 def testReddeningException(self):
     """Test that if reddening=True in matchToObserved CatRA & CatDec are defined or exception is raised"""
     testException = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
     testSEDList = testException.loadBC03()
     magnitudes = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]]
     redshifts = [1.0, 1.0]
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, testException.matchToObserved, testSEDList, magnitudes, redshifts,
                       reddening = True)
 def testReddeningException(self):
     """Test that if reddening=True in matchToObserved CatRA & CatDec are defined or exception is raised"""
     testException = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
     testSEDList = testException.loadBC03()
     magnitudes = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]]
     redshifts = [1.0, 1.0]
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, testException.matchToObserved, testSEDList, magnitudes, redshifts,
                       reddening = True)
    def testMatchToRestFrame(self):
        """Test that Galaxies with no effects added into catalog mags are matched correctly."""
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testMags = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            testMagNorm = np.round(rng.uniform(20.0, 22.0), magNormStep)
            fluxNorm = getSEDMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        # Also testing to make sure passing in non-default bandpasses works
        # Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data.
        testMags[0][1] = np.nan
        testMags[0][2] = np.nan
        testMags[0][4] = np.nan
        testMags[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingResults = testMatching.matchToRestFrame(testSEDList, testMags,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingResults[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingResults[1][1:], decimal = magNormStep)

        # Test Match Errors
        errMags = np.array((testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2]))
        errMags[1, 1] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToRestFrame([errSED], errMags,
                                                                  bandpassDict = galPhot)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 3)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
    def testMatchToRestFrame(self):
        """Test that Galaxies with no effects added into catalog mags are matched correctly."""
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testMags = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            testMagNorm = np.round(np.random.uniform(20.0,22.0),magNormStep)
            fluxNorm = getSEDMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        #Also testing to make sure passing in non-default bandpasses works
        #Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data.
        testMags[0][1] = np.nan
        testMags[0][2] = np.nan
        testMags[0][4] = np.nan
        testMags[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingResults = testMatching.matchToRestFrame(testSEDList, testMags,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingResults[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingResults[1][1:], decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Match Errors
        errMags = np.array((testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2]))
        errMags[1,1] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToRestFrame([errSED], errMags,
                                                                  bandpassDict = galPhot)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 3)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
    def testMatchToObserved(self):
        """Test that Galaxy SEDs with extinction or redshift are matched correctly"""
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testRA = []
        testDec = []
        testRedshifts = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1
        extCoeffs = [1.8140, 1.4166, 0.9947, 0.7370, 0.5790, 0.4761]
        testMags = []
        testMagsRedshift = []
        testMagsExt = []

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            # As a check make sure that it matches when no extinction and no redshift are present
            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)

            # Check Extinction corrections
            sedRA = rng.uniform(10, 170)
            sedDec = rng.uniform(10, 80)
            raDec = np.array((sedRA, sedDec)).reshape((2, 1))
            ebvVal = ebv().calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
            extVal = ebvVal*extCoeffs
            testMagsExt.append(galPhot.magListForSed(getSEDMags) + extVal)

            # Setup magnitudes for testing matching to redshifted values
            getRedshiftMags = Sed()
            testZ = np.round(rng.uniform(1.1, 1.3), 3)
            testMagNorm = np.round(rng.uniform(20.0, 22.0), magNormStep)
            getRedshiftMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            fluxNorm = getRedshiftMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        # Will also test in passing of non-default bandpass
        testNoExtNoRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMags, np.zeros(8),
                                                           reddening = False,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        testMatchingEbvVals = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsExt, np.zeros(8),
                                                           catRA = testRA, catDec = testDec,
                                                           reddening = True, extCoeffs = extCoeffs,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        # Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data and make sure magnorm works too.
        testMagsRedshift[0][1] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][3] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][4] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsRedshift, testRedshifts,
                                                            dzAcc = 3, reddening = False,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)

