def plotPattern(self, type, stats): """Common graph function for read and writes, type is either 'read' or 'write'. Stats is a bool that indicates whether to print statistics or not.""" names = self.filenames(type) #unique names of used files if not self.fileName in names: print self.fileName, "is not in our data set" return if == None: self.__prepareData() self.axes.clear() graphdata = np.column_stack((['off'],['start'],['off']+['size'],['start'] +['dur'])) lineSegments = LineCollection(graphdata.reshape(-1,2,2), linewidths=(4)); lineSegments.set_picker(True) self.lineCol = self.axes.add_collection(lineSegments) maxEnd = max(graphdata[:,2]) maxTime = max(graphdata[:,3]) if stats: self.__printStats() self.axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.__xFormater)) self.axes.grid(color='grey', linewidth=0.5) self.axes.set_xlabel("file offset (kiB)", fontsize=16); self.axes.set_ylabel("time (ms)", fontsize=16); self.axes.set_xlim(0, maxEnd); self.axes.set_ylim(self.startTime, maxTime); self.fig.suptitle('%s' % self.__elideText(self.fileName), fontsize=9) # ticks = self.__getTicks(0, maxEnd) # plt.xticks(ticks); self.fig.autofmt_xdate()
def _add_plot(fig, ax, plot_data, color_data, pkeys, lw=1, cmap='_auto', alpha=1.0): colors = color_data.color if cmap == '_auto': cmap = None if color_data.is_categorical: colors = np.take(COLOR_CYCLE, colors, mode='wrap') if plot_data.scatter: data, = plot_data.trajs artist = ax.scatter(*data.T, marker='o', c=colors, edgecolor='none', s=lw*20, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, picker=5) else: # trajectory plot if hasattr(colors, 'dtype') and np.issubdtype(colors.dtype, np.number): # delete lines with NaN colors mask = np.isfinite(colors) if mask.all(): trajs = plot_data.trajs else: trajs = [t for i,t in enumerate(plot_data.trajs) if mask[i]] colors = colors[mask] artist = LineCollection(trajs, linewidths=lw, cmap=cmap) artist.set_array(colors) else: artist = LineCollection(plot_data.trajs, linewidths=lw, cmap=cmap) artist.set_color(colors) artist.set_alpha(alpha) artist.set_picker(True) artist.set_pickradius(5) ax.add_collection(artist, autolim=True) ax.autoscale_view() # Force ymin -> 0 ax.set_ylim((0, ax.get_ylim()[1])) def on_pick(event): if event.artist is not artist: return label = pkeys[event.ind[0]] ax.set_title(label) fig.canvas.draw_idle() # XXX: hack, make this more official if hasattr(fig, '_superman_cb'): fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(fig._superman_cb[0]) cb_id = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', on_pick) fig._superman_cb = (cb_id, on_pick) return artist
class SkeletonBuilder: def __init__(self, config_path): self.config_path = config_path self.cfg = read_config(config_path) # Find uncropped labeled data self.df = None found = False root = os.path.join(self.cfg["project_path"], "labeled-data") for dir_ in os.listdir(root): folder = os.path.join(root, dir_) if os.path.isdir(folder) and not any( folder.endswith(s) for s in ("cropped", "labeled")): self.df = pd.read_hdf( os.path.join(folder, f'CollectedData_{self.cfg["scorer"]}.h5')) row, col = self.pick_labeled_frame() if "individuals" in self.df.columns.names: self.df = self.df.xs(col, axis=1, level="individuals") self.xy = self.df.loc[row].values.reshape((-1, 2)) missing = np.flatnonzero(np.isnan(self.xy).all(axis=1)) if not missing.size: found = True break if self.df is None: raise IOError("No labeled data were found.") self.bpts = self.df.columns.get_level_values("bodyparts").unique() if not found: warnings.warn( f"A fully labeled animal could not be found. " f"{', '.join(self.bpts[missing])} will need to be manually connected in the config.yaml." ) self.tree = KDTree(self.xy) # Handle image previously annotated on a different platform sep = "/" if "/" in row else "\\" if sep != os.path.sep: row = row.replace(sep, os.path.sep) self.image = io.imread(os.path.join(self.cfg["project_path"], row)) self.inds = set() self.segs = set() # Draw the skeleton if already existent if self.cfg["skeleton"]: for bone in self.cfg["skeleton"]: pair = np.flatnonzero(self.bpts.isin(bone)) if len(pair) != 2: continue pair_sorted = tuple(sorted(pair)) self.inds.add(pair_sorted) self.segs.add(tuple(map(tuple, self.xy[pair_sorted, :]))) self.lines = LineCollection(self.segs, colors=mcolors.to_rgba( self.cfg["skeleton_color"])) self.lines.set_picker(True) def pick_labeled_frame(self): # Find the most 'complete' animal try: count = self.df.groupby(level="individuals", axis=1).count() if "single" in count: count.drop("single", axis=1, inplace=True) except