def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd): self._config = config self.status = Cmd.STATUS_INPROC files = config.get_files() target = files.get_study_path() post_path = files.get_post_path() if not post_path.exists(): print('librec-auto: post directory missing. Creating. ', target) os.makedirs(str(post_path)) post_elems = config.get_xml().xpath(self.POST_ELEM_XPATH) for post_elem in post_elems: param_spec = utils.create_param_spec(post_elem) param_spec = self.handle_password(post_elem, config, param_spec) script_path = utils.get_script_path(post_elem, 'post') exec_path = config.get_files().get_study_path() proc_spec = [ sys.executable, script_path.absolute().as_posix(), self._config.get_files().get_config_file_path().name ] + param_spec print(f'librec-auto: Running post-processing script {proc_spec}'), cwd=str(exec_path.absolute()))
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd, dry_run=False): self._config = config self._exp_path = config.get_files().get_exp_paths(self._sub_no) self._files = config.get_files() if self._files.get_exp_count() > 0: for i in range(0, self._files.get_exp_count()): sub_path = self._files.get_exp_paths(i) self.execute_algorithm(sub_path, dry_run=dry_run)
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd): self.status = Cmd.STATUS_INPROC self._files = config.get_files() if self._type == 'none': pass if self._no_ask or self.purge_confirm(): if self._type == "all" or self._type == 'split': self.purge_subexperiments() self.purge_splits() # AS 10-23-20 self.purge_post() if self._type == "results": self.purge_subexperiments() self.purge_post() if self._type == "rerank": self.purge_rerank() self.purge_post() if self._type == "post": self.purge_post() else: print("librec-auto: Skipping. No files deleted.") self.status = Cmd.STATUS_COMPLETE
def test_run_script(): paths = build_directory_structure() # create config config = ConfigCmd(RERANK_DIR + '/conf/config.xml', RERANK_DIR) # initialize rerankCmd rerank = RerankCmd() script = Path('../../../../../librec_auto/core/cmd/rerank/') param_spec = ['--max_len=4', '--lambda=0.3', '--binary=False'] rerank._files = config.get_files() rerank._files.create_exp_paths(0) # create experiment tuple sub_paths = rerank._files.get_exp_paths(0) rerank._config = config # set config result = rerank.run_script(script=script, sub_paths=sub_paths, original_path=paths['original_path'], param_spec=param_spec) assert result == 0 # check that the script ran successfully # check the reranked results are correct assert filecmp.cmp(RERANK_DATA_DIR / Path('result-out-1.txt'), paths['results_path'] / 'out-1.txt') assert filecmp.cmp(RERANK_DATA_DIR / Path('result-out-2.txt'), paths['results_path'] / 'out-2.txt') rmtree(RERANK_DIR) # delete the reranking directory
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd): self.status = Cmd.STATUS_INPROC self._files = config.get_files() self._config = config if self._files.get_exp_count() > 0: for i in range(0, self._files.get_exp_count()): sub_path = self._files.get_exp_paths(i) self.rerank(sub_path)
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd): self._config = config self.status = Cmd.STATUS_INPROC files = config.get_files() StudyStatus(config) target = files.get_study_path() post_path = files.get_post_path() if not post_path.exists(): print('librec-auto: post directory missing. Creating. ', target) os.makedirs(str(post_path)) post_elems = config.get_xml().xpath(self.POST_ELEM_XPATH) for post_elem in post_elems: param_spec = utils.create_param_spec(post_elem) param_spec = self.handle_password(post_elem, config, param_spec) script_path = utils.get_script_path(post_elem, 'post') exec_path = config.get_files().get_study_path() proc_spec = [ sys.executable, script_path.absolute().as_posix(), self._config.get_files().get_config_file_path().name ] + param_spec print(f'librec-auto: Running post-processing script {proc_spec}') # replace with safe_run_subprocess() #, cwd=str(exec_path.absolute())) run_script = safe_run_subprocess(proc_spec, str(exec_path.absolute())) script_name = re.split(r'/', str(script_path))[-1] if run_script != 0: self.status = Cmd.STATUS_ERROR raise ScriptFailureException( script_name, f"Post processing script at {str(script_path)} failed.", run_script) self.status = Cmd.STATUS_COMPLETE
