def __init__(self, pinNr, activeLow, externalResistor=False): if externalResistor: self._pin = Pin(pinNr, Pin.IN) else: self._pin = Pin(pinNr, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP if activeLow else Pin.PULL_DOWN) # number of millisec that have to pass by before a click is detected. self._clickTicks = 200 # number of millisec that have to pass by before a long button press is detected. self._pressTicks = 1000 self._debounceTicks = 50 # number of ticks for debounce times. # starting with state 0: waiting for button to be pressed self._state = 0 self._isLongPressed = False # Keep track of long press state if (activeLow): # button connects ground to the pin when pressed. self._buttonReleased = 1 # notPressed self._buttonPressed = 0 else: # button connects VCC to the pin when pressed. self._buttonReleased = 0 self._buttonPressed = 1 self._clickFunc = None self._doubleClickFunc = None self._longPressStartFunc = None self._longPressStopFunc = None self._duringLongPressFunc = None self._startTime = None
def __init__(self, debug=False, baud=100000): # From datasheet # Bit rate – up to 12 MHz1 # ▪ Polarity – CPOL = 1; clock transition high-to-low on the leading edge and low-to-high on the # trailing edge # ▪ Phase – CPHA = 1; setup on the leading edge and sample on the trailing edge # ▪ Bit order – MSB first # ▪ Chip select polarity – active low self.spi = SPI(0) try: self.spi.init(mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=baud, bits=8, polarity=1, phase=1, firstbit=SPI.MSB, pins=('GP31', 'GP16', 'GP30')) # CLK, MOSI, MISO except AttributeError: self.spi.init(baudrate=baud, bits=8, polarity=1, phase=1, firstbit=SPI.MSB, pins=('GP31', 'GP16', 'GP30')) # CLK, MOSI, MISO # These are all active low! self.tc_en_bar = Pin('GP4', mode=Pin.OUT) self.disable() self.tc_busy_bar = Pin('GP5', mode=Pin.IN) self.tc_busy_bar.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING) # Wake up when it changes self.tc_cs_bar = Pin('GP17', mode=Pin.ALT, alt=7) self.debug = debug
def isLight(dataPin): """ Check if it's light or dark, using a CEG013600 ambient light sensor connected to the GPIO pin named by dataPin """ light_in = Pin(dataPin, mode=Pin.IN) if light_in.value() == 1: """ 1 means dark """ return False else: return True
def activate(state): global inPin if(state): inPin = Pin(12, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) inPin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=timeUS) # Disables the internal pull-up, therefore preventing any further RISING_EDGE case. else: inPin = Pin(12, Pin.IN)
def __init__(self, pin_1, pin_2, pwm_pin): self.pin_1 = Pin(pin_1, mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None) self.pin_1.value(0) self.pin_2 = Pin(pin_2, mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None) self.pin_1.value(0) self.pwm =, pin=pwm_pin, duty_cycle=1) self.pwm.duty_cycle(0)
def near(self): id = int(str(self)[4:-1]) #unsafe! pin15=Pin(15,Pin.OUT) pin15.value(1) adc=ADC(Pin(id)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) approximate pin15.value(0) return approximate
def __init__(self, latch, clock, data): self._latch = latch self._clock = clock self._data = data self._latchPin = Pin(latch, mode=Pin.OUT) self._latchPin.value(0) self._clockPin = Pin(clock, mode=Pin.OUT) self._clockPin.value(1) self._dataPin = Pin(data, mode=Pin.OUT) self._dataPin.value(0)
class TB6612FNG(object): def __init__(self, a_1, a_2, a_pwm, b_1, b_2, b_pwm, standby_pin): self._standby = Pin(standby_pin, mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None) self._standby.value(1) self.channelA = _TB6612FNG_channel(a_1, a_2, a_pwm) self.channelB = _TB6612FNG_channel(b_1, b_2, b_pwm) def standby(self, *args): return self._standby.value(*args)
def __init__(self): # OUTPUT/INPUT self.pins = ['GP16', 'GP13'] self.outputPin = Pin(self.pins[0], mode=Pin.OUT, value=1) self.inputPin = Pin(self.pins[1], mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.triggerCount = 0 self._triggerType_ = Pin.IRQ_RISING self.inputIRQ = self.inputPin.irq(trigger=self._triggerType_, handler=self.pinHandler) self.irqState = True