KeyError: count = self.df.count(axis=1).to_frame() mask = count.where(count == count.values.max()) kept = mask.stack().index.to_list() np.random.shuffle(kept) row, col = kept.pop() return row, col def show(self): self.fig = plt.figure() ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111) ax.axis("off") lo = np.nanmin(self.xy, axis=0) hi = np.nanmax(self.xy, axis=0) center = (hi + lo) / 2 w, h = hi - lo ampl = 1.3 w *= ampl h *= ampl ax.set_xlim(center[0] - w / 2, center[0] + w / 2) ax.set_ylim(center[1] - h / 2, center[1] + h / 2) ax.imshow(self.image) ax.scatter(*self.xy.T, s=self.cfg["dotsize"]**2) ax.add_collection(self.lines) ax.invert_yaxis() self.lasso = LassoSelector(ax, onselect=self.on_select) ax_clear = self.fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.55, 0.1, 0.1]) ax_export = self.fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.45, 0.1, 0.1]) self.clear_button = Button(ax_clear, "Clear") self.clear_button.on_clicked(self.clear) self.export_button = Button(ax_export, "Export") self.export_button.on_clicked(self.export) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", self.on_pick) def clear(self, *args): self.inds.clear() self.segs.clear() self.lines.set_segments(self.segs) def export(self, *args): inds_flat = set(ind for pair in self.inds for ind in pair) unconnected = [i for i in range(len(self.xy)) if i not in inds_flat] if len(unconnected): warnings.warn( f'Unconnected {", ".join(self.bpts[unconnected])}. ' f"It is desirable that all bodyparts be connected for multi-animal projects." ) self.cfg["skeleton"] = [ tuple(self.bpts[list(pair)]) for pair in self.inds ] write_config(self.config_path, self.cfg) def on_pick(self, event): if event.mouseevent.button == 3: removed = event.artist.get_segments().pop(event.ind[0]) self.segs.remove(tuple(map(tuple, removed))) self.inds.remove(tuple(self.tree.query(removed)[1])) def on_select(self, verts): self.path = Path(verts) self.verts = verts inds = self.tree.query_ball_point(verts, 5) inds_unique = [] for lst in inds: if len(lst) and lst[0] not in inds_unique: inds_unique.append(lst[0]) for pair in zip(inds_unique, inds_unique[1:]): pair_sorted = tuple(sorted(pair)) self.inds.add(pair_sorted) self.segs.add(tuple(map(tuple, self.xy[pair_sorted, :]))) self.lines.set_segments(self.segs) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
class PlotCtrl(PlotView): def __init__(self, panel): PlotView.__init__(self, panel) # stores the plot objects self.plots = [] self.__plot_count = 0 # self.highlighted_vertices = set() # Rename to selected_vertices self.highlighted_vertices = [] # Keeps track of the highlighted vertices index self.marker = None # Must be a matplotlib line2D object self.x_scatter_data, self.y_scatter_data = None, None # Holds the scatter data for highlighting self.poly_list = None # Holds the data for the plotted polygon self.highlight_color = "y" # Yellow is used when highlighting self.color = "#0DACFF" # The standard color for objects that are not highlighted self._color_converter = ColorConverter() self.line_collection = None # Holds the line collection data self.highlighted_lines = [] self.selected_lines = [] # stores the axis objects self.__axis = [] # matplotlib color cycle used to ensure primary and secondary axis are not displayed with the same color self.__color_cycle = color_cycle() # Used to be able to deactivate the canvas events later self._cid_press = None self._cid_release = None self._cid_scroll = None def activate_panning(self): self._cid_press = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_canvas_clicked) self._cid_release = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_canvas_released) def activate_zooming(self): self._cid_scroll = self.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_canvas_mouse_scroll) def deactivate_panning(self): self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_press) self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_release) def deactivate_zooming(self): self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_scroll) def clear_plot(self): # clear axis self.axes.clear() for ax in self.__axis: ax.cla() # reset the axis container self.__axis = [] self.axes.grid() self.axes.margins(0) # clear the plot objects self.__plot_count = 0 self.plots = [] self.redraw() def getNextColor(self): return next(self.