def vid_img(opt): output_dir = (opt.output_dir + "/" + name(opt.input.content) + "_" + "_".join([name(s) for s in",")])) flow_model = flow.get_flow_model(opt) frames = load.process_content_video(flow_model, opt) content_size = np.array(load.preprocess(frames[0]).size()[-2:]) style_images_big = load.process_style_images(opt) for size_n, (current_size, num_iters) in enumerate(zip(*determine_scaling(opt.param))): print("\nCurrent size {}px".format(current_size)) os.makedirs(output_dir + "/" + str(current_size), exist_ok=True) content_scale = current_size / max(*content_size) if current_size <= 1024: opt.model.gpu = 0 opt.model.multidevice = False else: opt.model.gpu = "0,1" opt.model.multidevice = True opt.param.tv_weight = 0 net = models.load_model(opt.model, opt.param) net.set_style_targets(style_images_big, content_scale * content_size, opt) for pass_n in range(opt.param.passes_per_scale): init_image = None for (prev_frame, this_frame) in zip(frames, frames[1:] + frames[:1]): # TODO add update_style() function to support changing styles per frame opt.output = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % (output_dir, current_size, pass_n + 1, name(this_frame)) if os.path.isfile(opt.output): print( "Skipping pass: %s, frame: %s. File already exists." % (pass_n + 1, name(this_frame))) continue print("Optimizing... size: %s, pass: %s, frame: %s" % (current_size, pass_n + 1, name(this_frame))) content_frames = [ F.interpolate(load.preprocess(prev_frame), scale_factor=content_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False), F.interpolate(load.preprocess(this_frame), scale_factor=content_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False), ] content_frames = [ match_histogram(frame, style_images_big[0]) for frame in content_frames ] net.set_content_targets(content_frames[1], opt) # Initialize the image # TODO make sure initialization correct even when continuing half way through video stylization if size_n == 0 and pass_n == 0: if opt.input.init == "random": init_image = th.randn( content_frames[1].size()).mul(0.001) elif opt.input.init == "prev_warp": flo_file = "%s/flow/forward_%s_%s.flo" % ( output_dir, name(prev_frame), name(this_frame)) flow_map = load.flow_warp_map(flo_file) if init_image is None: init_image = content_frames[0] init_image = F.grid_sample(init_image, flow_map, padding_mode="border") else: init_image = content_frames[1].clone() else: if pass_n == 0: # load images from last pass of previous size if init_image is None: ifile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, prev_size, opt.param.passes_per_scale, name(prev_frame), ) init_image = load.preprocess(ifile) init_image = F.interpolate( init_image, size=content_frames[0].size()[2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) bfile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, prev_size, opt.param.passes_per_scale, name(this_frame), ) blend_image = load.preprocess(bfile) blend_image = F.interpolate( blend_image, size=content_frames[0].size()[2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) else: # load images from previous pass of current size if init_image is None: ifile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % (output_dir, current_size, pass_n, name(prev_frame)) init_image = load.preprocess(ifile) bfile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % (output_dir, current_size, pass_n, name(this_frame)) blend_image = load.preprocess(bfile) direction = "forward" if pass_n % 2 == 0 else "backward" flo_file = f"{output_dir}/flow/{direction}_{name(prev_frame)}_{name(this_frame)}.flo" flow_map = load.flow_warp_map(flo_file) flow_map = F.interpolate(flow_map.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), size=init_image.size()[2:], mode="bilinear").permute( 0, 2, 3, 1) warp_image = F.grid_sample(init_image, flow_map, padding_mode="border") flow_weight_file = f"{output_dir}/flow/{direction}_{name(prev_frame)}_{name(this_frame)}.png" reliable_flow = load.reliable_flow_weighting( flow_weight_file) reliable_flow = F.interpolate(reliable_flow, size=init_image.size()[2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) net.set_temporal_targets(warp_image, warp_weights=reliable_flow, opt=opt) blend_init_image = ( 1 - opt.param.blend_weight ) * blend_image + opt.param.blend_weight * init_image warp_blend_init_image = F.grid_sample( blend_init_image, flow_map, padding_mode="border") init_image = warp_blend_init_image output_image = style.optimize( content_frames, style_images_big, init_image, num_iters // opt.param.passes_per_scale, opt) init_image = match_histogram(output_image.detach().cpu(), style_images_big[0]) disp = load.deprocess(init_image.clone()) if opt.param.original_colors == 1: disp = load.original_colors( load.deprocess(content_frames[1].clone()), disp) # clean up / prepare for next pass frames = frames[7:] + frames[:7] # rotate frames frames = list(reversed(frames)) ffmpeg.input(output_dir + "/" + str(current_size) + "/" + str(pass_n) + "_%05d.png").output( "%s/%s_%s.mp4" % (output_dir, name(output_dir), current_size), **opt.ffmpeg).overwrite_output().run() prev_size = current_size del net th.cuda.empty_cache() ffmpeg.input("{output_dir}/{current_size}/{pass_n}_%05d.png").output( opt.output, **opt.ffmpeg).overwrite_output().run()