def test(): stx = Pin(Pin.board.Y5, Pin.OUT_PP) # Define pins sckout = Pin(Pin.board.Y6, Pin.OUT_PP) sckout.value(0) # Don't assert clock until data is set srx = Pin(Pin.board.Y7, Pin.IN) sckin = Pin(Pin.board.Y8, Pin.IN) objsched = Sched(heartbeat = 1) with SynCom(objsched, False, sckin, sckout, srx, stx) as channel: objsched.add_thread(initiator_thread(channel))
class Relay: def __init__(self, pin, initialValue=0): self.controlPin = Pin(pin, Pin.OUT) self.Open() pass def Open(self): self.controlPin.value(0) def Close(self): self.controlPin.value(1)
def __init__(self): self.x_adc = ADC(1) self.btn_speed_up = Pin("P13", mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.btn_speed_down = Pin("P15", mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.btn_speed_full = Pin("P14", mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.btn_speed_off = Pin("P16", mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.x_mid = 0 self.calibrate() self.connect() self.loop()
def main(use_stream=False): s = socket.socket() # Binding to all interfaces - server will be accessible to other hosts! ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080) print("Bind address info:", ai) addr = ai[0][-1] #prepping LED pin p = Pin(2,Pin.OUT) # p.high() # time.sleep(1) # p.low() s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(addr) s.listen(5) print("Listening, connect your browser to http://<this_host>:8080/") counter = 0 while True: res = s.accept() client_s = res[0] client_addr = res[1] print("Client address:", client_addr) print("Client socket:", client_s) print("Request:") if use_stream: # MicroPython socket objects support stream (aka file) interface # directly. #print( val = print(val) client_s.write(CONTENT % counter) else: #print(client_s.recv(4096)) val = client_s.recv(4096) print(val) client_s.send(CONTENT % counter) if "GET /toggle" in val: print("Toggling!") p.high() time.sleep(1) p.low() machine.reset() client_s.close() counter += 1 print()
class LaserBeam: def __init__(self, laser_pinname, photodiode_pinname): self.laser = Pin(laser_pinname, Pin.OUT_OD) self.photodiode = ADC(photodiode_pinname) self.threshold = 100 def ping(self): dark = self.laser.value(0) # pull down to on light = self.laser.value(1) # float to off return light-dark def interrupted(self): return < self.threshold \ and sum( for i in range(10)) < 10 * self.threshold
def __init__(self, triggerGPIO, echoGPIO): self.triggerPin = Pin(triggerGPIO, mode = Pin.OUT) self.echoPin = Pin(echoGPIO, mode = Pin.IN) # The var to know if we have 28 or 028 in the decimal part self.mm_decimal = "" # Distance initated to -1 while nothing = -1 = -1
def __init__(self,name,config,callback): # mode = config.get('MODE', 'OUTPUT') port = config.get('PORT', 1) self._name = name self._callback = callback print('GPIO-output',port,config,name,callback) self._gpio = Pin(port, Pin.OUT)
class Sonar: def __init__(self,trig,echo): self.trig=Pin(trig,Pin.OUT) self.echo=Pin(echo,Pin.IN) def checkdist(self): self.trig.value(0) self.echo.value(0) self.trig.value(1) time.sleep_us(10) self.trig.value(0) while(self.echo.value()==0): pass t1=time.ticks_us() while(self.echo.value()==1): pass t2=time.ticks_us() return round(time.ticks_diff(t2,t1)/10000*340/2,2)
def __init__(self, spd=1000000): # first assign CLK, MISO, MOSI, CS to the correct pins self.pin_clk = Pin(self.CLK, mode=Pin.OUT) # CLK self.pin_miso = Pin(self.MISO) # MISO self.pin_mosi = Pin(self.MOSI, mode=Pin.OUT) # MOSI self.pin_cs = Pin(self.CS, mode=Pin.OUT) # NSS/CS self.pin_reset = Pin(self.RESET, mode=Pin.OUT) self.pin_reset.value(0) self.pin_cs.value(1) self.spi = SPI(0) self.spi.init(mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=spd, pins=(self.CLK, self.MOSI, self.MISO)) self.pin_reset.value(1) self.MFRC522_Init()
