_import(u"__future__", feature, node): return insert_pos = 0 for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and \ node.children[0].type == token.STRING: insert_pos = idx + 1 break for thing_after in root.children[insert_pos:]: if thing_after.type == token.NEWLINE: insert_pos += 1 continue prefix = thing_after.prefix thing_after.prefix = u"" break else: prefix = u"" import_ = FromImport(u"__future__", [Leaf(token.NAME, feature, prefix=u" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children, prefix=prefix))
def future_import(feature, node): """ This seems to work """ root = find_root(node) if does_tree_import(u"__future__", feature, node): return for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt and \ len(node.children) > 0 and node.children[0].type == token.STRING: # skip over docstring continue names = check_future_import(node) if not names: # not a future statement; need to insert before this break if feature in names: # already imported return import_ = FromImport(u'__future__', [Leaf(token.NAME, feature, prefix=" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(idx, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def transform(self, node, results): meta_results = has_metaclass(node) if not meta_results: return for meta in meta_results: meta.remove() target = Leaf(token.NAME, u"__metaclass__") equal = Leaf(token.EQUAL, u"=", prefix=u" ") # meta is the last item in what was returned by has_metaclass(): name name = meta name.prefix = u" " stmt_node = Node(syms.atom, [target, equal, name]) suitify(node) for item in node.children: if item.type == syms.suite: for stmt in item.children: if stmt.type == token.INDENT: # Insert, in reverse order, the statement, a newline, # and an indent right after the first indented line loc = item.children.index(stmt) + 1 # Keep consistent indentation form ident = Leaf(token.INDENT, stmt.value) item.insert_child(loc, ident) item.insert_child(loc, Newline()) item.insert_child(loc, stmt_node) break
def suitify(parent): """ Turn the stuff after the first colon in parent's children into a suite, if it wasn't already """ for node in parent.children: if node.type == syms.suite: # already in the prefered format, do nothing return # One-liners have no suite node, we have to fake one up for i, node in enumerate(parent.children): if node.type == token.COLON: break else: raise ValueError(u"No class suite and no ':'!") # Move everything into a suite node suite = Node(syms.suite, [ Newline(), Leaf(token.INDENT, indentation(node) + indentation_step(node)) ]) one_node = parent.children[i + 1] one_node.remove() one_node.prefix = u'' suite.append_child(one_node) parent.append_child(suite)
def RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist): with_item = Call(Name(context), [exceptionClass]) with_item.prefix = " " args = [] arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children[4:]] if arglist: arglist[0].prefix="" func = None # :fixme: this uses hardcoded parameter names, which may change if 'callableObj' in kws: func = kws['callableObj'] elif 'callable_obj' in kws: func = kws['callable_obj'] elif kws['args']: # any arguments assigned to `*args` func = kws['args'][0] else: raise NotImplementedError('with %s is not implemented' % context) if func is # with self.assertRaises(SomeException): return Node(syms.with_stmt, [with_item]) suite = Call(func, arglist) suite.prefix = indent + (4 * " ") return Node(syms.with_stmt, [Name('with'), with_item, Name(':'), Newline(), suite])
def transform(self, func_node, results): #new = func_node.clone() new = func_node _debug('transform(): Started for function ' + lined(self.def_name)) indent = "" if len(self.comments) == 0: self.reset_state() return new for child in new.children: if child.type == self.syms.suite: suite_node = child _debug("Found suite! Indent is |" + indent + "|") found_ind = False for cc2 in suite_node.children: # Need to skip first NEWLINE token if found_ind is False: if cc2.type == token.INDENT: indent = cc2.value # Preserve correct indent _debug("In suite.children! Updated indent to |" + indent + "|") found_ind = True else: func_name = self.get_func_name(func_node) comm_struct = self.comments[0] curr_comments = comm_struct.comments if func_name not in comm_struct.no_funcs: if indented_text = curr_comments.replace( '# ', indent) else: indented_text = curr_comments.replace( '\n ', '\n' + indent) indented_text = self.format_docstring( func_name, indented_text, indent) comments = (indent + '""" ' + indented_text + '\n' + indent + '"""') suite_children = [String(comments), Newline()] suite_node.insert_child( 1, pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, suite_children)) self.comments.pop(0) else: # If comment was found after current func, we want # to keep it for the next function, else restore if comm_struct.func_name != func_name: self.restore_last_comment() self.reset_state() return func_node break _debug("Breaking outer for-loop after suite") break _debug("New node would be |" + str(new) + "|") self.reset_state() return new