def img_img(opt): style_images_big = load.process_style_images(opt) content_image_big = match_histogram(load.preprocess(opt.input.content), style_images_big) content_size = np.array(content_image_big.size()[-2:]) if opt.input.init != "content" and opt.input.init != "random": pastiche = load.preprocess(opt.input.init) else: pastiche = None for (current_size, num_iters) in zip(*determine_scaling(opt.param)): # print("\nCurrent size {}px".format(current_size)) opt.pbar.set_description( f"{opt.output.split('/')[-1]} @ {current_size}px") # scale content image content_scale = current_size / max(*content_size) if not content_scale == 1: content_image = F.interpolate(content_image_big, scale_factor=content_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) # scale style images style_images = [] content_area = content_image.shape[2] * content_image.shape[3] for img in style_images_big: style_scale = math.sqrt( content_area / (img.size(3) * img.size(2))) * opt.param.style_scale style_images.append( F.interpolate(th.clone(img), scale_factor=style_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)) # Initialize the pastiche image if opt.input.init == "random" and pastiche is None: H, W = content_image.shape[2:] pastiche = th.randn(1, 3, H, W).mul(0.001) elif opt.input.init == "content" and pastiche is None: pastiche = F.interpolate( content_image_big.clone(), tuple(np.int64(content_image.shape[2:])), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False, ) else: pastiche = F.interpolate(pastiche.clone(), tuple(np.int64(content_image.shape[2:])), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) pastiche = match_histogram(pastiche, style_images_big) output_image = style.optimize(content_image, style_images, pastiche, num_iters, opt) pastiche = match_histogram(output_image.detach().cpu(), style_images_big) load.save_tensor_to_file(pastiche.detach().cpu(), opt)
def img_img(args): style_images_big = load.process_style_images(args) content_image_big = match_histogram(load.preprocess(args.content), style_images_big, mode=args.match_histograms) content_size = np.array(content_image_big.size()[-2:]) if args.init != "content" and args.init != "random": pastiche = load.preprocess(args.init) else: pastiche = None for (current_size, num_iters) in zip(args.image_sizes, args.num_iters): print("\nCurrent size {}px".format(current_size)) if os.path.exists(f"{args.output}_{current_size}.png"): pastiche = load.preprocess(f"{args.output}_{current_size}.png") continue # scale content image content_scale = current_size / max(*content_size) content_image = F.interpolate(content_image_big, scale_factor=content_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) # scale style images style_images = [] content_area = content_image.shape[2] * content_image.shape[3] for img in style_images_big: style_scale = math.sqrt( content_area / (img.size(3) * img.size(2))) * args.style_scale style_images.append( F.interpolate(th.clone(img), scale_factor=style_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)) # Initialize the pastiche image if args.init == "random" and pastiche is None: H, W = content_image.shape[2:] pastiche = th.randn(1, 3, H, W).mul(0.001) elif args.init == "content" and pastiche is None: pastiche = F.interpolate( content_image_big.clone(), tuple(np.int64(content_image.shape[2:])), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False, ) else: pastiche = F.interpolate(pastiche.clone(), tuple(np.int64(content_image.shape[2:])), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) pastiche = match_histogram(pastiche, style_images_big, mode=args.match_histograms) output_image = optim.optimize(content_image, style_images, pastiche, num_iters, args) pastiche = match_histogram(output_image.detach().cpu(), style_images_big, mode=args.match_histograms) load.save_tensor_to_file(pastiche.detach().cpu(), args, size=current_size)
args = config.get_args() if args.seed >= 0: torch.manual_seed(args.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) if args.backend == "cudnn": torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True output_dir = args.output_dir + "/" + name(args.content) + "_" + "_".join( [name(s) for s in]) flow_model = flow.get_flow_model(args) frames = load.process_content_video(flow_model, args) content_size = np.array(load.preprocess(frames[0]).size()[-2:]) style_images_big = load.process_style_images(args) for size_n, (current_size, num_iters) in enumerate(zip(args.image_sizes, args.num_iters)): if len( glob("%s/%s/*.png" % (output_dir, args.image_sizes[min( len(args.image_sizes) - 1, size_n + 1)]))) == len(frames): print("Skipping size: %s, already done." % current_size) prev_size = current_size continue print("\nCurrent size {}px".format(current_size)) os.makedirs(output_dir + "/" + str(current_size), exist_ok=True) content_scale = current_size / max(*content_size)
