for f in filterlist:
    mags2[f] = numpy.zeros(num_gal, dtype='float')
# For each galaxy (in num_gal's), apply internal dust, redshift, resample to 300-1200 nm, apply MW dust on
#   shorter (and standardized) wavelength range, fluxnorm, and then calculate mags using manyMagCalc.
for i in range(num_gal):
    galname = gallist[gal_name[i]]
    tmpgal = Sed(wavelen=gals[galname].wavelen, flambda=gals[galname].flambda)
    tmpgal.addCCMDust(a_int, b_int, ebv=ebv_int[i])
    tmpgal.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, ebv=ebv_mw[i])
    #tmpgal.flambdaTofnu() #Not needed because multiplyFluxNorm calculates fnu
    tmpmags = tmpgal.manyMagCalc(phiarray, dlambda)
    j = 0
    for f in filterlist:
        mags2[f][i] = tmpmags[j]
        j = j + 1
dt, t = dtime(t)
print "Calculating dust/redshift/dust/fluxnorm/%d magnitudes for %d galaxies optimized way took %f s" \
      %(len(filterlist), num_gal, dt)

# Check for differences in magnitudes.
import pylab
colors = ['m', 'g', 'r', 'b', 'k', 'y']
i = 0
diff = {}
for f in filterlist:
def get_TotalMags(result, bandpasses=('u','g','r','i','z','y')):
    datadir = os.environ.get("SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR")
    tpath = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_DEFAULT')
    bands = {"u":None, "g":None, "r":None, "i":None, "z":None, "y":None}
    for k in bands:
        bands[k] = Bandpass()
        bands[k].readThroughput(os.path.join(tpath, "total_%s.dat"%k))
    # Set up phi, the wavelength-normalized system response for each filter,
    # for each bandpass for manyMagCalc method.
    bplist = []
    for f in ['u','g','r','i','z','y']:
    ids = result['galid']
    diskfile = result['sedFilenameDisk']
    bulgefile = result['sedFilenameBulge']
    agnfile = result['sedFilenameAgn']

    diskmn = result['magNormDisk']
    bulgemn = result['magNormBulge']
    agnmn = result['magNormAgn']

    bulgeAv = result['internalAvBulge']
    diskAv = result['internalAvDisk']

    redshift = result['redshift']

    imsimband = Bandpass()
    sedDict = {}
    retMags = dict([(k, []) for k in bands])
    a_int = None
    b_int = None
    tmpwavelen = None
    for id, df, dm, dav, bf, bm, bav, af, am, z in zip(ids, diskfile, diskmn, diskAv, 
            bulgefile, bulgemn, bulgeAv, agnfile, agnmn, redshift):
        tmpflux = None
        for comp in ((df, dm, dav, 'galaxySED', False), (bf, bm, bav, 'galaxySED', False), (af, am, None, 'agnSED', True)):
        #Zero out the AGN contribution
        #for comp in ((df, dm, dav, 'galaxySED', False), (bf, bm, bav, 'galaxySED', False), (af, 99.99, None, 'agnSED', True)):
            if not comp[0] == u'None':
                if sedDict.has_key(comp[0]):
                    sed = copy.deepcopy(sedDict[comp[0]])
                    sed = Sed()
                    print os.path.join(datadir,comp[3],comp[0])
		    if comp[4]:
                    sedDict[comp[0]] = sed
                if a_int is None:
                    phiarray, dlambda = sed.setupPhiArray(bplist)
                    a_int, b_int = sed.setupCCMab()
		    #Careful, this assumes that a disk or bulge sed is read
		    #before any agn sed
		    tmpwavelen = sed.wavelen
                fNorm = sed.calcFluxNorm(comp[1], imsimband)
                #I guess this assumes rv=3.1??
                if comp[2]:
                    sed.addCCMDust(a_int, b_int, A_v=comp[2])
		if tmpflux is None:
		    tmpflux = sed.flambda
	            tmpflux += sed.flambda
	newgal = Sed(wavelen=wavelenArr, flambda=tmpflux)
        #a_mw, b_mw = sed.setupCCMab()
        #sed.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, A_v=mwav)
        newgal.redshiftSED(z, dimming=True)
        mags = newgal.manyMagCalc(phiarray, dlambda)
        for i,k in enumerate(['u','g','r','i','z','y']):
    return retMags
bplist = []
for f in filterlist:
phiarray, dlambda = stars[starlist[0]].setupPhiArray(bplist)
# Set up dictionary + arrays to hold calculated magnitude information. 
mags2 = {}
for f in filterlist:
    mags2[f] = numpy.zeros(num_star, dtype='float')
# For each star (in num_star's), apply MW dust, fluxnorm, and then calculate mags using manyMagCalc. 
for i in range(num_star):
    starname = starlist[star_name[i]]
    tmpstar = Sed(wavelen=stars[starname].wavelen, flambda=stars[starname].flambda)
    tmpstar.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, ebv=ebv_mw[i])
    tmpmags = tmpstar.manyMagCalc(phiarray, dlambda)
    j = 0
    for f in filterlist:
        mags2[f][i] = tmpmags[j]
        j = j+1
dt, t = dtime(t)
print "Calculating dust/fluxnorm/%d magnitudes for %d stars optimized with Sed.manyMagCalc took %f s" \
      %(len(filterlist), num_star, dt)

This test turned out so badly that I removed these methods from Bandpass.
Basically, it was slower than just the normal calculation above, and took up too much memory.