def finish_tree(self, tree, filename): if not self._names: return names = [Leaf(token.LBRACE, "[", prefix=" "), Newline()] for name in self._names: names.append(String('"' + name + '"', prefix=" ")) names.append(Comma()) names.append(Newline()) names.append(Leaf(token.LBRACE, "]", prefix="")) tree.append_child(Assign(Name("__all__"), names)) tree.append_child(Newline()) super(FixAllAttribute, self).finish_tree(tree, filename)
def touch_import_top(package, name_to_import, node): """Works like `does_tree_import` but adds an import statement at the top if it was not imported (but below any __future__ imports). Calling this multiple times adds them in reverse order. Based on lib2to3.fixer_util.touch_import() """ root = find_root(node) if does_tree_import(package, name_to_import, root): return # Look for __future__ imports and insert below them found = False for name in [ 'absolute_import', 'division', 'print_function', 'unicode_literals' ]: if does_tree_import('__future__', name, root): found = True break if found: # At least one __future__ import. We want to loop until we've seen them # all. start, end = None, None for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if check_future_import(node): start = idx # Start looping idx2 = start while node: node = node.next_sibling idx2 += 1 if not check_future_import(node): end = idx2 break break assert start is not None assert end is not None insert_pos = end else: # No __future__ imports for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt: # and node.children and node.children[0].type == token.STRING): break insert_pos = idx if package is None: import_ = Node(syms.import_name, [ Leaf(token.NAME, u"import"), Leaf(token.NAME, name_to_import, prefix=u" ") ]) else: import_ = FromImport(package, [Leaf(token.NAME, name_to_import, prefix=u" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def add_future_import(tree, name): """Add future import. From: Copyright 2009 Facebook Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ if not isinstance(tree, Node): # Empty files (usually show up as a single Leaf # instead of a Node, so leave them alone return first_stmt = tree.children[0] if is_docstring(first_stmt): # Skip a line and add the import after the docstring tree.insert_child(1, Newline()) pos = 2 elif first_stmt.prefix: # No docstring, but an initial comment (perhaps a #! line). # Transfer the initial comment to a new blank line. newline = Newline() newline.prefix = first_stmt.prefix first_stmt.prefix = '' tree.insert_child(0, newline) pos = 1 else: # No comments or docstring, just insert at the start pos = 0 tree.insert_child( pos, FromImport('__future__', [Name(name, prefix=' ')])) tree.insert_child(pos + 1, Newline()) # terminates the import stmt
def add_globals(self, node): """Add required globals to the root of node. Idempotent.""" if self.added_pyi_globals: return # TODO: get rid of this -- added to prevent adding .parsed_pyi.top_lines every time # we annotate a different function in the same file, but can break when we run the tool # twice on the same file. Have to do something like what touch_import does. self.added_pyi_globals = True imports, top_lines = self.parsed_pyi.imports, self.parsed_pyi.top_lines # Copy imports if not already present for pkg, names in imports: if names is None: # TODO: do ourselves, touch_import puts stuff above license headers touch_import(None, pkg, node) # == 'import pkg' else: for name in names: touch_import(pkg, name, node) root = find_root(node) import_idx = [ idx for idx, node in enumerate(root.children) if self.import_pattern.match(node) ] if import_idx: future_insert_pos = import_idx[0] top_insert_pos = import_idx[-1] + 1 else: future_insert_pos = top_insert_pos = 0 # first string (normally docstring) for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and node.children[0].type == token.STRING): future_insert_pos = top_insert_pos = idx + 1 break top_lines = '\n'.join(top_lines) top_lines = Util.parse_string(top_lines) # strips some newlines for offset, node in enumerate(top_lines.children[:-1]): root.insert_child(top_insert_pos + offset, node) # touch_import doesn't do proper order for __future__ pkg = '__future__' future_imports = [ n for n in self.future_imports if not does_tree_import(pkg, n, root) ] for offset, name in enumerate(future_imports): node = FromImport(pkg, [Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=" ")]) node = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [node, Newline()]) root.insert_child(future_insert_pos + offset, node)