def vid_img(args): output_dir = args.output_dir + "/" + name(args.content) + "_" + "_".join( [name(s) for s in]) flow_model = flow.get_flow_model(args) frames = load.process_content_video(flow_model, args) content_size = np.array(load.preprocess(frames[0]).size()[-2:]) style_images_big = load.process_style_images(args) for size_n, (current_size, num_iters) in enumerate(zip(args.image_sizes, args.num_iters)): if len( glob.glob("%s/%s/*.png" % (output_dir, args.image_sizes[min( len(args.image_sizes) - 1, size_n + 1)]))) == len(frames): print("Skipping size: %s, already done." % current_size) prev_size = current_size continue print("\nCurrent size {}px".format(current_size)) os.makedirs(output_dir + "/" + str(current_size), exist_ok=True) content_scale = current_size / max(*content_size) # scale style images style_images = [] content_area = content_scale**2 * content_size[0] * content_size[1] for img in style_images_big: style_scale = math.sqrt( content_area / (img.size(3) * img.size(2))) * args.style_scale style_images.append( F.interpolate(th.clone(img), scale_factor=style_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False)) optim.set_model_args(args, current_size) net, losses = models.load_model(args) # optim.set_style_targets(net, style_images, args) for pass_n in range(args.passes_per_scale): pastiche = None if args.loop: start_idx = random.randrange(0, len(frames) - 1) frames = frames[ start_idx:] + frames[:start_idx] # rotate frames if len( glob.glob("%s/%s/%s_*.png" % (output_dir, current_size, pass_n + 2))) == len(frames): print(f"Skipping pass: {pass_n + 1}, already done.") frames = list(reversed(frames)) continue for n, (prev_frame, this_frame) in enumerate( zip(frames + frames[:11 if args.loop else 1], frames[1:] + frames[:10 if args.loop else 1])): # TODO add update_style() function to support changing styles per frame args.output = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, current_size, pass_n + 1, name(this_frame)) if os.path.isfile(args.output) and not n >= len(frames): print( "Skipping pass: %s, frame: %s. File already exists." % (pass_n + 1, name(this_frame))) continue print("Optimizing... size: %s, pass: %s, frame: %s" % (current_size, pass_n + 1, name(this_frame))) content_frames = [ F.interpolate(load.preprocess(prev_frame), scale_factor=content_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False), F.interpolate(load.preprocess(this_frame), scale_factor=content_scale, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False), ] content_frames = [ match_histogram(frame, style_images_big[0], mode=args.match_histograms) for frame in content_frames ] flow_direction = "forward" if pass_n % 2 == 0 else "backward" # optim.set_content_targets(net, content_frames[1], args) # Initialize the image # TODO make sure initialization correct even when continuing half way through video stylization if size_n == 0 and pass_n == 0: if args.init == "random": pastiche = th.randn( content_frames[1].size()).mul(0.001) elif args.init == "prev_warp": if pastiche is None: pastiche = content_frames[0] flo_file = f"{output_dir}/flow/{flow_direction}_{name(prev_frame)}_{name(this_frame)}.flo" flow_map = load.flow_warp_map(flo_file, pastiche.shape[2:]) pastiche = F.grid_sample(pastiche, flow_map, padding_mode="border") else: pastiche = content_frames[1].clone() else: if pass_n == 0: # load images from last pass of previous size if pastiche is None: ifile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, prev_size if n <= len(frames) else current_size, args.passes_per_scale if n <= len(frames) else pass_n + 1, name(prev_frame), ) pastiche = load.preprocess(ifile) pastiche = F.interpolate( pastiche, size=content_frames[0].size()[2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) bfile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, prev_size if n <= len(frames) else current_size, args.passes_per_scale if n <= len(frames) else pass_n + 1, name(this_frame), ) blend_image = load.preprocess(bfile) blend_image = F.interpolate( blend_image, size=content_frames[0].size()[2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) else: # load images from previous pass of current size if pastiche is None: ifile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, current_size, pass_n if n <= len(frames) else pass_n + 1, name(prev_frame), ) pastiche = load.preprocess(ifile) bfile = "%s/%s/%s_%s.png" % ( output_dir, current_size, pass_n if n <= len(frames) else pass_n + 1, name(this_frame), ) blend_image = load.preprocess(bfile) flo_file = f"{output_dir}/flow/{flow_direction}_{name(prev_frame)}_{name(this_frame)}.flo" flow_map = load.flow_warp_map(flo_file, pastiche.shape[2:]) warp_image = F.grid_sample(pastiche, flow_map, padding_mode="border") flow_weight_file = f"{output_dir}/flow/{flow_direction}_{name(prev_frame)}_{name(this_frame)}.png" reliable_flow = load.reliable_flow_weighting( flow_weight_file) reliable_flow = F.interpolate(reliable_flow, size=pastiche.size()[2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False) optim.set_temporal_targets(net, warp_image, warp_weights=reliable_flow, args=args) pastiche = ( 1 - args.temporal_blend ) * blend_image + args.temporal_blend * pastiche output_image = optim.optimize( content_frames[1], style_images, pastiche, num_iters // args.passes_per_scale, args, net, losses) pastiche = match_histogram(output_image.detach().cpu(), style_images_big[0], mode=args.match_histograms) disp = load.deprocess(pastiche.clone()) if args.original_colors == 1: disp = load.original_colors( load.deprocess(content_frames[1].clone()), disp) # reverse frames for next pass frames = list(reversed(frames)) ffmpeg.input(output_dir + "/" + str(current_size) + "/" + str(pass_n) + "_%05d.png").output( "%s/%s_%s.mp4" % (output_dir, name(output_dir), current_size), **args.ffmpeg).overwrite_output().run() prev_size = current_size del net th.cuda.empty_cache()