def transform(self, node, results): singleton = results.get("one_dec") classdef = results["cls"] decs = [results["one_dec"] ] if results.get("one_dec") is not None else results["decs"] dec_strings = [str(dec).strip()[1:] for dec in decs] assign = "" for dec in dec_strings: assign += dec assign += "(" assign += results["name"].value for dec in dec_strings: assign += ")" assign = String(results["name"].value + " = " + assign) assign_statement = Node( syms.simple_stmt, [assign, Newline(), Newline()]) prefix = None for dec in decs: if prefix is None: prefix = dec.prefix dec.remove() classdef.prefix = prefix i = indentation(node) pos = node.children.index(classdef) + 1 if classdef.children[-1].children[-1].type == token.DEDENT: del classdef.children[-1].children[-1] node.insert_child(pos, Leaf(token.INDENT, i)) node.insert_child(pos, assign_statement) node.insert_child(pos, Leaf(token.INDENT, i))
def finish_tree(self, tree, filename): if self.found_future_import: return if not isinstance(tree, pytree.Node): # Empty files (usually show up as a single Leaf # instead of a Node, so leave them alone return first_stmt = tree.children[0] if is_docstring(first_stmt): # Skip a line and add the import after the docstring tree.insert_child(1, Newline()) pos = 2 elif first_stmt.prefix: # No docstring, but an initial comment (perhaps a #! line). # Transfer the initial comment to a new blank line. newline = Newline() newline.prefix = first_stmt.prefix first_stmt.prefix = "" tree.insert_child(0, newline) pos = 1 else: # No comments or docstring, just insert at the start pos = 0 tree.insert_child(pos, self.new_future_import(None)) tree.insert_child(pos + 1, Newline()) # terminates the import stmt
def RaisesRegexOp(context, designator, exceptionClass, expected_regex, indent, kws, arglist, node): expected_regex.prefix = "" arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children] del arglist[2:4] # remove pattern and comma arglist = Node(syms.arglist, arglist) with_stmt = RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist, node) with_stmt.insert_child(2, Name('as', prefix=" ")) with_stmt.insert_child(3, Name(designator, prefix=" ")) # if this is already part of a with statement we need to insert # after the last leaf with content if node.parent.type == syms.with_stmt: parent_with = node.parent for leaf in reversed(list(parent_with.leaves())): if leaf.value.strip(): break i = leaf.parent.children.index(leaf) leaf.parent.insert_child(i + 1, Newline()) leaf.parent.insert_child( i + 2, Name('assert %s.match(%s)' % (designator, expected_regex), prefix=indent)) return with_stmt else: return Node(syms.suite, [ with_stmt, Newline(), Name('assert %s.match(%s)' % (designator, expected_regex), prefix=indent) ])
def transform(self, node, results): params_rawlist = results[u"params"] for i, item in enumerate(params_rawlist): if item.type == token.STAR: params_rawlist = params_rawlist[i:] break else: return # params is guaranteed to be a list starting with *. # if fixing is needed, there will be at least 3 items in this list: # [STAR, COMMA, NAME] is the minimum that we need to worry about. new_kwargs = needs_fixing(params_rawlist) # new_kwargs is the name of the kwargs dictionary. if not new_kwargs: return suitify(node) # At this point, params_rawlist is guaranteed to be a list # beginning with a star that includes at least one keyword-only param # e.g., [STAR, NAME, COMMA, NAME, COMMA, DOUBLESTAR, NAME] or # [STAR, COMMA, NAME], or [STAR, COMMA, NAME, COMMA, DOUBLESTAR, NAME] # Anatomy of a funcdef: ['def', 'name', parameters, ':', suite] # Anatomy of that suite: [NEWLINE, INDENT, first_stmt, all_other_stmts] # We need to insert our new stuff before the first_stmt and change the # first_stmt's prefix. suite = node.children[4] first_stmt = suite.children[2] ident = indentation(first_stmt) for name, default_value in gen_params(params_rawlist): if default_value is None: suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, String(_assign_template %{u'name':name, u'kwargs':new_kwargs}, prefix=ident)) else: suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, String(_else_template %{u'name':name, u'default':default_value}, prefix=ident)) suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, String(_if_template %{u'assign':_assign_template %{u'name':name, u'kwargs':new_kwargs}, u'name':name, u'kwargs':new_kwargs}, prefix=ident)) first_stmt.prefix = ident suite.children[2].prefix = u"" # Now, we need to fix up the list of params. must_add_kwargs = remove_params(params_rawlist) if must_add_kwargs: arglist = results[u'arglist'] if len(arglist.children) > 0 and arglist.children[-1].type != token.COMMA: arglist.append_child(Comma()) arglist.append_child(DoubleStar(prefix=u" ")) arglist.append_child(Name(new_kwargs))