Code kept here as example. Replace the next two def's into Bandpass if you need to use this for
some bizarre reason.
# Now, we can calculate the magnitudes in multiple bandpasses, for each SED.

# make the bandpass list
bplist = []
for filter in lsstfilterlist:
phiArray, dlambda = tmpstar.setupPhiArray(bplist)
# store the values in a 2-d array (could do in a dictionary of arrays too)
mags = n.empty((len(starskeys), len(bplist)), dtype="float")
for i in range(len(starskeys)):
    # make a copy of the original SED *if* you want to 'reuse' the SED for multiple magnitude
    # calculations with various fluxnorms and dust applications (otherwise just use the object
    # you instantiated above)
    tmpstar = Sed(wavelen=stars[starskeys[i]].wavelen, flambda=stars[starskeys[i]].flambda)
    tmpstar.addCCMDust(a, b, ebv=ebv[i])
    mags[i] = tmpstar.manyMagCalc(phiArray, dlambda)

print "#sedname mag_u  mag_g   mag_r   mag_i   mag_z   mag_y"
for i in range(len(starskeys)):
    print "%s  %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f" % (
bplist = []
for f in filterlist:
phiarray, dlambda = stars[starlist[0]].setupPhiArray(bplist)
# Set up dictionary + arrays to hold calculated magnitude information.
mags2 = {}
for f in filterlist:
    mags2[f] = numpy.zeros(num_star, dtype="float")
# For each star (in num_star's), apply MW dust, fluxnorm, and then calculate mags using manyMagCalc.
for i in range(num_star):
    starname = starlist[star_name[i]]
    tmpstar = Sed(wavelen=stars[starname].wavelen, flambda=stars[starname].flambda)
    tmpstar.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, ebv=ebv_mw[i])
    tmpmags = tmpstar.manyMagCalc(phiarray, dlambda)
    j = 0
    for f in filterlist:
        mags2[f][i] = tmpmags[j]
        j = j + 1
dt, t = dtime(t)
print "Calculating dust/fluxnorm/%d magnitudes for %d stars optimized with Sed.manyMagCalc took %f s" % (

This test turned out so badly that I removed these methods from Bandpass.
Basically, it was slower than just the normal calculation above, and took up too much memory.
    # you have to do this now - sbToPhi to use the multi-mag calc

# I *do* know that all bandpasses are using the same wavlength array, so let's take it
# for granted that bandpass.wavelen is the same for each.

# Now, we can calculate the magnitudes in multiple bandpasses, for each SED.

# make the bandpass list
bplist = []
for filter in lsstfilterlist:
phiArray, dlambda = tmpstar.setupPhiArray(bplist)
# store the values in a 2-d array (could do in a dictionary of arrays too)
mags = n.empty((len(starskeys), len(bplist)), dtype='float')
for i in range(len(starskeys)):
    # make a copy of the original SED *if* you want to 'reuse' the SED for multiple magnitude
    # calculations with various fluxnorms and dust applications (otherwise just use the object
    # you instantiated above)
    tmpstar = Sed(wavelen=stars[starskeys[i]].wavelen,
    tmpstar.addCCMDust(a, b, ebv=ebv[i])
    mags[i] = tmpstar.manyMagCalc(phiArray, dlambda)

print "#sedname mag_u  mag_g   mag_r   mag_i   mag_z   mag_y"
for i in range(len(starskeys)):
    print "%s  %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f" % (
        starskeys[i], mags[i][0], mags[i][1], mags[i][2], mags[i][3],
        mags[i][4], mags[i][5])
# Set up dictionary + arrays to hold calculated magnitude information. 
mags2 = {}
for f in filterlist:
    mags2[f] = numpy.zeros(num_gal, dtype='float')
# For each galaxy (in num_gal's), apply internal dust, redshift, resample to 300-1200 nm, apply MW dust on
#   shorter (and standardized) wavelength range, fluxnorm, and then calculate mags using manyMagCalc. 
for i in range(num_gal):
    galname = gallist[gal_name[i]]
    tmpgal = Sed(wavelen=gals[galname].wavelen, flambda=gals[galname].flambda)
    tmpgal.addCCMDust(a_int, b_int, ebv=ebv_int[i])
    tmpgal.resampleSED(wavelen_min=wavelen_min, wavelen_max=wavelen_max, wavelen_step=wavelen_step)
    tmpgal.addCCMDust(a_mw, b_mw, ebv=ebv_mw[i])
    #tmpgal.flambdaTofnu() #Not needed because multiplyFluxNorm calculates fnu
    tmpmags = tmpgal.manyMagCalc(phiarray, dlambda)
    j = 0
    for f in filterlist:
        mags2[f][i] = tmpmags[j]
        j = j+1
dt, t = dtime(t)
print "Calculating dust/redshift/dust/fluxnorm/%d magnitudes for %d galaxies optimized way took %f s" \
      %(len(filterlist), num_gal, dt)

# Check for differences in magnitudes.
import pylab
colors = ['m', 'g', 'r', 'b', 'k', 'y']
i = 0
diff = {}