__color_cycle) def get_highlighted_vertices(self): """ Returns the index and the coordinates of the highlighted vertices in a dictionary. Key is index, value are coordinates :return: """ data = {} for vertex in self.highlighted_vertices: data[vertex] = [self.x_scatter_data[vertex], self.y_scatter_data[vertex]] return data def get_highlighted_polygons(self): """ Returns all the highlighted polygons. Key is index, value are object :return: type(dict) """ if not self.poly_list: # Check if polygon has been plotted return {} # No polygons have been plotted. data = {} for i in range(len(self.axes.collections)): if self.axes.collections[i].get_facecolor().all() == self.axes.collections[i].get_edgecolor().all(): data[i] = self.axes.collections[i] return data def get_highlighted_lines(self): """ Returns the highlighted lines index Key is index, value are indexes of segments :return: """ if not self.line_collection: return {} # No lines have been plotted lines = {} for line in self.highlighted_lines: lines[line] = self.line_segments[0] return lines def highlight_line(self, event): """ Highlighted lines have value 1 in self.highlighted_lines Recolor the collection :param event: :return: """ ind = event.ind[0] line_idx = self.segment_line[ind] if line_idx not in self.highlighted_lines: self.highlighted_lines.append(line_idx) else: self.highlighted_lines.remove(line_idx) highlight_idx = self.line_segments[line_idx] self.selected_lines[highlight_idx] = 1 - self.selected_lines[highlight_idx] lines, = event.artist.axes.collections lines.set_color(self.__line_colors[self.selected_lines]) event.canvas.draw_idle() def highlight_polygon(self, pick_event): if pick_event.artist.get_facecolor()[0].all() == pick_event.artist.get_edgecolor()[0].all(): pick_event.artist.set_facecolor(self.color) pick_event.artist.set_edgecolor(None) else: pick_event.artist.set_color(self.highlight_color) pick_event.artist.axes.figure.canvas.draw() def highlight_vertex(self, pick_event): """ Only one marker can be used to highlight. self.marker is that one marker :param pick_event: matplotlib mouse pick event :return: """ if not self.marker: self.marker, = pick_event.artist.axes.plot([], [], "o") # Create a plot self.marker.set_color(self.highlight_color) # Set color to yellow # Check if vertex has been highlighted if pick_event.ind[0] in self.highlighted_vertices: self.highlighted_vertices.remove(pick_event.ind[0]) # Remove highlight else: self.highlighted_vertices.append(pick_event.ind[0]) # Add highlight self.highlighted_vertices.sort() x = self._get_vertices_data_points(self.x_scatter_data, pick_event.ind[0]) y = self._get_vertices_data_points(self.y_scatter_data, pick_event.ind[0]) # Highlight only those in self.highlighted_vertices self.marker.set_data(x, y) pick_event.artist.axes.figure.canvas.draw() def _get_vertices_data_points(self, data, index): """ :param data: x_data or y_data, type(tuple or list) :param index: index of the selected vertex, type(int) :return: type(list) contains the x & y values that are highlight and should be plotted """ a = [] for i in self.highlighted_vertices: a.append(data[i]) return a def plot_dates(self, data, name, noDataValue, ylabel=""): """ :param data: type([datetime, floats]) :param name: :param noDataValue: :param ylabel: :return: """ if len(data) == 0: return # unpack the dates, values and replace nodata with None dates, values = zip(*data) nvals = numpy.array(values, dtype=numpy.float) nvals[nvals == noDataValue] = None nvals[numpy.isnan(nvals)] = None p = self.axes.plot_date(dates, nvals, label=name, linestyle="None", marker=".") self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) # save each of the plots self.plots.extend(p) self.redraw() def plot_polygon(self, data, color): poly_list = [] for item in data: reference = item.GetGeometryRef(0) points = numpy.array(reference.GetPoints()) a = tuple(map(tuple, points[:, 0:2])) poly_list.append(a) self.poly_list = poly_list # Plot multiple polygons and add them to collection as individual polygons for poly in self.poly_list: p_coll = PolyCollection([poly], closed=True, facecolor=color, alpha=0.5, edgecolor=None, linewidths=(2,)) p_coll.set_picker(True) # Enable pick event self.axes.add_collection(p_coll, autolim=True) def plot_point(self, data, color): # Rename to plot scatter # get x,y points x, y = zip(*[(g.GetX(), g.GetY()) for g in data]) self.x_scatter_data, self.y_scatter_data = x, y collection = self.axes.scatter(x, y, marker="o", color=color, picker=True) return collection def plot_linestring(self, data, color): """ A segment is from point A to point b. It is created from grabbing the previous point to the next point :param data: geometry object :param color: # Hexadecimal :return: """ segments = [] self.line_segments = {} self.segment_line = {} index = 0 # Keeps track of how many lines to plot. Should match len(data) last_segment = 0 points = [] for geo_object in data: for point in geo_object.GetPoints(): # Remove the z coordinate points.append(point[:-1]) self.line_segments[index] = range(last_segment, last_segment + len(points) - 1) for i in range(len(points) - 1): # Create the segments segments.append([points[i], points[i + 1]]) self.segment_line[last_segment + i] = index last_segment += len(points) - 1 index += 1 self.