def add_global_assignment_after_imports(_name, assignment, node): """ Big copy paste + modification from touch_import """ root = find_root(node) if find_binding(_name, root): return # figure out where to insert the assignment. # First try to find the first import and then skip to the last one. insert_pos = offset = 0 for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if not is_import_ish_stmt(node): continue for offset, node2 in enumerate(root.children[idx:]): if not is_import_ish_stmt(node2): break insert_pos = idx + offset break # if there are no imports where we can insert, find the docstring. # if that also fails, we stick to the beginning of the file if insert_pos == 0: for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and node.children[0].type == token.STRING): insert_pos = idx + 1 break children = [assignment, Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def _new_type_check_with_import(package, name, root, insert_pos): # type: (Optional[str], str, Node, int) -> None """ Inserts a new TYPE_CHECKING block containing a new import statement for package and name Parameters ----------- package : Optional[str] name : str root : Node insert_pos : int """ # [Grammar] # if_stmt: 'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite ('elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite] type_check_node = Node(syms.if_stmt, [Leaf(token.NAME, 'if'), Leaf(token.NAME, 'TYPE_CHECKING', prefix=" "), Leaf(token.COLON, ':'), # [Grammar] # suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT Node(syms.suite, [Leaf(token.NEWLINE, '\n'), Leaf(token.INDENT, ' '), Node(syms.simple_stmt, [_generate_import_node(package, name), Newline()]), Leaf(token.DEDENT, '')])]) # We can just hardcode the correct insert position since we just created the typing block root.insert_child(insert_pos, type_check_node) # Make sure to import TYPE_CHECKING just before using import_type_checking = [_generate_import_node('typing', 'TYPE_CHECKING'), Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, import_type_checking))
def transform(self, node, results): if 'sys_import' in results: if self.sys_import is None: self.sys_import = results['sys_import'] return else: func = results['func'].clone() func.prefix = u'' register = pytree.Node(syms.power, Attr(Name(u'atexit'), Name(u'register'))) call = Call(register, [func], node.prefix) node.replace(call) if self.sys_import is None: self.warning(node, "Can't find sys import; Please add an atexit import at the top of your file.") return names = self.sys_import.children[1] if names.type == syms.dotted_as_names: names.append_child(Comma()) names.append_child(Name(u'atexit', u' ')) else: containing_stmt = self.sys_import.parent position = containing_stmt.children.index(self.sys_import) stmt_container = containing_stmt.parent new_import = pytree.Node(syms.import_name, [Name(u'import'), Name(u'atexit', u' ')]) new = pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, [new_import]) containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 1, Newline()) containing_stmt.insert_child(position + 2, new) return
def future_import2(feature, node): """ An alternative to future_import() which might not work ... """ root = find_root(node) if does_tree_import(u"__future__", feature, node): return insert_pos = 0 for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and \ node.children[0].type == token.STRING: insert_pos = idx + 1 break for thing_after in root.children[insert_pos:]: if thing_after.type == token.NEWLINE: insert_pos += 1 continue prefix = thing_after.prefix thing_after.prefix = u"" break else: prefix = u"" import_ = FromImport(u"__future__", [Leaf(token.NAME, feature, prefix=u" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children, prefix=prefix))
def transform(self, node, results): meta_results = has_metaclass(node) if not meta_results: return for meta in meta_results: meta.remove() target = Leaf(token.NAME, u"__metaclass__") equal = Leaf(token.EQUAL, u"=", prefix=u" ") # meta is the last item in what was returned by has_metaclass(): name name = meta name.prefix = u" " stmt_node = Node(syms.atom, [target, equal, name]) suitify(node) for item in node.children: if item.type == syms.suite: for stmt in item.children: if stmt.type == token.INDENT: # Insert, in reverse order, the statement, a newline, # and an indent right after the first indented line loc = item.children.index(stmt) + 1 # Keep consistent indentation form ident = Leaf(token.INDENT, stmt.value) item.insert_child(loc, ident) item.insert_child(loc, Newline()) item.insert_child(loc, stmt_node) break
def RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist): with_item = Call(Name(context), [exceptionClass]) with_item.prefix = " " args = [] arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children[4:]] if arglist: arglist[0].prefix="" func = None # :fixme: this uses hardcoded parameter names, which may change if 'callableObj' in kws: func = kws['callableObj'] elif 'callable_obj' in kws: func = kws['callable_obj'] elif kws['args']: # any arguments assigned to `*args` func = kws['args'][0] else: raise NotImplementedError('with %s is not implemented' % context) if func is # with self.assertRaises(SomeException): return Node(syms.with_stmt, [with_item]) suite = Call(func, arglist) suite.prefix = indent + (4 * " ") return Node(syms.with_stmt, [Name('with'), with_item, Name(':'), Newline(), suite])
def future_import(feature, node): """ This seems to work """ root = find_root(node) if does_tree_import(u"__future__", feature, node): return for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt and \ len(node.children) > 0 and node.children[0].type == token.STRING: # skip over docstring continue names = check_future_import(node) if not names: # not a future statement; need to insert before this break if feature in names: # already imported return import_ = FromImport(u'__future__', [Leaf(token.NAME, feature, prefix=" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(idx, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def suitify(parent): """ Turn the stuff after the first colon in parent's children into a suite, if it wasn't already """ for node in parent.children: if node.type == syms.suite: # already in the prefered format, do nothing return # One-liners have no suite node, we have to fake one up for i, node in enumerate(parent.children): if node.type == token.COLON: break else: raise ValueError(u"No class suite and no ':'!") # Move everything into a suite node suite = Node(syms.suite, [ Newline(), Leaf(token.INDENT, indentation(node) + indentation_step(node)) ]) one_node = parent.children[i + 1] one_node.remove() one_node.prefix = u'' suite.append_child(one_node) parent.append_child(suite)
def RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist, node): with_item = Call(Name(context), [exceptionClass]) with_item.prefix = " " args = [] arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children[4:]] if arglist: arglist[0].prefix = "" func = None # :fixme: this uses hardcoded parameter names, which may change if 'callableObj' in kws: func = kws['callableObj'] elif 'callable_obj' in kws: func = kws['callable_obj'] elif kws['args']: # any arguments assigned to `*args` func = kws['args'][0] else: func = None if func is None: # Context manager return Node(syms.with_stmt, [with_item]) if func.type == syms.lambdef: suite = func.children[-1].clone() else: suite = Call(func, arglist) suite.prefix = indent + (4 * " ") return Node( syms.with_stmt, [Name('with'), with_item, Name(':'), Newline(), suite])
def transform(self, func_node, results): #new = func_node.clone() new = func_node _debug('transform(): Started for function ' + lined(self.def_name)) indent = "" if len(self.comments) == 0: self.reset_state() return new for child in new.children: if child.type == self.syms.suite: suite_node = child _debug("Found suite! Indent is |" + indent + "|") found_ind = False for cc2 in suite_node.children: # Need to skip first NEWLINE token if found_ind is False: if cc2.type == token.INDENT: indent = cc2.value # Preserve correct indent _debug("In suite.children! Updated indent to |" + indent + "|") found_ind = True else: func_name = self.get_func_name(func_node) comm_struct = self.comments[0] curr_comments = comm_struct.comments if func_name not in comm_struct.no_funcs: if indented_text = curr_comments.replace( '# ', indent) else: indented_text = curr_comments.replace( '\n ', '\n' + indent) indented_text = self.format_docstring( func_name, indented_text, indent) comments = (indent + '""" ' + indented_text + '\n' + indent + '"""') suite_children = [String(comments), Newline()] suite_node.insert_child( 1, pytree.Node(syms.simple_stmt, suite_children)) self.comments.pop(0) else: # If comment was found after current func, we want # to keep it for the next function, else restore if comm_struct.func_name != func_name: self.restore_last_comment() self.reset_state() return func_node break _debug("Breaking outer for-loop after suite") break _debug("New node would be |" + str(new) + "|") self.reset_state() return new
def finish_tree(self, tree, filename): if not self._names: return names = [Leaf(token.LBRACE, "[", prefix=" "), Newline()] for name in self._names: names.append(String('"' + name + '"', prefix=" ")) names.append(Comma()) names.append(Newline()) names.append(Leaf(token.LBRACE, "]", prefix="")) tree.append_child(Assign(Name("__all__"), names)) tree.append_child(Newline()) super(FixAllAttribute, self).finish_tree(tree, filename)