class Button: def __init__(self, pin): from machine import Pin = Pin(pin, Pin.IN) def get_presses(self, delay = 1): last_time, last_state, presses = time.time(), 0, 0 while time.time() < last_time + delay: time.sleep_ms(50) if last_state == 0 and == 1: last_state = 1 if last_state == 1 and == 0: last_state, presses = 0, presses + 1 return presses def is_pressed(self): return == 0 def was_pressed(self): last_state = time.sleep_ms(15) if last_state == 1 and == 0: return True return False def irq(self, handler, trigger): = handler, trigger = trigger)
class DistanceSensor: def __init__(self, triggerGPIO, echoGPIO): self.triggerPin = Pin(triggerGPIO, mode = Pin.OUT) self.echoPin = Pin(echoGPIO, mode = Pin.IN) # The var to know if we have 28 or 028 in the decimal part self.mm_decimal = "" # Distance initated to -1 while nothing = -1 = -1 def isDistanceCalculated(self): return != -1 & != -1 def setTriggerPinValue(self, value): self.triggerPin.value(value) def getDistanceString(self): return str( + "," + self.mm_decimal + str( + "cm" def changingEdge(self, pin): global callback # Get the flag which enabled to IRQ flags = callback.flags() # If rising, start count the time if flags & Pin.IRQ_RISING: self.raising_time = time.ticks_us() # If falling edge, then stop counting the time and calculate the distance elif flags & Pin.IRQ_FALLING: self.falling_time = time.ticks_us() # Get the ellapsed time between RISING and FALLING delay = time.ticks_diff(self.raising_time, self.falling_time) # We use 17 instead of 0,017 distance = delay * 17 # We rescale the distance in cm by separating cm and mm = distance // 1000 = distance % 1000 #in case we have a distance like 49028 # cm = 49 # mm = 028 but the 0 would be discared so we check it if distance % 100 == distance % 1000: self.mm_decimal = "0"
def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.pages = self.height // 8 self.buffer = bytearray(self.pages * self.width) self.framebuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer(self.buffer, self.width, self.height, framebuf.MONO_VLSB) self.spi = SPI(0) # chip select self.cs = Pin("P16", mode=Pin.OUT, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) # command self.dc = Pin("P17", mode=Pin.OUT, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) # initialize all pins high self.cs.high() self.dc.high() self.spi.init(baudrate=8000000, phase=0, polarity=0) self.init_display()
class PulseCounter: def __init__(self, pin, value=0): # value is in cents = Pin(pin, mode=Pin.IN) self.value = value self.count = 0 = 0 =, trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, priority=7) def _count(self, pin): self.count += 1 += self.value
class Ultrasonic(object): def __init__(self, trigger_pin, echo_pin, timeout_us=30000): # WARNING: Don't use PA4-X5 or PA5-X6 as echo pin without a 1k resistor # Default timeout is a bit more than the HC-SR04 max distance (400 cm): # 400 cm * 29 us/cm (speed of sound ~340 m/s) * 2 (round-trip) self.timeout = timeout_us # Init trigger pin (out) self.trigger = Pin(trigger_pin, mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None) # Init echo pin (in) self.echo = Pin(echo_pin, mode=Pin.IN, pull=None) def distance_in_inches(self): return (self.distance_in_cm() * 0.3937) def distance_in_cm(self): # Send a 10us pulse self.trigger.on() sleep_us(10) # Wait for the pulse and calc its duration time_pulse = time_pulse_us(self.echo, 1, self.timeout) if time_pulse < 0: raise MeasurementTimeout(self.timeout) # Divide the duration of the pulse by 2 (round-trip) and then divide it # by 29 us/cm (speed of sound = ~340 m/s) return (time_pulse / 2) / 29
def __init__(self, sck, mosi, miso, rst, cs): self.sck = Pin(sck, Pin.OUT) self.mosi = Pin(mosi, Pin.OUT) self.miso = Pin(miso) self.rst = Pin(rst, Pin.OUT) self.cs = Pin(cs, Pin.OUT) self.rst.value(0) self.cs.value(1) if uname()[0] == 'WiPy': self.spi = SPI(0) self.spi.init(SPI.MASTER, baudrate=1000000, pins=(self.sck, self.mosi, self.miso)) elif uname()[0] == 'esp8266': self.spi = SPI(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=self.sck, mosi=self.mosi, miso=self.miso) self.spi.init() else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform") self.rst.value(1) self.init()