def transform(self, node, results): u""" a,b,c,d,e,f,*g,h,i = range(100) changes to _3to2list = list(range(100)) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i, = _3to2list[:6] + [_3to2list[6:-2]] + _3to2list[-2:] and for a,b,*c,d,e in iter_of_iters: do_stuff changes to for _3to2iter in iter_of_iters: _3to2list = list(_3to2iter) a,b,c,d,e, = _3to2list[:2] + [_3to2list[2:-2]] + _3to2list[-2:] do_stuff """ self.LISTNAME = self.new_name(u"_3to2list") self.ITERNAME = self.new_name(u"_3to2iter") expl, impl = results.get_products(u"expl"), results.get_products( u"impl") if expl is not None: setup_line, power_line = self.fix_explicit_context(node, results) setup_line.prefix = expl.prefix power_line.prefix = indentation(expl.parent) setup_line.append_child(Newline()) parent = node.parent i = node.remove() parent.insert_child(i, power_line) parent.insert_child(i, setup_line) elif impl is not None: setup_line, power_line = self.fix_implicit_context(node, results) suitify(node) suite = [k for k in node.children if k.type == syms.suite][0] setup_line.prefix = u"" power_line.prefix = suite.children[1].value suite.children[2].prefix = indentation(suite.children[2]) suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, power_line) suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, setup_line) results.get_products(u"lst").replace( Name(self.ITERNAME, prefix=u" "))
def match(self, node): if (node.type in (token.COLON, token.COMMA, token.SEMI) and node.get_suffix() != " "): # If there is a newline after, no space if (node.get_suffix().find('\n') == 0 or (node.next_sibling and node.next_sibling.children and node.next_sibling.children[0] == Newline())): return False # If we are using slice notation, no space necessary if node.parent.type in [symbols.subscript, symbols.sliceop]: return False return True return False
def create_type_checking_import(package, name, node): # type: (str, str, Node) -> None """ Create import statement of the form `from <package> import <name>` within a TYPING_CHECK block Parameters ------------- package : str name : str Name of type being imported node : Node """ def is_type_checking_decl(node): # [Grammar] # if_stmt: 'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite ('elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite] if not node.type == syms.if_stmt: return False stmt = str(node.children[1]).strip() if stmt in ('typing.TYPE_CHECKING', 'TYPE_CHECKING'): return True return False root = find_root(node) # figure out where to insert the new import. First try to find # the first import and then skip to the last one. type_checking_suite = None parent = root for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if not is_type_checking_decl(node): continue type_checking_suite = node.children[3] parent = type_checking_suite insert_pos = len(type_checking_suite.children) - 1 break if type_checking_suite is None: # Generate a new TYPE_CHECKING block at the bottom of the current import block and return insert_pos = _get_bottom_of_imports(root) _new_type_check_with_import(package, name, root, insert_pos) return import_ = _generate_import_node(package, name, prefix=" ") children = [import_, Newline()] parent.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def RaisesRegexOp(context, designator, exceptionClass, expected_regex, indent, kws, arglist): arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children] del arglist[2:4] # remove pattern and comma arglist = Node(syms.arglist, arglist) with_stmt = RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist) with_stmt.insert_child(2, Name('as', prefix=" ")) with_stmt.insert_child(3, Name(designator, prefix=" ")) return Node(syms.suite, [with_stmt, Newline(), Name('assert, %s.value)' % designator, prefix=indent) ])
def visit_NEWLINE(self, node): if node.prefix.lstrip().startswith(self.marker): # MEMO: <expr> -> _ = <expr> target = node while True: parent = target.parent if parent is None: return if type_repr(target.parent.type) == "simple_stmt": break target = parent eol = target # target is Leaf("\n]") target = eol.prev_sibling cloned = target.clone() cloned.parent = None assigned = Assign(Name("_"), cloned) assigned.prefix = target.prefix target.replace(assigned) # MEMO: adding print(SEP_MARKER, _, SEP_MARKER, sep="\n") this_stmt = eol.parent print_stmt = this_stmt.clone() print_stmt.children = [] print_stmt.append_child( Name( "print({ms!r}, repr(_), {me!r}, sep='')".format( ms="{}{}:".format(SEP_MARKER, node.get_lineno()), me=SEP_MARKER ) ) ) print_stmt.prefix = assigned.prefix # xxx: for first line if not print_stmt.prefix: prev_line = assigned.parent.prev_sibling if prev_line is not None and prev_line.type == token.INDENT: print_stmt.prefix = prev_line.value print_stmt.append_child(Newline()) for i, stmt in enumerate(this_stmt.parent.children): if stmt == this_stmt: this_stmt.parent.insert_child(i + 1, print_stmt) break self.prev_newline = node