def touch_import_top(package, name_to_import, node): """Works like `does_tree_import` but adds an import statement at the top if it was not imported (but below any __future__ imports). Calling this multiple times adds them in reverse order. Based on lib2to3.fixer_util.touch_import() """ root = find_root(node) if does_tree_import(package, name_to_import, root): return # Look for __future__ imports and insert below them found = False for name in [ 'absolute_import', 'division', 'print_function', 'unicode_literals' ]: if does_tree_import('__future__', name, root): found = True break if found: # At least one __future__ import. We want to loop until we've seen them # all. start, end = None, None for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if check_future_import(node): start = idx # Start looping idx2 = start while node: node = node.next_sibling idx2 += 1 if not check_future_import(node): end = idx2 break break assert start is not None assert end is not None insert_pos = end else: # No __future__ imports for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt: # and node.children and node.children[0].type == token.STRING): break insert_pos = idx if package is None: import_ = Node(syms.import_name, [ Leaf(token.NAME, u"import"), Leaf(token.NAME, name_to_import, prefix=u" ") ]) else: import_ = FromImport(package, [Leaf(token.NAME, name_to_import, prefix=u" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def _CreateCode(indent, package, symbols, comment): """ Create code: from <package> import <symbols> # <comment> """ # children: the children nodes for the final from-import statement children = [ Name('from', prefix=' ' * indent), Name(package, prefix=' '), Name('import', prefix=' '), ] # name_leaf: list of leaf nodes with the symbols to import name_leafs = [] symbols = sorted(symbols) for i, i_symbol in enumerate(symbols): prefix = ' ' if i == 0 else ', ' name_leafs.append(i_symbol.CreateNameNode(prefix)) # nodes_wrap: if true, we need to wrap the import statement nodes_wrap = False line_len = 0 line_len += six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(len, map(str, children)), 0) line_len += six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(len, map(str, name_leafs)), 0) if line_len > page_width: # Add parenthesis around the "from" names name_leafs[0].prefix = '' name_leafs.insert(0, Name('(', prefix=' ')) name_leafs.append(Name(')')) nodes_wrap = True # Adds the name_leafs to the children list children += [ Node(pygram.python_symbols.import_as_names, name_leafs) ] # from_import: the final node for the import statement from_import = Node(pygram.python_symbols.import_from, children) # result: a simple-statement node with the import statement and # EOL. new_line = Newline() new_line.prefix = comment result = Node( pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, children=[ from_import, new_line, ], ) # Wrap nodes if necessary (see nodes_wrap above) if nodes_wrap: ImportBlock.TextWrapForNode(result, page_width, indent) return result
def add_globals(self, node): """Add required globals to the root of node. Idempotent.""" if self.added_pyi_globals: return # TODO: get rid of this -- added to prevent adding .parsed_pyi.top_lines every time # we annotate a different function in the same file, but can break when we run the tool # twice on the same file. Have to do something like what touch_import does. self.added_pyi_globals = True imports, top_lines = self.parsed_pyi.imports, self.parsed_pyi.top_lines # Copy imports if not already present for pkg, names in imports: if names is None: # TODO: do ourselves, touch_import puts stuff above license headers touch_import(None, pkg, node) # == 'import pkg' else: for name in names: touch_import(pkg, name, node) root = find_root(node) import_idx = [ idx for idx, node in enumerate(root.children) if self.import_pattern.match(node) ] if import_idx: future_insert_pos = import_idx[0] top_insert_pos = import_idx[-1] + 1 else: future_insert_pos = top_insert_pos = 0 # first string (normally docstring) for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if (node.type == syms.simple_stmt and node.children and node.children[0].type == token.STRING): future_insert_pos = top_insert_pos = idx + 1 break top_lines = '\n'.join(top_lines) top_lines = Util.parse_string(top_lines) # strips some newlines for offset, node in enumerate(top_lines.children[:-1]): root.insert_child(top_insert_pos + offset, node) # touch_import doesn't do proper order for __future__ pkg = '__future__' future_imports = [ n for n in self.future_imports if not does_tree_import(pkg, n, root) ] for offset, name in enumerate(future_imports): node = FromImport(pkg, [Leaf(token.NAME, name, prefix=" ")]) node = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [node, Newline()]) root.insert_child(future_insert_pos + offset, node)