class PulseCounter: def __init__(self, pin, pull, trigger, debounce_ms): self._pin = Pin(pin, mode=Pin.IN, pull=pull) self._debounce_ms = debounce_ms self._last_count_ms = time.ticks_ms() self._irq = self._pin.irq(trigger=trigger, handler=self._handler) self.counter = 0 def _handler(self, pin): time_ms = time.ticks_ms() if (time_ms - self._last_count_ms > self._debounce_ms): self.counter += 1 self._last_count_ms = time_ms
class Trigger_Monitor(object): ''' Is there a way to change the callback? ''' def __init__(self): # OUTPUT/INPUT self.pins = ['GP16', 'GP13'] self.outputPin = Pin(self.pins[0], mode=Pin.OUT, value=1) self.inputPin = Pin(self.pins[1], mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.triggerCount = 0 self._triggerType_ = Pin.IRQ_RISING self.inputIRQ = self.inputPin.irq(trigger=self._triggerType_, handler=self.pinHandler) self.irqState = True def toggleInput(self, time_ms = 5): self.outputPin.toggle() time.sleep_ms(time_ms) def pinHandler(self, pin_o): # global self.pin_irq_count_trigger # global self.pin_irq_count_total # self._triggerType_ # if self._triggerType_ & self.inputIRQ.flags(): # self.pin_irq_count_trigger += 1 self.triggerCount += 1 def getTriggerCount(self): print("Trigger Count: ", self.triggerCount) def resetTriggerCount(self): self.triggerCount = 0 def disableIRQ(self): self.irqState = machine.disable_irq() # Start of critical section def reEnableIRQ(self): machine.enable_irq(True) self.irqState=True
class Button: def __init__(self, id): self.pressed = False self.btn = Pin(id, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) def on(self): self.btn.callback(Pin.IRQ_FALLING | Pin.IRQ_RISING, self._handler) def off(self): self.btn.callback(Pin.IRQ_FALLING | Pin.IRQ_RISING, None) def _handler(self, pin): value = pin.value() if not value and not self.pressed: print('Button pushed') self.pressed = True elif value and self.pressed: print('Button released') self.pressed = False else: pass
def __init__(self, trigger_pin, echo_pin, echo_timeout_us=500*2*30): """ trigger_pin: Output pin to send pulses echo_pin: Readonly pin to measure the distance. The pin should be protected with 1k resistor echo_timeout_us: Timeout in microseconds to listen to echo pin. By default is based in sensor limit range (4m) """ self.echo_timeout_us = echo_timeout_us # Init trigger pin (out) self.trigger = Pin(trigger_pin, mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None) self.trigger.value(0) # Init echo pin (in) self.echo = Pin(echo_pin, mode=Pin.IN, pull=None)
def __init__(self, trigger_pin, echo_pin, timeout_us=30000): # WARNING: Don't use PA4-X5 or PA5-X6 as echo pin without a 1k resistor # Default timeout is a bit more than the HC-SR04 max distance (400 cm): # 400 cm * 29 us/cm (speed of sound ~340 m/s) * 2 (round-trip) self.timeout = timeout_us # Init trigger pin (out) self.trigger = Pin(trigger_pin, mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None) # Init echo pin (in) self.echo = Pin(echo_pin, mode=Pin.IN, pull=None)
def __init__(self, dout, pd_sck, gain=128): self.pSCK = Pin(pd_sck , mode=Pin.OUT) self.pOUT = Pin(dout, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_DOWN) self.pSCK.value(False) self.GAIN = 0 self.OFFSET = 0 self.SCALE = 1 self.time_constant = 0.1 self.filtered = 0 self.set_gain(gain)
def setupOled(): global oled i2c = I2C(BUS, sda=Pin(SDA), scl=Pin(SCL), freq=400000) oled = SSD1306_I2C(WIDTH, HEIGHT, i2c) oled.fill(0)
from iot_workshop.src.ili934xhax import ILI9341, color565n from machine import SPI, Pin import mcp import bme280_int spi = SPI( 2, baudrate=40000000, miso=Pin(19), mosi=Pin(23), sck=Pin(18)) display = ILI9341(spi, cs=Pin(0), dc=Pin(15), rst=Pin(5)) I2C_SCL = 27 I2C_SDA = 32 BUTTON_LEFT = 5 BUTTON_RIGHT = 6 BUTTON_UP = 7 BUTTON_DOWN = 4 PIN_LEFT = 9 #gucci PIN_RIGHT = 10 #gucci PIN_UP = 8 #gucci PIN_DOWN = 11 #gucci pinz = [PIN_LEFT, PIN_RIGHT, PIN_UP, PIN_DOWN, BUTTON_LEFT, BUTTON_RIGHT, BUTTON_UP, BUTTON_DOWN]