__line_colors = np.array( [self._color_converter.to_rgba(color), self._color_converter.to_rgba(self.highlight_color)]) self.selected_lines = np.zeros(len(segments), dtype=int) # Must be a array colors = self.__line_colors[self.selected_lines] self.line_collection = LineCollection(segments, pickradius=10, linewidths=2, colors=colors) self.line_collection.set_picker(True) self.axes.add_collection(self.line_collection) def plot_geometry(self, geometry_object, title, color=None): """ A general plot method that will plot the respective type Must call redraw afterwards to have an effect :param geometry_object: :param title: title for the plot :param color: # Hexadecimal :return: """ if not color: color = self.color if geometry_object[0].GetGeometryName().upper() == "POLYGON": self.plot_polygon(geometry_object, color) elif geometry_object[0].GetGeometryName().upper() == "POINT": self.plot_point(geometry_object, color) elif geometry_object[0].GetGeometryName().upper() == "LINESTRING": self.plot_linestring(geometry_object, color) else: raise Exception("plot_geometry() failed. Geometries must be POLYGON OR POINT") self.set_title(title) self.axes.grid(True) # If margin is 0 the graph will fill the plot self.axes.margins(0.1) def reset_highlighter(self): """ Resets the variables needed to highlight :return: """ self.marker = None self.highlighted_vertices = [] self.x_scatter_data, self.y_scatter_data = None, None self.poly_list = None self.line_collection = None def set_line_width(self, width): """ Sets the width of the lines plotted Does not work with scatter plot :param width: real number :return: """ if not len(self.plots): return # Nothing has been plotted for line in self.plots: line.set_linewidth(width) self.redraw() def on_canvas_clicked(self, event): self.toolbar.press_pan(event) def on_canvas_mouse_scroll(self, event): base_scale = 2.0 cur_xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() cur_ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() cur_xrange = (cur_xlim[1] - cur_xlim[0]) * .5 cur_yrange = (cur_ylim[1] - cur_ylim[0]) * .5 xdata = event.xdata # get event x location ydata = event.ydata # get event y location if event.button == 'up': # deal with zoom in scale_factor = 1 / base_scale elif event.button == 'down': # deal with zoom out scale_factor = base_scale else: # deal with something that should never happen scale_factor = 1 print event.button # set new limits self.axes.set_xlim([xdata - cur_xrange * scale_factor, xdata + cur_xrange * scale_factor]) self.axes.set_ylim([ydata - cur_yrange * scale_factor, ydata + cur_yrange * scale_factor]) self.redraw() def on_canvas_released(self, event): self.toolbar.release_pan(event)
class PlotCtrl(PlotView): def __init__(self, panel): PlotView.__init__(self, panel) # stores the plot objects self.plots = [] self.__plot_count = 0 # self.highlighted_vertices = set() # Rename to selected_vertices self.highlighted_vertices = [ ] # Keeps track of the highlighted vertices index self.marker = None # Must be a matplotlib line2D object self.x_scatter_data, self.y_scatter_data = None, None # Holds the scatter data for highlighting self.poly_list = None # Holds the data for the plotted polygon self.highlight_color = "y" # Yellow is used when highlighting self.color = "#0DACFF" # The standard color for objects that are not highlighted self._color_converter = ColorConverter() self.line_collection = None # Holds the line collection data self.highlighted_lines = [] self.selected_lines = [] # stores the axis objects self.__axis = [] # matplotlib color cycle used to ensure primary and secondary axis are not displayed with the same color self.__color_cycle = color_cycle() # Used to be able to deactivate the canvas events later self._cid_press = None self._cid_release = None self._cid_scroll = None def activate_panning(self): self._cid_press = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_canvas_clicked) self._cid_release = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_canvas_released) def activate_zooming(self): self._cid_scroll = self.