def generate_html(i, o, defines):
    log.v("> cryptobox.html")
    open(o, "w").write(embed_html(i, defines, defines['path.jquery_ui_css_images']))

    log.v(">> Copy clippy.swf")
    shutil.copyfile(defines['path.clippy'], os.path.dirname(o) + "/clippy.swf")
def mkdir(paths):
    Stupid mkdir wrapper to bypass exceptions
    if type(paths) != list:
        paths = [ paths ]

    for p in paths:
        except Exception as e:
            log.v("Couldn't create directory %s (%s)" % (p, e))
    def __handle_node(search_paths, tp, v):
        for path in search_paths:
            f = path + '/' + tp
                data = pp(f, v)
                log.v("Tried " + f)

            log.v("Read " + f)

                jdata = json.loads(data)
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception("Invalid JSON data in '" + f + "':\n" + str(e))

            jdata['type'] = tp.split('/')[0]

            if jdata['type'] == 'login':
                jdata['vars'] = v

            if len(v['tag']) == 0:
                jdata['tag'] = '__default__'
                jdata['tag'] = v['tag']

            return jdata

        if tp.split('/')[0] == 'login':
            log.w("Not found entry type '%s'" % tp)
            jdata = {}
            jdata['vars'] = v
            jdata['tag'] = '__default__'
            jdata['type'] = 'login'
            jdata['name'] = '/'.join(tp.split('/')[1:])
            jdata['address'] = 'http://' + jdata['name']
            jdata['form'] = {}

            return jdata
            raise Exception("Not found entry type '%s'" % tp)
def generate_bookmarklet(i, o, defines):
    log.v("> bookmarklet/%s" % os.path.dirname(i))
    open(o, "w").write(pp(i , defines))
    log.v(">> Save to " + o)
def generate_mhtml(i, o, defines):
    log.v("> m.cryptobox.html")
    open(o, "w").write(embed_html(i, defines, defines['path.jquery_mobile_css_images']))
def generate_cryptobox_json(js, o):
    log.v("> cryptobox.json")
    open(o, "w").write(json.dumps(js))
    def _create_schema(self):
        """ Create empty Tables in the Postgres database to which this object is connected to.. """

        log.dao("_create_schema() called on Postgres DAO.")

        cursor = self._connection.cursor()

        # TODO if not exists maybe??

        #cursor.execute(""" DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS uvs_schema CASCADE; """)

        cursor.execute(""" CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS uvs_schema; """)
        cursor.execute(""" SET search_path TO uvs_schema; """)

        fp_size = get_uvs_fingerprint_size()
        log.v("fp size is: " + str(fp_size) + " bytes")

        # wee need two symbols for each byte in hex encoding so
        fp_size_hex_enc = fp_size * 2

        # postgres text data types:
        # varchar(n)  ---> variable len with limit
        # char(n)     ---> fixed len blank padded
        # text        ---> variable unlimited len

        # IMPORTANT: never use str concat (+) or python format specifiers (old style or new) to
        # put values into queries, neglecting this will open u up to SQL injection attack. Instead
        # pass a tuple or named key value pairs to psycopg2 and it will do the right thing.
        # tuple example:            execute( "%s", (132,) )
        # named k,v pairs example:  execute( "%(tickets_left)s", {tickets_left: 132} )
        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS snapshots (
        snapid char(%(fp_size)s) NOT NULL,
        snapinfo_json BYTEA,
        PRIMARY KEY (snapid)
        """, {'fp_size': fp_size_hex_enc} )

        # Trees table, i dont believe postgres table names are case sensitive.
        # tid is the uvs fp the tree contents
        # tree is json that describes whats in this tree.
        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS trees (
        tid char(%(fp_size)s) NOT NULL,
        tree_json BYTEA,
        PRIMARY KEY (tid)
        """, {'fp_size': fp_size_hex_enc} )

        # BYTEA type has 1 GB max size limit in postgres
        # fid is the uvs fp of the file content
        # finfo is json of information about this fid. Most important part is a list of segments that make up this file
        # dereference the segments table to find the contents of this file.
        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (
        fid char(%(fp_size)s) NOT NULL,
        finfo_json BYTEA,
        PRIMARY KEY (fid)
        """, {'fp_size': fp_size_hex_enc} )

        # BYTEA type has 1 GB max size limit in postgres
        # sgid is the uvsfp of this segment
        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS segments (
        sgid char(%(fp_size)s) NOT NULL,
        segment BYTEA,
        PRIMARY KEY (sgid)
        """, {'fp_size': fp_size_hex_enc} )

        # just a json record with some public info about this repo
        # (like public name, salt, optional owner email if needed, ....)
        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public (
        public_json BYTEA
        """ )

        # this will commit the transaction right away. without this call, changes will be lost entirely.
        # Note after calling close on this connection, all cursors derived from it will fail to execute queries.
        # also all cursors derived from the same connection, see each other's changes immediately (are not isolated)
        # multiple connection objects may or may not see each others changes immediately (check ISOLATION LEVEL)