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd): self.status = Cmd.STATUS_INPROC files = config.get_files() target = files.get_study_path() # result_path = files.get_result_path() if files.get_exp_count() == 0: print("librec-auto: No experiments found.") else: for exp_paths in files.get_exp_paths_iterator(): status = Status(exp_paths) print(status) self.status = Cmd.STATUS_COMPLETE
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd): self._config = config self._exp_path = config.get_files().get_exp_paths(self._sub_no) link = self._exp_path.get_ref_exp_name() if link and self._command == 'run': self.status = Cmd.STATUS_COMPLETE else: self.ensure_clean_log() if self._command != 'check': Status.save_status("Executing", self._sub_no, config, self._exp_path) if self._command == "eval": self.fix_list_length() self.execute_librec() if self._command != 'check': Status.save_status("Completed", self._sub_no, config, self._exp_path)
def execute(self, config: ConfigCmd, dry_run=False): self._config = config self.status = Cmd.STATUS_INPROC metrics = self.get_metrics() # Must use absolute paths because these will be passed to a script cv_dirs = config.get_cv_directories(absolute=True) # todo run this all in parallel num_of_experiments = self._config.get_sub_exp_count() # Run the evaluator for every cv in every experiment. for experiment_num in range(num_of_experiments): # Each item in this list represents a cv in the experiment. experiment_results = [] for cv_dir in cv_dirs: cv_num = str(cv_dir)[-1] print('For experiment', experiment_num + 1, 'evaluating cv', str(cv_dir)[-1], '...') # Create an evaluator for each cv... evaluator = Evaluator(config, metrics, cv_dir, experiment_num, cv_num) if dry_run: evaluator.dry_run() else: cv_results = evaluator.evaluate() # Evaluate it. experiment_results.append(cv_results) # Add to results. self.save_results(experiment_num, experiment_results) Status.save_status("Python-side metrics completed", experiment_num, config, \ config.get_files().get_exp_paths(experiment_num)) if not dry_run: temp_binary_path = self._config.get_files().get_study_path() / Path( 'py-eval-temp.pickle') if os.path.exists(temp_binary_path): # Remove temporary eval binary os.remove(temp_binary_path)
def test_dry_run(capsys): captured = capsys.readouterr() # capture stdout build_directory_structure() # create config config = ConfigCmd(RERANK_DIR + '/conf/config.xml', RERANK_DIR) # initialize rerankCmd rerank = RerankCmd() rerank._files = config.get_files() rerank._files.create_exp_paths(0) # create experiment tuple sub_paths = rerank._files.get_exp_paths(0) rerank._config = config # set config rerank.dry_run(config) rmtree(RERANK_DIR) # delete the reranking directory # check stdout out, err = capsys.readouterr() # for exp0000 -> only one experiment # re-rank script -> wildcard to handle absolute path, # parameters from config.xml # use a wildcard for the beginning of the absolute path if name == 'nt': # running on Windows out_pattern = r"librec-auto \(DR\): Running re-ranking command RerankCmd\(\) for exp00000\n\tRe-rank script: (.*)librec-auto\\librec_auto\\core\\cmd\\rerank\\far_rerank\.py\n\tParameters: \['--max_len=4', '--lambda=0\.3', '--binary=False']\n$" else: # non-Windows out_pattern = r"librec-auto \(DR\): Running re-ranking command RerankCmd\(\) for exp00000\n\tRe-rank script: (.*)librec-auto\/librec_auto\/core\/cmd\/rerank\/far_rerank\.py\n\tParameters: \['--max_len=4', '--lambda=0\.3', '--binary=False']\n$" # assert that there is a match assert re.match(out_pattern, out) != None