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_canvas_mouse_scroll) def deactivate_panning(self): self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_press) self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_release) def deactivate_zooming(self): self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_scroll) def clear_plot(self): # clear axis self.axes.clear() for ax in self.__axis: ax.cla() # reset the axis container self.__axis = [] self.axes.grid() self.axes.margins(0) # clear the plot objects self.__plot_count = 0 self.plots = [] self.redraw() def getNextColor(self): return next(self.__color_cycle) def get_highlighted_vertices(self): """ Returns the index and the coordinates of the highlighted vertices in a dictionary. Key is index, value are coordinates :return: """ data = {} for vertex in self.highlighted_vertices: data[vertex] = [ self.x_scatter_data[vertex], self.y_scatter_data[vertex] ] return data def get_highlighted_polygons(self): """ Returns all the highlighted polygons. Key is index, value are object :return: type(dict) """ if not self.poly_list: # Check if polygon has been plotted return {} # No polygons have been plotted. data = {} for i in range(len(self.axes.collections)): if self.axes.collections[i].get_facecolor().all( ) == self.axes.collections[i].get_edgecolor().all(): data[i] = self.axes.collections[i] return data def get_highlighted_lines(self): """ Returns the highlighted lines index Key is index, value are indexes of segments :return: """ if not self.line_collection: return {} # No lines have been plotted lines = {} for line in self.highlighted_lines: lines[line] = self.line_segments[0] return lines def highlight_line(self, event): """ Highlighted lines have value 1 in self.highlighted_lines Recolor the collection :param event: :return: """ ind = event.ind[0] line_idx = self.segment_line[ind] if line_idx not in self.highlighted_lines: self.highlighted_lines.append(line_idx) else: self.highlighted_lines.remove(line_idx) highlight_idx = self.line_segments[line_idx] self.selected_lines[ highlight_idx] = 1 - self.selected_lines[highlight_idx] lines, = event.artist.axes.collections lines.set_color(self.__line_colors[self.selected_lines]) event.canvas.draw_idle() def highlight_polygon(self, pick_event): if pick_event.artist.get_facecolor()[0].all( ) == pick_event.artist.get_edgecolor()[0].all(): pick_event.artist.set_facecolor(self.color) pick_event.artist.set_edgecolor(None) else: pick_event.artist.set_color(self.highlight_color) pick_event.artist.axes.figure.canvas.draw() def highlight_vertex(self, pick_event): """ Only one marker can be used to highlight. self.marker is that one marker :param pick_event: matplotlib mouse pick event :return: """ if not self.marker: self.marker, = pick_event.artist.axes.plot([], [], "o") # Create a plot self.marker.set_color(self.highlight_color) # Set color to yellow # Check if vertex has been highlighted if pick_event.ind[0] in self.highlighted_vertices: self.highlighted_vertices.remove( pick_event.ind[0]) # Remove highlight else: self.highlighted_vertices.append( pick_event.ind[0]) # Add highlight self.highlighted_vertices.sort() x = self._get_vertices_data_points(self.x_scatter_data, pick_event.ind[0]) y = self._get_vertices_data_points(self.y_scatter_data, pick_event.ind[0]) # Highlight only those in self.highlighted_vertices self.marker.set_data(x, y) pick_event.artist.axes.figure.canvas.draw() def _get_vertices_data_points(self, data, index): """ :param data: x_data or y_data, type(tuple or list) :param index: index of the selected vertex, type(int) :return: type(list) contains the x & y values that are highlight and should be plotted """ a = [] for i in self.highlighted_vertices: a.append(data[i]) return a def plot_dates(self, data, name, noDataValue, ylabel=""): """ :param data: type([datetime, floats]) :param name: :param noDataValue: :param ylabel: :return: """ if len(data) == 0: return # unpack the dates, values and replace nodata with None dates, values = zip(*data) nvals = numpy.array(values, dtype=numpy.float) nvals[nvals == noDataValue] = None nvals[numpy.isnan(nvals)] = None p = self.axes.plot_date(dates, nvals, label=name, linestyle="None", marker=".") self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) # save each of the plots self.plots.extend(p) self.redraw() def plot_polygon(self, data, color): poly_list = [] for item in data: reference = item.GetGeometryRef(0) points = numpy.array(reference.GetPoints()) a = tuple(map(tuple, points[:, 0:2])) poly_list.append(a) self.poly_list = poly_list # Plot multiple polygons and add them to collection as individual polygons for