import dht from machine import Pin from time import sleep led_blue = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) led_red = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) sensor = dht.DHT11(Pin(4)) def toggle_leds(): led_blue.value(0) led_red.value(0) sleep(1) led_blue.value(1) led_red.value(1) sleep(1) def toggle_leds_on(): led_blue.value(0) led_red.value(0) def toggle_leds_off(): led_blue.value(1) led_red.value(1) def read_sensor(): sensor.measure() return sensor.temperature(), sensor.humidity()
def __init__(self, pin_led): self.pin_led = PWM(Pin(pin_led)) self.set_intensidad(0)
api_key = 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_WEBHOOKS_IFTTT_API_KEY' station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) station.connect(ssid, password) while station.isconnected() == False: pass print('Connection successful') print(station.ifconfig()) # ESP32 - Pin assignment i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=10000) # ESP8266 - Pin assignment #i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=10000) try: bme = BME280.BME280(i2c=i2c) temp = bme.temperature hum = bme.humidity pres = bme.pressure # uncomment for temperature in Fahrenheit #temp = (bme.read_temperature()/100) * (9/5) + 32 #temp = str(round(temp, 2)) + 'F' sensor_readings = {'value1':temp, 'value2':hum, 'value3':pres} print(sensor_readings)
import socket from machine import Pin, I2C import network import ssd1306 import esp esp.osdebug(None) import gc gc.collect() ssid = 'makerspace' password = '******' i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(12), sda=Pin(14)) station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) oled.text('Connecting to:', 0, 0) oled.text(ssid, 0, 8) station.connect(ssid, password) while station.isconnected() == False: pass oled.text("Connected!", 0, 16) ip = str(station.ifconfig()) x = ip.find("'", 2)
'miso': 19, 'mosi': 27, 'ss': 18, 'sck': 5, 'dio_0': 26, 'reset': 14, 'led': 2, } compt = 0 device_spi = SPI(baudrate=10000000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=Pin(device_config['sck'], Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN), mosi=Pin(device_config['mosi'], Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP), miso=Pin(device_config['miso'], Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)) lora = SX127x(device_spi, pins=device_config) display = Display() def synchro_us(temps_cycle): global compt, top, somme if compt == 0: top = ticks_us() somme = 0 tip = ticks_us() delta = tip - top compt = compt + 1
from machine import Pin, ADC import time pot = ADC(Pin(33)) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) while True: print( time.sleep_ms(200)
import time import machine import ugfx from machine import Pin from machine import ADC # init ugfx ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) # Set LED pin for output sharpLEDPin = Pin(32, Pin.OUT) sharpVoPin = ADC(Pin(36)) # ADC Setup sharpVoPin.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # Output volate at no dust in V Voc = 0.6 # 0.1 to 1.1 # Sensitivity in units of V per 100ug/m3. K = 0.5 # 0.425 to 0.575 # Average Vos = 0.8 idx = 0 def readValue(): global Voc, Vos, idx
from machine import I2C from machine import Pin from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C import machine from writer import Writer import time import dseg_18 import rsu_text_font_14 as dseg_12 days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] scl = Pin(22) sda = Pin(21) i2c = I2C(scl=scl, sda=sda, freq=450000) oled = SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) dseg18 = Writer(oled, dseg_18) dseg12 = Writer(oled, dseg_12) rtc = machine.RTC() rtc.ntp_sync(server="") time.sleep(2) while not rtc.synced(): machine.idle() while True: _tm = time.localtime() print(_tm) oled.fill(0) dseg12.set_textpos(5,40) dseg12.printstring('{0:02d}/{1:02d}/{2} {3}'.format(_tm[2], _tm[1], _tm[0], days[_tm[6]])) dseg18.set_textpos(30,20) dseg18.printstring('{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}'.format(_tm[3] + 6, _tm[4], _tm[5])) time.sleep(1)