def transform(self, node, results): u""" a,b,c,d,e,f,*g,h,i = range(100) changes to _3to2list = list(range(100)) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i, = _3to2list[:6] + [_3to2list[6:-2]] + _3to2list[-2:] and for a,b,*c,d,e in iter_of_iters: do_stuff changes to for _3to2iter in iter_of_iters: _3to2list = list(_3to2iter) a,b,c,d,e, = _3to2list[:2] + [_3to2list[2:-2]] + _3to2list[-2:] do_stuff """ self.LISTNAME = self.new_name(u"_3to2list") self.ITERNAME = self.new_name(u"_3to2iter") expl, impl = results.get_products(u"expl"), results.get_products( u"impl") if expl is not None: setup_line, power_line = self.fix_explicit_context(node, results) setup_line.prefix = expl.prefix power_line.prefix = indentation(expl.parent) setup_line.append_child(Newline()) parent = node.parent i = node.remove() parent.insert_child(i, power_line) parent.insert_child(i, setup_line) elif impl is not None: setup_line, power_line = self.fix_implicit_context(node, results) suitify(node) suite = [k for k in node.children if k.type == syms.suite][0] setup_line.prefix = u"" power_line.prefix = suite.children[1].value suite.children[2].prefix = indentation(suite.children[2]) suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, power_line) suite.insert_child(2, Newline()) suite.insert_child(2, setup_line) results.get_products(u"lst").replace( Name(self.ITERNAME, prefix=u" "))
def match(self, node): if (node.type in (token.COLON, token.COMMA, token.SEMI) and node.get_suffix() != " "): # If there is a newline after, no space if (node.get_suffix().find('\n') == 0 or (node.next_sibling and node.next_sibling.children and node.next_sibling.children[0] == Newline())): return False # If we are using slice notation, no space necessary if node.parent.type in [symbols.subscript, symbols.sliceop]: return False return True return False
def RaisesRegexOp(context, designator, exceptionClass, expected_regex, indent, kws, arglist): arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children] del arglist[2:4] # remove pattern and comma arglist = Node(syms.arglist, arglist) with_stmt = RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist) with_stmt.insert_child(2, Name('as', prefix=" ")) with_stmt.insert_child(3, Name(designator, prefix=" ")) return Node(syms.suite, [with_stmt, Newline(), Name('assert, %s.value)' % designator, prefix=indent) ])
def create_type_checking_import(package, name, node): # type: (str, str, Node) -> None """ Create import statement of the form `from <package> import <name>` within a TYPING_CHECK block Parameters ------------- package : str name : str Name of type being imported node : Node """ def is_type_checking_decl(node): # [Grammar] # if_stmt: 'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite ('elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite] if not node.type == syms.if_stmt: return False stmt = str(node.children[1]).strip() if stmt in ('typing.TYPE_CHECKING', 'TYPE_CHECKING'): return True return False root = find_root(node) # figure out where to insert the new import. First try to find # the first import and then skip to the last one. type_checking_suite = None parent = root for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if not is_type_checking_decl(node): continue type_checking_suite = node.children[3] parent = type_checking_suite insert_pos = len(type_checking_suite.children) - 1 break if type_checking_suite is None: # Generate a new TYPE_CHECKING block at the bottom of the current import block and return insert_pos = _get_bottom_of_imports(root) _new_type_check_with_import(package, name, root, insert_pos) return import_ = _generate_import_node(package, name, prefix=" ") children = [import_, Newline()] parent.insert_child(insert_pos, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))
def CreateCode(self, indent, page_width): from lib2to3 import pygram from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, Newline from lib2to3.pytree import Node assert self.kind == self.KIND_IMPORT_NAME name_node = self.CreateNameNode() new_line = Newline() new_line.prefix = self.comment result = Node(pygram.python_symbols.simple_stmt, prefix=' ' * indent, children=[Name('import'), name_node, new_line]) return [result]
def visit_NEWLINE(self, node): if node.prefix.lstrip().startswith(self.marker): # MEMO: <expr> -> _ = <expr> target = node while True: parent = target.parent if parent is None: return if type_repr(target.parent.type) == "simple_stmt": break target = parent eol = target # target is Leaf("\n]") target = eol.prev_sibling cloned = target.clone() cloned.parent = None assigned = Assign(Name("_"), cloned) assigned.prefix = target.prefix target.replace(assigned) # MEMO: adding print(SEP_MARKER, _, SEP_MARKER, sep="\n") this_stmt = eol.parent print_stmt = this_stmt.clone() print_stmt.children = [] print_stmt.append_child( Name( "print({ms!r}, repr(_), {me!r}, sep='')".format( ms="{}{}:".format(SEP_MARKER, node.get_lineno()), me=SEP_MARKER ) ) ) print_stmt.prefix = assigned.prefix # xxx: for first line if not print_stmt.prefix: prev_line = assigned.parent.prev_sibling if prev_line is not None and prev_line.type == token.INDENT: print_stmt.prefix = prev_line.value print_stmt.append_child(Newline()) for i, stmt in enumerate(this_stmt.parent.children): if stmt == this_stmt: this_stmt.parent.insert_child(i + 1, print_stmt) break self.prev_newline = node