poly in self.poly_list: p_coll = PolyCollection([poly], closed=True, facecolor=color, alpha=0.5, edgecolor=None, linewidths=(2, )) p_coll.set_picker(True) # Enable pick event self.axes.add_collection(p_coll, autolim=True) def plot_point(self, data, color): # Rename to plot scatter # get x,y points x, y = zip(*[(g.GetX(), g.GetY()) for g in data]) self.x_scatter_data, self.y_scatter_data = x, y collection = self.axes.scatter(x, y, marker="o", color=color, picker=True) return collection def plot_linestring(self, data, color): """ A segment is from point A to point b. It is created from grabbing the previous point to the next point :param data: geometry object :param color: # Hexadecimal :return: """ segments = [] self.line_segments = {} self.segment_line = {} index = 0 # Keeps track of how many lines to plot. Should match len(data) last_segment = 0 points = [] for geo_object in data: for point in geo_object.GetPoints(): # Remove the z coordinate points.append(point[:-1]) self.line_segments[index] = range(last_segment, last_segment + len(points) - 1) for i in range(len(points) - 1): # Create the segments segments.append([points[i], points[i + 1]]) self.segment_line[last_segment + i] = index last_segment += len(points) - 1 index += 1 self.__line_colors = np.array([ self._color_converter.to_rgba(color), self._color_converter.to_rgba(self.highlight_color) ]) self.selected_lines = np.zeros(len(segments), dtype=int) # Must be a array colors = self.__line_colors[self.selected_lines] self.line_collection = LineCollection(segments, pickradius=10, linewidths=2, colors=colors) self.line_collection.set_picker(True) self.axes.add_collection(self.line_collection) def plot_geometry(self, geometry_object, title, color=None): """ A general plot method that will plot the respective type Must call redraw afterwards to have an effect :param geometry_object: :param title: title for the plot :param color: # Hexadecimal :return: """ if not color: color = self.color if geometry_object[0].GetGeometryName().upper() == "POLYGON": self.plot_polygon(geometry_object, color) elif geometry_object[0].GetGeometryName().upper() == "POINT": self.plot_point(geometry_object, color) elif geometry_object[0].GetGeometryName().upper() == "LINESTRING": self.plot_linestring(geometry_object, color) else: raise Exception( "plot_geometry() failed. Geometries must be POLYGON OR POINT") self.set_title(title) self.axes.grid(True) # If margin is 0 the graph will fill the plot self.axes.margins(0.1) def reset_highlighter(self): """ Resets the variables needed to highlight :return: """ self.marker = None self.highlighted_vertices = [] self.x_scatter_data, self.y_scatter_data = None, None self.poly_list = None self.line_collection = None def set_line_width(self, width): """ Sets the width of the lines plotted Does not work with scatter plot :param width: real number :return: """ if not len(self.plots): return # Nothing has been plotted for line in self.plots: line.set_linewidth(width) self.redraw() def on_canvas_clicked(self, event): self.toolbar.press_pan(event) def on_canvas_mouse_scroll(self, event): base_scale = 2.0 cur_xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() cur_ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() cur_xrange = (cur_xlim[1] - cur_xlim[0]) * .5 cur_yrange = (cur_ylim[1] - cur_ylim[0]) * .5 xdata = event.xdata # get event x location ydata = event.ydata # get event y location if event.button == 'up': # deal with zoom in scale_factor = 1 / base_scale elif event.button == 'down': # deal with zoom out scale_factor = base_scale else: # deal with something that should never happen scale_factor = 1 print event.button # set new limits self.axes.set_xlim([ xdata - cur_xrange * scale_factor, xdata + cur_xrange * scale_factor ]) self.axes.set_ylim([ ydata - cur_yrange * scale_factor, ydata + cur_yrange * scale_factor ]) self.redraw() def on_canvas_released(self, event): self.toolbar.release_pan(event)