        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testNoExtNoRedshift[0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testMatchingEbvVals[0])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingRedshift[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingRedshift[1][1:],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        # Test Match Errors
        errMag = testMagsRedshift[2]
        errRedshift = testRedshifts[2]
        errMags = np.array((errMag, errMag, errMag, errMag))
        errRedshifts = np.array((errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift))
        errMags[1, 1] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToObserved([errSED], errMags, errRedshifts,
                                                                 reddening = False,
                                                                 bandpassDict = galPhot,
                                                                 dzAcc = 3)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 2)  # Give a little more leeway due to redshifting effects
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
from lsst.sims.photUtils.selectGalaxySED import selectGalaxySED
import os
import numpy as np
import lsst.utils
from lsst.sims.photUtils.BandpassDict import BandpassDict

#If you are using your own folder this should be selectGalaxySED(galDir = yourFolder)
matchSED = selectGalaxySED()
"""Can restrict the loading below to a subset of the SEDs in a given folder if you pass a list
as matchSED.loadBC03(subset = subsetList)"""
sedList = matchSED.loadBC03()

print sedList[1].wavelen
print sedList[1].flambda
print sedList[1].name

#Import sample galaxy catalog organized as [RA, Dec, z, mag_g, mag_r, mag_i, mag_z, mag_y]
ra, dec, z, mag_g, mag_r, mag_i, mag_z, mag_y = np.genfromtxt('sampleGalCat.dat', unpack=True)

"""Organize magnitudes into single array with each row corresponding to the 
set of magnitudes of one object"""
catMagsObs = np.transpose([mag_g, mag_r, mag_i, mag_z, mag_y])

#Define bandpasses. This example shows loading in LSST grizy bandpasses.
galBandpassDict = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'])

#We'll need to set makeCopy to True since we are going to reuse this sedList below
#matchObservedNames, matchObsMagNorm, matchObsErrors = matchSED.matchToObserved(sedList, catMagsObs, z, catRA=ra, catDec=dec, 
#                                                                               bandpassDict = galBandpassDict, dzAcc=2,extCoeffs = (3.0999999,3.0999999,3.0999999,3.0999999,3.0999999,3.0999999))  #(4.145, 3.237, 2.273, 1.684, 1.323, 1.088))

matchObservedNames, matchObsMagNorm, matchObsErrors = matchSED.matchToObserved(sedList, catMagsObs, z, catRA=ra, catDec=dec, dzAcc = 2,
    def testMatchToObserved(self):
        """Test that Galaxy SEDs with extinction or redshift are matched correctly"""
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testRA = []
        testDec = []
        testRedshifts = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1
        extCoeffs = [1.8140, 1.4166, 0.9947, 0.7370, 0.5790, 0.4761]
        testMags = []
        testMagsRedshift = []
        testMagsExt = []

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            #As a check make sure that it matches when no extinction and no redshift are present
            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)

            #Check Extinction corrections
            sedRA = np.random.uniform(10,170)
            sedDec = np.random.uniform(10,80)
            raDec = np.array((sedRA, sedDec)).reshape((2,1))
            ebvVal = ebv().calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
            extVal = ebvVal*extCoeffs
            testMagsExt.append(galPhot.magListForSed(getSEDMags) + extVal)

            #Setup magnitudes for testing matching to redshifted values
            getRedshiftMags = Sed()
            testZ = np.round(np.random.uniform(1.1,1.3),3)
            testMagNorm = np.round(np.random.uniform(20.0,22.0),magNormStep)
            getRedshiftMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            fluxNorm = getRedshiftMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        #Will also test in passing of non-default bandpass
        testNoExtNoRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMags, np.zeros(20),
                                                           reddening = False,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        testMatchingEbvVals = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsExt, np.zeros(20),
                                                           catRA = testRA, catDec = testDec,
                                                           reddening = True, extCoeffs = extCoeffs,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        #Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data and make sure magnorm works too.
        testMagsRedshift[0][1] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][3] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][4] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsRedshift, testRedshifts,
                                                            dzAcc = 3, reddening = False,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)

        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testNoExtNoRedshift[0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testMatchingEbvVals[0])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingRedshift[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingRedshift[1][1:],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Match Errors
        errMag = testMagsRedshift[2]
        errRedshift = testRedshifts[2]
        errMags = np.array((errMag, errMag, errMag, errMag))
        errRedshifts = np.array((errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift))
        errMags[1,1] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToObserved([errSED], errMags, errRedshifts,
                                                                 reddening = False,
                                                                 bandpassDict = galPhot,
                                                                 dzAcc = 3)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 2) #Give a little more leeway due to redshifting effects
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])