def add_import(import_name, node): suite = get_parent_of_type(node, syms.suite) test_case = suite while test_case.parent.type != syms.file_input: test_case = test_case.parent file_input = test_case.parent if not does_tree_import(None, import_name, node): import_stmt = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [ Node( syms.import_name, [Name('import'), Name(import_name, prefix=' ')]), Newline(), ]) insert_import(import_stmt, test_case, file_input)
def __insertImport(self, module, offset): if self.__coreImport is None: return importLine = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [ Node(syms.import_name, [ Leaf(token.NAME, u"import"), Leaf(token.NAME, module, prefix=" ") ]), Newline() ]) self.__coreImport.parent.insert_child( self.__coreImport.parent.children.index(self.__coreImport) + offset, importLine)
def RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist, node): exceptionClass.prefix = "" args = [exceptionClass] # Add match keyword arg to with statement if an expected regex was provided. # In py27 the keyword is `expected_regexp`, in py3 is `expected_regex` if 'expected_regex' in kws or 'expected_regexp' in kws: expected_regex = kws.get('expected_regex', kws.get('expected_regexp')).clone() expected_regex.prefix = '' args.append(String(', ')) args.append(KeywordArg(Name('match'), expected_regex)) with_item = Call(Name(context), args) with_item.prefix = " " args = [] arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children[4:]] if arglist: arglist[0].prefix = "" func = None # :fixme: this uses hardcoded parameter names, which may change if 'callableObj' in kws: func = kws['callableObj'] elif 'callable_obj' in kws: func = kws['callable_obj'] elif kws['args']: # any arguments assigned to `*args` func = kws['args'][0] else: func = None if func is None: # Context manager return Node(syms.with_stmt, [with_item]) if func.type == syms.lambdef: suite = func.children[-1].clone() else: # TODO: Newlines within arguments are not handled yet. # If argment prefix contains a newline, all whitespace around this # ought to be replaced by indent plus 4+1+len(func) spaces. suite = Call(func, arglist) suite.prefix = indent + (4 * " ") return Node( syms.with_stmt, [Name('with'), with_item, Name(':'), Newline(), suite])
def Def(name, args, *body, prefix=""): return Node(syms.funcdef, [ Name("def", prefix=prefix), maybe_name(name), Node(syms.parameters, [ LParen(), args, RParen(), ]), Colon(), Node(syms.suite, [ Newline(), Indent(), *body, Dedent(), ]) ])
def fix_submod_import(self, imported, name, node): u""" Accepts a list of NAME leafs, a name string, and a node node is given as an argument to BaseFix.transform() NAME leafs come from an import_as_names node (the children) name string is the base name found in node. """ submods = [] missed = [] for attr in imported: dotted = u'.'.join((name, attr.value)) if dotted in MAPPING: # get the replacement module to_repl = MAPPING[dotted] if u'.' not in to_repl: # it's a simple name, so use a simple replacement. _import = NameImport(Name(to_repl, prefix=u" "), attr.value) submods.append(_import) elif attr.type == token.NAME: missed.append(attr.clone()) if not submods: return parent = node.parent node.replace(submods[0]) if len(submods) > 1: start = submods.pop(0) prev = start for submod in submods: parent.append_child(submod) if missed: self.warning( node, u"Imported names not known to 3to2 to be part of the package %s. Leaving those alone... high probability that this code will be incorrect." % (name)) children = [ Name(u"from"), Name(name, prefix=u" "), Name(u"import", prefix=u" "), Node(syms.import_as_names, missed) ] orig_stripped = Node(syms.import_from, children) parent.append_child(Newline()) parent.append_child(orig_stripped)
def add_future(node, symbol): root = find_root(node) for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt and \ len(node.children) > 0 and node.children[0].type == token.STRING: # skip over docstring continue names = check_future_import(node) if not names: # not a future statement; need to insert before this break if symbol in names: # already imported return import_ = FromImport('__future__', [Leaf(token.NAME, symbol, prefix=" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(idx, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))