# Neopixel definitions and functions from machine import Pin from neopixel import NeoPixel class Pixels: def __init__(self, io) pin = Pin(io, Pin.OUT) # Set GPIO16 to output to drive NeoPixels np = NeoPixel(pin, 9) # Create NeoPixel driver on GPIO16 for 9 pixels n = np.n ## Examples #np[0] = (255, 255, 255) # Set the first pixel to white #np.write() #r, g, b = np[0] @staticmethod # Custom Animations def pixset(pixel, r, g, b): np[pixel] = (r, g, b) np.write() def clear(): # clear for i in range(n): np[i] = (0, 0, 0) np.write()
from machine import Pin import time open_led = True io0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) io2 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) time.sleep(1) io2.on() time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) io2.on() time.sleep(1) while True: if (open_led): io0.on() io2.on() open_led = False else: open_led = True time.sleep(30)
from machine import Pin from time import sleep led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT) for i in range(14): if i % 2 == 0: led.on() else: sleep(1)
from machine import Pin, PWM import time import os import json with open('tonesDict.json', 'r') as tonesDict: tones = json.loads( # set up pin PWM timer for output to buzzer or speaker pwm = PWM(Pin(0)) #D3 on Wemos D1 mini def playNotes(Val): msg = None try: for i,v in enumerate(Val.split(",")): note = tones[v.strip()] pwm.duty(512) if note == 0: pwm.duty(0) else: pwm.freq(int((note/100)*20)) # change frequency for change tone #Taking only 20% of freq as D1 mini (ESP12-E) accepts a maximum of 1 KHz time.sleep_ms(150) msg = "Done playing" except: msg = "Something is not right" return msg def startPlay(fileName): print("File name receive:", fileName) with open(fileName,"r") as tune:
start_measure = True def irq_callback(pin, event=None): global start_measure is_falling = event & Pin.IRQ_FALLING if pin == u2if.GP13 and is_falling: print("Range: {0}mm".format(vl53.read_measure())) start_measure = mode_auto elif pin == u2if.GP9 and is_falling: start_measure = True # Initialize I2C bus and sensor. Use first I2C port. i2c = I2C(i2c_index=0, frequency=400000) # , pullup=True int_pin = Pin(u2if.GP13, Pin.IN) int_pin.irq(handler=irq_callback, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING) button_pin = Pin(u2if.GP9, Pin.IN) button_pin.irq(handler=irq_callback, trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, debounce=True) vl53 = adafruit_vl53l0x.VL53L0X(i2c) # Optionally adjust the measurement timing budget to change speed and accuracy. # See the example here for more details: # # For example a higher speed but less accurate timing budget of 20ms: # vl53.measurement_timing_budget = 20000 # Or a slower but more accurate timing budget of 200ms: # vl53.measurement_timing_budget = 200000 # The default timing budget is 33ms, a good compromise of speed and accuracy. vl53.measurement_timing_budget = 100000
from machine import Pin, Signal # ESP12 module as used by many boards # Blue LED on pin 2, active low (inverted) LED = Signal(Pin(2, Pin.OUT), inverted=True)
from machine import Pin, ADC, SPI import st7789py button_A = Pin(39, Pin.IN) button_B = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button_JA = Pin(5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button_JB = Pin(12, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) led = Pin(4, Pin.OUT) led_state = False spi = SPI( 1, baudrate=40000000, polarity=1, phase=0, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13), miso=Pin(12) ) dc = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) reset = Pin(17, Pin.OUT) display = st7789py.ST7789(spi, 240, 240, reset=reset, dc=dc) print("SPI TFT display init") display.init() while True: # TODO: GPIO pins 34-39 do not have a pull-up resistor :(