def plotConnectionData(cells, p, fig=None, ax=None, zdata=None, clrmap=None, colorbar=None, pickable=None): """ Assigns color-data to connections between a cell and its nearest neighbours and returns plot instance Parameters ---------- zdata_t A data array with each scalar entry corresponding to a polygon entry in vor_verts. If not specified the default is z=1. If 'random' is specified the method creates random vales from 0 to 1.. clrmap The colormap to use for plotting. Must be specified as cm.mapname. A list of available mapnames is supplied at Default is cm.rainbow. Good options are cm.coolwarm, cm.Blues, cm.jet Returns ------- fig, ax Matplotlib figure and axes instances for the plot. Notes ------- Uses matplotlib.collections LineCollection,, matplotlib.pyplot and numpy arrays """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() # define the figure and axes instances if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111) #ax = plt.axes() if zdata is None: z = np.ones(len(cells.gap_jun_i)) #FIXME: This is a bit cumbersome. Ideally, a new "is_zdata_random" #boolean parameter defaulting to "False" should be tested, instead. #Whack-a-mole with a big-fat-pole! # If random data is requested, do so. To avoid erroneous and expensive # elementwise comparisons when "zdata" is neither None nor a string, # "zdata" must be guaranteed to be a string *BEFORE* testing this # parameter as a string. Numpy prints scary warnings otherwise: e.g., # # FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar # instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison elif isinstance(zdata, str) and zdata == 'random': z = np.random.random(len(cells.gap_jun_i)) else: z = zdata if clrmap is None: clrmap = cm.bone_r # default colormap # Make a line collection and add it to the plot. con_segs = cells.cell_centres[cells.gap_jun_i] connects = * np.asarray(con_segs) coll = LineCollection(connects, array=z, cmap=clrmap, linewidths=4.0, zorder=0) coll.set_clim(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) coll.set_picker(pickable) ax.add_collection(coll) ax.axis('equal') # Add a colorbar for the Line Collection if zdata is not None and colorbar == 1: ax_cb = fig.colorbar(coll, ax=ax) else: ax_cb = None xmin = cells.xmin * xmax = cells.xmax * ymin = cells.ymin * ymax = cells.ymax * ax.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) return fig, ax, ax_cb
def plot(self, form, width='uniform', sort=True, gap=0.05, color_nodes=None): """ Create a level set tree plot in Matplotlib. Parameters ---------- form : {'lambda', 'alpha', 'kappa', 'old'} Determines main form of the plot. 'lambda' is the traditional plot where the vertical scale is density levels, but plot improvements such as mass sorting of the nodes and colored nodes are allowed and the secondary 'alpha' scale is visible (but not controlling). The 'old' form uses density levels for vertical scale but does not allow plot tweaks and does not show the secondary 'alpha' scale. The 'alpha' setting makes the uppper level set mass the primary vertical scale, leaving the 'lambda' scale in place for reference. 'kappa' makes node mass the vertical scale, so that each node's vertical height is proportional to its mass excluding the mass of the node's children. width : {'uniform', 'mass'}, optional Determines how much horzontal space each level set tree node is given. The default of "uniform" gives each child node an equal fraction of the parent node's horizontal space. If set to 'mass', then horizontal space is allocated proportional to the mass (i.e. fraction of points) of a node relative to its siblings. sort : bool, optional If True, sort sibling nodes from most to least points and draw left to right. Also sorts root nodes in the same way. gap : float, optional Fraction of vertical space to leave at the bottom. Default is 5%, and 0% also works well. Higher values are used for interactive tools to make room for buttons and messages. color_nodes : list, optional Each entry should be a valid index in the level set tree that will be colored uniquely. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib figure Use to view, fig.savefig() to save, etc. segments : dict A dictionary with values that contain the coordinates of vertical line segment endpoints. This is only useful to the interactive analysis tools. segmap : list Indicates the order of the vertical line segments as returned by the recursive coordinate mapping function, so they can be picked by the user in the interactive tools. splits : dict Dictionary values contain the coordinates of horizontal line segments (i.e. node splits). splitmap : list Indicates the order of horizontal line segments returned by recursive coordinate mapping function, for use with interactive tools. """ ## Validate input if form == 'old': sort = False color_nodes = None width = 'uniform' ## Initialize the plot containers segments = {} splits = {} segmap = [] splitmap = [] ## Find the root connected components and corresponding plot intervals ix_root = np.array([k for k, v in self.nodes.iteritems() if v.parent is None]) n_root = len(ix_root) census = np.array([len(self.nodes[x].members) for x in ix_root], dtype=np.float) n = sum(census) if sort is True: seniority = np.argsort(census)[::-1] ix_root = ix_root[seniority] census = census[seniority] if width == 'mass': weights = census / n intervals = np.cumsum(weights) intervals = np.insert(intervals, 0, 0.0) else: intervals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n_root+1) ## Do a depth-first search on each root to get segments for each branch for i, ix in enumerate(ix_root): if form == 'kappa': branch = self.constructMassMap(ix, 0.0, (intervals[i], intervals[i+1]), width) elif form == 'old': branch = self.constructBranchMap(ix, (intervals[i], intervals[i+1]), 'lambda', width, sort) else: branch = self.constructBranchMap(ix, (intervals[i], intervals[i+1]), form, width, sort) branch_segs, branch_splits, branch_segmap, branch_splitmap = branch segments = dict(segments.items() + branch_segs.items()) splits = dict(splits.items() + branch_splits.items()) segmap += branch_segmap splitmap += branch_splitmap ## get the the vertical line segments in order of the segment map (segmap) verts = [segments[k] for k in segmap] lats = [splits[k] for k in splitmap] ## Find the fraction of nodes in each segment (to use as linewidths) thickness = [max(1.0, 12.0 * len(self.nodes[x].members)/n) for x in segmap] ## Get the relevant vertical ticks primary_ticks = [(x[0][1], x[1][1]) for x in segments.values()] primary_ticks = np.unique(np.array(primary_ticks).flatten()) primary_labels = [str(round(tick, 2)) for tick in primary_ticks] ## Set up the plot framework fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_position([0.11, 0.05, 0.78, 0.93]) ax.set_xlim((-0.04, 1.04)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray') ax.set_yticks(primary_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(primary_labels) ## Form-specific details if form == 'kappa': kappa_max = max(primary_ticks) ax.set_ylim((-1.0 * gap * kappa_max, 1.04*kappa_max)) ax.set_ylabel("mass") elif form == 'old': ax.set_ylabel("lambda") ymin = min([v.start_level for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]) ymax = max([v.end_level for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]) rng = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim(ymin - gap*rng, ymax + 0.05*rng) elif form == 'lambda': ax.set_ylabel("lambda") ymin = min([v.start_level for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]) ymax = max([v.end_level for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]) rng = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim(ymin - gap*rng, ymax + 0.05*rng) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_position([0.11, 0.05, 0.78, 0.93]) ax2.set_ylabel("alpha", rotation=270) alpha_ticks = np.sort(list(set( [v.start_mass for v in self.nodes.itervalues()] + \ [v.end_mass for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]))) alpha_labels = [str(round(m, 2)) for m in alpha_ticks] ax2.set_yticks(primary_ticks) ax2.set_yticklabels(alpha_labels) ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) elif form == 'alpha': ax.set_ylabel("alpha") ymin = min([v.start_mass for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]) ymax = max([v.end_mass for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]) rng = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim(ymin - gap*rng, ymax + 0.05*ymax) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_position([0.11, 0.05, 0.78, 0.93]) ax2.set_ylabel("lambda", rotation=270) lambda_ticks = np.sort(list(set( [v.start_level for v in self.nodes.itervalues()] + \ [v.end_level for v in self.nodes.itervalues()]))) lambda_labels = [str(round(lvl, 2)) for lvl in lambda_ticks] ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) ax2.set_yticks(primary_ticks) ax2.set_yticklabels(lambda_labels) else: raise ValueError('Plot form not understood') ## Add the line segments segclr = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * len(segmap)) splitclr = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * len(splitmap)) palette = utl.Palette() if color_nodes is not None: for i, ix in enumerate(color_nodes): n_clr = np.alen(palette.colorset) c = palette.colorset[i % n_clr, :] subtree = self.makeSubtree(ix) ## set verical colors ix_replace = np.in1d(segmap, subtree.nodes.keys()) segclr[ix_replace] = c ## set horizontal colors if splitmap: ix_replace = np.in1d(splitmap, subtree.nodes.keys()) splitclr[ix_replace] = c linecol = LineCollection(verts, linewidths=thickness, colors=segclr) ax.add_collection(linecol) linecol.set_picker(20) splitcol = LineCollection(lats, colors=splitclr) ax.add_collection(splitcol) return fig, segments, segmap, splits, splitmap