def add_import(import_name, node): suite = get_parent_of_type(node, syms.suite) test_case = suite while test_case.parent.type != syms.file_input: test_case = test_case.parent file_input = test_case.parent if not does_tree_import(None, import_name, node): import_stmt = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [ Node( syms.import_name, [Name('import'), Name(import_name, prefix=' ')]), Newline(), ]) insert_import(import_stmt, test_case, file_input)
def __insertImport(self, module, offset): if self.__coreImport is None: return importLine = Node(syms.simple_stmt, [ Node(syms.import_name, [ Leaf(token.NAME, u"import"), Leaf(token.NAME, module, prefix=" ") ]), Newline() ]) self.__coreImport.parent.insert_child( self.__coreImport.parent.children.index(self.__coreImport) + offset, importLine)
def RaisesOp(context, exceptionClass, indent, kws, arglist, node): exceptionClass.prefix = "" args = [exceptionClass] # Add match keyword arg to with statement if an expected regex was provided. # In py27 the keyword is `expected_regexp`, in py3 is `expected_regex` if 'expected_regex' in kws or 'expected_regexp' in kws: expected_regex = kws.get('expected_regex', kws.get('expected_regexp')).clone() expected_regex.prefix = '' args.append(String(', ')) args.append(KeywordArg(Name('match'), expected_regex)) with_item = Call(Name(context), args) with_item.prefix = " " args = [] arglist = [a.clone() for a in arglist.children[4:]] if arglist: arglist[0].prefix = "" func = None # :fixme: this uses hardcoded parameter names, which may change if 'callableObj' in kws: func = kws['callableObj'] elif 'callable_obj' in kws: func = kws['callable_obj'] elif kws['args']: # any arguments assigned to `*args` func = kws['args'][0] else: func = None if func is None: # Context manager return Node(syms.with_stmt, [with_item]) if func.type == syms.lambdef: suite = func.children[-1].clone() else: # TODO: Newlines within arguments are not handled yet. # If argment prefix contains a newline, all whitespace around this # ought to be replaced by indent plus 4+1+len(func) spaces. suite = Call(func, arglist) suite.prefix = indent + (4 * " ") return Node( syms.with_stmt, [Name('with'), with_item, Name(':'), Newline(), suite])
def Def(name, args, *body, prefix=""): return Node(syms.funcdef, [ Name("def", prefix=prefix), maybe_name(name), Node(syms.parameters, [ LParen(), args, RParen(), ]), Colon(), Node(syms.suite, [ Newline(), Indent(), *body, Dedent(), ]) ])
def fix_submod_import(self, imported, name, node): u""" Accepts a list of NAME leafs, a name string, and a node node is given as an argument to BaseFix.transform() NAME leafs come from an import_as_names node (the children) name string is the base name found in node. """ submods = [] missed = [] for attr in imported: dotted = u'.'.join((name, attr.value)) if dotted in MAPPING: # get the replacement module to_repl = MAPPING[dotted] if u'.' not in to_repl: # it's a simple name, so use a simple replacement. _import = NameImport(Name(to_repl, prefix=u" "), attr.value) submods.append(_import) elif attr.type == token.NAME: missed.append(attr.clone()) if not submods: return parent = node.parent node.replace(submods[0]) if len(submods) > 1: start = submods.pop(0) prev = start for submod in submods: parent.append_child(submod) if missed: self.warning( node, u"Imported names not known to 3to2 to be part of the package %s. Leaving those alone... high probability that this code will be incorrect." % (name)) children = [ Name(u"from"), Name(name, prefix=u" "), Name(u"import", prefix=u" "), Node(syms.import_as_names, missed) ] orig_stripped = Node(syms.import_from, children) parent.append_child(Newline()) parent.append_child(orig_stripped)
def add_future(node, symbol): root = find_root(node) for idx, node in enumerate(root.children): if node.type == syms.simple_stmt and \ len(node.children) > 0 and node.children[0].type == token.STRING: # skip over docstring continue names = check_future_import(node) if not names: # not a future statement; need to insert before this break if symbol in names: # already imported return import_ = FromImport('__future__', [Leaf(token.NAME, symbol, prefix=" ")]) children = [import_, Newline()] root.insert_child(idx, Node(syms.simple_stmt, children))