class HomeAutomation: def __init__(self, ledpin: int, lightpin: int, ssid: str, password: str, host: str, port: int, topic: str): """ :param ledpin: :param lightpin: :param ssid: :param password: :param host: :param port: :param topic: """ self.ledpin = Pin(ledpin, Pin.OUT) self.lightpin = Pin(lightpin, Pin.OUT) self.ssid = ssid self.password = password = host self.port = port self.topic = topic def boardTest(self): """ Testing the board by blinking LED :return: """ print("INFO: Blinking LED") for i in range(0, 5, 1): self.ledpin.value(not self.ledpin.value()) sleep(1) i = i + 1 print("INFO: Board is fine") def turn_on(self): """ Turns on the lights :return: """ self.lightpin.value(1) print("INFO: Turning on lights") def turn_off(self): """ Turns off the lights :return: """ self.lightpin.value(0) print("INFO: Turning off lights") def wifiConnect(self): """ Connects to the config wifi :return: """ print("INFO: Connecting to wifi") station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # create station interface # activate the interface if station.isconnected(): print("INFO: Connected to wifi initially") else: while True: try: scanned_wifi = station.scan() # scan for access points for i in scanned_wifi: if i[0].decode('utf-8') == self.ssid: # Connect to wifi station.connect(self.ssid, self.password) print("INFO: Connected to wifi") break else: print("INFO: Wifi Not found") self.wifiConnect() break except OSError as e: print("Error: ", e) def on_message(self, topic, msg): """ This callback is used to process messages that are published to a subscribed topic. :param topic: :param msg: :return: """ message = msg.decode("utf-8") if message == "ON": self.turn_on() elif message == "OFF": self.turn_off() def main(self): """ Main function runs the board test, connects to wifi and mqtt server and finally waits for oncoming messages :return: """ self.boardTest() self.wifiConnect() print("INFO: Connecting to MQTT") client = MQTTClient("umqtt_client",, self.port) client.set_callback(self.on_message) client.connect() print("INFO: Connected to MQTT") client.subscribe(self.topic) while True: client.wait_msg()
from time import sleep from machine import Pin led = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) for _ in range(10): led.value(0) sleep(1) led.value(1) sleep(1)
from machine import Pin from machine import I2C from ads1219 import ADS1219 import utime # This example demonstrates how to use the ADS1219 using single-shot conversion mode # The ADC1219 will initiate a conversion when adc.read_data() is called i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(26), sda=Pin(27)) adc = ADS1219(i2c) adc.set_channel(ADS1219.CHANNEL_AIN0) adc.set_conversion_mode(ADS1219.CM_SINGLE) adc.set_gain(ADS1219.GAIN_1X) adc.set_data_rate(ADS1219.DR_20_SPS) # 20 SPS is the most accurate adc.set_vref(ADS1219.VREF_INTERNAL) while True: result = adc.read_data() print('result = {}, mV = {:.2f}'.format( result, result * ADS1219.VREF_INTERNAL_MV / ADS1219.POSITIVE_CODE_RANGE)) utime.sleep(0.5)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 程式說明請參閱4-17頁 """ from machine import Pin toggle = 1 led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) sw = Pin(0, Pin.IN) while True: if sw.value() == 0 : toggle = not toggle led.value(toggle)
Installation: ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 put ./ ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 mkdir lib ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 put ./lib/ lib/ ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 put ./ # reset device """ import machine from machine import Pin import time from lib import ssd1306 import octopus_robot_board as o #octopusLab main library - "o" < octopus pin_an = Pin(o.PIN_ANALOG, Pin.IN) adc = machine.ADC(pin_an) i2c = machine.I2C(-1, machine.Pin(o.I2C_SCL_PIN), machine.Pin(o.I2C_SDA_PIN)) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) # test_whole display oled.fill(1) time.sleep_ms(300) # reset display oled.fill(0)
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' from machine import I2C, Pin import time from wiichuck import WiiChuck i2c = I2C(sda=Pin(2), scl=Pin(4)) wii = WiiChuck(i2c) # default address=0x58 dir_time = time.time() count_time = time.time() while True: if time.time() - dir_time > 0.5: # Detect direction from boolean property direction = '' if wii.joy_up: direction = 'Up' elif wii.joy_down: direction = 'Down' elif wii.joy_right: direction = '>>>' elif wii.joy_left:
import utime from machine import I2C, Pin from mpu9250 import MPU9250 i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=200000) sensor = MPU9250(i2c) print("MPU9250 id: " + hex(sensor.whoami)) while True: print('acceleration:', str(sensor.acceleration)) print('gyro:', str(sensor.gyro)) print('magnetic:', str(sensor.magnetic))
import ili9342c color565 = ili9342c.color565 from machine import Pin, SPI spi = SPI(miso=Pin(19), mosi=Pin(23, Pin.OUT), sck=Pin(18, Pin.OUT)) display = ili9342c.ILI934X(spi, cs=Pin(14), dc=Pin(27), rst=Pin(33), bl=Pin(32)) display.fill(color565(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) display.fill_rectangle(150, 150, 40, 10, color565(0x00, 0xff, 0x00)) display.fill_rectangle(10, 10, 20, 60, color565(0x00, 0x00, 0xff)) display.fill_rectangle(200, 70, 50, 50, color565(0xff, 0x00, 0x00)) display.text('Hello,World!', 16, 128) display.scroll(8) display.scroll(8) import sys del sys.modules['ili9342c'] del sys
# Create Led Strip in D3,300 leds....yellow dot 0 to 299... from machine import Pin from neopixel import NeoPixel import time def blink_pixel(r, g, b, p): np[p] = (r, g, b) np.write() np[p] = (0, 0, 0) np.write() pin = Pin(14, Pin.OUT) # set GPIO0 or D3 in NodeMCU to output to drive NeoPixels np = NeoPixel(pin, 64) # create NeoPixel driver on GPIO0 for 300 pixels while True: for i in range(63): blink_pixel(50, 50, 0, i) for i in range(64): blink_pixel(50, 50, 0, 63 - i)
# # Copyright (c) 2006-2019, RT-Thread Development Team # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT License # # Change Logs: # Date Author Notes # 2019-06-13 SummerGift first version # from machine import Pin PIN_LED_R = 38 PIN_KEY0 = 57 KEY_PRESSED = 0 # create led object from pin PIN_LED_R, Set pin PIN_LED_R to output mode led = Pin(("led_red", PIN_LED_R), Pin.OUT_PP) key_0 = Pin(("key_0", PIN_KEY0), Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) while True: if key_0.value() == KEY_PRESSED: led.value(0) # Set led turn on else: led.value(1)
from machine import Pin from time import sleep button_grn = Pin(34, Pin.IN) button_red = Pin(39, Pin.IN) led_grn = Pin(17, Pin.OUT) led_red = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) green = 0 red = 0 green_total = 0 red_total = 0 while(1): if button_grn.value() == 1 and green == 0: green_total += 1 if green_total == 10: break if button_red.value() == 1 and red == 0: red_total += 1 if red_total == 10: break if button_grn.value() == button_red.value(): led_grn.value(0) led_red.value(0) else: led_grn.value(button_grn.value()) led_red.value(button_red.value()) green = button_grn.value() red = button_red.value() sleep(0.05)
from machine import Pin import socket import json import http import url import gc # Connect variable 'led' to the user led on the expansion board led = Pin(Pin.exp_board.G16, mode=Pin.OUT) led(1) # off # Connect 'pins' to the user button on the expansion board plus one additional pin pins = [ Pin(i, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) for i in (Pin.exp_board.G17, Pin.exp_board.G22) ] client = None def pin_handler(arg): """ Callback for pin interrupt: send new pin value to the client. This implementation can only handle one client. """ global client print("pin_handler interrupt: pin %s (%d)" % (, arg.value())) if client is not None: try: client.write("event: pin_change\ndata: {\"%s\": %d}\n\n" %
SCR_HEIGHT = const(240) SCR_ROT = const(2) CENTER_Y = int(SCR_WIDTH / 2) CENTER_X = int(SCR_HEIGHT / 2) print(os.uname()) ''' TFT_CLK_PIN = const(10) TFT_MOSI_PIN = const(11) TFT_MISO_PIN = const(12) TFT_CS_PIN = const(13) TFT_RST_PIN = const(14) TFT_DC_PIN = const(15) ''' # TFT_CLK_PIN = Pin(10, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP) TFT_CLK_PIN = Pin(10) TFT_MOSI_PIN = Pin(11) TFT_MISO_PIN = Pin(12) TFT_CS_PIN = Pin(13, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP) TFT_RST_PIN = Pin(14) TFT_DC_PIN = Pin(15, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP) fonts = [glcdfont, tt14, tt24, tt32] text = 'Hello Raspberry Pi Pico/ili9341' print(text) print("fonts available:") for f in fonts: print(f.__name__) spi = SPI(1,